Beelzebub's Surprise Guest

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Beelzebub SG Icon.png

This Surprise Guest guide lists recommended sequences of actions that earn hearts from Beelzebub without the use of Items in both Obey Me! and Nightbringer.

However, in some cases the only way to earn the most possible intimacy points is by using items. Favorite items are listed beneath the recommended sequences, but for a complete list of heart-earning sequences with or without item use, see Beelzebub's All Heart Sequences page.

For general information on Surprise Guest interactions, see the Surprise Guest category page.


3 Stars / B↑ Rank Standard Dialogue

OM: "Ah, now I can rest and eat some food!"

NB: "Thanks to you, I was able to get through it despite being hungry."
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head TapHead TapChest Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Face RubFace RubChest Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Favorite Items
Human World Cheeseburger Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
Movie Ticket Reward.png
Pocket Tissue Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕 (OM only)
More info on Beelzebub's All Heart Sequences page.

3 Stars / B↑ Rank High Five Dialogue

OM: "I will give this victory to you."

NB: "Not bad, huh? It's time for a victory hamburger! ...Er, I mean a victory high-five!"
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
High FiveArm TapArm Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
High FiveFace RubArm Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Favorite Items
Human World Cheeseburger Reward.png
Whip of Love Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
More info on Beelzebub's All Heart Sequences page.

1-2 Stars / C Rank Dialogue

OM: "My stomach... ...It's SO empty..."

NB: "I could have moved a bit more if I wasn't so hungry."
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Face RubFace RubArm Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Chest RubArm TapArm Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Favorite Items
Human World Cheeseburger Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
More info on Beelzebub's All Heart Sequences page.

Home Screen

Home Screen Dialogue 1

OM: "Are you eating well?"

NB: "Hey, do you have any snacks?"
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head TapHead RubHead Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Chest RubFace RubFace Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Favorite Items
Human World Cheeseburger Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
Movie Ticket Reward.png
Pocket Tissue Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕 (OM only)
More info on Beelzebub's All Heart Sequences page.

Home Screen Dialogue 2

OM: "You can't sleep? No problem, I'll make you dinner."

NB: "I'm so hungry I can't sleep."
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head RubHead RubHead Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Chest RubChest TapHead Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Favorite Items
Human World Cheeseburger Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
More info on Beelzebub's All Heart Sequences page.

Home Screen Dialogue 3

OM: "...Ah, that dumpling looks delicious... *slurp* Hm? Oh, it's you."

NB: "Do you have anything to eat? I'm hungry."
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Chest RubChest TapChest Tap
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Chest RubChest RubChest Tap
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Favorite Items
Human World Cheeseburger Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
More info on Beelzebub's All Heart Sequences page.
Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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