You may be looking for the "Nightbringer" version of this page, see Lesson Intimacy Bonuses (Nightbringer).
If you are looking for lesson summaries, see Lesson Summaries (Obey Me!), and for a list of item drops per stage, see Lesson Item Drops (Obey Me!).
This page lists the answers to Lesson choices that increase your Intimacy level with the main characters in Obey Me!. When reading story stages, there are times where the player is given dialogue or action choices that can raise their intimacy level with individual characters. Each correct choice will only give players a +5 intimacy points (whereas you can get up to +120 points from Surprise Guest interactions).
Each intimacy bonus choice will only raise a character's intimacy one time (repeating the level won't get you a repeat +5). However, players can always repeat the level and gain points by picking a different choice.
While selecting different choices may allow a player to initiate differing situation responses or character dialogue, none of the choices players make affect the main storyline.
Lessons 1-20[edit]
Lesson 1[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
1-10 |
"Defend Mammon." |
+ Mammon |
1-13 |
"Right! Screw all the normies! Who needs 'em?" |
+ Leviathan |
Lesson 2[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
2-4 |
"I'd like to know more about Mammon." |
+ Lucifer |
2-6 |
"I was hungry." |
+ Beelzebub |
2-12 |
"Would you please call me by my name." |
+ Mammon |
2-15 |
"No." |
+ Lucifer |
Lesson 3[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
3-14 |
"Why are you offering up free advice like that?" |
+ Satan |
3-20 |
"Himself." |
+ Asmodeus |
Lesson 4[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
4-1 |
"Mammon, help!" |
+ Mammon |
4-6 |
"Let's be friends." |
+ Leviathan |
4-17 |
"You're the one at fault here, Mammon." |
+ Beelzebub |
Lesson 4 Hard[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
4-15 |
"I'm in! Let's do this!" |
+ Leviathan |
Lesson 5[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
5-2 |
"Exactly!" |
+ Beelzebub |
5-10 |
"I'm doing this for Beelzebub." |
+ Belphegor |
5-14 |
"Are you worried about me, Mammon?" |
+ Mammon |
5-17 |
"Woof!" |
+ Lucifer |
Lesson 6[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
6-6 |
"Were you hurt, Beelzebub?" |
+ Beelzebub |
6-12 |
"Choose Mammon." |
+ Mammon |
"Choose Leviathan." |
+ Leviathan |
"Choose Beelzebub." |
+ Beelzebub |
6-15 |
"Because I'm an exchange student." |
+ Satan |
6-19 |
"Asmodeus." |
+ Asmodeus |
6-A |
"I know I can do it." |
+ Beelzebub |
Lesson 6 Hard[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
6-17 |
"Enough! Mammon, stop it!" |
+ Beelzebub |
Lesson 7[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
7-14 |
"What happened to Asmodeus?" |
+ Asmodeus |
7-17 |
"Violence isn't the answer." |
+ Leviathan |
Lesson 8[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
8-6 |
"I'd like to see the art and decorations in each room." |
+ Lucifer |
8-10 |
"Take Mammon's hand." |
+ Mammon |
8-16 |
"Of course I'm happy, yeah." |
+ Asmodeus |
Lesson 9[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
9-4 |
"Try to calm Satan down." |
+ Satan |
9-7 |
"Yes." |
+ Satan |
9-14 |
"You should talk things over with Satan." |
+ Lucifer |
9-20 |
"Fine." |
+ Mammon |
Lesson 10[edit]
Lesson 11[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
11-4 |
"Something's fishy. You're being too nice." |
+ Lucifer |
11-17 |
"We're doing it because we want to lift the curse." |
+ Lucifer |
11-20 |
"Noah." |
+ Satan |
Lesson 12[edit]
Lesson 13[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
13-4 |
"You're welcome, Beel." |
+ Beelzebub |
13-7 |
"I have a feeling it wouldn't have been good." |
+ Belphegor |
13-12 |
"I don't mind at all." |
+ Beelzebub |
Lesson 14[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
14-10 |
"Okay, here goes nothing!" |
+ Mammon |
14-15 |
"Hug him as tightly as you can." |
+ Lucifer |
14-17 |
"I know how you feel, Beel. And I get it." |
+ Beelzebub |
Lesson 15[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
15-2 |
"Yeah, I agree." |
+ Mammon |
15-7 |
"Do you regret what you did?" |
+ Belphegor |
15-14 |
"How can you be so dense?!" |
+ Mammon |
15-20 |
"Nope, it had nothing to do with Satan." |
+ Satan |
Lesson 16[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
16-4 |
"Go look for Belphie." |
+ Leviathan |
16-6 |
"Bingo!" |
+ Belphegor |
16-17 |
"Sorry you had to find out the truth this way." |
+ Belphegor |
Lesson 17[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
17-2 |
"I'll go over with Belphie." -> "Nope, I'll wait for you." |
+ Belphegor |
17-10 |
"Table eight." -> "Shadow goose meat and egg lasagna." |
+ Mammon |
17-14 |
"Offer words of encouragement to Belphie." |
+ Belphegor |
"Defend Levi." |
+ Leviathan |
17-17 |
"Cheer him on, Satan." |
+ Belphegor |
"Cheer for ME, Satan." -> "Thanks, Satan, I will!" |
+ Satan |
"Maybe. How badly do want to know, huh?" -> "Yes! I'll tell you!" |
+ Belphegor |
17-20 |
"I'm sorry." |
+ Satan |
Lesson 18[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
18-4 |
"I like a mature, subdued sort of look." |
+ Belphegor |
"I like something cute and girly." |
+ Asmodeus |
18-6 |
"Right! I won’t let you down partner!" |
+ Mammon |
18-10 |
"What you’re doing is rude to Belphie." |
+ Beelzebub |
18-12 |
"I'm glad, too." |
+ Lucifer |
18-19 |
"Take his hand." |
+ Belphegor |
18-C |
"Aren't you gonna ask me, Belphie?" |
+ Belphegor |
Lesson 18 Hard[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
18-17 |
"Caracalla." "63 BC." "Four years." |
+ Belphegor |
Lesson 19[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
19-2 |
"Aaah." |
+ Asmodeus |
19-4 |
"Don't YOU want to spend time with me, Lucifer?" |
+ Lucifer |
"Let's go this way!" |
+ Mammon |
19-7 |
"We'll go to Levi's room." -> "Want to do some gaming?" |
+ Leviathan |
19-12 |
"Sounds great!" |
+ Asmodeus |
19-20 |
"Love." |
+ Satan |
Lesson 20[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
20-2 |
"What's wrong?" |
+ Beelzebub |
20-5 |
"Yeah, we were looking for Luke." |
+ Beelzebub |
"The attic room." |
+ Belphegor |
20-11 |
"Yeah, I do." |
+ Belphegor |
20-13 |
"Don't people say that you'll die if you listen to it?" |
+ Lucifer |
Lessons 21-40[edit]
Lesson 21[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
21-1 |
"Yay! I'm so glad you called!" |
+ Mammon |
"I wish I could see you, Mammon..." |
+ Mammon |
21-4 |
"Because...gravity?" |
+ Satan |
21-6 |
"Human world food!" |
+ Belphegor |
21-14 |
"Kiss me." |
+ Satan |
21-20 |
"There's some on my lips... Get it off for me." |
+ Beelzebub |
Lesson 22[edit]
Lesson 23[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
23-5 |
"I can't wait!" |
+ Lucifer |
23-10 |
"That sounds like fun!" |
+ Lucifer |
23-12 |
"I'll help, too." |
+ Beelzebub |
23-16 |
"Asmo's bathroom." |
+ Asmodeus |
23-19 |
"How about I go ahead and kiss you now?" |
+ Belphegor |
Lesson 24[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
24-3 |
"You can't eat that, Beel!" |
+ Leviathan |
Lesson 25[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
25-7 |
"Guess it's a date now!" |
+ Mammon |
25-19 |
"Kiss him." |
+ Mammon |
Lesson 26[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
26-7 |
"Kiss him." |
+ Lucifer |
Lesson 27[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
27-15 |
"Definitely! Let's go together!" |
+ Belphegor |
27-16 |
"Of course!" |
+ Satan |
27-19 |
"All right, let's go together!" |
+ Asmodeus |
Lesson 28[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
28-1 |
"I'd love to!" |
+ Beelzebub |
28-5 |
"Sure, let's go together!" |
+ Leviathan |
28-11 |
"Would you come to the dance with me?" |
+ Mammon |
28-15 |
"Of course!" |
+ Lucifer |
Lesson 29[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
29-7 |
"Meow?" |
+ Satan |
29-8 |
"Of course." |
+ Leviathan |
29-12 |
"Satan, you're just so amazing." |
+ Satan |
29-13 |
"Actually, I'd like you to pick up where you left off." |
+ Mammon |
29-19 |
"I'll stay by Beel's side." |
+ Beelzebub |
Lesson 30[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
30-5 |
"All right, time for a break with Asmo!" |
+ Asmodeus |
30-9 |
"Kiss him." |
+ Belphegor |
30-13 |
"Mammon." -> "Let him kiss me." |
+ Mammon |
"Levi." -> "Thread my fingers between his." |
+ Leviathan |
"Satan." -> "Just roll with it." |
+ Satan |
Lesson 30 Hard[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
30-16 |
"I'll spend the night in your bed." |
+ Lucifer |
Lesson 31[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
31 |
none |
n/a |
Lesson 32[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
32-11 |
"Kiss him." |
+ Asmodeus |
Lesson 33[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
33-6 |
"Stroke his head." |
+ Leviathan |
33-14 |
"I love you, Mammon!" |
+ Mammon |
33-18 |
"Whoa, now THAT is cool!" |
+ Lucifer |
Lesson 34[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
34-3 |
"Yep, TOTALLY cute!" |
+ Asmodeus |
34-8 |
"Try listening to the song." -> "Relax and trust Beel to take care of me." |
+ Beelzebub |
34-14 |
"Yeah, I'd like that." |
+ Belphegor |
34-16 |
"Aww, that's cute!" |
+ Leviathan |
Lesson 35[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
35-2 |
"It's not your fault, Beel." |
+ Beelzebub |
35-8 |
"I'm worried about Beel." |
+ Beelzebub |
"I'm interested in seeing the reaper's cave." |
+ Mammon |
"I'd be bored sitting around the house by myself." |
+ Asmodeus |
35-17 |
"You're still you, Levi. No matter what you look like." |
+ Leviathan |
35-19 |
"They're tons of fun, and I love them to death." |
+ Lucifer |
Lesson 36[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
36-12 |
"Hey. No teasing Mammon." |
+ Mammon |
36-18 |
"Wrap my arms around him." |
+ Beelzebub |
Lesson 37[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
37-1 |
"Maybe I should try casting a spell on him..." -> "May the vestiges of pain that linger within..." |
+ Satan |
37-9 |
"So, what should I do?" |
+ Lucifer |
37-12 |
"You? I have a name..." -> "Yep, that's me." |
+ Asmodeus |
"He's innocent and genuine." |
+ Mammon |
"He's shy and very unique." |
+ Leviathan |
"He's a very learned member of the demon elite." |
+ Satan |
"He's alluring and the personification of beauty." |
+ Asmodeus |
"He's kind, strong, and has a healthy appetite." |
+ Beelzebub |
"He's clever and you can always count on him." |
+ Belphegor |
37-14 |
"No one is dearer to me, or more important." |
Lucifer |
"You're kind, strong, and have a healthy appetite." |
+ Beelzebub |
Lesson 38[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
38-2 |
"So you're worried about Lucifer?" |
+ Satan |
38-7 |
"Take his hand." |
+ Lucifer |
38-9 |
"I love you, Lucifer. With all my heart." |
+ Lucifer |
Lesson 39[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
39-1 |
"What about you, Diavolo? Are you feeling all right?" |
+ Lucifer |
39-15 |
"So, now I'll be able to see you anytime?" |
+ Satan |
39-18 |
"Let's take some pictures together!" |
+ Asmodeus |
"Now we won't miss each other so much, right?" -> "Stroke his head." |
+ Asmodeus |
39-20 |
"I never want us to be apart. Ever." |
+ Belphegor |
"I wish for Belphie and me to be together." |
+ Belphegor |
Lesson 40[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
40-1 |
"Are you sure you only want a hug?" |
+ Leviathan |
40-3 |
"Okay, sounds great!" |
+ Beelzebub |
"Thank you. I'll treasure them always." |
+ Beelzebub |
40-5 |
"Aren't you going to kiss me?" |
+ Mammon |
40-8 |
"Kiss me." |
+ Lucifer |
"I want to stay here." / "I want you to come with me." (both give points) |
+ Lucifer |
40-22 |
"I want all of us to stay together." |
+ Lucifer |
Lessons 41-60[edit]
Lesson 41[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
41-1 |
"How've you been Solomon?" |
+ Solomon |
"Nope, I'm not nervous at all!" |
+ Solomon |
41-4 |
"Tell him where the card is." |
+ Mammon |
41-7 |
"Kiss him on the lips." |
+ Asmodeus |
"What about Simeon and Luke?" |
+ Simeon + Luke |
"Is Diavolo well?" |
+ Diavolo |
"How's Barbatos doing?" |
+ Barbatos |
41-9 |
"Kiss me." |
+ Satan |
41-11 |
"I love you, Levi." |
+ Leviathan |
41-14 |
"All right..." |
+ Belphegor |
41-17 |
"I want to kiss you." |
+ Beelzebub |
41-19 |
"I'd like it if we could be alone, yeah." -> "I feel the exact same way Lucifer." |
+ Lucifer |
Lesson 42[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
42-5 |
"Hold his hand." |
+ Beelzebub |
"You bet we do!" |
+ Beelzebub |
42-7 |
"I wonder if Lucifer is alright?" |
+ Lucifer |
42-10 |
"I want you Satan." |
+ Satan |
42-15 |
"I can't wait to see Diavolo." |
+ Diavolo |
"I'm really happy to see you again, Barbatos." |
+ Barbatos |
42-18 |
"I'd really like you to visit as soon as you can." |
+ Diavolo |
"Your work is important, don't forget that." |
+ Barbatos |
Lesson 43[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
43-5 |
"We should make it a date!" |
+ Mammon |
"This is the one I'm ACTUALLY serious about..." |
+ Mammon |
43-10 |
"I missed you so much Luke!" |
+ Luke |
43-12 |
"I'll help you!" |
+ Simeon |
43-18 |
"Are you two feeling all right now?" |
+ Satan + Beelzebub |
43-19 |
"Ask Mammon." |
+ Mammon |
"Ask Satan." |
+ Satan |
"Ask Beel." |
+ Beelzebub |
Lesson 43 Hard[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
43-16 |
"It's excellent!" |
+ Simeon |
"You really like Simeon, don't you?" |
+ Luke |
Lesson 44[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
44-1 |
"Where's Asmo?!" |
+ Asmodeus |
"May the vestiges of..." |
+ Satan |
44-3 |
"Asmo... That's you, isn't it?" |
+ Asmodeus |
"I like the fact that you eat a lot!" |
+ Beelzebub |
44-5 |
"Beel, you take me." |
+ Beelzebub |
"I want to go with Asmo." |
+ Asmodeus |
"Belphie, will you take me?" |
+ Belphegor |
44-7 |
"That does sound pretty innocent, yeah." |
+ Mammon |
"I'm rooting for you, Mammon!" |
+ Mammon |
44-10 |
"Do you know Simeon?" |
+ Simeon |
"Can you take me to Luke?" |
+ Luke |
44-12 |
"That's not true!" |
+ Leviathan |
44-15 |
"I know you." |
+ Lucifer |
44-A |
"I'm worried..." |
+ Leviathan |
"Have Beel kick down the door." |
+ Beelzebub |
"Have Mammon kick down the door." |
+ Mammon |
Lesson 45[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
45-1 |
"Wait, we're meeting Solomon?" |
+ Solomon |
45-7 |
"Watch and wait to see what happens." |
+ Solomon |
"Stop!" |
+ Lucifer |
"Solomon, change him back!" |
+ Lucifer |
"Don't worry, Lucifer! I'll keep you safe!" |
+ Lucifer |
"As long as I've got Beel to help me, I think so." |
+ Beelzebub |
"I won't let you down, Solomon." |
+ Solomon |
45-11 |
"I swear it. I'll keep him safe." |
+ Beelzebub |
"Yep, they all love you, Lucifer." |
+ Lucifer |
"Beel, help!" |
+ Beelzebub |
"Solomon, help!" |
+ Solomon |
"We need to stay calm..." |
+ Lucifer |
45-14 |
"Wait...are you who I think you are?!" |
+ Leviathan |
"O generous Lord of Shadow, we beg you for aid!" |
+ Leviathan |
45-18 |
"I'll cut it into pieces for you." |
+ Lucifer |
"I think he just can't admit that he likes Lucifer." |
+ Satan |
"You really do love Lucifer a lot, don't you?" |
+ Lucifer + Beelzebub |
Lesson 45 Hard[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
45-16 |
"Hang out with Beel." |
+ Beelzebub |
"Hang out with Solomon." |
+ Solomon |
Lesson 46[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
46-1 |
"It looks great on you!" |
+ Beelzebub |
46-5 |
"Why don't you go easy on him?" |
+ Mammon |
"Yeah, I was hoping we could talk." |
+ Beelzebub |
46-7 |
"Put on the cat ears" |
+ Satan |
46-10 |
"We don't want to fight you, Belphie." |
+ Beelzebub |
"Beel!" |
+ Beelzebub |
"Solomon!" |
+ Solomon |
46-12 |
"Gaze into Solomon's eyes." -> "Kiss him." |
+ Solomon |
46-17 |
"Call out Beel's name." |
+ Beelzebub |
46-17 |
"From now on, this star belongs to you, Beel." -> "Kiss him." |
+ Beelzebub |
Lesson 47[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
47-1 |
"All right. I'll make sure to stay by your side." |
+ Leviathan |
"Belphie's right." |
+ Belphegor |
"Simeon has a point." |
+ Simeon |
47-7 |
"I believe in you, Levi." |
+ Leviathan |
47-9 |
"You look amazing!" |
+ Diavolo |
"Wow, good job Barbatos!" |
+ Barbatos |
47-11 |
"Yeah, it really is strange." |
+ Belphegor |
"The Three-Legged Crow Group...?" |
+ Satan |
"If it's a friend you want, you got one right here." -> "Hold his hand." |
+ Leviathan |
47-17 |
"Is it because Diavolo is heir to the throne?" |
+ Lucifer |
Lesson 48[edit]
Lesson 49[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
49-1 |
"You look so good it's hard not to stare..." |
+ Barbatos |
49-5 |
"Help Mammon search for info." -> "Ooh, I'd love to hear about your time as an angel!" |
+ Mammon |
"Help Luke search for info." -> "How's Michael been doing lately? Good?" |
+ Luke |
49-15 |
"Okay, then play me instead, Lucifer!" |
+ Mammon |
49-19 |
"Even." (in 49-15) -> "Crowe, tell me if Mammon and I are compatible!" |
+ Mammon |
Lesson 50[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
50-3 |
"It's almost like we're on our honeymoon." |
+ Mammon |
50-5 |
"Being excited about the trip is a good thing!" |
+ Luke |
50-7 |
"Well, it was an understandable reaction." |
+ Luke |
50-15 |
"Yes please! I'd love that!" |
+ Luke |
50-18 |
"Mammon?" |
+ Mammon |
"Luke?" |
+ Luke |
Lesson 51[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
51-1 |
"I'd better go look for them." -> "Head to the living room." -> "Mammon!" |
+ Mammon |
"I'd better go look for them." -> "Head to the living room." -> "Luke!" |
+ Luke |
"The eldest son." |
+ Mammon |
"The servant." |
+ Beelzebub |
"Someone else." |
+ Belphegor |
"Satan." |
+ Satan |
"Simeon." |
+ Simeon |
51-9 |
"Beel?!" |
+ Beelzebub |
51-11 |
"Oh. I thought you just wanted to prank him..." |
+ Simeon |
51-20 |
"You really should learn to respect Sully's feelings." |
+ Simeon |
"Hug him." |
+ Satan |
Lesson 52[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
52-5 |
"Help Satan." |
+ Satan |
"Don't do anything just yet." |
+ Lucifer |
"I'd like you to let Sully go." |
+ Satan |
52-10 |
"Where's Lucifer?" |
+ Lucifer |
"Where's Simeon?" |
+ Simeon |
"So, what are you going to do to thank me, hm?" -> "Kiss me." |
+ Satan |
"I think I'll go look for Lucifer." |
+ Lucifer |
"I think I'll go look for Simeon." |
+ Simeon |
52-12 |
"...the voice of an angel." |
+ Luke + Simeon |
"...the voice of a demon." |
+ Mammon + Satan |
52-15 |
"You're not going to tell him, are you Simeon?" |
+ Satan |
52-17 |
"Hug him." -> "Go ahead..." |
+ Simeon |
52-19 |
"The serpent bearer." |
+ Satan |
"Yep. The Pleiades, within the Taurus constellation." |
+ Luke |
Lesson 52 Hard[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
52-16 |
"Stay right here." |
+ Satan |
Lesson 53[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
53-7 |
"Absolutely not." |
+ Barbatos |
53-11 |
"I promised I wouldn't use them, and that's that." |
+ Barbatos |
"The past!" |
+ Barbatos |
"The future!" |
+ Asmodeus |
53-14 |
"Lucifer?!" |
+ Lucifer |
"Signal to Barbatos with my eyes." |
+ Barbatos |
53-16 |
"While he's sleeping? No, that's just mean." |
+ Belphegor |
53-18 |
"Let's get romantic!" |
+ Beelzebub |
Lesson 54[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
54-1 |
"I can't let you look at the grimoire." |
+ Barbatos |
"I'd rather see yours!" |
+ Asmodeus |
54-3 |
"His platypus, which could lay golden eggs." |
+ Leviathan |
54-5 |
"So, tell me more about Solomon." |
+ Solomon |
54-7 |
"Your devotion to Diavolo." |
+ Barbatos |
54-10 |
"Mammon, any suggestions?" |
+ Mammon |
"Satan, know any good strategies?" |
+ Satan |
54-12 |
"Sit him down on MY lap." |
+ Lucifer |
54-18 |
"I'm going to stay focused and work hard!" |
+ Solomon |
54-C |
"Barbatos! That was harsh...!" |
+ Asmodeus |
"I kind of like him..." |
+ Barbatos |
Lesson 55[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
55-1 |
"I'll go if I can bring Belphie along." |
+ Belphegor |
55-5 |
"Want to come with us, Simeon?" |
+ Simeon |
"Maybe we should see if Luke wants to join us?" |
+ Luke |
55-10 |
"Go ahead and let go of his hand, Diavolo." |
+ Belphegor |
"Why don't you listen to what Diavolo has to say?" |
+ Diavolo |
55-12 |
"I love them, actually!" |
+ Belphegor |
"How about you, Diavolo? Are you okay with it?" |
+ Diavolo |
55-18 |
"I guess a little time to ourselves wouldn't hurt..." |
+ Belphegor |
"I'm worried about Diavolo." |
+ Diavolo |
Lesson 56[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
56-3 |
"But we can't just leave him to his fate, right?" |
+ Belphegor |
"But we can't just leave him to his fate!" |
+ Diavolo |
"'O winds of protection'..." |
+ Belphegor |
56-5 |
"Diavolo, want me to cover your eyes?" |
+ Diavolo |
"Belphie, feel free to hold on tighter if you want..." |
+ Belphegor |
56-10 |
"Mammon was in the wrong." |
+ Beelzebub + Belphegor |
"The twins were in the wrong." |
+ Mammon |
56-15 |
"Take Diavolo's hand." |
+ Diavolo |
"I'd be happy to." |
+ Diavolo |
"But what about Barbatos...?" |
+ Barbatos |
56-18 |
"Put my arm around his." |
+ Diavolo |
"I love you, too." |
+ Diavolo |
Lesson 57[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
57-1 |
"Grab Satan and drag him into the bed." |
+ Satan |
"Tickle Belphie." |
+ Belphegor |
57-4 |
"So you're happy about that, too?" |
+ Lucifer |
57-9 |
"Want me to go back with you?" / "Let's head by the market." (both give points) |
+ Beelzebub |
57-17 |
"I say we all work together!" |
+ Mammon + Leviathan |
"Mammon, Levi, it's your fault this happened." |
+ Satan + Asmodeus |
57-19 |
"Now THAT sounds exciting!" |
+ Simeon + Solomon |
"I could really use your help, Simeon!" |
+ Simeon |
Lesson 58[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
58-2 |
"You know I can!" |
+ Lucifer + Simeon + Solomon |
"Oh no, no no NO NO!" |
+ Leviathan |
"We should all admit what it is we're afraid of." |
+ Solomon |
"Then I'll go after it alone!" |
+ Mammon |
58-7 |
"I'll keep you safe, Asmo." |
+ Asmodeus |
58-10 |
"Hug him." |
+ Belphegor |
58-12 |
"..." |
+ Belphegor |
"I'm right here with you, Beel." |
+ Beelzebub |
58-15 |
"You're Lucifer's younger brother Satan." |
+ Satan |
58-18 |
"I couldn't have done it without all of you." |
+ Lucifer |
"I couldn't have done it without Satan." |
+ Satan |
"Hmm, I wonder if Lucifer's okay?" |
+ Lucifer |
"Simeon, is something wrong?" |
+ Simeon |
58-19 |
"If you're not feeling up to talking, it's okay." |
+ Simeon |
"Embrace him." |
+ Simeon |
"Thank you, everyone!" |
+ Solomon |
"I'm so happy right now!" |
+ Simeon |
58-C |
"That's what I'm hoping!" |
+ Solomon |
"I want to bend demons to my will like Solomon!" |
+ Solomon |
"I want to be a mediator between the three worlds." |
+ Lucifer + Diavolo |
"I just want to have fun casting all sorts of magic!" |
+ Simeon |
Lesson 59[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
59-4 |
"Hmm, I don't know about that..." |
+ Leviathan + Belphegor |
59-7 |
"Heading out somewhere?" |
+ Diavolo |
"Where's Barbatos?" |
+ Barbatos |
"I want to be able to see you, too." |
+ Diavolo |
59-9 |
"Simeon, Luke, will I still be able to see you two?" |
+ Luke + Simeon |
59-11 |
"You're special to me. I couldn't imagine having feelings for anyone else." |
+ Solomon |
"Is it okay if I kiss you?" |
+ Solomon |
59-14 |
"Because our relationship is special." |
+ Leviathan |
59-17 |
"I'll open my mouth, and you feed it to me!" |
+ Beelzebub |
59-19 |
"I'll open my mouth, and you feed it to me!" |
+ Belphegor |
Lesson 60[edit]
Lessons 61-80[edit]
Lesson 61[edit]
Lesson 62[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
62-14 |
"How about I warm you up?" |
+ Mammon |
62-19 |
"I did it all for you, Lucifer." |
+ Lucifer |
Lesson 62 Hard[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
62-16 |
"The 'With Me' script." |
+ Leviathan |
Lesson 63[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
63-1 |
"Yay! I'm so happy to have you along!" |
+ Mammon |
63-4 |
"...Want to hold hands?" |
+ Mammon |
63-11 |
"That would be great!" |
+ Belphegor |
63-17 |
"I'd love it if you'd help, yes!" |
+ Belphegor |
Lesson 64[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
64-2 |
"Well, you might say we're more than that." |
+ Solomon |
"Hug him." |
+ Luke |
64-7 |
"Diavolo, where's the card?" |
+ Diavolo |
"Barbatos, tell me where the card is." |
+ Barbatos |
64-9 |
"Let's check inside all the bushes." |
+ Beelzebub |
64-11 |
"We'd better do what the card says." |
+ Beelzebub |
"Luke." |
+ Luke |
64-19 |
"Smash open the mailbox!" |
+ Beelzebub |
Lesson 65[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
65-1 |
"Yep, I totally get it!" |
+ Leviathan |
"Right now I'd just like some peace and quiet." |
+ Satan |
"Everyone has their own taste preferences." |
+ Beelzebub |
Lesson 66[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
31 |
none |
n/a |
Lesson 67[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
67-1 |
"Down with Lucifer!" |
+ Belphegor |
"Eh, that's just the way it goes sometimes." |
+ Asmodeus |
"Yeah, and he said something about burgers, too..." |
+ Beelzebub |
67-9 |
"Of course!" |
+ Asmodeus |
67-11 |
"That was amazing...!" |
+ Beelzebub |
67-14 |
"A super-comfy pillow." |
+ Belphegor |
"A Ruri-chan figurine." |
+ Leviathan |
"We should make it sound like Lucifer is in trouble." |
+ Solomon |
"Portal, tea, steward." |
+ Barbatos |
"Cats, books, number four." |
+ Satan |
"Sorcerer, human, immortal." |
+ Solomon |
67-17 |
"Lucifer, why do you look like that?" |
+ Lucifer |
"Luke, ask him why he looks like that." |
+ Luke |
"Maybe it has something to do with his task?" |
+ Satan |
67-19 |
"I love you ♡" |
+ Leviathan |
Lesson 68[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
68-1 |
"Make sure to be careful and cautious!" |
+ Solomon |
68-4 |
"Wait, no!" |
+ Lucifer + Diavolo |
"Let's go find them and bring them back." |
+ Lucifer |
68-7 |
"Lucifer?" |
+ Lucifer |
"Simeon?" |
+ Simeon |
68-14 |
"Well, it's Luke. So it's okay." |
+ Luke + Simeon + Solomon |
68-19 |
"Quit fooling around! This is serious!" |
+ Lucifer |
"NO, it's not 'all right'!" |
+ Diavolo |
Lesson 69[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
69-2 |
"Yep, I understand." |
+ Diavolo |
"Nope." |
+ Mammon |
69-4 |
"I'm going to go check on him." |
+ Belphegor |
"No, I'm here because I want to be." |
+ Belphegor |
"Hug him." |
+ Belphegor |
69-7 |
"You really are sweet, Mammon." |
+ Mammon |
"Could you get that for me?" |
+ Mammon |
69-11 |
"Yeah, that wasn't right." |
+ Luke |
69-14 |
"Simeon, you don't have to answer if it's too hard." |
+ Simeon |
69-17 |
"Beel, what's wrong?" |
+ Beelzebub |
"Hugs are great, but I'd rather kiss." |
+ Beelzebub |
69-19 |
"We'd better go get Satan." |
+ Satan |
Lesson 70[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
70-4 |
"Levi!" |
+ Leviathan |
"Asmo!" |
+ Asmodeus |
70-7 |
"Okay, let's do that." |
+ Leviathan |
"No, that's a bad idea." |
+ Asmodeus |
"Levi!" (in 70-4) -> "Sleep? Now that we're finally alone together?" |
+ Leviathan |
"Asmo!" (in 70-4) -> "I won't be letting you get any sleep tonight." |
+ Asmodeus |
70-17 |
"I want you to talk to Lucifer." |
+ Lucifer + Satan |
"I'd prefer a room to myself." (in 70-4) -> "Spend the night with Lucifer." |
+ Lucifer |
"I'd prefer a room to myself." (in 70-4) -> "Spend the night with Satan." |
+ Satan |
Lesson 71[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
71-1 |
"Oh yeah. You have no idea..." |
+ Satan |
71-9 |
"...I guess I enjoyed it a little too much?" |
+ Barbatos |
71-11 |
"Sounds great. I'm on it!" |
+ Diavolo + Barbatos |
71-14 |
"If he's able to enjoy bad food, that's a good thing." |
+ Simeon |
71-17 |
"It really shows what Diavolo is capable of." |
+ Diavolo + Simeon |
"You mean like it is between the two of us?" |
+ Simeon |
Lesson 72[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
72-2 |
"I'd love to give it a try!" |
+ Barbatos |
72-4 |
"A friend of yours?" |
+ Luke |
"I'm happy things turned out so well for you, Luke." |
+ Luke |
"Aww, I'm getting a little choked up..." |
+ Simeon |
72-7 |
"Shield Solomon." |
+ Solomon |
"Solomon, ask Thirteen to do this for me." |
+ Solomon |
72-9 |
"I'd love to!" |
+ Solomon |
"If I ask you to do something for me, will you do it?" -> "Kiss me." |
+ Solomon |
72-14 |
"Yep!" |
+ Diavolo |
72-19 |
"Yes, I sense some sort of magic. But it's faint..." |
+ Satan |
Lesson 73[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
73-7 |
"I love this side of you, Belphie." |
+ Belphegor |
73-9 |
"I'm worried about Belphie." |
+ Lucifer |
"I knew it. You really are worried about him, huh?" |
+ Lucifer |
73-12 |
"I want to give Belphie a chance to take a break." |
+ Asmodeus |
"It won't be fun if you're not there, Belphie." |
+ Belphegor |
73-19 |
"We'll use some sort of delicious food." |
+ Beelzebub |
"No! We aren't leaving them like this!" |
+ Beelzebub + Belphegor |
Lesson 74[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
74-4 |
"Belphie would make a better opponent." |
+ Belphegor |
"Lucifer would be a better choice." |
+ Lucifer |
74-7 |
"We'll bring them all back. Count on it." |
+ Lucifer |
"You've got me along with you." |
+ Beelzebub + Belphegor |
74-9 |
"I'd really like some giant Devildom slug right now." |
+ Beelzebub |
74-14 |
"That isn't why we're here." |
+ Belphegor |
"Beel's waiting out in the real world. He'd be sad." |
+ Beelzebub |
74-17 |
"Absolutely not! We can't do that!" |
+ Lucifer + Belphegor |
Lesson 75[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
75-1 |
"You don't need to tell us if it's too difficult." |
+ Lucifer + Luke |
75-4 |
"They're your friends, Luke. And they care." |
+ Mammon + Beelzebub |
"But it's also true that they're worried about you." |
+ Satan + Asmodeus |
75-7 |
"Maybe...?" |
+ Mammon |
75-9 |
"Well, I can't force you to tell us." |
+ Solomon |
"Something smells good..." |
+ Luke |
"All right, I'll help you with dinner." |
+ Luke |
75-12 |
"Okay, what's the deal with that party cracker?" |
+ Mammon |
75-19 |
"Come on, cheer up." |
+ Luke |
"Try doing something to take your mind off this!" |
+ Beelzebub |
Lesson 76[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
76-4 |
"I'd rather not do that." |
+ Luke |
76-7 |
"It's okay if we just eyeball the amounts, right?" |
+ Beelzebub |
"Come on! If we all work together, we can do this!" |
+ Leviathan |
76-9 |
"Beel, do you have an idea?" |
+ Beelzebub |
"Luke, do you know a way to do this?" |
+ Luke |
"Levi, find a way to get those tears!" |
+ Leviathan |
76-11 |
"Protect myself." |
+ Satan |
"Protect Simeon." |
+ Simeon |
76-17 |
"Sometimes he seems a bit sad and lonely." |
+ Luke |
"He seems to be having a good time, yeah." |
+ Simeon |
"I was hoping for a little snuggle time..." |
+ Simeon |
76-19 |
"Well, we're here to support you." |
+ Simeon |
Lesson 77[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
77-1 |
"Would you like to know what's going on with him?" |
+ Luke |
"Yeah. Though I can't get into any specifics..." |
+ Simeon |
77-7 |
"Sounds pretty fake to me." |
+ Satan |
"I want to believe something like that could be true." |
+ Luke + Simeon + Solomon |
77-9 |
"Come on, that's way too hard!" |
+ Diavolo |
"We don't have time to sit around discussing this." |
+ Satan |
77-12 |
"Maybe it depends on where you are at the time?" |
+ Lucifer + Belphegor |
77-15 |
"Are you worried about my safety?" |
+ Satan |
"I'll do my absolute best." |
+ Lucifer |
"Well, I plan to spend the night with you. So yeah." |
+ Satan |
77-19 |
"I believe you, Mammon." |
+ Mammon |
"The RAD bulletin board." |
+ Lucifer + Satan + Belphegor |
Lesson 78[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
78-4 |
"Okay, you don't need to lay it on so thick." |
+ Belphegor |
"We Still don't know if I've made the right calls yet." |
+ Satan |
78-11 |
"Managed to calm down some?" |
+ Asmodeus |
"Yep, I heard it. That was definitely Levi." |
+ Leviathan |
78-14 |
"No, I don't think it does." |
+ Belphegor |
"We don't have time to sit around discussing this." |
+ Satan |
78-19 |
"There has to be something that will work!" |
+ Mammon + Leviathan + Asmodeus |
Lesson 79[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
79-3 |
"Great work, Simeon." |
+ Simeon |
79-6 |
"Everyone really heaped on the praise earlier, huh?" |
+ Simeon |
79-19 |
"Throw my arms around Barbatos." |
+ Barbatos |
"We have to protect Diavolo!" |
+ Barbatos |
Lesson 80[edit]
Chosen Option |
Intimacy |
80-2 |
"Use magic to shield myself." |
+ Diavolo |
"Jump out of the way at the last second." |
+ Barbatos |
"We should open the treasure chest!" |
+ Lucifer |
80-8 |
"Simeon is still Simeon." |
+ Lucifer + Simeon |
"Don't cry, Luke..." |
+ Luke |
80-10 |
"Kiss him." |
+ Simeon |
"I'm not done partying yet." -> "I love you so much it's crazy, Mammon!" |
+ Mammon |
"I'd like a late-night snack." -> "How about you feed some to me, Beel?" |
+ Beelzebub |
"I'm ready to go to bed." -> "Tell you what...I'll sleep next to you." |
+ Belphegor |
80-12 |
"How about a good morning kiss?" |
+ Barbatos |
80-14 |
"I got excited when you invited me to your room..." -> "Move in very close." |
+ Diavolo |
80-17 |
"I'm just as sad about it as you are." |
+ Satan |
"I want you all to be smiling when you see me off." |
+ Lucifer |
"Don't worry, I'll come back and visit." |
+ Beelzebub + Belphegor |
80-22 |
"Kiss me." |
+ Lucifer |
"Hey there!" |
+ Satan |
"Look who's back!" |
+ Leviathan + Beelzebub |
"Did someone call for me?!" |
+ Mammon + Belphegor |
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