Daily Chats 1-500 (Nightbringer)

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This is a list of the Chats MC periodically receives daily (Days 501-1,000).

Players will receive these chats whether they log in or not; no special unlocking is required. Day 1 is the day the account is created.

* For help determining the date of your first login day, see the Login Day Help page.

Total days: 714

Chat tables also include links to sent CG images as well as play buttons to listen to chat audio clips. To see all chat CGs, see the Chat Gallery. For all Daily Chat audio clips, see the Chat Voice Files category.

Please note: the days listed in the following tables are approximations and may vary.

Days 501-600[edit]

Chatroom Title Media
Day 501
LuciferRunning Late
preview:  "I'm sorry to say that I'll most likely be late to our date today."
Day 502
MephistophelesStudying for Exams
preview:  "Have you been studying for our upcoming exams?"
The Fantastic Three(3)Joy
preview:  "I heard the gardener at RAD praising Luke today."
Day 503
DiavoloLibrary Books
preview:  "We've decided to add more books from the human world to the RAD library to deepen..."
Day 504
Invocatio(3)A Newfound FondnessCG
preview:  <Picture sent>
Day 505
SimeonFerris Wheel
preview:  "I'm on a Ferris wheel now, and it stopped at the very top."
Day 506
Common Sense Vs Brats(3)Mononoke Sleep
preview:  "I was wondering why everyone had stopped staying up late recently."
Day 507
MammonLet's Share
preview:  "I was still starvin' after lunch, so I bought bufo egg donuts from Uncle Demon!"
DiabolusA Breath of Fresh Air
preview:  "Something unexpected happened when I visited a bakery in the human world the other..."
Day 508
BeelzebubVegetable Hell Burger MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 509
LeviathanCapsule Toys
preview:  "Did you manage to find the capsule toys from the Mononoke☆Ribbon dress-up series?"
Day 510
MammonYou Owe Me an Apology MC Profile Icon.pngVoice
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 511
LuciferAfter-School Date With Lucifer MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Sweet ToothGardener
preview:  "I've been chatting a lot with the RAD gardener lately."
Day 512
SatanNew Release
preview:  "MC, there's a new installment in the Delicious Decorative Desserts of the Devildom..."
Day 513
preview:  "Leviathan told me he found a capsule toy machine selling characters from the Black..."
Day 514
Day 515
AsmodeusLet's Go on a Date
preview:  "Let's go out together, MC!"
Day 516
AsmodeusReady for Our Date?Voice
preview:  "Since we're going out today, I put a ton of effort into my outfit and makeup!"
AsmodeusPost-Date ConvoVoice
Voice 2
Voice 3
preview:  "Today was so much fun! ♪"
Day 517
Day 518
DiavoloLibrary Usage Statistics
preview:  "I received word that more people have been using the library ever since we introduced those books from the human world the other day."
Day 519
SatanAfter-School Date With Satan MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 520
The Demon Brothers (New)(7)Rare Spirit
preview:  "I just noticed something."
36Super Rare Spirit
preview:  "You know, I've barely gotten any spirits on my Mononoke Sleep."
Day 521
Day 522
BarbatosCurio Market MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 523
Day 524
BarbatosHellfire Roses
preview:  "Do you remember buying hellfire roses when we went to the Curio Market?"
Day 525
Day 526
345(3)The Scent of My Fave
preview:  "I wasn't sure if I'd be able to wear it properly, but I bought a perfume inspired by my..."
House of Lamentation (New)(8)Where's Levi?
preview:  "I can't find Levi anywhere. Does anyone know where he is?"
Day 527
LukeAn Invitation to Tea
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 528
DiavoloDemon Bellflower
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 529
ThirteenNail Salon
preview:  "Say, why don't we go get our nails done on our next day off?"
Day 530
Day 531
RaphaelSinging Assessment
preview:  "I heard you had a singing assessment in music class."
SimeonBookbinding MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 532
The Demon Brothers (New)(7)Sleep TalkingVoice
Voice 2
Voice 3
preview:  <Voice Messages>
Day 533
SolomonLate-Night Date MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 534
MephistophelesOut of Ideas
preview:  "I can't think of anything good to write about for the RAD Newspaper. Do you have any ideas?"
Day 535
BelphegorStudy Sesh MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 536
BelphegorWhere'd My Pen Go?
preview:  "I can't find my favorite pen that I used during our study session yesterday."
Day 537
The Demon Brothers (New)(7)Temporary Closure
preview:  <Sticker sent>
LuciferAn Invitation to Lunch From Lucifer
preview:  "I figured I would make an appointment with your first before you became fully booked."
The Fantastic Three(3)Let the Battle Begin
preview:  "What are you going to do about lunch while the cafeteria is closed?"
Day 538
preview:  <Sticker sent>
Day 539
SimeonAn Invitation to Lunch From Simeon
preview:  "I baked some muffins today."
Day 540
Brothers Under a Pact(4)Homemade Packed Lunches
preview:  "I was thinking... Wouldn't it be neat if we all made packed lunches while the cafeteria's..."
Day 541
RaphaelDogs or Cats? MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 542
LeviathanAn Invitation to Lunch From Leviathan
preview:  "Since the cafeteria will be closed for a while, I tried making a Ruri-chan-themed lunch box."
Day 543
Day 544
LukeWords of AppreciationVoice
preview:  <Voice Messages>
Day 545
Day 546
BeelzebubAn Invitation to Lunch From Beel
preview:  "MC, let's go to Hungry Pizza for lunch today."
Devildom Investigation Squad(4)The Right Person for the Job
preview:  "Want me to take care of lunch until the cafeteria reopens?"
Day 547
SolomonAn Invitation to Lunch From Solomon
preview:  "It looks like we won't be able to use the cafeteria for a while. What do you plan on..."
1235(4)Moe Moe KyunVoice
preview:  "Guys, I have a message for you!"
Day 548
House of Lamentation (New)(8)Brand New Stickers!
preview:  <Sticker sent>
Purgatory Hall (New)(4)Personal Growth
preview:  "I would like to add the new stickers to my repertoire, but I don't know how to..."
The Fantastic Three(3)Meanwhile...
preview:  <Sticker sent>
Day 549
ThirteenAn Invitation to Lunch From Thirteen
preview:  "The RAD cafeteria's closed for the time being, right? We should go somewhere for lunch."
House of Lamentation (New)(8)Changing Seats
preview:  "Looks like we're changin' seats tomorrow. Which seat d'ya think I should aim for?"
Day 550
Chatroom Title Media
Day 551
MephistophelesAn Invitation to Lunch From Mephistopheles
preview:  "What are you going to do about lunch while the cafeteria is closed?"
Day 552
BeelzebubA Delicious Prank
preview:  "I got pranked in the best way ever today. It was delicious."
Day 553
RaphaelAsking Raphael Out to Lunch MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
No Big Brothers Allowed(3)Always Follow the Expiry Date
preview:  "I found some powdered tea that expired 100 years ago, so I drank it."
Day 554
Day 555
AsmodeusSkincare Talk MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 556
DiavoloAn Invitation to Lunch From Diavolo
preview:  "The cafeteria is closed for the time being. Is there anything that might be troubling you..."
Day 557
MephistophelesTicket MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 558
Day 559
LuciferMr. Popular
preview:  "I saved a baby bird that had fallen from its nest onto the pavement, and now its parent..."
Day 560
MammonAfter-School Date With Mammon MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 561
SatanThat Wasn't on the List
preview:  "I went to the store to buy new sneakers, but I ended up buying something completely..."
Day 562
Day 563
LeviathanDevildom Film Festival MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 564
BarbatosA Spell That Rids You of ExhaustionVoice
preview:  "You looked somewhat tired today, MC."
Day 565
BelphegorI Don't Wanna Wake Up MC Profile Icon.pngVoice
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
SolomonDisinfectant Air Freshener
preview:  "I made a disinfectant air freshener spray using ingredients that ghosts dislike."
Day 566
ThirteenLet's Bake Together MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 567
MephistophelesSearching for Ideas
preview:  "About those suggestions for the RAD newspaper..."
Day 568
Day 569
SimeonLet's Visit an Exhibition MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 570
preview:  <Voice Messages>
SimeonLet's Go Again SometimeVoice
preview:  "Today's exhibition was nice, wasn't it?"
Day 571
Day 572
LuciferSeeking a Leisurely Chat
preview:  "Join me for some shopping on the way home, and in return, I'll prepare whatever you'd..."
The Demon Brothers (New)(7)Someone's in a Good MoodVoice
preview:  "I heard the following when I walked past the bathroom."
The Demon Brothers (New)(7)Mammon Is AmazingVoice
preview:  <Sticker sent>
Day 573
LeviathanSpectral Rooster
preview:  <Sticker sent>
Day 574
LukeSleepover Excitement MC Profile Icon.pngVoice
Voice 2
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 575
Day 576
BeelzebubExhibition Match MC Profile Icon.pngVoice
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
BeelzebubThanks for the Support!
preview:  "Thanks for coming to the exhibition match today."
Day 577
RaphaelThe Perfect Salad Dressing
preview:  "I used a dressing that Solomon made, and it turned an ordinary salad into a feast."
Day 578
AsmodeusFloral Nail Design
preview:  "I'm in the mood to redo my nails ♡"
Day 579
The Demon Brothers (New)(7)Who Gave Permission?
preview:  "Pride croffles."
The Demon Brothers (New)(7)The Full Story
preview:  "About the 'Using Our Likenesses Without Permission' incident from earlier..."
Day 580
Day 581
DiavoloMagic Hose Malfunctioning
preview:  "I've just received a report that a magic hose has gone haywire."
Day 582
Day 583
BelphegorGeminid Meteor Shower
preview:  "Tomorrow's the best day to see the Geminid Meteor Shower."
Day 584
Big Brothers(3)Water Cooler
preview:  "I was thinking of installing one of those water coolers that you see in offices in my room."
Day 585
BelphegorA Cold?
preview:  "I've got the chills. I might be coming down with a cold."
Day 586
LukeChanging up the Mood
preview:  "Today's test was rough, wasn't it?"
Day 587
LuciferA Bird Returning a Favor
preview:  "The baby bird I rescued the other day has grown up. It came back to see me."
Day 588
SatanRecipe Book Special
preview:  "The Devil Book Café is currently doing a special event on recipe books for picnics."
Day 589
1235(4)A Hasty Conclusion
preview:  "I lost my accessory! The adorable one with the bloody lily!"
Day 590
MammonMaking Amends MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 591
LeviathanThe Time Melted Away
preview:  "I got so into this game last night that before I knew it, it was morning."
Day 592
RaphaelRibbon Embroidery
preview:  "Lately, I've been interested in ribbon embroidery, so I looked it up and found various motifs."
Day 593
ThirteenA Sweet Offer MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: send message>
Day 594
LeviathanSocially Awkward Response
preview:  "A student I'd never spoken to before suddenly talked to me, and I think I came across as..."
Day 595
MephistophelesTwice as Exhausted
preview:  "My classes overlapped with Solomon's, so I had to spend the whole day with him."
Day 596
BelphegorThe Perfect Café
preview:  "There's this café I'd like to check out, so please come with me."
Day 597
Day 598
preview:  "I've finished the ribbon embroidery that I mentioned the other day."
Day 599
SatanTongue TwisterVoice
preview:  "I've thought of a tongue twister."
Day 600
MammonA FavorVoice
preview:  "I have something that I can only ask you!"

Days 601-700[edit]

Chatroom Title Media
Day 601
ThirteenEmbroidered Accessory Bag
preview:  "The embroidery on your accessory bag is lovely."
Day 602
BarbatosCatch the Fleet Foot Pudding
preview:  "Do you have a moment?"
DiavoloA Pity
preview:  "I heard from Barbatos."
Day 603
Day 604
RaphForgotten Item
preview:  "I mistakenly brought a book on embroidery instead of my Devildom biology textbook."
preview:  "Raphael got mad at me."
Day 605
Day 606
ThirteenFree Stitching Needles
preview:  "I swung by the general store for trap-making supplies and ended up picking up some..."
Day 607
345(3)Addictive App
preview:  "I just lost another hour!"
Day 608
AsmodeusSensitive to Trends
preview:  "Are embroidered items trending at the moment by any chance?"
Day 609
SatanThe Finest Salt
preview:  "An acquaintance of mine invited me to a party the other day."
Day 610
MephistophelesTaste in Movies MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 611
LukeCollaboration Goods
preview:  <Sticker sent>
Day 612
AsmodeusFlirting Time MC Profile Icon.pngVoice
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 613
No Big Brothers Allowed (New)(4)Cats in Unexpected Places
preview:  "Lately, I feel like I've been seeing cats in places where I never saw them before."
Day 614
BarbatosAfter School Date MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
BarbatosTea Lover Community
preview:  "I was busy researching tea based on the information I obtained from the library..."
Day 615
Day 616
No Big Brothers Allowed (New)(4)A Place for the Cats
preview:  "I found some information about that issue Satan said we should investigate the other day."
Day 617
DiavoloSouvenir Advice
preview:  "I'm on a business trip to an area that I don't visit very often, and I was wondering if..."
The Demon Brothers (New)(7)What Was That Song Again?Voice
preview:  "I've got a song stuck in my head, but I can't remember the title."
Day 618
LuciferWhere Are You?
preview:  "Are you currently in your classroom?"
Day 619
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3)Washing MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 620
The Demon Brothers (New)(7)Too Many Souvenirs
preview:  "I can't see a future where we manage to eat all the souvenirs that Lord Diavolo brought back..."
Day 621
MammonThe Kind Demon
preview:  "So, I'm walkin' along, mindin' my own business, when this guy I passed suddenly turns..."
Day 622
67Strange Behavior
preview:  "Belphie, why were you drinking juice from a measuring cup earlier?"
Day 623
preview:  "Would you like to go out together?"
Day 624
SolomonArrival NotificationVoice
preview:  "I arrived a little early."
SolomonThank You for a Nice DayVoice
preview:  "I had a great time today."
Day 625
Day 626
No Big Brothers Allowed (New)(4)Cat Protection Squad
preview:  "It looks like that cat café we were talking about is finally open."
Day 627
MephistophelesHinting at Help MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 628
Day 629
preview:  "I've been struck with the desire to do something active today."
SatanThe Reason for the Prize
preview:  "We managed to get a good bit of exercise today."
Day 630
Where's My MoneyAn Unstoppable Force
preview:  "I thought for a second that HH had turned into a falling block game, but it's just their next collab."
Brothers Under a Pact(4)Overhaul
preview:  "So, the Hellhealth app got a huge overhaul."
Day 631
LuciferParting Words
preview:  "Those birds that I helped earlier stopped by the house again."
Day 632
BarbatosA New Outfit
preview:  "I shall be having a new suit tailored."
Day 633
Day 634
The Demon Brothers (New)(7)A Little More Lenient
preview:  "I think my HH app went wonky."
BeelzebubNo Piles of Points
preview:  "How's HH going for you, MC?"
Day 635
BeelzebubSmooth Sailing
preview:  "Thanks to your advice, I've been earning way more points on HH."
Day 636
BelphegorTroublesome Tracking
preview:  "Logging stuff in HH is a pain, so I've been skipping meals. But my points are going down..."
Day 637
LeviathanWhat's Cooking?
preview:  "If you happen to smell something burning coming from my room, everything's totally fine."
Day 638
No Big Brothers Allowed (New)(4)Lost?Voice
preview:  "I found a kitten."
Day 639
ThirteenThe Walk Home
preview:  "Hey, if you're still on campus, we should walk home together. There's something I wanna..."
Day 640
preview:  "I ended up pressing that flower you gave me, but..."
Day 641
Brothers Under a Pact(4)Progress Report MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 642
LukeRoad Trips
preview:  "Road trips are a lot of fun."
Day 643
Day 644
SolomonFor Every Species?
preview:  "I see they've upgraded the Hellhealth app to include humans."
Day 645
AsmodeusFashionable Devils MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 646
preview:  "I've heard that in some countries in the human world, ya can use cheese as collateral..."
Day 647
The Demon Brothers (New)(7)Who's to Blame?
preview:  "Is it just me, or does our internet connection really suck today?"
Day 648
SimeonMoss-Green Flying Squirrel
preview:  "MC, are you in a position to leave in a hurry? If so, could I trouble you to come to the..."
Day 649
Day 650
RaphaelA Burst of Cotton Coneys
preview:  "There are a number of small, fluffy things floating around my room."
RaphaelCall for Capture MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
The Attic Club "Sandwich"(3)A Missing Item?
preview:  "MC, the keychain that was on your bag before fell off."
Chatroom Title Media
Day 651
The Fantastic Three(3)Cotton Coney Boom
preview:  "It appears that Purgatory Hall is going through a cotton coney phase."
Day 652
The Demon Brothers (New)(7)Apology Gifts
preview:  "I got a whole bunch of coupons and stuff 'cause I'm a shareholder, so I'm gonna share..."
Day 653
LukeSugar Timer
preview:  "MC, have you heard of something called a sugar timer?"
Day 654
BarbatosA Splendid Time for You
preview:  "I had a dream in which you were residing in the Demon Lord's Castle."
Day 655
Day 656
LeviathanLuke's Smile
preview:  "So, there's this book that Luke's been really into about this squirrel, right?"
Day 657
preview:  "So, I've been taking these artsy-fartsy classes, and the next one's about crafting with..."
Day 658
preview:  "So, I had a dream about this ghost..."
Day 659
SatanSchool on a Holiday?
preview:  "I just saw you go out in your uniform, but aren't we off today?"
Day 660
SimeonPomodoro Timer
preview:  "Have you ever heard of a pomodoro timer?"
Day 661
MephistophelesA Missed Opportunity
preview:  "A theater troupe that I'm on rather familiar terms with put on a performance recently."
MephistophelesAn Invitation to the Theater MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 662
AsmodeusIn a Café Mood
preview:  "I'm really not feeling dinner duty today, so I'm going to try and flip the scene."
Day 663
ThirteenNow What?
preview:  "So, I'm on Dogma Street right now..."
Day 664
LuciferCareful Consideration
preview:  "There was something that you were debating buying while we were out today, wasn't there?"
Day 665
Day 666
DiavoloLetters MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 667
LeviathanExercise Deficit
preview:  "Lately, my legs have started cramping up at night, which wakes me up."
Day 668
SolomonGreen Thumb MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
preview:  "Goodness, night fell so quickly."
Day 669
DiavoloA Reply
preview:  "I received your letter, MC."
Day 670
BelphegorHappy PlaceVoice
preview:  <Voice Messages>
Day 671
The Fantastic Three(3)Accepting Ideas
preview:  "I received the most wonderful letter the other day."
Day 672
SolomonWhere'd You Come From?
preview:  "So, you remember that odd plant shoot that I mentioned before?"
Day 673
SimeonChromatic Yam
preview:  "I've managed to get a rather interesting ingredient. Apparently, when you eat it, your..."
Day 674
MammonA Show of Affection
preview:  "I was feelin' kinda snacky, so I figured I'd stop at the Hungry Pizza on my way home."
Day 675
Cat(3)Where the Cats Are MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 676
BelphegorCould it Be...?
preview:  "I pretty much always feel like I'm forgetting something but..."
Day 677
1235(4)Phone Charger
preview:  "My D.D.D. died."
Day 678
The Demon Brothers (New)(7)Letter Writing Success
preview:  "So, it looks like the letter writing campaign that Lord Diavolo was promoting really took off!"
Day 679
Luke (Chihuahua)Popular Stamps
preview:  "So, I just saw Mammon going around on a moped, delivering mail."
Day 680
LuciferA Rare Occurrence
preview:  "Although today is a holiday, ensure that you are up and ready to go by noon."
Day 681
AsmodeusWritten Invitation
preview:  "I just got the most gorgeous invitation ever!"
RaphaelIs That Normal?
preview:  "So, I just happened to arrive on campus at the same time as you this morning, but..."
Day 682
Day 683
LukeFeelings of Gratitude MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 684
BeelzebubTowering Devil Parfait
preview:  "I want to try tackling that Towering Devil Parfait that you're supposed to split with..."
Day 685
Day 686
Venting Time(4)Skipping
preview:  "I just saw Luke skipping on the way to his room."
Day 687
ThirteenRunaway Trap Alert MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
RaphRunning Doll
preview:  "I saw something that looked like a doll running away at top speed just now."
Day 688
LeviathanSending a Test Message
preview:  "This is a test message."
Day 689
12Multiple Sightings
preview:  "Have you been plotting something?"
Day 690
ThirteenSuccessfully Captured MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 691
BelphegorSolomon's Magical Potion
preview:  "I did well at RAD today."
AsmodeusCan't Fight the Drowsiness
preview:  "I'm really sleepy today."
SimeonFurther Damage
preview:  "Luke fell asleep because of the magical potion Solomon made."
Day 692
MephistophelesA Demon With a Well-Developed Palate
preview:  "The cafeteria has started sourcing their black tapir from a different region."
DiavoloTaste Test
preview:  "I'm sorry about the fuss Mephisto made over the cafeteria's black tapir, MC."
Day 693
Day 694
LuciferAwakened From Its Slumber
preview:  "My favorite clock has vanished."
Day 695
The Royals(3)The Mystery of the Missing Clock MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 696
MammonFavorite Number
preview:  "Pick a number: 3, 20 or 16."
Day 697
Gourmet ClubAre You Tired?
preview:  "Is it me, or are there two clocks in the RAD cafeteria now?"
Day 698
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3)Good to Hear
preview:  "I hear Lucifer lost his clock."
Day 699
SolomonThe Truth About the Clock
preview:  "I think I recognize the clock Lucifer is looking for."
Day 700
RaphaelGolden Thread
preview:  "Do you have any extra golden thread?"

Days 701-800[edit]

Chatroom Title Media
Day 701
Invocatio(3)Embroidery Request
preview:  "Is Raphael home yet?"
Day 702
preview:  "I'm glad we could locate the clock."
Day 703
Purgatory Hall (New)(4)So, What Were You Worried About?
preview:  "Apparently, Lucifer found the clock he was looking for."
Day 704
House of Lamentation (New)(8)Group Outing
preview:  "I got us all tickets for a Devildom Symphony Orchestra concert, so make sure to keep..."
Day 705
Day 706
SatanThe Urge to Experiment
preview:  "I just had a thought."
Day 707
Day 708
The Fantastic Three(3)Purchase Request
preview:  "Volume 3 of 'A Collection of Ancient Demonic Writing' is missing from the RAD library."
Day 709
BelphegorThe Book Inside My Bag
preview:  "When I got home after dozing off in the library, I found a book in my bag that I don't..."
Day 710
BarbatosThe Book's Whereabouts MC Profile Icon.png
preview:  <Reminder: Send message>
Day 711
Day 712
SimeonTiny Flower
preview:  "I went on a picnic with everyone from Purgatory Hall, but..."
Day 713
Luke (Chihuahua)Why Won't It Work?
preview:  "No matter how many times I try, I can't get Satan's hair color right."
Day 714
Asmo Night(4)Raging Mad
preview:  "I have HAD it with you, Asmodeus!"
Days 715-750
preview:  TBA
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