Henry 2.0

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Henry is Leviathan's pet goldfish who lives in a tank in Levi's room. He was first introduced in Lesson 1-13 of Obey Me!'s Main Story. He is named after the main character in the The Tale of the Seven Lords series.


Note: this section may include spoilers.

Main Story and Events[edit]

Levi often talks to Henry, as he is one of Levi’s only friends, which can mean telling Henry about his day or venting to Henry about his feelings.

In Season 3, Levi is happy that Henry can come with him to the Human World by way of a portal created by Barbatos.

According to the chat First Thing in the Morning, the first thing Levi does every morning is greet Henry.

In the chat Cleaning the Fish Tank, Levi tells MC that he is communicating telepathically with Henry and that Henry is telling him to clean his tank. When Henry's tank is being cleaned, Henry is removed from the tank and put in another container. Then Levi drains the tank and scrubs it clean with a brush.


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