The House of Lamentation

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House of Lamentation.png
Image source: Majolish House of Lamentation
Location Name
The House of Lamentation (嘆きの館)
The Devildom
Location Type
Obey Me!
First Seen
Lesson 1-7
First Seen
Lesson 1-7

The House of Lamentation is a large mansion located in the Devildom, and is where the seven demon brothers live. Beginning after their acceptance into RAD's student exchange program, MC also spent time living in this house.


In Lesson 1-7 (OM), Mammon explained that the House of Lamentation is the RAD dorm reserved for student council members. The brothers had at that point been living in the house for at least two centuries, as in Lesson 2-8 Leviathan discovered some ice cream in the house's freezer that Satan had hidden there a century earlier, and in the Pop Quiz You're a Gem, Asmodeus alluded to the brothers having celebrated Devildom Thanksgiving at least twice before MC became an exchange student, and this holiday is celebrated once a century.

In the Devilgram Major Cleaning Mission, Lucifer mentioned that the House of Lamentation gets messy easily because his brothers don't put back things where they belong and leave their personal belongings in common areas. This is problematic because Barbatos regularly visits them to make sure the house stays clean.

The house's architecture looks to be Gothic Revival, and there are seven visible headstones in the front yard. As mentioned by Satan in the chat Hot Spring Survey, there are mountains behind the house that contain hot springs with 200-degree water "straight from the source."

Barbatos mentioned in his call Errands (Barbatos) that the House of Lamentation has a landline phone.


This section may include spoilers.

If MC asked about the House of Lamentation when they arrived, Lucifer told them in Lesson 1-1 (OM) that it "was originally a cursed house in the Human World." Diavolo mentioned in the phone call Let's Stay in Touch that it was Lucifer's idea to move the building to the Devildom.

In Lesson 12 (OM), Lucifer tells MC the entire history of the house. The house was originally built on the outskirts of a village. The humans who previously lived there were a married couple, their seven children, and their servant. One day, a terrible tragedy struck inside the house. Every family member was brutally murdered in a different way, in a different room, and the servant had hung himself in his own room. The only survivor was the eldest son, who claimed the servant committed the crimes.

The authorities deemed the case closed, but rumors started spreading that the eldest son was on bad terms with his family. It was then believed that the servant tried to stop him but was killed and framed to be the scapegoat for the murders. The son continued living in the house until he died of old age.

Afterward, there were figures seen in the windows, and screaming and arguing could be heard despite being vacant. Because of the dark history, the mansion became known as the "House of Lamentation." Eventually, the mansion was transported to the Devildom and became a dorm for the demon brothers.

According to Mephistopheles in Lesson 33-6 (NB), when the House of Lamentation was relocated, it was built atop an "especially evil plot of land" that is infamous throughout the Devildom. The land now belongs to the royal family, but according to legend, this land was once home to "the father of demons," aka Nightbringer.


In the Pop Quiz Dark Eternal Bliss, Lucifer mentioned that the house is warded against intruders. It was also mentioned that Mammon often trips said warding traps when trying to sneak back into the house. However, this security is not foolproof, as a stray cat was able to get into the house in the chat CATastrophe 1 and in the Devilgram Major Cleaning Mission. In the twins' 2022 birthday event, Mephistopheles entered the house without permission, which resulted in him being physically removed by Lucifer.


The layout of these rooms within the House of Lamentation can be seen in the Wanderers' Whereabouts map.

First Floor[edit]

Common Areas[edit]

Common Room[edit]
Common Room.png
Common Room.png

please add info including time when first seen.(source?)

Dining Room[edit]
Dining Room.png
Dining Room.png

The dining room was first seen in Lesson 2-10 (OM), and is a large, high-ceiling area that is directly next to the living room with no wall between the two, as seen in the Wanderers' Whereabouts map.

The candlelit room is taken up by a large table that typically has eight chairs. However, the number and arrangement of said chairs changes at times, and it was shown in episode one of Obey Me! the Anime that there are extra chairs sitting by one of the room's two doorways.

Skulls of various creatures are decorations that are everywhere in the room, and the walls are covered in gold accents, including square motifs containing inverted pentagrams.

Entrance Hall[edit]
Entrance Hall.png
Entrance Hall.png

The house's entrance hall was first seen by MC in Lesson 1-7 (OM). Two curving staircases sit on either side of the hall, and climbing these allows access to the rest of the house, as characters can be seen using them in Wanderers' Whereabouts. These staircases join into landings with balconies, and the lower balcony forms an archway leading into a room with a fireplace and the same floor and wallpaper as the hall itself. This room is either simply an extension of the hall, or possibly the house's parlor.

The entrance hall has a bulletin board mentioned in Lesson 1-7 (OM), where presumably flyers and important memos are posted for everyone living in the house to read. It also has a scale model dollhouse of the House of Lamentation, as first seen in Lesson 5-20 (OM).


The kitchen was first seen in Lesson 2-6 (OM). It likely has a wood-burning stove, given the stack of chopped wood stored directly next to said stove. Other appliances in the kitchen include a refrigerator, freezer, and microwave, all of which were mentioned in Lesson 2 (OM).

Like many rooms in the house, the light source is a combination of candles and lanterns, including candles set on the kitchen's large table that's used for preparing food. Both a cupboard and counter provide storage space, and beside the counter is likely the kitchen's sink. The kitchen has two doorways, with one connecting to the dining room, and the other to a hallway with MC's room directly on the other side, as seen in the the Wanderers' Whereabouts map.

Laundry Room[edit]

The laundry room is adjacent to the kitchen, as confirmed in the chat The Dream where Leviathan accidentally flooded both rooms.


please add info including time when first seen.(source?)

Living Room[edit]
Living Room.png
Living Room.png

The living room is directly next to the dining room with no wall between the two, as seen in the Wanderers' Whereabouts map. It was once thought that this room could be seen from the house's entrance hall, however these two rooms are not directly connected, and the fireplace seen from the entrance hall does not have the same construction or design as the fireplace in the living room.

As mentioned in the Devilgram The Avatar of Sloth, when the brothers first moved in, this room contained one of the two TVs in the house, the other being in the spare bedroom that would be MC's room in Obey Me!.

Music Room[edit]
Music Room.png
Music Room.png

First seen in Lesson 6-15 (OM), the music room is next to the house's library and directly connected to the planetarium, as seen in the Wanderers' Whereabouts map. The room is filled with gold decor and accents, such as the gold chandelier handing from the equally gold-trimmed ceiling. The WW map shows the room has six chairs all facing a black grand piano.

In the Devilgram Living the Dream the brothers in the dining hall could hear Leviathan singing in the music room, which is impressive given the distance between the two rooms. In the Devilgram Be You, Satan went to the music room to watch a movie, meaning there is possibly a TV in this room.


The planetarium was first seen in Lesson 4-6 (OM), and is a round room directly connected to the music room. The two rooms have a large curtain between them, which could presumably be lowered when the planetarium is in use.

Large windows line the planetarium's round walls with a second row of windows above these depicting suns and moons. The ceiling appears to show the orbit patterns of planets, and hanging down are several orb-shaped light sources, one of which has rings around it similar to the planet Saturn.

There are chairs and a couch against the planetarium's walls, and in the room's center is a decorative water fountain. The planetarium's floor may be lower than ground level, as the adjoined music room has two steps going down from the room into the planetarium.

Bedrooms and Private Rooms[edit]

Guest Room[edit]

In the chat Slumber Exchange 7, Mammon mentioned the house having at least one guest room. There are several rooms without labels on the first floor of the Wanderers' Whereabouts map that could be the guest room referred to.

Lucifer's Study[edit]

Lucifer's study was first seen in Lesson 6-10 (OM), and can only be accessed from the house's library by a secret passage revealed in Lesson 20-11 (OM) to be hidden behind one of the library's bookshelves. In Lesson 17-20 (OM), Satan and Belphegor mentioned the study is "guarded by powerful magic," and theorized a secret phrase might be needed to lift the enchantment on the door.

In addition to the desk where Lucifer likely does much of his work, the study has a fireplace, a pair of red lounge chairs, and multiple shelves stocked with presumably Demonus. The room also has two staircases on each side, which lead to indoor balconies that house shelves of books.

MC's Room/Spare Room[edit]
Your Room.png
Your Room.png

While all the brothers' rooms are on the second floor, MC's is on the first floor, as seen in the Wanderers' Whereabouts map and alluded to in the chat Changing Rooms. Before the release of Nightbringer, it was thought this room shared a wall with the kitchen. This was due to a statement by Lucifer in Lesson 5-2 (OM) that Beelzebub destroyed both the kitchen and MC's room, which "was on the opposite side of the wall from it." Technically that statement is accurate, as MC's room is located across from the kitchen, though a hallway lies between them. Lucifer's same comment in Japanese is "おまえたちの「おいた」のせいで、キッチンとキッチンの向かい側にあるMCの部屋は破壊されたと," which only says that MC's room is "opposite the kitchen," as it very much is in Wanderers' Whereabouts.

Although MC's room is located in the middle of the first floor, in the Devilgram Snowy Bliss, Asmodeus noticed it had snowed outside while he was within MC's room. This may indicate that MC's room has a window not shown on the Wanderers' Whereabouts map.

There seem to be at least two large plants in the room, one of which is a tree growing up through the floor next to the bed. It's unknown if this tree is also visible on the house's second floor or not. The room also has both a large table and a desk, which was mentioned in Lesson 2-4 (OM). Said desk includes a locked drawer, where Lucifer suggested MC keep could their valuables.

It has been alluded to that MC has their own bathroom both in the chat Bath Time with Asmo 1 and in Lesson 4-4 (OM) when Mammon left his toothbrush there. There is no visible bathroom within or connected to this room in the Wanderers' Whereabouts map, though are two likely possibilities as to how this bathroom could exist.

One possibility is that - after learning one of the human exchange students would be staying in the House of Lamentation - a doorway acting as portal to a private bathroom was added to this room. This is a known ability that Barbatos has, as seen used in Serenity Manor in Lesson 41 (OM). The other possibility is that one of the first floor rooms close to this room was converted into a bathroom for the exchange student's private use.

In Lesson 50-14 (NB), MC is known to have used the common bathroom to bathe. This could possibly mean they have a private bathroom with no washing facilities. It could also be that they have only a shower or only a bath tub, and so use the common bathroom for whichever washing method they don't have ready access to.

As mentioned in the Devilgram The Avatar of Sloth, when the brothers first moved in to the house, this room contained one of the two TVs in the house, the other being in the living room.

Second Floor[edit]

Common Areas[edit]

Common Bathroom[edit]

In Lesson 42-C (OM), it was mentioned that there is an established bathroom order which the brothers decided in a rock, paper, scissors competition. With the exception of Asmodeus and MC - who have or likely have their own bathrooms respectively - everyone living in the house uses this bathroom.

The house is known to have a shower or showering area - most likely located in the common bathroom - as in the chat Hide Me! 1, Belphegor mentioned changing the shower so it only ran cold water.


This second floor hallway was first seen in Lesson 3-7 (OM). It has multiple arches and a high ceiling with several candle-lit chandeliers. The stairway leading from the hall back to the first floor has a thin-branched tree growing next to a set of stained glass windows.

The doorways seen in the background image most likely lead to the common bathroom and to an room unlabeled on the Wanderers' Whereabouts map. While not visible in the background image, there are likely also doors on the left side of the hallway that lead to Asmodeus's room and Leviathan's room.

Portrait Hall[edit]

This hall is where MC found a picture of Belphegor in Lesson 5-4 (OM). It is apparently connected to the one of the three sets of staircases connecting the first a second floors of the house.

Bedrooms and Private Rooms[edit]

Lucifer's Room[edit]
Lucifer's Room.png
Lucifer's Room.png

Lucifer's room was first seen in Lesson 4-10 (OM), and is the largest bedroom in the house. Like all the brothers' bedrooms it is on the second floor, as shown in the Wanderers' Whereabouts map. The room has a fireplace with an old record player on the mantle, allowing Lucifer to listen to his record collection in private. Next to the fireplace is a small table with a chess set on it, and in addition to several grey lounge chairs, there is also a matching grey couch next to a glass accent table.

There is a large skeleton in one corner of the room, and an even larger painting above Lucifer's bed. This painting was originally Simon Bisley's depiction of Lucifer falling from Heaven. The painting was later changed to abstract art in May of 2020 due to copyright issues, as explained in this official Facebook post.

Mammon's Room[edit]
Mammon's Room.png
Mammon's Room.png

In the Devilgram Proud Brothers, it was stated that Mammon's bedroom is next to Satan's.

Leviathan's Room[edit]
Leviathan's Room.png
Leviathan's Room.png

Leviathan's room was first seen in Lesson 1-13 (OM), and like all the brothers' room is on the second floor, as seen in the Wanderers' Whereabouts map. It has a blue tiled floor, shelves full of manga and anime, and a large bathtub in the room's center. Leviathan uses said bathtub as his bed, and he does in fact sleep in it, as he told MC in the Devilgram The Secret of the Bathtub. The same Devilgram showed his brothers confused and curious about Leviathan sleeping in a bathtub, so presumably this was not something he chose to do when he was an angel.

One of the room's walls is taken up by a gigantic fish tank that Henry likely spends most of his time living in, and who can be spotted there in the room's background image. There are also several presumably decorative floating jellyfish, which may be capable of moving, as seen in the skill animation for A Jealous Christmas. They can also be seen in several episodes of Obey Me! the Anime, such as at the very end of season 1, episode 2. The anime also shows an area of Leviathan's room unseen in the games, where Leviathan keeps a widescreen TV, several game consoles, and even a few arcade cabinets. One arcade bears the name Polybius, a game from an urban legend. The opposite side of the room is where Leviathan keeps his computer, which has four monitors.

Leviathan's room was not always located where it is currently, as Leviathan mentioned having moved rooms in Lesson 7-17 (OM).

Satan's Room[edit]
Satan's Room.png
Satan's Room.png

This room is so full of precarious piles of books that Satan commented in the Devilgram The Avatar of Wrath that "something usually topples over at least once a day."

In the Devilgram The Avatar of Sloth, Belphegor mentioned that this room was originally going to be his room until Satan came along, and Belphegor was forced to share with Beelzebub instead.

Asmodeus's Room[edit]
Asmodeus's Room.png
Asmodeus's Room.png

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Asmodeus's Bathroom[edit]
Asmodeus's Bathroom.png
Asmodeus's Bathroom.png

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Asmodeus's Closet[edit]
Asmodeus's Closet.png
Asmodeus's Closet.png

In Lesson 13-14 Hard (NB), Luke explores Asmodeus's closet. He assumes it is built with magic and it is so large he gets lost while inside. He also finds what he thinks is a skeleton from someone else who got lost.

Beelzebub's and Belphegor's Room[edit]
The Twins' Room.png
The Twins' Room.png

The twins' room was first seen in Lesson 5-4 (OM), and is on the second floor directly next to one of the three sets of staircases connecting the first and second floor, as seen in the WW map. The room has two beds, and the color scheme of the room is divided equally in half. Beelzebub's side of the room features red colors and sun motifs, while Belphegor's side is purple with moon motifs. Each side has one of a matching set of wardrobes, dressers, and storage chests. There is at least one closet in this room, as there is a secret passage in said closet that leads to the underground tomb, as was revealed in Lesson 6 (OM).

The center of the twins' room is open space with a large rug on the floor, and above it is what appears to be a chandelier with strings of lights hanging down, as well as several floating umbrellas. Past a set of armchairs and end table, the back of the room has a spiral staircase leading up to an indoor balcony, where there are multiple arched windows.

Lilith's Room[edit]
Lilith's Room.png
Lilith's Room.png

As seen in Lesson 6-1 (OM), Lilith's room is a secret room. It is in a location on the second floor where only Lucifer's room should be, as seen in the Wanderers' Whereabouts map. However, the room is included within a dollhouse replica of the House of Lamentation first seen in Lesson 5-20 (OM). It was added to the house by Lucifer, as mentioned in Lesson 18 (OM), and is either a reproduction, or Lilith's actual room from the Celestial Realm.

The room's walls are a pale green with lots of pictures of flowers present. All of the furniture has been covered in white sheets, as the room is no longer in use. Despite both being in the Devildom and in a central area of the house, the room has multiple large windows with sunlight shining through them.

According to Lesson 6-1 (OM), to enter the room, one must solve a riddle hidden within a decorative pattern on part of the wall in the hallway. The riddle is "written in the language of angels" and reads "When the morning star dwelt in the heavens, its light shone down upon this one, sparkling brilliantly, the eighth of the eight."

Stairways, Attic, and Tomb[edit]



When MC asked about the attic in Lesson 3-2 (OM), Mammon correctly guessed that Lucifer had prevented them from accessing it. This implies the brothers were at this point accustomed to Lucifer treating the attic as off-limits to them as well as MC. Lucifer also mentioned in Lesson 6-15 (OM) that he'd cast a spell on the stairs to the attic so that the only demon who could climb them was himself.

Before being used by Belphegor, the attic was believed to be Lucifer's private sanctuary where he kept things from the Celestial Realm, as mentioned by Satan in Lesson 13 (OM). In the Devilgram Sleeping Beauties, Belphegor mentioned that the attic has a window.

Stairway to the Attic[edit]

Stairway to the Attic.png
Stairway to the Attic.png

The attic's staircase was first seen by MC in Lesson 2-15 (OM). These spiral stairs may be located within one of the house's narrow turrets (which can be seen from the exterior). They are also possibly connected to the second floor by straight stairs with a landing joining them to the spiral stairs, as may be implied in the Wanderers' Whereabouts map.

The space these stairs are located within has rounded walls made of old-looking stone, and the staircase connects on one side to these walls. The other side has a decorative wooden railing that includes eight-pointed star shapes in the balusters.



The house seems to have three sets of staircases between the first and second floor, as seen in the Wanderers' Whereabouts map. One set of staircases is in a space with an octagonal design and near the entrance hall. Another is next to the music room on the first floor, and Satan's room on the second floor. A third is next to the twins' room on the second floor, but on the first floor is near rooms that have no labels on the Wanderers' Whereabouts map.

Underground Tomb[edit]

Underground Tomb.png
Underground Tomb.png

The house's underground tomb was first seen in Lesson 6-4 (OM), and in this lesson Mammon mentioned that "no one else but [the brothers have] access to this place." Other than the closet in Beelzebub's and Belphegor's room that has a secret passage to the underground tomb, ways to enter said tomb haven't been stated. There is also no labeled access point to the tomb on the Wanderers' Whereabouts map.

The tomb has stone walls with a high vaulted ceiling, and is filled with both candles and skeletons. A small set of steps in the back of the room lead to what could be an altar, or could also be the coffin of an important figure. It is most likely not the empty coffin belonging to Lilith, though said stone coffin is known to be housed in this tomb. This is because it was mentioned in Lesson 6-4 (OM) that Lilith's coffin has a sculpture on top of it holding a Grimoire.

As seen in Lesson 40-20 (OM), the underground tomb has an emergency escape route that leads to the far reaches of the Devildom.



House of Lamentation Tree.png
House of Lamentation Tree.png

In the twins' 2022 birthday event, Belphegor remembers when he and Beelzebub planted the large tree in the backyard on one of their previous birthdays that was so long ago, he had forgotten about it.


House of Lamentation Garden.png
House of Lamentation Garden.png

Stray cats often visit the house's garden, for which Satan buys toys and food, as seen in the Devilgram A Very Catty Birthday.

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