"Shall We Date?" Original Soundtracks
The "Shall We Date?" Original Soundtracks were released as three sets of two-part albums on January 14th, 2024.
"Sounds From Another World" Vol. 1 and 2 includes BGM from Obey Me!, Obey Me! Nightbringer, Ninja Shadow, and Love Tangle.
"Magic Reasoning" Vol. 1 and 2 includes BGM from Wizardess Heart and Guard Me, Sherlock!.
"Bloody Tea Party" Vol. 1 and 2 includes BGM from Blood in Roses and Lost Alice.
Many of the BGM included in these soundtracks are available to unlock in Majolish. Some of the titles used in Majolish are different than the album's track titles. Differing Majolish titles are noted below the album titles when relevant.
Track Listing[edit]
Sounds From Another World Vol. 1[edit]
1. メインテーマ汎用版 (The Beginning) Majolish title: City Afternoon 2. 新しい街・新しい生活 (Overcome With Excitement) Majolish title: City Morning 3. 晴れた日の午後 (A Clear Afternoon) Majolish title: Wheat and Sky 4. すれ違い (Hearts Apart) Majolish title: Tranquil Monologue 5. 動き出した恋 (A Stirring Love) Majolish title: After the Rain 6, 大人ジャズ (Living It Up) Majolish title: Jazz Club 7, カウボーイのテーマ (Having Fun?) Majolish title: A Comedy Begins 8. 主人公のテーマ (MC Theme) 9. 復讐に燃えて (Filled With Revenge) 10. 揺れ動く気持ち (Wavering Feelings) 11. 恋の始まり (The Start of Love) Majolish title: A Romantic Evening 12. 仕置屋、出陣! (Moving Out!) 13. 夜明け (Daybreak) 14. 海辺の国の日常 (Life Near the Sea) 15. Obey Me! 16. ようこそ (Welcome) 17. Akuzon 18. :D JOBS 19 おまえの課題2 (Your Task 2)
Sounds From Another World Vol. 2[edit]
1. あふれる気持ち (Overflowing Feelings) 2. 夜のキス (Nighttime Kiss) 3. 胸騒ぎ (Feeling Uneasy) 4. 痴話げんか (The Argument) 5. 最高のエンディング (The Outcome) 6. ミニゲーム用BGM (Taking a Walk) 7. 悲哀 (Sorrow) 8. 嫌な予感 (A Bad Feeling) Majolish title: Guilty or Not? 9. 瀬戸際の一太刀 (A Desperate Strike) 10. 勝利の足音 (The Sound of Victory) Majolish title: To Greater Heights 11. 何気ない時を (Everyday Life) 12. ある神社にて (The Shrine) 13. 対話 (A Talk) Majolish title: Tales of Joy 14. 幸せな未来 (A Happy Future) 15. Devilgram 16. Nightmare 17. 反省会 (Surprise Guest) 18. おまえの課題1 (Your Task 1) 19. 結果発表 (Results)
Magic Reasoning Vol. 1[edit]
1. 魔法学園のテーマ (Main Theme) Majolish title: Prophecy 2. ようこそ!ゲドナルーン魔法学園へ (Welcome to Gedonelune, the Witchcraft School!) Majolish title: Starting Line 3. 穏やかな日々 (Peaceful Days) Majolish title: Cheerful Love Day 4. 二人の休日 (A Day Out With You) Majolish title: Day Off 5. 叶わぬ想い (Unrequited Love) 6. やっぱり魔法が好き (Magic's Great!) Majolish title: Youth, or Is It? 7. 禁忌 (Taboo) 8. 恋の魔法 (Love Magic) Majolish title: Wish Upon the Moon 9. 木漏れ日の中で (Sunlight Through the Leaves) 10. 弾けるリズム (Catch the Groove) Majolish title: Start! 11. 並んで歩こう (Walking Side by Side) Majolish title: Twilight 12. 忍び寄るもの (Creeping Up) Majolish title: Finding Out the Truth 13. 危機 (Danger) Majolish title: A Demon's Ball 14. 晴れ空の下で (Beneath the Clear Sky) 15. 二人だけの時間 (Time Together) 16. 名探偵のテーマ (The Detective's Theme)
Magic Reasoning Vol. 2[edit]
1. 疑惑の心 (A Suspicious Heart) 2. 魔法失敗!(A Failed Spell!) Majolish title: An Evil Blunder! 3. つらい過去 (A Painful Past) Majolish title: Trembling in Thought 4. あなたと未来へ (A Future With You) Majolish title: Beyond the Rainbow 5. VS Majolish title: Declaration of War 6. スカイラー先生のテーマ (Professor Schuyler's Theme) 7. 魔法のチカラ (The Power of Magic) Majolish title: Bathing in Light 8. カーバンクルの歌 (Carbuncle's Song) Majolish title: A Tranquil Melody 9. ゲームの始まり (Game Start) Majolish title: Adult Tactics 10. 推理の時間 (Deduction Time) Majolish title: On a Quiet Day 11. 謎は解くもの (Solving the Mystery) 12. 真相の果てに (The Truth) Majolish title: Afternoon Tea 13. 美しき日々よ (Beautiful Days) 14. 悪辣な教授のテーマ (The Professor's Theme) 15. 名探偵のテーマ(独奏) (The Detective's Theme(Solo)) Majolish title: Wake Up 16. いつもの部屋 (A Familiar Room)
Bloody Tea Party Vol. 1[edit]
1. アルフレッドのテーマ (Alfred's Theme) Majolish title: Eternal Melancholy 2. ルパートのテーマ (Rupert's Theme) Majolish title: Mocking the Prophecy 3. レイモンドのテーマ (Raymond's Theme) 4. ブリジットのテーマ (Briget's Theme) Majolish title: The Taboo Show 5. 不思議の国 (Wonderland) Majolish title: Curious Temptation 6. アリスの心 (Alice's Heart) Majolish title: Music Box 7. 迷子 (Lost) Majolish title: Alone 8. 白うさぎを追って (Chasing the White Rabbit) Majolish title: Brothers Panic! 9. ふたりの時間 (Time Together) Majolish title: Nostalgic Lullaby 10. 未来 (The Future) Majolish title: Love's Orbit 11. 裁判の時 (Judgment) Majolish title: Despair 12. Guilty Alice 13. 夢の世界へ (The World of Dreams) 14. 穴の中をどこまでも (Down the Rabbit Hole) 15. 空に向かって (Looking to the Sky)
Bloody Tea Party Vol. 2[edit]
1. 決闘 (Battle) Majolish title: The Trial 2. 絡まる糸 (The Beginning) Majolish title: Thinking World 3. 手を取り合って (Holding Hands) Majolish title: My Time With You 4. 物語の終わり (The End) Majolish title: A Quiet End 5. 交戦 (Clash) Majolish title: Stand Up! 6. 焦燥 (Impatience) Majolish title: Final Battle 7. Eat Me! Majolish title: Dancing Dolls 8. 王の威厳 (The King's Dignity) Majolish title: Time to Decide 9. お茶会日和 (Perfect Day for a Tea Party) Majolish title: Once Upon a Blue Sky 10. 何でもない日 (Everyday Life) 11. 黄金の昼下がり (The Golden Afternoon) Majolish title: Afternoon 12. 行き交う人々 (Passerbys) Majolish title: A Bustling Town 13. 時を刻む (Set in Time) 14. 森は迷路のように (The Forest Maze) 15. 物語を奏でる (Playing the Story) 16. 海の音楽会 (The Concert of the Sea)