Event App Notifications (Obey Me!)

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Standard Notifications



This page contains Obey Me! app notifications that were sent in correlation to limited or special events.


Notifications sent by characters celebrating their birthday.
Note: Dates listed for birthday notifications are in Pacific Time.



Day Sent: June 6

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Day Sent: June 7

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Day Sent: June 8

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Day Sent: September 8

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Day Sent: September 9

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Day Sent: September 10

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Day Sent: October 15

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Day Sent: October 16

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Day Sent: October 17

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Day Sent: June 3

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Day Sent: June 4

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Day Sent: June 5

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Day Sent: September 5

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Day Sent: September 6

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Day Sent: September 7

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Day Sent: April 9

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Day Sent: April 10

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Day Sent: April 11

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Day Sent: October 15

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Day Sent: October 16

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Day Sent: October 17

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Day Sent: April 14

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Day Sent: April 15

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Day Sent: April 16

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Beel and Belphie[edit]

Beel and Belphie Birthday Notification 2021.png

Day Sent: March 8

"The twins' birthday event has been released 🎉 Time to come over and spoil the twins 💖"

Day Sent: March 10

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Day Sent: October 23

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Day Sent: October 24

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Day Sent: October 25

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Day Sent: August 16

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Day Sent: August 17

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Barbatos Birthday Notification 2021 3.png

Day Sent: August 18

Barbatos: "Though I claim to prefer giving to receiving, I do admit I wanted you to give me your best smile."
Barbatos Birthday Notification 2021 4.png

Day Sent: August 19

Barbatos: "Please hold my hand. If you don't, I will feel compelled to rush around and help prepare for my own birthday party."


Day Sent: July 9

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Day Sent: July 10

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Day Sent: July 11

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Day Sent: February 5

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Day Sent: February 6

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Day Sent: February 7

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Day Sent: December 3

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Day Sent: December 4

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Day Sent: December 5

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Day Sent: June 5

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Lucifer Birthday Notification 2022 2.png

Day Sent: June 6

Lucifer: "Just thinking about what to give to you as thanks has become half the fun of my birthdays."

Day Sent: June 7

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Day Sent: September 10

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Day Sent: September 11

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Day Sent: September 12

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Day Sent: April 4

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Day Sent: April 5

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Day Sent: April 6

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Day Sent: October 17

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Day Sent: October 18

Satan: "I hope this gift shows just how much I appreciate you always celebrating my birthday with me."

Day Sent: October 19

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Day Sent: May 12

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Day Sent: May 13

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Day Sent: May 14

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Beel and Belphie[edit]

Day Sent: March 10

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Day Sent: March 11

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Day Sent: March 12

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Day Sent: October 24

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Day Sent: October 25

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Day Sent: October 26

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Day Sent: August 19

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Day Sent: August 20

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Day Sent: August 21

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Day Sent: July 11

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Day Sent: July 12

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Day Sent: July 13

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Day Sent: February 4

Simeon: "I'm wondering how we'll be spending my birthday together, and I'm looking forward to it. It should be just the two of us, okay?"

Day Sent: February 5

Simeon: "Hmm, what should I make for my birthday?...Ah, sorry. I got in the mood for making the food myself."

Day Sent: February 6

Simeon: "Even if you don't do anything in particular for me, it makes me happy that you are here celebrating with me. Here, please take this as my thanks."

Day Sent: February 7

Simeon: "I'm meant to be the one blessing you, yet here you are always blessing me.... Thank you, always."


Day Sent: December 3

Solomon: "I love how you only look at me on my birthday... I wish everyday could be so."
Solomon Birthday Notification 2022 2.png

Day Sent: December 4

Solomon: "I'm so happy to be able to celebrate with everyone. Of course, celebrating with you makes me the happiest."

Day Sent: December 5

Solomon: "I don't want to be apart from you on my birthday. I know it might be selfish, but will you only be with me on my special day?"
Solomon Birthday Notification 2022 4.png

Day Sent: December 6

Solomon: "Thanks to you, I've remembered the joy of birthdays. Thank you for reminding me of something so important."

Day Sent: December 9

Solomon: "For my present, I'd like to spend all day with you. I'll treasure the memories all my life."



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Day Sent: September 10

Mammon: "Rejoice! Today is the day for worship and praise of the Great Mammon! ...At least that's what the old me would have said. But now, having you by my side is enough."


Day Sent: April 9

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Day Sent: October 20

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Day Sent: May 15

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Beel and Belphie[edit]

Beel and Belphie Birthday Notification 2023.png

Day Sent: March 11

Beel: I've been so looking forward to today.
Belphie: You'll hang with us until we've had our fill, right?


Day Sent: October 31

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Day Sent: August 22

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Luke Birthday Notification 2023.png

Day Sent: July 15

Luke: "Thanks to you, I am truly enjoying life in the Devildom. I hope we can be the type of friends where you feel the same way."


Day Sent: February 4

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Day Sent: February 5

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Simeon Birthday Notification 2023 3.png

Day Sent: February 6

Simeon: "I'd love to create a memory of just you and me. It is my birthday, so I'm going to be a bit selfish."
Simeon Birthday Notification 2023 5.png

Day Sent: February 10

Simeon: "I feel like I'll be punished for asking for even more, but...can I have you all to myself for today?"


Day Sent: December 9

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Lucifer Birthday Notification 2024.png

Day Sent: June 6

Lucifer: "I know you know how to please me. You're the only one who can steal my heart after all."


Mammon Birthday Notification 2024.png

Day Sent: September 10

Mammon: "Man, there's so much that I want! But most of all, I wanna hear you say 'Happy birthday.' C'mon, I'm waitin'. Whenever you're ready."


Leviathan Birthday Notification 2024.png

Day Sent: April 9

Leviathan: "There's so much I can only convey to you on my birthday. I'm waiting for you to come see me."


Satan Birthday Notification 2024.png

Day Sent: October 20

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Asmodeus Birthday Notification 2024.png

Day Sent: May 15

Asmodeus: "What do you think I want for my b-day? It's something only you could give me. If you come see me, at least one of my birthday wishes will come true ♡"


Beelzebub Birthday Notification 2024.png

Day Sent: March 11

Beelzebub: "I always look forward to today. Not only can I eat tons of delicious food, but I also get to hear you say happy birthday."


Belphegor Birthday Notification 2024.png

Day Sent: March 11

Belphegor: "I look forward to this day every year. You already know why, right? It's because you spoil me even more than usual."


Diavolo Birthday Notification 2024.png

Day Sent: October 31

Diavolo: "Birthdays are already a special thing, yet having you celebrate mine makes it all the more special. I can't wait to see how you enrich my life in the upcoming year."


Barbatos Birthday Notification 2024.png

Day Sent: August 22

Barbatos: "You are the only one who can give me what I desire. I am sure you get my meaning, yes? *chuckle* I await with excitement."


Luke Birthday Notification 2024.png

Day Sent: July 15

Luke: "Guess what day today is? I think you know, but I hope you'll hurry and come play with me!"


Simeon Birthday Notification 2024.png

Day Sent: February 10

Simeon: "I hope we can spend some precious alone time together until the very end of the day. Having you by my side is the greatest birthday present I could ask for."


Solomon Birthday Notification 2024.png

Day Sent: December 9

Solomon: "Your words, your smile, your warmth...everything about you is a gift to me. Thank you for making me feel so fulfilled."

Special Events[edit]

Notifications sent during holidays and other special events.

Akuber Release[edit]

Akuber Release Notification 1.png

Beelzebub: "Looks like you get to cook all my orders. I hope you're ready."

Nightbringer Announcement[edit]

Nightbringer Announcement Notification 1.png

KARASU: "What's this? Rumor says a new Obey Me! game has come out of no where? Could this be true? I guess there's only one way to find out!"

Login Bonuses[edit]

Notifications sent during Special Login Bonuses.


White Day (2021) Login[edit]

White Day (2021) Login Notification 1.png
Day 1
Lucifer: "I'm giving you a Memory Card to thank you for the Valentine's Day present 🎁 Let's spend a special White Day together."

Happy Devil Day.5 (2021) Login[edit]

Happy Devil Day.5 (2021) Login Notification 10.png

Day 10

Satan: "I used to think that cats were the cutest thing ever... That is, until you came along, then my perception changed a bit. I'm looking forward to what is still to come."

Happy Devil Day (2021) Login[edit]

Happy Devil Day (2021) Login Notification 6.png

Day 6

Leviathan: "The more time we spend together, the stronger and profounder our relationship becomes. So we're going to continue to spend time together, right? ...Right?"
Happy Devil Day (2021) Login Notification 8.png

Day 8

Asmodeus: "All this time, you have been keeping an eye on beautiful little me. You must really be head over heels for me, right? Don't worry! I'm head over heels for you too ❤️"
Happy Devil Day (2021) Login Notification 11.png

Day 11

Barbatos: "Since spending time with you, I have realized that I have become more thoughtful in general. I appreciate that you always teach me new things, from the bottom of my heart."
Happy Devil Day (2021) Login Notification 12.png

Day 12

Solomon: "I want to know more, and I want you to know more. I've only ever felt this way about someone after meeting you. You do know that you are very special to me, I hope?"


Happy Devil Day (2022) Login[edit]

Happy Devil Day (2022) Login Notification 4.png

Day 4

Satan: "I say this so much I hope you aren't tired of it, but I'm really happy to have met you. You feel the same, don't you? We've been together this long so I can tell from your eyes."
Happy Devil Day (2022) Login Notification 9.png

Day 9

Barbatos: "I never thought your presence would impact me so profoundly. Nor did I expect to constantly be thinking of you... I'm not complaining though."
Happy Devil Day (2022) Login Notification 10.png

Day 10

Luke: "I'm thinking of baking some new pastries! Are you free today? I want you to be the first to try them!"
Happy Devil Day (2022) Login Notification 11.png

Day 11

Simeon: "I hope I can give you back the joy and happiness which you give me. Would you stay by my side from here on out?"
Happy Devil Day (2022) Login Notification 15.png

Day 15

Raphael: "Sometimes it can be a bit bothersome, but I appreciate your concern for me. I look forward to knowing you better going forward."


AX (2023) Login[edit]

AX (2023) Login Notification 1.png
Day 1
Lucifer: "I imagine things are quite chaotic there, so be careful. Come visit us whenever you need a break."
AX (2023) Login Notification 4.png

Day 4

Satan: "There are so many interesting things here. Would you give me thoughts on where to go?"

Happy Devil Day .5 (2023) Login[edit]

Happy Devil Day.5 (2023) Login Notification 5.png

Day 5

Asmodeus: "Since it's an anniversary, I can hog you all to myself, right? Don't go looking at anyone else, okay?"
Happy Devil Day.5 (2023) Login Notification 7.png

Day 7

Satan: "I can feel other emotions besides anger when I am with you. That's why you are precious to me. Do you understand?"
Happy Devil Day.5 (2023) Login Notification 9.png

Day 9

Leviathan: "As a token of my appreciation, I'll tag along with whatever you want to do. An anime marathon, traveling to famous places, an all-night karaoke marathon...you name it!"

Day 11

Mammon: "I'm only gonna say this once, so listen up! I'm really glad I met ya. Thanks for everything."

Day 13

Lucifer: "It brings me great pleasure to welcome this day with you. Promise you'll always stay with us--no, by me."

Happy Devil Day (2023) Login[edit]

Happy Devil Day (2023) Login Notification 1.png
Day 1
Barbatos: "Thank you for all you have done for me. I am so grateful for all the time we have spent together. I wish to always be by your side forever."
Happy Devil Day (2023) Login Notification 2.png

Day 2

Solomon: "The time we've spent together is just a drop in the bucket considering how long I've lived. But I feel like I've gotten to know you quite well. I hope we can continue to get to know each other better."
Happy Devil Day (2023) Login Notification 3.png

Day 3

Asmodeus: "There are so many things I like about you that I can't even count them all. I'm totally captivated by you. You better let me continue to be the one closest to your side, okay? ♡"
Happy Devil Day (2023) Login Notification 4.png

Day 4

Mammon: "Thanks for everything. I hope we continue to have nothin' but good memories! I'll even be honest with myself every now and then. That's because we'll always be together!"
Happy Devil Day (2023) Login Notification 5.png

Day 5

Luke: "I hope I've become a bit more dependable since we first met. That's because of all the kindness and love you give me. I'll always be by your side as your guardian angel."
Happy Devil Day (2023) Login Notification 6.png

Day 6

Beelzebub: "Eating your handmade food with you together has become an everyday thing for me. I want to share how happy I am with you, now and forever."
Happy Devil Day (2023) Login Notification 7.png

Day 7

Belphegor: "I imagine that it feels fast for a human like you, but I still haven't gotten my fill. There's still plenty of things I want to do with you, so don't expect to be going anywhere soon, okay?"
Happy Devil Day (2023) Login Notification 8.png

Day 8

Diavolo: "There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not grateful for you coming to the Devildom. I'm so excited to continue to make even more memories with you. Thank you for always staying with me."
Happy Devil Day (2023) Login Notification 9.png

Day 9

Leviathan: "This is a bit embarrassing to say, but...I'm so glad I met you. You're the only one who's ever made me feel this way, so you better accept my feelings!"
Happy Devil Day (2023) Login Notification 10.png

Day 10

Satan: "I'm here only because I met you and learned the meaning of love. Thank you for letting me feel this feeling, and I hope you'll always let me stay by you."
Happy Devil Day (2023) Login Notification 11.png

Day 11

Simeon: "I can't imagine a life without you anymore. I cherish the feeling of happiness I feel when I'm around you, so never leave my side, okay?"
Happy Devil Day (2023) Login Notification 12.png

Day 12

Lucifer: "Feeling your love and warmth has become normal for me, and before I knew it, I couldn't live without you. I hope you're ready to take responsibility for your actions..."


Happy Devil Day (2024) Login[edit]

Happy Devil Day (2024) Login Notification 1.png
Day 1
Diavolo: "I'm truly happy to greet this day with you again. I'll endeavor to make days like this the norm, so keep watching over me by my side."
Happy Devil Day (2024) Login Notification 2.png

Day 2

Satan: "Every day with you is as fresh and exciting as a new book. Let's keep telling fantastic tales together."
Happy Devil Day (2024) Login Notification 3.png

Day 3

Luke: "I made some great cookies with that recipe you taught me! I'll keep making tons of great snacks for you from now on, that's a promise!"
Happy Devil Day (2024) Login Notification 4.png

Day 4

Belphegor: "I bet I'd have a great dream if we took a nap together on a special day like today. And, of course, I'll make you happy in real life too."
Happy Devil Day (2024) Login Notification 5.png

Day 5

Leviathan: "The more I stan you, the more I fall in love. Even if I had to give up being an otaku, I'd never give up on loving you! We're together for life!"
Happy Devil Day (2024) Login Notification 6.png

Day 6

Barbatos: "Our future contains infinite possibilities. But I can say one thing for certain. No matter what future awaits, I won't ever let you go."
Happy Devil Day (2024) Login Notification 7.png

Day 7

Mammon: "Since it's a special day, the Great Mammon'll take you for a drive in his Demonio. We'll do a tour of our favorite spots...and make some new memories while we're at it. Sounds awesome, right?"
Happy Devil Day (2024) Login Notification 8.png

Day 8

Beelzebub: "For your sake, I could even hold back on my favorite foods to give them to you You're that special. And that'll never change. I promise."
Happy Devil Day (2024) Login Notification 9.png

Day 9

Simeon: "No matter what happens from now on, the fact that we were able to meet will be an endless source of happiness. I'll do my best to make sure you feel the same way."
Happy Devil Day (2024) Login Notification 10.png

Day 10

Asmodeus: "There's plenty of pretty things in the Devildom and human realm, but the most beautiful thing after me is you! You might be tired of hearing that, but...I want you to let me keep saying it forever ♡"
Happy Devil Day (2024) Login Notification 11.png

Day 11

Solomon: "Did you know there's a spell that can ensure we stay happy together like this forever? It's simple, we just need to live, laugh and love together for the rest of our days. What do you think? Doesn't sound half bad, right?"
Happy Devil Day (2024) Login Notification 12.png

Day 12

Lucifer: "After all this time, mere words are not enough o express how I feel about you. ...So come to me, as soon as you can. I'll be waiting."

Repeating Notifications[edit]

Notifications either for repeating missions, or where characters were given up to three Special Login Bonus notifications each, and characters took turns sending single notifications per event.

Pint-Sized Challenges[edit]

Pint-Sized Challenge Notification 1.png

Luke: "I've prepared all sorts of rewards for this time's challenge! You'll regret it if you slack off, so let's do your best! ♪"
Pint-Sized Challenge Notification 2.png
Luke: "Clear missions I gave you in To Do to get rewards! And if you complete all of them, you can even get a Memory Card! ♪ Do your best!"

Login Bonuses[edit]


Lucifer Special Login Notification.png
Lucifer: "I assume you already received your login bonus today? Don't forget about it. And come and see me right now."
Lucifer: "Did you receive your login bonus? You will regret it later if you don't come and get it."


Mammon Special Login Notification.png
Mammon: "Yo! Did ya get get your login bonus? Time to log in to get that bonus, and let's hang out while you're here!"
Mammon Special Login Notification 2.png
Mammon: "Yo yo yo! Did ya already log in today? It'd be a waste not to log in when it's for free."


Leviathan Special Login Notification.png
Leviathan: "Login bonuses are essential for otaku like us! Which means you already got yours for today, right?"
Leviathan: "Every gamer knows to take advantage of the daily login bonus, and so should you! A-Ah... Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I want your company or anything!"
Leviathan Special Login Notification 3.png
Leviathan: "Did you get the login bonus yet? Otaku can't live without them! The devs said it's to thank you for your support, so let's not disappoint them!"


Satan: "I thought you may have forgotten the login bonus so I'm letting you know just in case. Let's go to a cat café later. I'm waiting for you."
Satan Special Login Notification 2.png
Satan: "Did you miss the login bonus today? Opportunity only knocks once so don’t miss it."


Asmodeus Special Login Notification.png
Asmodeus: "Have you noticed how beautiful I am today? Come and see me, okay? Don't forget to claim your login bonus either ♪"
Asmodeus: "You're so lucky! You get a login bonus, AND get to see gorgeous me ▾"


Beelzebub Special Login Notification.png
Beelzebub: "Hungry... Did you already get the login bonus today? If you don't get it in time, I may eat it."
Beelzebub Special Login Notification 2.png
Beelzebub: "Did you eat the login bonus already? If you haven't, be sure to eat it! Oops, I mean 'get.'"


Belphegor Special Login Notification.png
Belphegor: "Did you receive today's login bonus already? I was hoping to see you again soon so hurry up."
Belphegor Special Login Notification 2.png
Belphegor: "Don't tell me you didn't know about the login bonus. If you don't hurry up and log in, I'll confiscate it."


Diavolo Special Login Notification.png
Diavolo: "Hello! Have you already received today’s login bonus? I hope you continue to enjoy your time in the Devildom."
Diavolo Special Login Notification 2.png
Diavolo: "Have you already logged in today? It would be a shame if you missed the login bonus, so you should try logging in again. I'll be waiting for you."


Barbatos Special Login Notification.png
Barbatos: "I have acquired some rare tea. I'll treat you to some, so come to the Demon Lord's Castle after collecting your login bonus."
Barbatos Special Login Notification 2.png
Barbatos: "Have you received the login bonus for today? If you're about to say you haven't gone to collect it yet, then please hurry. You're the one who will be missing out."


Luke Special Login Notification.png
Luke: "You got the login bonus for today, right? If you haven't, hurry up or you won't be able to get it! Don't miss out!"


Simeon Special Login Notification.png
Simeon: "Have you logged in to collect your login bonus yet? If you haven't, let's go for a walk in town together. You'll be able to get your login bonus as well, so it isn't a bad suggestion, right?"
Simeon: "Have you claimed the login bonus yet? If you haven't, visit me over at Purgatory Hall. I'll make you some pancakes."


Solomon Special Login Notification.png
Solomon: "I'm pretty sure you haven't forgotten, but you should collect your login bonus if you haven't already. Come and collect it quickly, or Mammon may steal it."
Solomon Special Login Notification 2.png
Solomon: "Have you logged in today? If you haven't, it would be a waste if you missed out on the login bonus. Hurry up and come and see me.."

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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