Obey Me! The Anime

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"The Obey Me! characters are finally being brought to life in anime form!

"If you want early access to the anime, become an Akuzon VIP Member! You will be able to watch new episodes on DevilTube one week earlier!"

If you are looking for where to watch all the episodes of Obey Me! The Anime, you've come to the right place! Links to all available anime episodes can be found below, and descriptions also provide brief summaries of each episode.

Special Episode[edit]

Devildom Family Trip![edit]

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DevilTube Release9 July 2021
General Release2 April 2021
Youtube LinkYoutube

Description: The seven demon brothers and MC are in the planning stage for an upcoming family trip. However, as each brother makes their suggestion it's clear that their ideas focus solely on what each of them personally would enjoy.

Full Episode Summary:

A meeting in the dining room is taking place. Guidebooks cover the table and a tiny pink sheep is sitting on the tabletop on the opposite end from Lucifer's seat. There's going to be a family trip in the near future, and the seven brothers plus MC are in the "planning stage."

Lucifer asks MC where they would like to go, but Mammon interjects and suggests an all-day casino tour so he can "lay down some nice bets." Leviathan points out that would not a family trip, saying instead he wants to "go to a new village and speak to all the townsfolk." Mammon tells him to just do that at home with a video game, but Leviathan replies that he can't because Mammon sold his copy of the game that he's talking about.

Satan wants to know why they can't just have a normal family trip and do something like visit a hot spring, but Asmodeus rejects the idea, saying that if his skin were made any more beautiful it would "block out the stars and night would cease to be." Ignoring Asmodeus's antics, Satan suggests just looking at a guidebook and picks one up from the table, but suddenly starts asking if anyone wants to play hide and seek. The book he'd picked up was not a guidebook, but instead "The Forbidden Book of Toddlerization."

Beelzebub continues the discussion of destination ideas, saying that they should have a food tour of local restaurants, visiting at least 17 in one day. Belphegor instead suggests a nature trip, which surprises both Leviathan and Beelzebub, but they then realize that Belphegor is actually just talking in his sleep.

Mammon asks MC which idea they like the best, leading to each of the brothers asking MC about their different ideas, but Lucifer angrily cuts them off because he doesn't want them to put so much pressure on MC. The brothers ask what Lucifer thinks a good family trip would be, and he replies with the suggestion of a factory tour. Everyone agrees that is "the most boring idea yet," and the episode ends with the destination for their family trip still up in the air.

Season 1[edit]

Ep. 1: Time to up Our Average[edit]

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DevilTube Release9 July 2021
General Release16 July 2021
Youtube LinkYoutube
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: Due to his siblings' poor test results at the Royal Academy of Diavolo, first-born Lucifer calls for a family study group in an attempt to up their average. However, his brothers fail to take the study session seriously and instead waste time playing games on Mammon's D.D.D.

Full Episode Summary:

The seven brothers are sat in the dining room of the House of Lamentation. Lucifer says they all need to study spells for their next test. Beelzebub wonders if it's because their average was low, and Belphegor doesn't want to have a family study session. Leviathan blames their low average on Mammon, who only got 24 points.

Mammon promises he'll do better and starts furiously writing, only to be distracted by his D.D.D.. After the second time it happens, Lucifer scolds Satan for also being on his phone. Satan claims he's researching spells, but Lucifer snatches the phone when he sees the shutter go off. He was putting silly filters on pictures of Lucifer, which the brothers snicker at.

Lucifer threatens to turn the brothers into "test sheet name boxes" if they score lower on the test than before. Asmodeus tells him not to, because he'd be so gorgeous that all the other name boxes would be jealous.

Mammon begins playing a game on his phone where he has to match his facial expression to the falling devil emojis. Asmodeus thinks it looks fun and asks for a turn, but is quickly overwhelmed by the amount of emojis. Beelzebub wants to try too, but his face isn't expressive enough. Leviathan slides in and starts playing with Beel. Satan squeezes in, and Belphegor crams his face in the frame too. After Mammon pushes in front, Lucifer appears and yells at them to stop. Lucifer's yelling face gets the high score, and he angrily confiscates the phone.

The brothers protest and complain, so Lucifer dismisses the study session. As they leave, an exasperated Lucifer sits down and looks at Mammon's phone. He starts playing the emoji game while muttering about how ridiculous it is. Satan walks back in the room to get his notebook, and Lucifer freezes with his tongue stuck out. The two stand there horrified as the episode ends.

Ep. 2: Don't Look![edit]

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DevilTube Release23 July 2021
General Release30 July 2021
Youtube LinkYoutube
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: Leviathan cosplays as his favorite character Ruri-chan in the privacy of his room, only to have said privacy invaded by his younger brothers Beelzebub and Belphegor who want to hang out and play video games. Unable to change in time, Leviathan does his best to keep his cosplay a secret.

Full Episode Summary:

Leviathan is in his room admiring his cosplay of magical girl Ruri-chan when suddenly Beelzebub shows up. Leviathan immediately kicks the door shut on him before he can come in, then starts to panic. He asks Beelzebub to wait a moment while trying to figure out how to cover himself, unaware that Beelzebub would take him literally.

A moment later, Beel steps into the room, and Leviathan covers himself with his blanket and hides in the bathtub he sleeps in. He attempts to convince Beelzebub to leave by claiming he's tired, and while his younger brother acknowledges this, he asks Leviathan if he wants to play a game anyway. Belphegor came to play, too. Leviathan is surprised to see him, and they recall how much they used to play games together, when "you know who" was around.

He decides to let them stay and pick the game. Rather than something multiplayer, Beelzebub chooses a single-player RPG that Leviathan really likes right now, Bad Devil Slayer. Leviathan points out that it's single-player but neither of the twins mind, with Beelzebub playing while Belphegor cheers for him.

Beelzebub decides to use Leviathan's save after he brings up that he spent so many hours grinding to level up his party and how he made it to the final boss. He chooses to take none of the super-strong weapons when asked, because none of them "look tasty." Then he proceeds to save the game - overwriting Leviathan's last save - and his brother's patience begins to wear thin while watching the chaos on screen.

Leviathan's desire to beat the boss gets the best of him, and when Beelzebub wants to give up, he tosses his blanket off and takes over, telling the twins to be his cheerleaders. They agree, but after a moment it suddenly dons on Beelzebub and Belphegor what Leviathan is wearing, and they call attention to it.

Ep. 3: Carrots, Please![edit]

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DevilTube Release13 August 2021
General Release20 August 2021
Youtube LinkYoutube
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: The brothers are dressed up as bunny boys and working in a cafe where patrons can give their favorite bunny boy a carrot. However, you don't have quite enough carrots for everyone, and when it comes down to the last one it's every bunny boy for themselves in a battle for the final carrot.

Full Episode Summary:

MC steps foot into the Bunny Boy cafe to find Lucifer waiting. He explains that if you find a "bunny" that you like, you give him a carrot. Mammon mentions that it's been a while since he's seen MC, but tries to play it off. Beelzebub remarks that Mammon is upset, though he denies it, and MC hands over a carrot. He claims that he didn't want it, but accepts it anyway.

Beelzebub brings up what Asmodeus told him about bunnies: that they could die from loneliness. It's a feeling that he knows all too well, he says. He then goes on to offer MC the brand new drink he created, the "Devil Carrot Curry."

Asmodeus then spots MC and runs over, claiming he's been lonely without them. He suggests MC take a photo of him, then tells them to keep it, earning him a carrot. He gleefully runs off with it. MC is next asked by Leviathan to fill in for Lucifer spinning the wheel for the game that he, Satan, and Belphegor are playing.

After MC helps them tangle themselves up further - and gives each guy a carrot - they spot Lucifer sitting on the couch, and join him. He apologizes on behalf of his brothers, and MC gives him a carrot.

He sees that MC only has one carrot left, and offers to take it off of their hands for them, just for Mammon to interrupt by claiming one of his bunny ears is bent. Lucifer can tell that he wants the carrot, but he denies it again, and soon the others show up wanting it for themselves. MC is unable to decide who to give it to, so they toss it high into the air. Mammon then leaps up to grab it.

The next day, the brothers are heading to school while talking about work. Mammon is sleepy, so he decides to play hooky today and go back home. However, Lucifer gets him to reconsider by offering to return the credit card that he confiscated from Mammon if he remains there until the school day ends. Witnessing this causes Satan to remark that a carrot on a stick really does seem to work.

Ep. 4: Lucifer the Beach Babe[edit]

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DevilTube Release27 August 2021
General Release3 September 2021
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: The brothers get to enjoy some time at Lord Diavolo's private beach, but Mammon's focus is solely on taking a photo of a shirtless Lucifer so he can sell it to make some extra grimm. The day passes in one thwarted attempt after another, but Mammon is bound and determined to succeed.

Full Episode Summary:

The brothers arrive at the beach and take in their beautiful surroundings, though Leviathan is missing. He doesn't really like the beach, so he wanted to stay home. All of the brothers present have changed with the exception of Lucifer, and Mammon anticipates a chance at capturing a photo of him wearing a swimsuit. He wants to make several copies of it to sell and get a lot of Grimm, until he realizes that Lucifer is wearing a rash guard in addition to a swimsuit, covering up the majority of his body.

While trying to determine what they should do first, Mammon suggests a competition to see who can show off the most skin. None of them are interested, though, and Lucifer suggests they play capture the flag instead. They agree, and Mammon swipes the stick, shoving it into the back of Lucifer's shirt. He will have to remove it in order to get the stick out. Instead, Lucifer ends up turning the table on him by tying Mammon to a much larger stick and shoving it in the sand.

Mammon thought this could happen, which was why he asked Leviathan to dress up as an octopus and latch onto Lucifer. Leviathan had refused even when Mammon begged and promised not to ask him for anything else, but then Mammon offered him a rare Ruri-chan card, and he immediately reconsidered.

Leviathan jumps out to latch onto Lucifer as asked. Mammon then tries to convince Lucifer to remove his clothing to get the octopus off, and frees himself to get the photo just in time for Lucifer to reveal that he had another shirt on. He then proceeds to pick up the "octopus" and throws it into the distance. Mammon's patience is wearing thin, so he grabs Lucifer to rip his shirt off, just to find yet another one beneath it. Lucifer then grabs him, and tosses both him and his camera into the distance.

As the sun sets, the guys are preparing to leave while Mammon mourns his ruined camera as well as the fact that he has nothing for his efforts. Lucifer asks him what was wrong, just in time for Mammon to realize he's now shirtless. But without a camera, it means nothing.

Ep. 5: Princess Asmodeus Is in Another Castle[edit]

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DevilTube Release10 September 2021
General Release17 September 2021
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: Within a fantasy RPG setting, final boss Beelzebub has captured the Princess Asmodeus. It's up to the heroes Leviathan, Satan, and Belphegor to defeat the final boss and save the princess. However, Princess Asmo has some very specific ideas of exactly how that rescue should be performed.

Full Episode Summary:

Princess Asmodeus is being held captive by the final boss, Beelzebub, and now he can rule the world. However, he did not anticipate "Team Adventurous Spirits" coming to defeat him. Leviathan slashes at him and defeats Beelzebub, only for Princess Asmodeus to complain that he did it too quickly. He tells the "noob" that the important thing here was how they saved him, and the expressions he made. He had so many beautiful ones that they denied the world from seeing.

Leviathan, Belphegor and Satan complain that he's more focused on himself. He claims this is untrue, they will be spurred on to succeed by seeing his beauty. Asmodeus then requests Belphegor revive Beelzebub, and upon doing so he asks him to let his beauty shine, and in exchange he will spare his life- and let him eat anything he wants.

Beel agrees and they resume the scene. Until the team shows up again and Asmodeus complains over their lame-sounding name. He decides to rename the group "We Love Beauty and Love Love Love Princess Asmo". Leviathan refuses on the grounds that it sounds lame too. But Satan and Belphegor don't really care.

Princess Asmo's demands start to spiral out of control from this point. He makes Satan the horse instead of a party member, then he complains about the scenery. It doesn't look intense enough, so he has the guys do several ridiculous things to improve it. Like carving his face into the mountain, then removing it because he changed his mind. By the time he's finished -and they're exhausted- he isn't satisfied and suggests that they bring the entire worlds populace there in order to see his beauty. Beelzebub reasons this is impossible, but Princess Asmodeus disagrees. After he starts laughing, the Heroes realize that their Princess has gone mad from power, and now he has become the final boss.

Ep. 6: Detective Satan[edit]

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DevilTube Release24 September 2021
General Release1 October 2021
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: Ever the fan of detective and mystery novels, Satan takes the opportunity to show off his crime-solving skills to solve a few whodunit mysteries among his brothers. His capable skills backfire, however, when a case is presented to him where he doesn't feel too keen on exposing the perpetrator.

Full Episode Summary:

Satan has been reading a mystery novel and he wants a chance to show his sleuthing skills now. Beelzebub drips ketchup on himself and Satan immediately assumes that a murder was committed, then it happens again when Leviathan yells over his game, and when Asmodeus tries to get his attention. He's concerned for him.

Satan calms down realizing that he's being silly, only to jump the gun again when Belphegor comes into the room. His pillow went missing. Satan doesn't care about little cases like this though, while the other three wonder if he misplaced it. Belphegor can't recall taking it anywhere and is about to leave to search again until Satan realizes that one of them was the culprit: Leviathan. He mentioned how big the pillow was, which he couldn't have known since Belphegor didn't mention that it was a body pillow until prompted. Leviathan confesses that he did it, because he wanted to try out the Ruri-chan body pillow cover he ordered. The brothers are impressed by Satan's deductive skill.

Later, Beelzebub returns to the room to ask his brothers if they have seen the pudding he left in the fridge. They turn to Satan, expecting him to get to the bottom of this, just as he realizes that he was the one who took it. Rather than confess, he attempts to drive attention from himself by accusing Asmodeus of having stolen it. He's drinking coffee, and everyone knows slightly bitter coffee is good after eating pudding.

Asmodeus points out how subjective that is but his brothers are convinced he's guilty, even after he shows them that Satan is eating the pudding right now. Satan doesn't deny it, instead he brazenly decides to keep eating. His confidence causes the others to agree that the culprit wouldn't do such a thing. Asmodeus complains, and Satan tells him to confess that he ate it as part of a beauty treatment he saw. Belphegor points out that it's possible, since Asmo is so narcissistic.

He and Leviathan start accusing him of other things and Satan tells him to confess again. In the process he accidentally slips up by saying it was "Devil Bee Honey Pudding", which Asmodeus catches and brings up. Beel never told them what type of pudding it was. With no choice Satan decides to out himself as the culprit. But to Asmodeus' shock, his brothers applaud him for being such an incredible detective.

Ep. 7: Obey Me! The Anime Audio Commentary[edit]

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DevilTube Release15 October 2021
General Release22 October 2021
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: The voice actors for the seven demon brothers watch the previous six anime episodes and provide audio commentary.

Full Episode Summary:

please add

Ep. 8: A Dog by Any Other Name[edit]

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DevilTube Release29 October 2021
General Release5 November 2021
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: Mammon finds the "Forbidden Book of Body Switching" and plans to use it for some mischief, but when a random dog interferes Mammon is certain everyone in the House of Lamentation will make fun of the results. He ends up shocked, however, when the opposite happens.

Full Episode Summary:

Mammon stares at his body, which has now become inhabited by the spirit of some random dog. He wonders where it came from while recalling how it ran into the room while he was holding a forbidden book on body-swapping. He found the book with the intention of swapping bodies with Belphegor, so that he could make a new credit card using his name. He hopes the body swap will cancel itself soon, he doesn't want to deal with an angry Lucifer if he found out.

Just then, Mammon realizes his body vanished, and he finds it now playing with a ball. He worries over how he must look and assumes Satan and Asmodeus will make fun of him, but neither pay him attention. Lucifer walks into the room then with a bowl of sweet potatoes. He had some extra and was going to give them to Beelzebub, when the guys reveal he went to a buffet. Lucifer wonders what to do with the sweet potato now when "Mammon" approaches him, and Lucifer hands them over. He's surprised when Mammon eats all of them and compliments his usefulness for a change. Then Satan asks about the newspaper, which Mammon brings in for him. He rubs his head, much like an owner would their dog, and Mammon is shocked that nobody can tell a difference. He becomes further distressed watching as he starts begging Lucifer for a tummy rub and attention.

The brothers head out that night to play with "Mammon" and enjoys themselves while the real Mammon sadly watches from a distance. They're treating him as if he's really a dog now, and he watches as Beel teaches him some dog tricks. Suddenly, "Mammon" hears a sound in the distance and runs off.

The brothers return home after they can't locate him, and they become sad. Although he acted the way he did, Mammon was like the glue that held them all together, and they feel lonely without him there. They even made some missing posters to hang up in hopes of finding him. Mammon feels better realizing how much his brothers care about him, and suddenly he transforms back into himself. Once he makes sure, Mammon eagerly heads into the room to tell his brothers that he's returned. But he wasn't the Mammon who left them, so they reject him. Mammon helplessly cries wondering what happened.

Ep. 9: The First Great Sibling Psychological War[edit]

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DevilTube Release12 November 2021
General Release19 November 2021
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: Beelzebub, Belphegor, and Asmodeus are exercising in the library of the House of Lamentation when disaster strikes. Fearing Lucifer's anger, each of the three try using any excuse they can think of to avoid being the one to tell their older brother what happened.

Full Episode Summary:

Asmodeus thanks Beel for inviting him to exercise together, and voices his surprise that Belphegor also came. Belphegor states that he likes to exercise sometimes too. Beelzebub suggests that they work-out faster, but they jostle the table and accidentally knock off Lucifer's bottled ship onto the floor.

It would be suicidal to tell him, so nobody wants to be the one to do it. Belphegor begins to pick up the glass, so he suggests one of them tell Lucifer. They realize quickly what his plan was, so Asmodeus decides to search a nearby spot for more glass, while Beel grabs a broom and pan to sweep the glass up. Seeing as this isn't working, Belphegor suddenly claims that his muscles are too sore for him to move. Asmodeus and Beelzebub see through this and reason that even if he is out of shape, it isn't normal for him to hurt that much from exercise. Belphie insists he is in pain, leading them to fake injury too.

Just then, Belphegor accidentally jabs himself in the arm with a shard of glass. His reaction and what he says cause Asmodeus and Beelzebub to call him out for making excuses to avoid their oldest brother. He attempts to deny it but accidentally bumps into a lit candle, causing it to the fall to the floor and start a fire in the library. The guys begin to panic, but none of them are willing to go to Lucifer yet. Asmodeus reasons he should stay there while they go get him, but Beelzebub claims he knows how to handle fires so he would be the best choice to stay. Belphegor accuses him of stealing the fire he started, Asmodeus claims to be BFF with the fire so he can handle it, and soon they start bickering.

Soon they realize the fire is getting out of hand, but its nothing compared to an angry Lucifer. It's then they hear someone approaching, and they decide to tell that person to get him for them. However, they end up blurting out what happened as soon as the door opens, only to find Lucifer standing there. Lucifer angrily asks what happened and they frightfully apologize.

Ep. 10: A Trip for Seven — Part 1[edit]

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DevilTube Release26 November 2021
General Release3 December 2021
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: Belphegor is upset that his brothers seem to be avoiding him, and reminisces on the time they all visited the hot springs together. This gives Beelzebub the idea to try and win a hot springs trip, but even with food involved, reaching that goal is more difficult than he anticipated.

Full Episode Summary:

Belphegor walks into the dining room to find only Satan there. He asks about the others and his brothers sleepily walk in while discussing their heated card game from last night. Satan criticizes them because Belphie got up early for once, earning blame from Leviathan. He was the one who wanted to keep playing until he won. Belphegor asks about the card game, as he wasn't invited to join them. They recall how he fell asleep in his soup during dinner, and didn't want to disturb him. Lucifer apologizes and asks if they should have woke him. He assures them its alright but Beelzebub appears to notice his disappointment.

In the attic, Belphegor begins to look through old pictures when Beel joins him with some ice cream. He notes that he's been coming up there a lot recently, and Belphegor admits that it calms him down. Beel assures Belphie that if something is bothering him, he can confide in him. Belphie asks him if he recalls their trip to the hot spring a while back, and he wonders if they could possibly have a big argument again. Beel asks if he thinks that their brothers still care about what happened back then, but rather than answer Belphegor discovers that his stick has writing on it. He won a prize, which he decides to let Beel have.

Beelzebub heads to town and is given a throat lozenge from the person running the ice cream cart: Mammon. He's doing this to help pay off his debts, he got a lot of customers because of the jackpot prize- a three day trip to the Moryo Hot Springs. Seeing this, Beel decides to purchase several ice creams. None of them have the jackpot prize, but he refuses to give up, even when Mammon can tell that he's beginning to feel unwell. He keeps eating anyway, including ice cream that zaps him, one that causes him to breath fire, one explodes, and one that makes him feel sadly nostalgic. The only prize he earns is another lozenge.

He becomes so exhausted from all the ice cream that he suddenly falls back. Mammon checks on him while Lucifer observes a flyer for the jackpot prize.

Beelzebub returns to the House of Lamentation feeling like he let Belphie down. He finds Lucifer talking with Mammon, Asmodeus and Leviathan to find out that he won an ice cream prize: a trip for seven to the Moryo Hot Springs for three days. While the brothers remark on how specific this prize is, they happily chatter amongst themselves while Beelzebub silently thanks Lucifer.

Ep. 11: A Trip for Seven — Part 2[edit]

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DevilTube Release10 December 2021
General Release17 December 2021
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: The brothers are mostly enjoying their trip together, even if there are complaints about Beelzebub's plans for the trip's events being nothing but eating food. However, when a pillow fight breaks out around — but not with — Belphegor, it spurs him to finally reveal what's been bothering him.

Full Episode Summary:

The brothers are relaxing at the Moryo Hot Springs after a long day. They did a lot- all of which involved food because they let Beelzebub plan the schedule. Beelzebub suggests they turn in because he packed tomorrow with fun too; they're going to eat every single sushi-based food out there. Some of which include curry with sushi, pasta sushi and sushiburgers. The guys aren't very excited, and Belphegor seems distraught as Lucifer decides they will go to bed now regardless. The brothers agree to turn in; except for Levi, who continues to play his game. He isn't used to going to bed early so he isn't tired yet.

Beel tries to get him to stop, but he accidentally throws his pillow at Satan, who is laying next to Levi. Satan throws the pillow back but hits Mammon, who then throws his pillow at Asmodeus. Asmo accidentally hits Leviathan, who ends up hitting Lucifer. Who angrily retaliates as a pillow fight breaks out among them.

Suddenly, Asmodeus' pillow accidentally hits Belphegor. He apologizes as he didn't mean to and worries that he might have hurt him. Belphie confirms that it did hurt, but he shouldn't be saying sorry for it. When they were here, their dynamic was the same as always, but since they left, they have been acting strange. He asks his brothers if they avoid him out of anger. Leviathan insists that it isn't true, and admits that they have trouble telling what he thinks about them. Belphie tells them that they should tell him then, because he doesn't know what they think either.

One by one, the brothers begin to throw their pillows at Belphie while stating what it is they want to do while on their trip. Mammon says that he wants to eat sushi, Asmodeus wants to go to the spa, Satan wants to go to the bookstore, Leviathan wants to visit the arcade and Lucifer wants to tour a factory. Beel is happy to see his brothers are getting along, and Belphie responds by saying that he wants to have a pillow fight. He throws their pillows back at them to resume playing.

Over the remainder of their trip the Brothers enjoy their time together doing the various activities they all wanted to do. They visit the spa, they go to a cafe and bookstore, they play games together and eat delicious foods, and lastly they take a group picture.

Ep. 12: Silent Night: A Brotherless New Year's Eve[edit]

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DevilTube Release24 December 2021
General Release31 December 2021
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: With the brothers gone on a trip, Lord Diavolo hosts a New Year's Eve party at the Demon Lord's Castle with Barbatos, Luke, Simeon, and Solomon. The five converse with each other about events that happened in all the previous episodes.

Full Episode Summary:

Diavolo, Simeon, Luke, Solomon and Barbatos are celebrating New Years Eve together. The brothers are away on their trip, so it'll just be them tonight. Luke wonders why they have been taking so many trips recently and Diavolo offers to show them, because he has footage of their recent antics courtesy of Barbatos following them around. They start with Leviathan cosplaying as Ruri and how he tried to hide when Beelzebub and Belphegor showed up to play games. He was so embarrassed after they found out that he refused to come out of his room, even when his brothers pretended to be Ruri and made a bunch of noise. They only got him out when Lucifer kicked down the door.

Then there was the time they dressed up as bunny boys, which sounded like fun. Diavolo suggests that they join them next time, the others agree and they tease Luke after he mentions wanting to dress up like a bunny- since he's more like a chihuahua. After that night, Mammon took home their costumes and tried selling them on D-bay. He got caught and Lucifer was really angry. This causes Diavolo to recall hearing that Mammon also tried to sell something while at his private beach. Barbatos confirms that they were pictures of Lucifer- but they no longer have footage because Lucifer cast a spell to ensure they couldn't show it. Simeon recalls how uptight Lucifer was back in the Celestial Realm, and Barbatos goes on to recall the time Satan was a detective. After he revealed himself to be the culprit, he made it up to Beel by buying him as much pudding as he could eat. The guys realize that this was the cause of the Devildom pudding shortage.

It's then Luke remembers hearing that the House of Lamentation caught on fire. Diavolo is distraught realizing the ship that broke was the one he gave to Lucifer, and Barbatos reveals that instead of learning their lesson, the brothers developed a tendency to just start fires whenever they did something bad and were about to be told off. Following that, the brothers began to spend more time together after they won a trip to the hot springs.

Luke and Simeon are touched by their closeness as a family and Diavolo expresses how close he feels to Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon and Luke after spending New Years with them. They agree, and he suggests they yell out a New Years wish together. They all yell out "Where were we?!".

Season 2[edit]

Ep. 1: We Miss You[edit]

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DevilTube Release15 July 2022
General Release22 July 2022
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: The seven brothers are all missing MC, so Mammon proposes a rule that no one is allowed to say "I miss them" without having to pay a fine. He then offers a clever way around this rule by selling them plushies he made with the name "Miss Em."

Full Episode Summary:

Lucifer followed through with his threat and turned his brothers into test sheet name boxes. He chastises their lousy test scores once they return to normal, and they complain. They find it too hard to focus or feel motivation towards schoolwork without "them" being there. They all agree that they miss them, and Mammon comes up with an idea. Anytime someone says "I miss them," they must pay a fine of 1,000 Grimm. Whoever says it the least will win all of the money. He is confident he'll win because he claims not to miss them at all, and to his brothers surprise, Lucifer agrees with the idea. It's cruel, but it may be the therapy they need to move on.

With that they begin, and each brother goes silent. It's easy at first when they force themselves, but after Asmodeus slips up, Belphegor accidentally says it after he loses focus- then he quickly pulls on his cheeks to make it sound like he said something else. Seeing this work, his other brothers begin to copy him until their all red cheeked.

Suddenly, Mammon says "I Miss Em." But when his brothers remark that he slipped up, he reveals that this is the name of the doll he made, Miss Em. Satan comes to a realization and swipes the doll, and repeats her name. Mammon points out that her name doesn't count towards the fine, so it's okay. This causes his other brothers to want to hold her too, and Mammon takes her back. He then reveals that he's made several of them, and for payment of 10,000 Grimm they can each have one.

At school the brothers have become very attached to their Miss Em dolls. Diavolo, Barbatos, Luke, Simeon, and Solomon spy on them with concern, before revealing that the entire school has developed a fondness for Miss Em; even Luke and Simeon have their own. From that moment, Miss Em spread like wildfire. More versions of the doll were released, along with an anime, theme park, movie, music and video game.

Mammon became so rich that he had a whole golden mansion built. He proclaims he's very happy and laughs as the camera pans out to reveal the roof has building structures spelling out "I miss you." Mammon then acknowledges that he misses them, too.

Ep. 2: Camp Lucifer[edit]

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DevilTube Release29 July 2022
General Release5 August 2022
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: Lucifer, Mammon, Asmodeus, and Beelzebub are all going to spend some time camping together in the woods. However, as each of the younger brothers try their hand at various tasks or activities, Lucifer informs them that their methods are incorrect, and insists on doing things himself.

Full Episode Summary:

Lucifer, Mammon, Asmodeus and Beelzebub have come to the forest for a camping trip. They set their things down after arrival and admire the nature surrounding them. Asmo suggests that Mammon only came so that he could get away from his debt-collectors and he tells him to shut up. As they turn to find Beel eating the air, they don't notice someone wielding a chainsaw hiding in the bushes.

Lucifer offers to show his brothers the ropes when it comes to camping, and they get started by putting up the tent. He complains that they didn't take into account the position they put it, or properly secure it, so he suggests they find something else to do. Mammon chops up firewood while Asmo applauds his efforts, until Lucifer approaches and decides to take over for him because he can get it done quicker. He also steps in to take over fishing for Beel and preparing their meal for Asmodeus.

By now the trio have become annoyed, because with Lucifer efficiently handling everything for them, there isn't anything for them to do. They decide to just let him do the hard work while they enjoy the trip- but then he also takes over those things. He shows them the proper way to skip stones across water, nap in a hammock -while the serial killer watches- and even how to eat.

That night, the four brothers are confronted by the serial killer. But Lucifer grabs his chainsaw and tells him that he's doing it wrong. He joins the three brothers in sitting down by the campfire while Lucifer hops around it singing. After joining in with their own lyric they decide to bail, with Lucifer none the wiser.

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Ep. 3: The Long Awaited Ruri-chan Viewing Party[edit]

DevilTube Release12 August 2022
General Release19 August 2022
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: "The Magical Ruri Hana: Demon Girl The Movie Part 2" became the best-selling movie of all time, so Leviathan has invited Diavolo, Barbatos, Luke, Simeon, and Solomon to watch the first movie with him. Being the Ruri-chan otaku that he is, however, Leviathan keeps pausing the movie over and over to inform everyone of "important" facts and trivia.

Full Episode Summary:

Leviathan welcomes Diavolo, Barbatos, Luke, Simeon and Solomon to the viewing party he put together to celebrate the second Ruri-chan movie. He cries from sheer joy until Barbatos settles him. Simeon, Luke and Solomon start to talk until Levi starts the movie- only to pause it right after it starts. He asks if they notice anything, but nobody answers, leading him to insert a DVD from the anime series instead. None of them can tell a difference, and he explains that the movie Ruri-chan is taller in the same scene than the one in the anime. He couldn't expect them to know that though, because they probably never watched it. Levi explains that this change was due to the director finding it hard to depict a battle scene using a small character. The original author didn't like it, so they set the movie a few years ahead. Fans apparently didn't like it, but then they started to understand the decision and reconsidered.

Leviathan resumes the movie, just to stop it again to point out the animation technique used in a scene. He resumes the movie again, then pauses it to point out a parody, then again to introduce Azuki-tan. The more and more he keeps pausing the movie, the guys slowly begin to sneak out with Levi being none-the-wiser.

Just as he's about to say something, Levi realizes that he accidentally chased everyone away. Again. But to his shock, Diavolo appears donning a full cosplay of Ruri-chan. Initially he's surprised, but he's so happy realizing that he actually enjoyed the movie. They are joined by Barbatos, who is wearing an Azuki-tan mask. Together the trio decide to emulate Ruri-chan's attack.

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Ep. 4: Detective Satan 2[edit]

DevilTube Release26 August 2022
General Release2 September 2022
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: Satan buys a vintage detective outfit and wants to solve a case wearing it. After days unsuccessfully looking for said case, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor try to fabricate one for him. However, the end result of their attempt isn't what they were expecting.

Full Episode Summary:

Belphegor -who apparently slept with his eyes open- wakes up to find an anxious Satan pacing around the room desperate for a case to solve. He got hooked on detective novels again, and this time he bought expensive, vintage detective clothing to look the part.

Outside, Satan finds a group of adorable kitties. He knows that an ultra-cute cat is amongst them and points to the culprit; which turns out to be every single one of them. He lovingly cuddles and pets them, only to express disappointment over not being able to solve a real case. Just then, Beelzebub runs up to him to reveal that something bad happened, and they return to the room to find a murdered Belphegor. Satan is very excited, much to Belphie's contempt considering he should be mourning for his deceased brother. But he says nothing and remains still, allowing Satan to do his thing. He spots a message written in blood, and after pointing out the obvious, he deduces that the message means "BElphie was killED by Lucifer". It spells out "BEEL", but Satan doesn't take the hint and prepares to apprehend Lucifer.

Asmo, Beel and Levi quickly stop Satan. Leviathan tells him Lucifer isn't involved, saying the murder could have occurred in a locked room. Satan realizes he has a good point, and while thinking it over he spots Belphie's hand start twitching, causing him to realize that he's still alive. He looks at his brothers, who await an answer and Satan comes to the realization that this entire thing is fake. Asmo attempts to point him in the right direction and he spots the paint used for blood, causing him to feel dismayed. Their pity feels like mockery, but he also realizes that they were trying to be kind, so he should be the bigger person and accept it. However, he struggles to point out the culprit knowing the truth. His pride causes him to keep pointing at other things in the room. Eventually he gets so frustrated that he strips himself of his detective outfit and leaves the room, telling his brothers to throw it away.

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Ep. 5: Asmodeus's Paradise[edit]

DevilTube Release9 September 2022
General Release16 September 2022
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: Asmodeus invites Solomon over to the House of Lamentation to try a game that he created. While the concept of a slice-of-life mystery thriller originally interests Solomon, Asmo can't help being Asmo, even when he plays all of the characters in a video game.

Full Episode Summary:

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Ep. 6: Belphegor's Dream[edit]

DevilTube Release22 September 2022
General Release30 September 2022
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: When Lucifer leaves Belphegor as "acting oldest brother" while he's out of the house, he's disappointed none of his older siblings ask him for help. He dreams of an opposite world where he's the real eldest brother, and all of his siblings have problems only he can help with.

Full Episode Summary:

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Ep. 7: Obey Me! The Anime Season 2 Audio Commentary[edit]

DevilTube Release7 October 2022
General Release14 October 2022
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: The voice actors for the seven demon brothers watch the previous six anime episodes from season two and provide audio commentary.

Full Episode Summary:

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Ep. 8: For Whom the Belly Rumbles[edit]

DevilTube Release21 October 2022
General Release28 October 2022
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: After washing up on a deserted island, Beelzebub is saved by an...unusual character. Despite his hunger, he somehow manages not to eat this individual, and the two form a bond, but how long can such companionship last?

Full Episode Summary:

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Ep. 9: Thinking of Friends[edit]

DevilTube Release4 November 2022
General Release11 November 2022
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: Henry 1.0 enjoys his life with Leviathan, and the two are best of friends. However, Henry 1.0 is Leviathan's only friend, and he worries that because Leviathan spends all his time with him, it will always be that way. Henry 1.0 decides he must take drastic measures to solve this problem.

Full Episode Summary:

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Ep. 10: Play Ball! The All-Demon Baseball Game[edit]

DevilTube Release18 November 2022
General Release25 November 2022
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: After rigorous practice with the help of "Anti-Lucifer League" member Belphegor, pitcher Satan finally has his chance to "defeat" Lucifer at the bat in a game of baseball. His sibling teammates are...much less interested in this goal than he is.

Full Episode Summary:

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Ep. 11: Still Miss Em[edit]

DevilTube Release9 December 2022
General Release16 December 2022
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: Mammon's leftover stock of Miss Em plushies have seemingly come to life, and they're tired of sitting in dark boxes all alone. They want to play a game of tag! Will the seven brothers be able to escape them?

Full Episode Summary:

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Ep. 12: Closing Party[edit]

DevilTube Release23 December 2022
General Release30 December 2022
Funimation LinkFunimation
Crunchyroll LinkCrunchyroll

Description: The seven brothers have taken a trip to the Human World, so once again Lord Diavolo hosts a party at the Demon Lord's Castle with Barbatos, Luke, Simeon, and Solomon. As was done last year, everyone looks back on the events of past episodes from this season.

Full Episode Summary:

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