We're All Bad Here

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Pop Quiz
We're All Bad Here.png
Image source: Official tweet
21 January 2020 2 February 2020
Chapters Battle Stages
1 15
Abbreviation Lonely Devil
Baddies Available
* Dates in Pacific Time


Solomon is teaching MC about RAD curriculum when he gets a call, allowing MC to take a break. Mammon then crashes into the room, apparently late for something. MC decides to follow Mammon to see what he's up to.


Pop Quiz Rewards
UR Tweedle for the Rabbit Mini.png
Tweedle for the Rabbit
Baddies Collection Item.png  170,000
SSR Welcome to the Tea Party Mini.png
Welcome to the Tea Party
Baddies Collection Item.png  125,000
SSR Shall We Play a Game - Mini.png
Shall We Play a Game?
Baddies Collection Item.png  37,500
SR I'm Here with Ya! Mini.png
I'm Here with Ya!
Baddies Collection Item.png  16,000
SR Wander into My Arms Mini.png
Wander into My Arms
Baddies Collection Item.png  9,000
Ranking Rewards 1 ~ 1,000
1 ~ 10
Tweedle for the Rabbit Mini.png Welcome to the Tea Party Mini.png Much to Find! Mini.png Demon Voucher.png
Tweedle for the Rabbit x9 Welcome to the Tea Party x9 Much to Find! x10 Demon Voucher x10
11 ~ 50
Tweedle for the Rabbit Mini.png Welcome to the Tea Party Mini.png Much to Find! Mini.png Demon Voucher.png
Tweedle for the Rabbit x7 Welcome to the Tea Party x8 Much to Find! x9 Demon Voucher x5
51 ~ 250
Tweedle for the Rabbit Mini.png Welcome to the Tea Party Mini.png Much to Find! Mini.png Demon Voucher.png
Tweedle for the Rabbit x6 Welcome to the Tea Party x6 Much to Find! x8 Demon Voucher x1
251 ~ 500
Tweedle for the Rabbit Mini.png Welcome to the Tea Party Mini.png Much to Find! Mini.png Grimm.png
Tweedle for the Rabbit x4 Welcome to the Tea Party x5 Much to Find! x6 Grimm x50,000
501 ~ 750
Tweedle for the Rabbit Mini.png Welcome to the Tea Party Mini.png Much to Find! Mini.png Grimm.png
Tweedle for the Rabbit x3 Welcome to the Tea Party x4 Much to Find! x5 Grimm x30,000
751 ~ 1,000
Welcome to the Tea Party Mini.png Much to Find! Mini.png Grimm.png
Welcome to the Tea Party x3 Much to Find! x5 Grimm x25,000
Ranking Rewards 1,001 +
1,001 ~ 1,500
Welcome to the Tea Party Mini.png Much to Find! Mini.png Grimm.png
Welcome to the Tea Party x1 Much to Find! x3 Grimm x20,000
1,501 ~ 3,000
Much to Find! Mini.png Grimm.png
Much to Find! x2 Grimm x17,500
3,001 ~ 5,000
Much to Find! Mini.png Grimm.png
Much to Find! x2 Grimm x15,000
5,001 ~ 10,000
Much to Find! Mini.png Grimm.png
Much to Find! x2 Grimm x12,500
10,001 ~ 30,000
Much to Find! Mini.png Grimm.png
Much to Find! x1 Grimm x10,000
30,001 ~ 100,000
Much to Find! Mini.png Grimm.png
Much to Find! x1 Grimm x7,500
100,001 +
Grimm x5,000
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