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Image source: Hide and Seek


Belphegor (ベルフェゴール)


Avatar of Sloth


Our Resident Picasso (chat Sketchbooks
and Master Artists 1


former Angel




March 11


Battles Animal

Devildom Birth Flower

Voice Actor

"The youngest, cheekiest, and most cunning of the demon brothers. Until a certain incident took place, he respected Lucifer the most among his brothers."

— Belphegor's Student ID

Belphegor is a demon whose first appearance in Obey Me!'s Main Story was in Lesson 4-12, and whose first appearance in Nightbringer's Main Story was Lesson 1-1. He has six brothers, and as the least powerful of the seven, he holds the title of "seventh-born." He also possesses the title "Avatar of Sloth" and is a representative of that sin. As one of the main characters in both Obey Me! and Nightbringer, he is included in both games' Intimacy system.


Belphegor has short, koamaru blue hair that fades to white at the tips, and pale skin. His eyes are a gradient of indigo and raspberry pink, just like his twin Beelzebub. Like the rest of his siblings, he has painted nails, his being cyan in color.

As seen in the official height chart, Belphegor is the third-shortest of the seven brothers, only slightly taller than Asmodeus.

RAD Uniform

Belphegor RAD Uniform full.png

Belphegor's RAD Uniform is the typical charcoal grey jacket with gold accents and matching charcoal-colored pants with red stripes along the sides. The jacket is shorter than the standard uniform, with the lowest two gold buttons on his right side left undone. Instead of the standard red-bordered belt, the belt he wears is completely white.

He wears the standard teal shirt beneath his jacket paired with a blue-green tie. His leather shoes are the standard charcoal grey.

Belphegor's School Uniform is an available outfit in Majolish. In Obey Me!, it is unlocked by default. In Nightbringer, it can be obtained by unlocking the Devil's Tree "Clothing" space in the Demon Card The Avatar of Sloth.
Belphegor RAD Uniform full.png

Belphegor's RAD Uniform is the typical charcoal grey jacket with gold accents and matching charcoal-colored pants with red stripes along the sides. The jacket is shorter than the standard uniform, with the lowest two gold buttons on his right side left undone. Instead of the standard red-bordered belt, the belt he wears is completely white.

He wears the standard teal shirt beneath his jacket paired with a blue-green tie. His leather shoes are the standard charcoal grey.

Belphegor's School Uniform is an available outfit in Majolish. In Obey Me!, it is unlocked by default. In Nightbringer, it can be obtained by unlocking the Devil's Tree "Clothing" space in the Demon Card The Avatar of Sloth.

Demon Look

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Belphegor's demon look was first revealed in Lesson 16-6 of Obey Me!'s Main Story, and is his standard appearance in Nightbringer. In this form, Belphegor has a pair of black horns with a segmented pattern. The horns curve in a single loop before coming to an end pointing away from Belphegor's head, making them look similar to ram horns.

Belphegor also has a long, black tail with a large tuft of fur at the end, similar to a cow's tail. According to Issue 5 of the RAD Newspaper, his tail "is somewhat prickly" and has a number of spiky thorns. As seen in the unlocked card art for Woes of a Master Artist, Belphegor's tail is also prehensile.

There are also markings that appear when Belphegor is in his demon form; he has black spots similar to a cow print pattern on both the right side of his neck and above his right ankle.

Belphegor's outfit when in demon form has a western motif, and consists of a black-and-white cow print hoodie made from a horse blanket, with a gold horseshoe on its upper right side, and diamond-shaped cutouts on the upper sleeves. The blanket-turned-hoodie has four white chest straps, only one of which is belted. Belphegor wears a pacific blue shirt underneath, which matches the lining of his hood and the magenta-and-blue patterned belt on the right side of his waist. His dark grey jodhpurs have a black cow print pattern on the right leg. He wears short paddock boots with the top two eyelets unlaced, and no obvious socks.

Belphegor's Demon Look is an available outfit in Majolish. In Obey Me!, it can be purchased by using Raven in Akuzon. In Nightbringer, it is unlocked by default.
Belphegor Demon full.png

Belphegor's demon look was first revealed in Lesson 16-6 of Obey Me!'s Main Story, and is his standard appearance in Nightbringer. In this form, Belphegor has a pair of black horns with a segmented pattern. The horns curve in a single loop before coming to an end pointing away from Belphegor's head, making them look similar to ram horns.

Belphegor also has a long, black tail with a large tuft of fur at the end, similar to a cow's tail. According to Issue 5 of the RAD Newspaper, his tail "is somewhat prickly" and has a number of spiky thorns. As seen in the unlocked card art for Woes of a Master Artist, Belphegor's tail is also prehensile.

There are also markings that appear when Belphegor is in his demon form; he has black spots similar to a cow print pattern on both the right side of his neck and above his right ankle.

Belphegor's outfit when in demon form has a western motif, and consists of a black-and-white cow print hoodie made from a horse blanket, with a gold horseshoe on its upper right side, and diamond-shaped cutouts on the upper sleeves. The blanket-turned-hoodie has four white chest straps, only one of which is belted. Belphegor wears a pacific blue shirt underneath, which matches the lining of his hood and the magenta-and-blue patterned belt on the right side of his waist. His dark grey jodhpurs have a black cow print pattern on the right leg. He wears short paddock boots with the top two eyelets unlaced, and no obvious socks.

Belphegor's Demon Look is an available outfit in Majolish. In Obey Me!, it can be purchased by using Raven in Akuzon. In Nightbringer, it is unlocked by default.

Everyday Clothes

Belphegor Everyday full.png

Belphegor was first seen wearing his everyday clothes in Lesson 4-12 of Obey Me!'s Main Story. The outfit consists of a white, long-sleeved top with a dark grey bordered collar, over which is an oxford blue hoodie. There are two white stripes around the right sleeve, and a pocket with a vertical white and pacific blue striped pattern on the left side. The hood's lining is also pacific blue, though the rest of the lining has a striped pattern of pacific blue and dark grey. While the hoodie has a line of white buttons down the center, Belphegor only buttons the third button from the top.

His pants are Dijon yellow, and his knee-high, laced boots are coffee brown. Belphegor also carries around a cow print patterned pillow with a small, black accessory attached to one corner that looks like a miniature cow tail.

Belphegor's Everyday Clothes is an available outfit in Majolish. In Obey Me!, it can be obtained by unlocking the Devil's Tree "Clothing" space in the Demon Card Hide and Seek. In Nightbringer, it can be purchased by using Raven in Akuzon.
Belphegor Everyday full.png

Belphegor was first seen wearing his everyday clothes in Lesson 4-12 of Obey Me!'s Main Story. The outfit consists of a white, long-sleeved top with a dark grey bordered collar, over which is an oxford blue hoodie. There are two white stripes around the right sleeve, and a pocket with a vertical white and pacific blue striped pattern on the left side. The hood's lining is also pacific blue, though the rest of the lining has a striped pattern of pacific blue and dark grey. While the hoodie has a line of white buttons down the center, Belphegor only buttons the third button from the top.

His pants are Dijon yellow, and his knee-high, laced boots are coffee brown. Belphegor also carries around a cow print patterned pillow with a small, black accessory attached to one corner that looks like a miniature cow tail.

Belphegor's Everyday Clothes is an available outfit in Majolish. In Obey Me!, it can be obtained by unlocking the Devil's Tree "Clothing" space in the Demon Card Hide and Seek. In Nightbringer, it can be purchased by using Raven in Akuzon.

Human World Look

Belphegor Human World Look full.png

Belphegor was first seen in his Human World look in Lesson 41-1 of Obey Me!'s Main Story. The outfit consists of a pacific blue shirt with a black and white waveform pattern on the front and a dark grey collar. Over the shirt is an oversized, dark grey jacket with white accents and a white right sleeve. The hood's lining is also white, while the rest of the jacket's lining and bottom hem is lime green. It has gold zippers and snaps, all of which are left undone, and the jacket's center front is deep blue-violet.

His ankle-length pants are dark grey, and his sneakers are deep blue-violet and charcoal grey with lime green accents and laces. The whole outfit was picked out for him by Asmodeus, as stated in Issue 7 of the RAD Newspaper. Belphegor's only criteria were that Asmodeus choose "clothes that are comfortable to nap in."

In Obey Me!, Belphegor's Human World Look is an available outfit in Majolish, and can be obtained by unlocking the Devil's Tree "Clothing" space in the Demon Card Having Oh So Much Fun.
Belphegor Human World Look full.png

Belphegor was first seen in his Human World look in Lesson 41-1 of Obey Me!'s Main Story. The outfit consists of a pacific blue shirt with a black and white waveform pattern on the front and a dark grey collar. Over the shirt is an oversized, dark grey jacket with white accents and a white right sleeve. The hood's lining is also white, while the rest of the jacket's lining and bottom hem is lime green. It has gold zippers and snaps, all of which are left undone, and the jacket's center front is deep blue-violet.

His ankle-length pants are dark grey, and his sneakers are deep blue-violet and charcoal grey with lime green accents and laces. The whole outfit was picked out for him by Asmodeus, as stated in Issue 7 of the RAD Newspaper. Belphegor's only criteria were that Asmodeus choose "clothes that are comfortable to nap in."

In Obey Me!, Belphegor's Human World Look is an available outfit in Majolish, and can be obtained by unlocking the Devil's Tree "Clothing" space in the Demon Card Having Oh So Much Fun.


Belphegor is a demon that can be hard to read. He doesn't always display his emotions on the outside, as seen in the Devilgram In Search of a Smile when his brothers tried their hardest just to see him look happy and smile. Leviathan complained in the Devilgram Hatred that "it's hardest to tell exactly what's going through his mind at any time." However, he also commented that Belphegor is "the most straightforward of all of us." Belphegor demonstrated that in the same Devilgram by the lack of subtlety in the clues he gave when playing a guessing game.

According to the Devilgram Crack a Smile, Belphie!, Belphegor finds smiling too much effort, so even if he's having fun, he doesn't feel the need to show it on his face all the time. He also mentioned that he's not good at faking a smile. However, as he explained in the Devilgram Belphie's Results, it does sometimes bother him that people think he's cold and emotionless. With his birthday party approaching in said Devilgram, Belphegor wished that he could clearly display his emotions on his face so that everyone would be able to tell how happy he was.

Belphegor seems to be a pretty smart demon. Even though he sleeps during most of his classes - as he admitted in the chat Snoozing to Success? - he still manages to get good grades at RAD. In Lesson 30 (OM), he fell asleep in the middle of the exams, but only because he finished his exam early.

Belphegor has a talent for manipulating others. Despite his initial lies of being a human found out in Lesson 5 (OM), he was still able to eventually convince MC to help him try to escape from the attic. He was also able to convince MC to both let him sleep in their bed, and to have MC sleep in his bed in the Devilgram You Make Me Warm All Over.

In the Pop Quiz Bunny Boys At Your Service, he told Simeon how to get customers to do what he wants by using techniques such as yawning before locking eyes with them, so that "it looks like you're about to cry if they even think about saying 'no.'"

Due to the Japanese title of his cards "The Yandere Seventh-Born," aka the cards titled "The Catnapping Seventh-Born" in English, it is possible that Belphegor is meant to have a yandere personality.

Despite his best attempts, Belphegor possesses no artistic skill, as seen in both the Devilgram Searching for Jack and the chat Belphie's Artistic Skills. However, as evidenced by the aforementioned Devilgram, he does not seem to be aware of this, and is offended when people can't tell what he's drawn. In the chat Sketchbooks and Master Artists 2, Belphegor was pleased that Satan was able to identify his drawing of a ragdoll cat, and questioned why none of his other brothers, nor MC, could figure it out.



As the Avatar of Sloth, Belphegor enjoys spending much of his time sleeping. He's able to fall asleep in less than three minutes, as he told MC in the Devilgram Morning Voice. He is also known to be able to fall asleep almost anywhere.(source?) In the Devilgram Major Cleaning Mission, he mentioned purposefully leaving blankets in the House of Lamentation's common room he could use to sleep with, because he didn't want to drag them around instead.

One of Belphegor's favorite stores is Devilish Bedding, and in the Devilgram You're the Next Host! he stated that "no one does [beds] better." In the Little Brothers' Big Surprise Fraternal Festivity event, Lucifer gave Belphegor a gift card to "Devilish Bedding" as a present.


Belphegor enjoys stargazing, and knows a great deal about stars and constellations. He spends much of his time in the House of Lamentation's planetarium, as he told MC in Lesson 30-9 (OM). He has invited MC to go stargazing with him in multiple chats, such as "An Invite to Go Stargazing" and "About the Starry Sky."

In the Let's Go Stargazing! Devilgram, Asmodeus pointed out several Devildom constellations, then admitted he asked for Belphegor's help in learning about them. In the Devilgram Secret Dream Study Sesh, Belphegor mentioned that his favorite Human World constellation is Gemini. Said constellation is prominently featured in the starry sky wallpaper Belphegor uses for his De-comm chats.


When Belphegor was still an angel, he loved both humans and the Human World in general, as his older brothers told MC in Lesson 15-2 (OM). His room was "filled to the brim with stuff from the Human World" according to Asmodeus, who also said he'd sneak down to the Human World to visit whenever he had the chance. After the events of the Great Celestial War, Belphegor's love of humans turned to hate. However, after MC's arrival in the Devildom and events that took place in the Main Story, Belphegor was able to once again find his love of humans and the Human World.

Belphegor especially enjoys spending time in the Human World when the sun is out, as he commented in the Devilgram Seven Rulers of Hell.

Other Likes[edit]

  • Belphegor thinks fantasy movies are the best, as he says in one of his Home Screen dialogues.
  • Belphegor also mentioned in another of his Home Screen dialogues that he thinks it's fun to watch horror movies late at night.
  • As stated in Issue 5 of the RAD Newspaper, Belphegor enjoys "chill" piano music.
  • According to Beelzebub in the chat Who's the Culprit?, Belphegor loves Quetzalcoatl brains.
  • Belphegor likes his pancakes with drizzled honey on top, as mentioned in a Home Screen dialogue of his.
  • In the Pop Quiz Valentine's Day Showdown, Belphegor said that he prefers white chocolate over other types.
  • Belphegor likes winter, and explained in a Home Screen dialogue this is because his blankets "feel even more comfortable" then.
  • Belphegor loves riding thrill rides, as seen in Lessons 55-56 (OM) when he insisted on riding several of them in Bayside Bonanza Worlds of Wonder, including the "Twisting Freefall of Death II."
  • In the phone call Imaginary Date, Belphegor told MC that he likes the Devildom Botanical Garden.
  • In the Devilgram Seven Rulers of Hell, Belphegor claimed to be a cat person.
    • However, according to his birthday feature in the RAD Newspaper, he prefers dogs over cats.
  • Belphegor likes dolphins, although he is not particularly knowledgeable about them.
    • In the chat Life With Pets, Belphegor expressed a desire to nap on the back of a black dolphin as it swam around the sea.
    • In the Devilgram Our Own Little World, Belphegor was excited that he might get a chance to ride on a jet-black dolphin. In the same Devilgram, Belphegor also tried to ride a whale.
  • In the chat Room Fragrances, Belphegor told MC he likes the smell of Indian sandalwood.
    • He chooses Indian sandalwood (or neroli) over a lavender scent, though he did not express a dislike for lavender.
  • As seen in the Pop Quiz The Fangol Ultra Bowl, Belphegor's favorite Fangol team is the Steel Falcons.


  • He doesn't like the taste of celery, and complained in Lesson 59-17 (OM) that even when blended into fresh fruit juice, he could still taste it.
    • In his Cursed Cutlery dialogue, Belphegor again mentioned that he doesn't like celery.
  • In Lesson 3 (NB), Belphegor stated that he hates apples.
  • Belphegor dislikes anything that requires too much effort.
  • In the Devilgram As Long as You're Here, Belphegor told MC that cleaning the bathroom is the chore he despises the most, and this is because he always slips.
  • He dislikes when he can't sleep, or when his sleep is interrupted.
    • He tells MC in the Devilgram Secret Dream Study Sesh that there's "nothing worse than the feeling of wanting to sleep but knowing you can't."
  • Belphegor dislikes being talked to like a baby, and the use of "baby talk" in general.
  • In the chat Room Fragrances, if MC offered to get Belphegor a rose-scented fragrance he responded "Gross," and explained he did not want to smell like Asmodeus.

Talents and Skills[edit]

  • Belphegor is able to take part in conversations and even answer questions he's asked despite being fully asleep. Beelzebub mentioned in Lesson 43-12 (NB) this is something he does often, though he doesn't always remember what he said after waking.
    • Beelzebub also mentioned in Lesson 73-9 (OM) that Belphegor is able to fall asleep while walking, but can still avoid running into any obstacles.

B's LOG Entries[edit]

See Belphegor's B's LOG Entries page.

Powers and Abilities[edit]

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As the Avatar of Sloth, Belphegor's unique powers involve sleep. In Simeon's birthday event (2022), it was revealed that Belphegor is able to put people to sleep and trap them within a dream. As shown in the event, he is able to do this to at least two people simultaneously, and trap them within the same dream.

In the Devilgram Secret Dream Study Sesh, Belphegor demonstrated his abilities to not only put others to sleep, but his ability to walk around a special world inside of dreams. He is also able to transport others to this dream world if he wishes, and can create buildings and landscapes there to look however he wants. Falling asleep in this dream world causes one to wake up again in the real world.

In Lesson 42-C (OM), Belphegor was able to summon the forbidden Dark Specter of Despair during a game of "rock, paper, scissors."

As a twin, Belphegor shares a telepathic link with Beelzebub. As mentioned in the chat The Twins' Mysterious Link, they do not read each other's minds in a traditional sense, but they may have the same dreams sometimes. As mentioned in the chat In Sync With Each Other, they are also able to feel when the other is hungry.

As shown in the Devilgram Sleeping Beauties, Belphegor has some immunity to sleeping briars, a plant that usually makes everyone near it when it sprouts fall asleep for three days. However, this means that he is instead afflicted with insomnia that keeps him awake for three days.



Before His Fall[edit]

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Belphegor was created by his Father as an angel in the Celestial Realm at the same time a Beelzebub, which is why the two are considered twins, as was mentioned in Lesson 5-4 (OM). In the same Lesson, Beelzebub told MC that he, Belphegor, and their younger sister Lilith were often together back then.

In Lesson 15-2 (OM), the brothers explained that Belphegor had loved humans when he was an angel, and would often sneak down to the Human World without permission. Belphegor's interest in the Human World led to Lilith becoming interested as well. She also started visiting the Human World, but as Lucifer explained, she then met and fell in love with a human.

Lilith then saved this man's life by giving him forbidden food from the Celestial Realm, for which she was sentenced to death by their father, as Lucifer explained in Lesson 15-4 (OM). To protect her from that fate, Belphegor chose to follow Lucifer in the battle of the Great Celestial War, but he and his brothers were defeated.

After His Fall[edit]

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After Belphegor and his brothers fell into the Devildom and became demons, two small stars appeared next to each other in the Devildom's sky. Belphegor told MC in Lesson 30-9 (OM) that these twin stars are his and Beelzebub's.

Because Belphegor believed that Lilith died in the Great Celestial War, he blamed the human Lilith had fallen in love with for the loss of his sister. According to Lucifer, this was when things changed for Belphegor, and his love of humans turned to hate, which was a feeling he sustained for at least thousands of years.

When Diavolo proposed an exchange program between the three worlds, Belphegor was vehemently against the idea. In Lesson 14-19 (OM), he went to Lucifer and insisted he try to convince Diavolo not to go through with the exchange program. Lucifer refused, so Belphegor asked him if he'd forgotten about Lilith, and how humans were responsible for her death. Still Lucifer didn't change his mind, so in a rage, Belphegor said he would "wipe out every last human, and kill Diavolo as well." However, he wasn't strong enough to go against Lucifer, who then imprisoned him in the House of Lamentation's attic to shield him from Diavolo's judgement.

Obey Me!'s Main Story[edit]

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Lessons 1-10[edit]

Lesson 2[edit]

Belphegor is first heard by MC as a mysterious voice that continuously called out or help. MC could hear his voice from their room, and followed it to the staircase that led to the House of Lamentation's attic. However, MC could go no further, as Lucifer caught them and ordered them to return to their room before they could ascend to the attic.

Lesson 3[edit]

Despite Belphegor calling for help and being heard by MC multiples times, the two were still unable to meet, as Lucifer continued to stop MC at the bottom of the attic's stairs. Only MC seems to hear Belphegor's voice, despite their room being on the first floor and his brothers' rooms being on the second floor and much closer to the attic.

Lesson 4[edit]

Eventually, MC was able to distract Lucifer with the cursed TSL Soundtrack, obtained after making a pact with Leviathan, and finally reached the attic and the source of the mysterious voice. When MC asked about his identity, Belphegor lied and claimed to be a human just like them. He continued the conversation by saying a demon was the one who locked him up there. Belphegor then pleaded with MC to help him.

The door to the room Belphegor was in could not be opened by either of them as it was sealed with very powerful magic. Belphegor suggested MC make pacts with the rest of the demon brothers, as only their combined power would be able to open the door. With MC having already made pacts with Mammon and Leviathan, Belphegor suggested Beelzebub as their next target.

Lesson 5[edit]

Beelzebub told MC in Lesson 5-4 that his brother Belphegor and another student named Diaval were sent to the human world for the exchange program. When MC asked about Belphegor's appearance, they were told they could find a portrait of Belphegor in the House of Lamentation's portrait hall. After they saw the portrait (which is the same image from the card Hatred), they realized that Beelzebub's twin was the person locked in the attic. They confronted Belphegor about his lies, to which he implied that he had just been teasing and that humans are a foolish lot. He then explained that all he wanted was to have a proper talk with Lucifer, but MC was hesitant to trust him knowing he'd lied to them. After they cleared their thoughts, MC came back the next day and agreed to help Belphegor by making pacts with his brothers and setting him free. Belphegor then warned them to never speak to his brothers about his situation.

Lesson 6[edit]

After MC a pact with Beelzebub, Belphegor was impressed by how far MC had come along and they discussed the upcoming exchange party at the Demon Lord's Castle. MC also told him what Lucifer had said to them about a spell that bars demons from entering the attic, but angels and humans were able to pass through.

They also told him that Lucifer was convinced that MC couldn't see him or the room. Belphegor saw that as good news and wondered why an ordinary human was picked for the exchange program. He then told MC to find out why they were chosen while staying at the castle for the retreat.

Lessons 11-20[edit]

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Lessons 51-60[edit]

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Lessons 61-70[edit]

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Lessons 71-80[edit]

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Nightbringer's Main Story[edit]

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Lessons 1-10[edit]

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This section covers the relationships Belphegor has with each of the characters from Belphegor's point of view.

Main Character[edit]

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See also MC's POV

Obey Me![edit]

Initially, Belphegor had no interest in MC as an individual, and instead they were simply a means to an end. After successfully luring MC to the attic where he was imprisoned in Lesson 4-12, he convinced them to make pacts with all of his brothers so he could escape.

However, once he was freed in Lesson 16-6, he attempted to kill MC. Only after learning Lilith didn't die in the Great Celestial War - and that he didn't have to secretly blame himself for her death - could he let go of his hatred of humans and see beyond MC's species. It's unknown how often MC visited Belphegor in the attic, but it's possible Belphegor developed at least some fondness for MC as the only person he could talk to besides Lucifer.

In Lesson 18-19, Belphegor asked MC to make a pact with him, and told them he wanted to be "the first one [they] turn to for help whenever [they] need it." He also said that he cared for MC for who they are, not due to MC's connection to Lilith.


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See also Lucifer's POV

Obey Me![edit]

Belphegor used to love Lucifer a lot, but the series of events that followed Belphegor's opposition regarding the student exchange program put a strain on their relationship. Belphegor felt Lucifer wasn't trying to understand his feelings, and he was upset by Lucifer choosing Diavolo's side over his.(source?) Being locked away by Lucifer in the attic only further damaged their relationship, and though Lucifer visited him often, Belphegor didn't listen to Lucifer's attempts to change his mind.(source?)

After regaining his freedom, Belphegor joined up with Satan to create the "Anti-Lucifer League," and the two often pull pranks on Lucifer.(source?) However, Belphegor still seems to care for Lucifer and enjoy his company, as shown in Lesson 37, where he takes a nap in Lucifer's lap.


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See also Mammon's POV

Obey Me![edit]

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See also Leviathan's POV

Obey Me![edit]

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See also Satan's POV

Obey Me![edit]

Belphegor and Satan get along well, and they share the common goal of annoying Lucifer. In Lesson 17, they founded the "Formerly Anti-Lucifer League," and often plot Lucifer's downfall together.

Belphegor also often goes to Satan for advice. For example, in the chat Not a Morning Person, Belphegor asked if Satan or MC knew any surefire ways to get a late riser to wake up in the morning.

Belphegor also likes to sleep on Satan's lap, as said in the chat A Kind Brother.


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See also Asmodeus's POV

Obey Me![edit]

In Lesson 32, Beelzebub said that back when the brothers lived in the Celestial Realm, Belphegor was often glued to Asmodeus's side.


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See also Beelzebub's POV

Obey Me![edit]

Out of all his brothers, Belphegor is closest with his twin, Beelzebub, to whom he shares a telepathic link.(source?) Belphegor often agrees to plans or events he'd otherwise find troublesome because Beelzebub is involved or asks Belphegor to join.(source?) They rarely get into arguments with each other, and even when they do, they soon reconcile.(source?)


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See also Diavolo's POV

Obey Me![edit]

In the early lessons, Belphegor strongly disliked Diavolo.(source?) His clashing with Diavolo's ideals is what pushed Lucifer to lock Belphegor in the attic in an attempt to protect him.(source?) Even after Belphegor let go of his hatred of humans, he still harbored resentment towards Diavolo. He explained to MC in Lesson 55 that the reason he dislikes Diavolo is because Diavolo never listens to other people, and never considers that he might be wrong. Belphegor's opinion of Diavolo seemed to take a turn for the better after Diavolo apologized to him for not listening to his point of view about the exchange program.(source?)


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See also Barbatos's POV

Obey Me![edit]

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See also Luke's POV

Obey Me![edit]

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See also Simeon's POV

Obey Me![edit]

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See also Solomon's POV

Obey Me![edit]

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See also Thirteen's POV

Obey Me![edit]

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See also Mephistopheles's POV

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See also Raphael's POV

Obey Me![edit]

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See also Lilith's POV

Obey Me![edit]

Belphegor, Beelzebub, and Lilith were all very close when they were all still angels in the Celestial Realm. Because Belphegor was always sneaking down to the Human World, Lilith become interested in humans as well.(source?) Lilith's supposed death in the Great Celestial War is something that Belphegor blamed himself for, and he felt devastated after losing his sister.(source?)


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  • Belphegor's name come from a demon in Christian demonology.
    • In Hebrew, Belphegor (בַּעַל-פְּעוֹר) means "Lord of the Gap."
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