Dolling Up With You

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Dolling Up With You is an ASMR voice drama featuring Asmodeus, and is the second Obey Me! ASMR. It was released on September 5th 2024 and is available for purchase on DLsite garumani.

A short teaser of the ASMR was released on August 6th, with a longer teaser released on the DLsite garumani page August 8th.

Story Synopsis[edit]

"Today is your long-awaited date with Asmodeus and he's set on making it a day to remember! ♪ After you pick out an outfit together, you head to Ristorante Six for a private romantic dinner for two. After a few drinks, in classic Asmo fashion, he can't keep his hands off you.

After dinner, you leave the restaurant to take in a beautiful festival of lights. As you have fun snapping photos of each other against the glimmering backdrop of the lights, Asmo leans in for a selfie when...

'I couldn't help myself after seeing you all dolled up like this. You're just too charming.'"

Track List[edit]

  1. A Day to Remember
  2. Fab Dinner
  3. Twinkling Lights


A Day to Remember[edit]

Sorry for making you wait!

I was planning what to wear yesterday, but just before I left, I had an idea for the BEST outfit! Before I knew it, I was running late.

I just wanted to make sure everything was perfect, since today's our date night!

So, what do you think? I'm totally gorgeous, right?! Here, take a closer look.

Of course it suits me! Go on, tell me more! Like, "You're so beautiful I feel dirty just looking," or "You make the Goddess of Beauty look icky"!

Hehe, it's okay. I know, I'm just so beautiful you're at a loss for words.

Anyway, I have a big announcement today! The theme for today's date is, "A day you'll never forget!" After dinner at Ristorante Six, we'll go see the lights at Mary's Plaza. Sound fun?

I knew you'd like it. Don't worry about your outfit. Let's go pick out something before dinner.

Ready? Let's go!

What are you doing? Come on, grab my hand. We're on a date after all, I want to hold your hand. Okay, let's get going.

This is one of my favorite clothes shops.

Of course it's cute. I wouldn't like it otherwise!

Hey again! If you don't mind, I actually want to shop alone with my date today. I'll call you over if we need something.

Okay, let's see what they have. Let me know if anything catches your eye. It doesn't have to be formal either. Just anything you like.

I want to know what you like. Although, I see you every day, so I think I have a pretty good idea already.

That? Hmm, it's a surprising choice, but it looks really good on you!

This one? I absolutely knew you'd love this. Aren't I smart? ♪

Oh yeah? Let me have a look then! I'll pick out something just PERFECT for you!

This one's... The silhouette's nice, but the color's kind of meh...

These sleeves are off... Ah, how about... No, this is what I like.

Um... Oh! This! This is it! This will look perfect on you!

Try it on! Oh, and try on these shoes and accessories too.

Sorry, we're just going to try these on, okay? The changing room's this way.

Shall I lend you a hand? Are you sure you can do it yourself?

Heh, I'm just joking. Let me know when you're done!

So? Does it fit? I'm so excited! I can't wait to see! Did you get it on?

Wow! It looks sooo good! It's even better than I imagined! No, no, it actually looks SO good! You're the most beautiful thing in the word, next to me!

With my eye for fashion and your potential, we're a killer combination ♡ Okay, let's go with this outfit then!

Haha, what are you saying? Don't worry about the price, okay? It's my gift to you.

I want to. Let me pay for it, okay? You just wait here.

We're gonna wear these clothes out, okay? Could you pack up their other clothes and send them to the House of Lamentation, please?

Sorry for the wait! Of course! Anytime! Okay, let's go.

Hehe, you took my hand all on your own this time.

Fab Dinner[edit]

*munch* *munch*... Mmmm!

The black flying fish here is something else! Oh, Satan said that this purple part is poisonous to humans, so be careful.

How wonderful. That's good, really good ♪

No way, do you think five little glasses of Demonus is enough to get me tipsy?

Now that you mention it, I may be feeling it a bit more than usual. It's probably because being with you is just so much fun that I'm getting worked up.

I wonder why humans don't get drunk when they drink Demonus. You really are such mysterious creatures.

So we're both mysterious to each other.

That's fine. I'll tell you anything you want to know, so ask me anything. Is there anything you're just dying to know about me?

In exchange, you have to teach me in return. Oh, not about humans, about yourself.

Don't worry, nobody's watching. A hug or two is fine, right? Are you saying that you'd prefer it if someone was watching? Oh my, you're rather daring aren't you?

Aha! You're so cute when you're sulky ♪

Hm? What's wrong? All I did was put my hand on your shoulder.

Oh? Is your shoulder a bit ticklish? I wonder how your back is, then?

Aha! So you're ticklish here, too? I see, what about your neck, then?

Wow, here too? You sure are sensitive, aren't you?

The way I'm touching you? I don't think I'm doing anything weird, though. Hey, your reactions are really cute, so can I touch you even more?

Hehe, I wonder how you're going to get me back for this? For now, it's still my turn though.

Hehehe, what about right here? Hmmm... So, your ears are sensitive...?


Hehehe, I kinda get the feeling that your reaction just now was a bit different than before? What a cute face you're making. Hehe, I think this is my favorite reaction yet. Mn...mmm...

Oh dear, I don't think I'll be able to stop myself.


Next, your neck...

Mm... Mn...

Well, drat. Even though things were getting good. Yes?

Oh, it's already this late? Got it.

The time sure flies when you're having fun, doesn't it? Let's go after I finish drinking this.

...Hehe, your face is totally red, you know?

Ahaha ♪ That's true. It's all my fault ♪ Hehehe...

*gulp* This is nowhere close to drinking too much. Demonus really is at its best when you drink it with someone you love. You just can't help but drink more.

*gulp*...*gulp*... Phew... And that's that. Come on, let's get going.

Twinkling Lights[edit]

Wow... It's so beautiful. Still not quite on my level, though. Which is prettier, the illumination here, or the lights in the human world?

I see, so this is the best, is it. Hmmm. Hehe.

It's nothing. There are tons of Devilgrammable spots around here, so let's take tons of pictures.

The illumination will be overshadowed if I'm in the picture though. I really am such a sinful little demon, aren't I?♡

What angle do you want to take it from? Personally, I think taking it from above and to the right would be best.

Eh, you don't have any small preferences like that? Now that you mention it, Lucifer, Mammon, all of the others always say the same thing... I just don't get it.

Ah, here it is! This is the first Devilgrammable spot. Let me take your picture.

Face this way. And smile...isn't your face a bit stiff? C'mon, smile, smile ♡

Look a bit more to the right, and...just a little more... Oh, you went a bit too far.

Yes, yes! That's perfect!

Hmm, hmm. It's cute, but I know I could take a better one. Let's take a bunch.

What are you saying? We'll need to take at least 100 to make sure we get a good one. Beauty is fleeting, so one photo isn't nearly enough.

So, make sure to take a lot of me too. I know just how difficult capturing my beauty can be, but do your best!

...I told you, right? Just one won't be enough.

Yep, perfect! Let's go to the next spot.

It's pretty crowded over there. Oh, how amazing! The water fountain is totally lit up! That's totally Devilgrammable! We should go take a photo too!

Phew... We took a ton of pictures. It's getting late, the crowds have really started to die down. We should start heading home soon, too.

Oh, but before that, we still haven't taken any pictures together. Let's take one before we go.

We don't need to ask anyone to take it for us. It's a date, so we've gotta take a selfie, right?

Set the camera like so, and... Get a bit closer to me, hon.

You need to get even closer, or you won't fit in the frame. C'mon, a bit more.

There, I took it. Hehe, your face is all red again.

It definitely is. Here, I'll send you the picture.

There, I sent it. See? You're bright red, right? Hehe.

...Hey, look this way. I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you are today. I'm head over heels for you.

Let me take an even closer look. Don't worry, just look at me. You can't look away, all right?


I couldn't help myself after seeing you all dolled up like this. You're just too charming.

Mm... Mn...

Everyone is too busy enjoying themselves, nobody is paying us any mind. Not that it bothers me if they decide to watch. Mm...

Let me tell you a little secret. Us demons, we're really bad at holding back. So I can't do it anymore. I just can't help but want to kiss you.

Mmm... Mn...

There's no need for you to hold back either. You can enjoy my brilliance backed by the illuminations to your heart's content. There's no need to hold back just because you're human. Get a little demonic, be true to your desires.

Mm... Mm... Hehe...

Mn... Mm...Hah...

Let's save the rest for after we get home...all right?

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