Jobs (Nightbringer)

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Jobs icon.png

:D Jobs is an app in Nightbringer that can be accessed from the D.D.D. Jobs are a way for the player to earn Grimm, Items, and raise character Intimacy levels by sending characters to work shifts at nine different locations (including one VIP-only location).


At the start of the game, only one worker slot is available. Two more slots can be unlocked by increasing the players' level. The second slot is unlocked after the player reaches level 10, and the third is unlocked after the player reaches level 20. The final two can be unlocked by subscribing to VIP, for a total of five available workers.

A maximum of two characters can be working one location at a time. Rewards are given at shift's end on a per-worker basis (e.g. if two characters work at The Classroom, the pay will be 1,000 Grimm instead of the normal 500 Grimm).

Whether one character or two work at a job site, this will still count as one completion for the sake of Daily To Do tasks, though each character will increase in their individual To Do Job Completion Count.

Job Info Screen[edit]

Job Help 1 NB.png
Job Help 1 NB.png

The Job Info screen shows you all of the information related to a specific workplace. You can choose the members that you would like to send to work from this screen.

1. The number of times you have sent a member to work at a workplace.

2. Select a member

Tap to open the screen where you can select a member.

3. The job length (amount of time required to complete a job) and its pay.

4. Start working.

5. Use a Cheer Blend to increase your Intimacy and Grimm when completing a Job.

Job Help Cheer Blend.png

Job Help Cheer Blend.png

Member Select Screen[edit]

Job Help 2 NB.png
Job Help 2 NB.png

1. On the job

Indicates that a member is currently working.
The timer indicates the remaining time until their shift is over.
"Finished!" will appear above any members whose timer has hit zero.

2. Specialty

Sparkles around a character indicates that they are more suited for a particular job.
Having them work these jobs increases the chance of item drop rewards.
Having two workers at a location as opposed to just one also increases the odds of receiving item rewards.

3. Selected

Any member already chosen for a workplace will have a check mark.
Selecting another member or tapping on the same member will remove the check mark.

Unlocking Workplaces[edit]

Job Help 3 NB.png
Job Help 3 NB.png

Though only The Classroom and The Courtyard are initially available, new workplaces are unlocked after meeting the work requirements. Exact numbers of completed work shifts needed to unlock locations are listed in the tables below.

1. Required shifts

Shows completed shifts/required number of shifts.

2. Tapping this button will take you to the job info screen for that workplace.

Using Cheer Blends[edit]

Cheer Blend.png

By using a Cheer Blend item before starting a Job, the player can increase the amount of character Intimacy and the amount of Grimm that a completed job rewards.

The total amount of Grimm when using a Cheer Blend increases by an additional 15,000 on top of the standard Grimm amount for all job locations.

The total amount of Intimacy rewarded when using a Cheer Blend is triple the standard amount given to each character at all job locations. One Cheer Blend will increase the Intimacy of all characters working at a job location.

Spy on Them![edit]

Depending on the combination of characters chosen for a location, at job's completion there is a chance to trigger additional cutscenes called "Spy on Them!" These cutscenes happen by random chance, and each job location has different sets of available character combinations. These are listed under the "Spy on them! Combinations" row in the tables below.

Job Locations[edit]

The Classroom Job.png

The Classroom[edit]

"Don't Cheat off of Mammon"

Unlocked at the beginning of the game
Job Length Pay
30 Minutes Grimm icon.png 500 Grimm per worker
Potential Items
Pride.png Pride Gems(s),
Paradise Blue,
Unidentified Matter
Specialty Intimacy Points
Lucifer Asmodeus Belphegor Diavolo
Lucifer, Asmodeus, Belphegor, Diavolo
+10 per worker
Spy on them! Combinations
Lucifer Satan
Lucifer + Satan
Asmodeus Diavolo
Asmodeus + Diavolo
please add please add

Spy on them! Summaries[edit]

Lucifer and Satan[edit]

Satan is not happy that he has to work with Lucifer. Lucifer overhears Satan grumbling about the prank he had planned and sarcastically apologizes that things didn't work out.

Asmodeus and Diavolo[edit]

Asmodeus is surprised by how inexperienced Diavolo is with cleaning. Diavolo apologizes and Asmodeus suggests Diavolo tries again after receiving cleaning lessons from Barbatos.
The Courtyard Job.png

The Courtyard[edit]

"The Place of Dreams"

Unlocked at the beginning of the game
Job Length Pay
45 Minutes Grimm icon.png 750 Grimm per worker
Potential Items
Greed.png Greed Gems(s),
Madam Scream's Macarons,
Barbatos's Signature Cake
Specialty Intimacy Points
Satan Asmodeus Luke
Satan, Asmodeus, Luke
+15 per worker
Spy on them! Combinations
Mammon Asmodeus
Mammon + Asmodeus
Satan Beelzebub
Satan + Beelzebub
Barbatos Solomon
Barbatos + Solomon
please add

Spy on them! Summaries[edit]

Mammon and Asmodeus[edit]

While they finish up work, Asmodeus asks Mammon if he would like to go to karaoke after they're done. Mammon agrees but becomes upset when Asmodeus reminds him that it is Mammon's turn to pay.

Satan and Beelzebub[edit]

Beelzebub offers Satan a cookie as he believes Satan is in a bad mood because he's hungry. However, Satan is annoyed by this and refuses the cookie.

Barbatos and Solomon[edit]

Solomon decides to clean the courtyard without using magic, saying it helps clear his mind. Barbatos overhears this and inquires. Solomon reveals that he is having trouble with enchantments and thought cleaning will help, also suggesting having Barbatos prepare tea which the latter agrees to.
The Colloseum Job.png

The Colloseum[edit]

"Are You Not Entertained?!"

The Classroom x10, The Courtyard x5
Job Length Pay
1 hour Grimm icon.png 1,000 Grimm per worker
Potential Items
Envy.png Envy Gems(s),
Family Pack Sushi,
Barbatos's Tea
Specialty Intimacy Points
Mammon Beelzebub Solomon
Mammon, Beelzebub, Solomon
+20 per worker
Spy on them! Combinations
Lucifer Barbatos
Lucifer + Barbatos
Beelzebub Diavolo
Beelzebub + Diavolo
Diavolo Barbatos
Diavolo + Barbatos
please add

Spy on them! Summaries[edit]

Lucifer and Barbatos[edit]

Lucifer and Barbatos are finished cleaning. Lucifer tells Barbatos that he enjoyed working with him because it meant there were no distractions or incidents. Barbatos is concerned about what this means.

Beelzebub and Diavolo[edit]

Beelzebub states that he is hungry. Diavolo was expecting this, so he asked Barbatos to prepare some food for them. Diavolo asks Beelzebub if he wishes to eat with him and takes his astonishment as a yes.

Diavolo and Barbatos[edit]

Diavolo is bothered when Barbatos does Diavolo's work load and calls it avoidable work. Diavolo asks what is the difference between this work and his regular work is and Barbatos says that his regular work is the type that only Diavolo can do.
The Cafeteria Job.png

The Cafeteria[edit]

"Did Someone Say Food Fight?"

The Courtyard x20, The Colloseum x10
Job Length Pay
2 hours Grimm icon.png 2,000 Grimm per worker
Potential Items
Wrath.png Wrath Gems(s),
Wicked Cupcake,
Human World Cheeseburger
Specialty Intimacy Points
Lucifer Beelzebub Barbatos Luke
Lucifer, Beelzebub, Barbatos, Luke
+40 per worker
Spy on them! Combinations
Lucifer Simeon
Lucifer + Simeon
Mammon Beelzebub
Mammon + Beelzebub
Leviathan Solomon
Leviathan + Solomon
Luke Solomon
Luke + Solomon

Spy on them! Summaries[edit]

Lucifer and Simeon[edit]

As they were told that they could use leftover ingredients to make their own recipes, Lucifer and Simeon ended up doing so, and it turned out that the day's cafeteria sales set an all-time record. Lucifer attributes this to Simeon's cooking skills, but Simeon says that the students must have also liked Lucifer's cooking, and says that he hopes they get to work together again.

Mammon and Beelzebub[edit]

Mammon offers to cook for Beelzebub, but Beelzebub can barely hide his distaste for Mammon's cooking. However, he agrees that he's very hungry, so he will accept Mammon's meal this time.

Luke and Solomon[edit]

After work, Luke catches Solomon cooking something. Solomon tells him that since Luke insisted on doing all of the food prep, he thought he would make something for them as a reward. Luke sadly tells him that he only worked so hard doing all of the food prep so that Solomon wouldn't have to cook, and now that has been ruined.
The Hallway Job.png

The Hallway[edit]

"Don't D.D.D. and Walk"

The Courtyard x40, The Colloseum x20, The Cafeteria x10
Job Length Pay
3 hours Grimm icon.png 3,000 Grimm per worker
Potential Items
Lust.png Lust Gem(s),
Spicy Rainbow Pizza,
RedxRed Apple Pie
Specialty Intimacy Points
Mammon Barbatos Simeon
Mammon, Barbatos, Simeon
+70 per worker
Spy on them! Combinations
Lucifer Mammon
Lucifer + Mammon
Lucifer Diavolo
Lucifer + Diavolo
Leviathan Simeon
Leviathan + Simeon
Asmodeus Diavolo
Asmodeus + Diavolo
Beelzebub Simeon
Beelzebub + Simeon

Spy on them! Summaries[edit]

Lucifer and Mammon[edit]

Lucifer calls out to Mammon while working to inquire about a test paper he had noticed in a trash can. Mammon confirms that the test with the bad grade was his, and that he had thrown it away. Lucifer is quick to scold him for the poor grade, then tells him that worse consequences are in store for Mammon for attempting to dispose of it.

Lucifer and Diavolo[edit]

After work, Diavolo sadly questions if they are already done with their job, to which Lucifer replies that he can go back to his actual job as future demon king. Diavolo explains that he doesn't want to keep working, but rather wanted to spend more time with Lucifer. He comes up with an idea for them to hang out, saying that Barbatos probably wouldn't mind if he was late. Lucifer reminds him that it actually seemed like Barbatos wanted him to hurry back, and tells him that he will not assist in making things harder for the butler, before leaving.

Leviathan and Simeon[edit]

Leviathan hits his head on the wall, much to Simeon's concern. Leviathan insists he's fine, but was surprised by a notification on his D.D.D.. Leviathan tells Simeon that a UR for one of his favorite characters is dropping soon, but Simeon doesn't understand what he's talking about.

Asmodeus and Diavolo[edit]

please add

Beelzebub and Simeon[edit]

After work, Beelzebub asks Simeon for a reward that was promised if he worked hard. Simeon produces some homemade cookies from a batch he had prepared that morning for him. After Beelzebub quickly devours the provided cookies, he sadly announces that they are already gone. Simeon suggests they return to the House of Lamentation to share the rest of the batch together.
The Lab Job.png

The Lab[edit]

"Remember the Law of Equivalent Exchange"

The Colosseum x40, The Cafeteria x20, The Hallway x10
Job Length Pay
4 hours Grimm icon.png 4,400 Grimm per worker
Potential Items
Gluttony.png Gluttony Gems(s),
Princess's Poison Apple,
Instant Noodles (Hell-Sauce Flavor)
Specialty Intimacy Points
Leviathan Satan Solomon
Leviathan, Satan, Solomon
+100 per worker
Spy on them! Combinations
Leviathan Diavolo
Leviathan + Diavolo
Satan Luke
Satan + Luke
Asmodeus Simeon
Asmodeus + Simeon
Beelzebub Solomon
Beelzebub + Solomon

Spy on them! Summaries[edit]

Leviathan and Diavolo[edit]

While working, Leviathan and Diavolo accidentally spilled a potion that turned them into an "antisocial sad sack." Leviathan becomes distraught when Diavolo apologizes for the incident, believing that the potion's effects have not worn off yet. But before Diavolo can reassure him, Leviathan runs off in search of Lucifer's help.

Satan and Luke[edit]

Luke finds Satan in the lab working on a potion, he inquires as to what he is making. Satan explains that he is working on a potion that will place a powerful curse on someone that he intends to use to put Lucifer in his place with.

Asmodeus and Simeon[edit]

Asmodeus tells Simeon about a potion recipe he saw on Devilgram that is supposed to make one even more beautiful than they already are. Simeon looks at the ingredients, and points out that it just seems to be a standard love potion.

Beelzebub and Solomon[edit]

After work, Solomon inquires if Beelzebub is hungry and he shockingly answers that he is not. Solomon further presses him by pointing out that he had seen him sneaking handfuls of ingredients to snack on while they worked. Beelzebub quickly agrees that he was and that made him too full to accept the cupcake in Solomon's possession. He sadly tells Beelzebub that he thought they came out so well though and was excited for him to try them, but doesn't press futher.
The Pool Job.png

The Pool[edit]

"Just Don't Go off the Deep End..."

The Cafeteria x40, The Hallway x30, The Lab x10
Job Length Pay
6 hours Grimm icon.png 7,200 Grimm per worker
Potential Items
Sloth.png Sloth Gem(s),
Flower Staff (Bud),
Whip of Love
Specialty Intimacy Points
Mammon Leviathan Belphegor
Mammon, Leviathan, Belphegor
+150 per worker
Spy on them! Combinations
Mammon Simeon
Mammon + Simeon
Mammon Solomon
Mammon + Solomon
Leviathan Asmodeus
Leviathan + Asmodeus
Satan Belphegor
Satan + Belphegor
Asmodeus Belphegor
Asmodeus + Belphegor

Spy on them! Summaries[edit]

Mammon and Simeon[edit]

Mammon announces that they have finished cleaning the pool, but Simeon is unsatisfied with Mammon's work. He points out that the pool isn't quite clean yet and the supplies haven't been put away either. Mammon sighs and recalls that Simeon has always been "weirdly anal" about things.

Mammon and Solomon[edit]

After they finish work, Mammon wants to go for a swim. However, Solomon advises against this because the water is currently cursed so that the moment someone jumps in, they'll experience violent leg cramps.

Leviathan and Asmodeus[edit]

After they finish work, Leviathan is eager to return home before anyone shows up to swim. Asmodeus tries to talk him into going for a swim together since they got it so clean, even attempting to persuade him with fun pool items he had brought. Levi is not persuaded.

Satan and Belphegor[edit]

After falling on his face by the pool, Satan is in a bad mood. Despite Belphegor asking him to calm down, Satan continues ranting to himself that he must have been cursed and swears vengeance. Belphegor sighs, saying that while the work itself isn't so bad, dealing with Satan is.

Asmodeus and Belphegor[edit]

After work, Asmodeus asks Belphegor if he is free and if he can take pictures of him while he poses seductively by the pool. Belphegor claims he is not free and has plans for a nap, but Asmodeus insists before running off to get changed. While he is off changing Belphegor slips away.
The Clock Tower Job.png

The Clock Tower[edit]

"Where to Have the Time of Your Life!”

The Hallway x50, The Lab x30, The Pool x20
Job Length Pay
8 hours Grimm icon.png 10,400 Grimm per worker
Potential Items
Azuki-Tan Wallet,
Story Key
Specialty Intimacy Points
Satan Diavolo Simeon
Satan, Diavolo, Simeon
+200 per worker
Spy on them! Combinations
Mammon Satan
Mammon + Satan
Leviathan Satan
Leviathan + Satan
Leviathan Beelzebub
Leviathan + Beelzebub
Belphegor Simeon
Belphegor + Simeon
Diavolo Solomon
Diavolo + Solomon
Barbatos Luke
Barbatos + Luke

Spy on them! Summaries[edit]

Mammon and Satan[edit]

While working, Mammon and Satan get into an argument over the "weird" way Satan cleans and how Mammon tried to help.

Leviathan and Satan[edit]

While working, Satan spots Lucifer standing by the school gate. When Leviathan asks what Satan's looking at, Satan says that he has a curse to try out and wonders if he can hit Lucifer from a distance. Leviathan decides to leave to avoid also getting in trouble when Satan gets caught.

Leviathan and Beelzebub[edit]

After work, Leviathan tries to run off to buy the newest issue of "Demon Land Eternal." Beelzebub, thinking Leviathan said something about food, grabs him before he can leave, much to Leviathan's annoyance.

Diavolo and Solomon[edit]

When finishing work, Solomon asks Diavolo if Barbatos often checks in on him "like he did today." Diavolo says yes, Barbatos wants to make sure that Diavolo doesn't make any mistakes to harm his reputation. Solomon says that it sounds more like a helicopter parent, but it's okay if it makes Barbatos happy.

Belphegor and Simeon[edit]

After work, Belphegor complains that he thought he would be able to nap on the job while working with Simeon, but he ended up making him work harder than usual. As an apology, Simeon offers to make him whatever food he wanted when they got home. Belphegor agrees only if he makes enough for Beelzebub too.

Barbatos and Luke[edit]

During their shift, Luke noticed that Barbatos wrote something down on a piece of paper. Barbatos shows him that he's written down a dessert recipe. Barbatos is planning to serve the dessert at an upcoming dinner party and asks Luke to be his taster. Luke excitedly agrees.
The Assembly Hall Job.png

The Assembly Hall[edit]

"Exchange Students...Assemble!"

VIP subscription
Job Length Pay
24 hours Grimm icon.png 35,000 Grimm per worker
Potential Items
SSR Joker(s),
Flower Staff (Blossom),
Specialty Intimacy Points
All Characters +600 per worker
Spy on them! Combinations
Lucifer Leviathan
Lucifer + Leviathan
Mammon Belphegor
Mammon + Belphegor
Asmodeus Solomon
Asmodeus + Solomon
Beelzebub Barbatos
Beelzebub + Barbatos
Luke Simeon
Luke + Simeon
Simeon Solomon
Simeon + Solomon

Spy on them! Summaries[edit]

Lucifer and Leviathan[edit]

Leviathan complains about feeling miserable having to work with Lucifer because he's terrified of being scolded. Lucifer is offended, stating it's Leviathan's fault for acting suspiciously all the time. He accuses Leviathan of already plotting something bad, which Lucifer would have to punish him for. Leviathan denies the accusation in a panic.

Mammon and Belphegor[edit]

please add

Asmodeus and Solomon[edit]

Solomon asks Asmodeus if he would like to go shopping together after they finish working. After Asmodeus agrees, Solomon explains that he would like to make a particular magic item, and Asmodeus realizes that he was only invited to help Solomon lug around the necessary ingredients and materials.

Beelzebub and Barbatos[edit]

Barbatos has been extensively cleaning the tables, asking Beelzebub why he drooled on them so much. Beelzebub says that Barbatos just smells so good, he couldn't help it, to which Barbatos explains he had been helping in the cafeteria kitchen, and offers to share some of the food after they are finished in the assembly hall.

Luke and Simeon[edit]

Simeon asks why Luke looks confused, and Luke responds that he can't get one chair to clean no matter how hard he tries. Simeon says that's because the chair has permanent scorch marks from a prank Satan attempted to play on Lucifer. Luke is surprised, and wonders how Simeon knows about the prank.

Simeon and Solomon[edit]

please add

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