Garbage Day Showdown!

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Garbage Day Showdown! is the seventh solo audio drama that was released alongside Belphegor's character song Dreamscape on February 25th, 2021.


Asmodeus: Ugh, there's so much garbage in the kitchen. This is so unpretty. Belphie! Today's your turn to take out the garbage, isn't it? Take it out, will you?

Belphegor: Who me? Couldn't be. It was Beel's turn.

Beelzebub: Who me? Couldn't be. It was Asmo's turn.

Asmodeus: Who me?! Couldn't be! There's no way!

Belphegor: Hmm, okay. I know how to settle this.

Beelzebub: Let's do it.

Asmodeus: Who will take out the garbage today...?

All: Garbage, garbage, rock, paper, scissors!

Beelzebub/Belphegor: Paper!

Asmodeus: Scissors!

Asmodeus: Yay! I won!

Belphegor: *sigh*

Beelzebub: Hmph...

Asmodeus: Okay, you two, time for another round!

Belphegor: Ahh, I'm too tired. I don't wanna do it!

Beelzebub: And I'm still in the middle of my mountain goat cheese pizza...!

Asmodeus: Okay, good luck with deciding who takes out the garbage!

Belphegor: Here I go.

Beelzebub: Yup.

Both: Garbage, garbage, rock, paper, scissors!

Beelzebub/Belphegor: Scissors!

Asmodeus: Ah, one more round, huh?

Beelzebub: Dammit!

Belphegor: One more time.

Beelzebub/Belphegor: Garbage, garbage, rock, paper, scissors! Rock!

Asmodeus: One more round!

Belphegor: You're quite good at this.

Beelzebub: You're not bad yourself.

Beelzebub/Belphegor: Garbage, garbage, rock, paper, scissors! Paper!

Asmodeus: Another round...?

Beelzebub/Belphegor: Garbage, garbage, rock, paper, scissors! Scissors!

Asmodeus: Wow...

Beelzebub/Belphegor: Garbage, garbage, rock, paper, scissors! Rock!

Asmodeus: Is this what I think it is...?

Beelzebub/Belphegor: Garbage, garbage, rock, paper, scissors! Rock!

Asmodeus: Is this like a twin telepathy thing? Is that why you're picking the same thing?

Beelzebub/Belphegor: Garbage, garbage, rock, paper, scissors! Rock!

Two hours later...

Beelzebub/Belphegor: Garbage, garbage, rock, paper, scissors... Rock...

Asmodeus: Is this ever going to end?! I'm gonna go crazy so I'm leaving!

The next day...

Beelzebub/Belphegor: Garbage... ...garbage... ...rock, paper, scissors... Rock...

Asmodeus: You're still going?!

Beelzebub/Belphegor: Garbage...

Asmodeus: Are you okay? H-Hey, I'm getting worried. H-Hey...?

One week later...

Beelzebub/Belphegor: Garbage. Garbage. Rock. Paper. Scissors. Rock.

Beelzebub/Belphegor: Garbage. Garbage. Rock. Paper. Scissors. Rock.

Asmodeus: It's like you've lost all emotions. You've become a garbage, garbage, rock, paper, scissors machine!

Beelzebub/Belphegor: Garbage. Garbage. Rock. Paper. Scissors. Rock.

One month later...

Beelzebub/Belphegor: Garbage, garbage♪ rock ♪ paper ♪ scissors ♪! Rock! ♪ Garbage, garbage♪ rock ♪ paper ♪ scissors ♪!

Asmodeus: What?! You're doing it to a tune now?! What kind of weird zone are you two in?!

Beelzebub/Belphegor: ...rock ♪ paper ♪ scissors ♪! The synchronized rock, rock, rock game! ♪ Rock! ♪ The synchronized rock, rock, rock game! ♪ Rock! ♪

Asmodeus: Now what?! It's a game where you only choose rock?

Beelzebub/Belphegor: Rock ♪ rock ♪ rock ♪ rock ♪ rock ♪ rock ♪ rock ♪ rock ♪ game!

Asmodeus: Now it's a song about rocks?! All you're saying is “rock”! I can't handle this. I'm going crazy. I'll take out the garbage! And you two with it!

Beelzebub/Belphegor: Rock ♪ rock ♪ rock ♪ rock ♪ rock ♪ rock ♪ rock ♪ rock ♪ rock ♪ rock ♪ rock ♪ rock ♪ rock ♪ rock ♪ rock ♪...

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