Buff Score Skill Cards
From The Obey Me Wiki
This page lists all cards in Nightbringer that have the skill Buff Score. To learn about all card skills and what they do, see the Cards page.
Pages in category "Buff Score Skill Cards"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 382 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- A Birthday to Ourselves (NB)
- A Butler's Hospitality (NB)
- A Christmas Tree for Two (NB)
- A Delicious Meal for All (NB)
- A Delicious Pizza (NB)
- A Fanged Feast (NB)
- A Gathering of Ghosts
- A Gift for a Special Day (NB)
- A Joyful Surprise Ending (NB)
- A Kind Heart
- A Long Journey (NB)
- A Magical Recipe (NB)
- A Mandatory Vacation
- A Memorable Painting (NB)
- A Mysterious Cat Pillow (NB)
- A Night to Remember (NB)
- A Pair of Ornaments (NB)
- A Party for Everyone (NB)
- A Pawn to a Queen (NB)
- A Present Full of Feeling (NB)
- A Princely Escort (NB)
- A Private Celebration (NB)
- A Raging Fever
- A Sight to Remember (NB)
- A Slight Miscalculation (NB)
- A Song for You (NB)
- A Special Party Venue (NB)
- A Stranger in the Mirror (NB)
- A Taste of Happiness (NB)
- A Thoughtful Gift (NB)
- A Wholesome First Meetup (NB)
- A Wish to Transcend Time (NB)
- A World of Our Very Own (NB)
- Accident-Turned-Sleepover (NB)
- All-Nighter With You (NB)
- An Afternoon for Bonding (NB)
- An Angel's Smile (NB)
- An Angel's Thoughts (Pride)
- An Angel's Thoughts (Sloth)
- Aromatic Invitation
- As Bright as a Firework (NB)
- Asmo & the Cursed Sponge
- Asmo, the Recluse?
- Asmo-Chan Overindulges (NB)
- Asmodeus's Rhythm (Cute)
- Barbatos Live ☆ (NB)
- Barbatos's Rhythm (Calm)
- Beelzebub's Christmas (NB)
- Beguiling Fins (NB)
- Belphegor's Rhythm (Cool)
- Belphie in Boots (NB)
- Belphie Unfiltered (NB)
- Belphie's Calculated Play (NB)
- Best Breakfast Recipes (NB)
- Best Seat in the House (NB)
- Betting Big! (NB)
- Big Appetite, Big Heart (NB)
- Big Brother Santa Claus (NB)
- Big Brother's Day
- Birthday Stayover (NB)
- Blundering Rhythm Demon (Gluttony)
- Blundering Rhythm Demon (Pride)
- Brain Food (NB)
- Brighter Than a Star (NB)
- Burning Hot and Bright (NB)
- Butler (Casual) (Greed)
- Butler (Casual) (Pride)
- Butler (Uniform) (Envy)
- Butler (Uniform) (Greed)
- Butler (Uniform) (Pride)
- Catch the Phantom Thief! (NB)
- Catnapping Seventh-Born (Gluttony) (NB)
- Catnapping Seventh-Born (Lust) (NB)
- Catnapping Seventh-Born (Sloth) (NB)
- Chihuahua (Casual) (Envy)
- Chihuahua (Casual) (Greed)
- Chihuahua (Casual) (Wrath)
- Choosing for You (NB)
- Christmas Magic Galore! (NB)
- Christmas Tree (NB)
- Concealed in Color (NB)
- Conscience of the World (Gluttony)
- Conscience of the World (Lust)
- Conscience of the World (Wrath)
- Cooking☆Concert
- Costume Parade PR (NB)
- Cursed Candy
- Cursed Cleaning Tools
- Festival for Two (NB)
- Fifth-Born (Casual) (Envy)
- Fifth-Born (Casual) (Greed)
- Fifth-Born (Casual) (Pride)
- Fifth-Born (Uniform) (Envy)
- Fifth-Born (Uniform) (Greed)
- Fifth-Born (Uniform) (Wrath)
- First-Born (Casual) (Envy)
- First-Born (Casual) (Greed)
- First-Born (Casual) (Wrath)
- First-Born (Uniform) (Envy)
- First-Born (Uniform) (Greed)
- First-Born (Uniform) (Wrath)
- Fourth-Born (Casual) (Pride)
- Fourth-Born (Uniform) (Greed)
- Fourth-Born (Uniform) (Pride)
- Fulfilling Leisure Time (NB)
- Fun Rhythm Demon (Greed)
- Fun Rhythm Demon (Sloth)
- Happy Devilish Christmas (NB)
- Hat Mischief (NB)
- Healing Lucifer
- Heartwarming Steam (NB)
- Heavenly Discipline (Pride)
- Heavenly Discipline (Sloth)
- Here's to Us, Forever (NB)
- Honest Feelings
- Honesty Pays (NB)
- Hope in the Wasteland (NB)
- Hourglass Time Capsule (NB)
- How to Tame a Beast (NB)
- Hungry for Mealtime
- Hurt Rhythm Demon A (Wrath)
- Hurt Rhythm Demon B (Greed)
- Late-Night Game Showdown (NB)
- Leaf Blowers & Teapots
- Led By Those Nearby
- Legendary Power Couple (NB)
- Legends and Credit Cards
- Let Me Sleep!
- Let Me Take Care of You (NB)
- Let Your Imagination Soar (NB)
- Levi's Decluttering
- Leviathan's Rhythm (Calm)
- Li'l Asmo's Big Journey (NB)
- Lively Rhythm Demon A (Envy)
- Lively Rhythm Demon B (Pride)
- Lively Rhythm Demon B (Sloth)
- Lively Rhythm Demon C (Lust)
- Love from Cover to Cover (NB)
- Love Leads Heroes Astray (NB)
- Lucifer and Mr. Rabbit (NB)
- Lucifer the Tutor (NB)
- Lucifer's Arch-Enemy?
- Lucifer's Rhythm (Cool)
- Luke and the Magic Broom (NB)
- Luke's Rhythm (Fun)
- Lustful Rhythm Demon (Greed)
- Lustful Rhythm Sorcerer (Gluttony)
- Magical✩Birthday (NB)
- Makeup Transformation! (NB)
- Making Sweets at Camp (NB)
- Mammon Led Astray (NB)
- Mammon's Rhythm (Hot)
- Mammon's Time to Shine (NB)
- Memorable World
- Memories and Pale Shades (NB)
- Memories We Hold Dear (NB)
- Mighty Rhythm Demon (Gluttony)
- More Important Than Candy (NB)
- My Best Self (NB)
- My Unique Contribution (NB)