Story Summary
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"I'll pay him a visit later."
Belphegor is groaning when Mammon notices and asks if he's okay, as Belphie looks pretty pale. MC then asks if Belphie is feeling unwell, and Belphie admits to it. Mammon responds that he's got ill luck coming down with something the night before Halloween, especially since it's pretty rare for demons to get sick. MC asks Belphie to go rest in his room and he thanks them but is too weak to attempt it. MC can then choose to either allow him to lean on their shoulder, or ask Mammon to carry Belphie to his room.
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"I don't think it was on purpose."
In his room, Belphegor thanks MC, saying it's okay now; they can return to the others. MC can either leave or choose to stay. If MC stays, Belphie asks them not to leave his side, as their presence is comforting since he only gets sick once every hundred years or so. Suddenly, he feels uneasy. Belphie recalls that there are sweets on the table - Solomon gave them to him at a party the day before. He doesn't recommend MC eat any, as they taste awful. MC suggests that he's unwell because of the sweets. Belphie is shocked initially, but recalls feeling sick only after consuming them. He grumbles that the taste was "unique" but didn't realize they were unique enough to put him in bed, and that if Solomon was responsible than he's more devilish than a demon can handle.
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"I want to eat some too!"
Belphegor admits to feeling better after knowing the cause, and decides to be more careful when accepting food from Solomon in the future, saying he'll check who made them first. He grumbles that everyone's out celebrating while he's cooped up in bed. MC cheers him up and Belphie realizes that, because he's sick, this gives him an excuse to skip "annoying" parties and relax in bed. He tells MC it's dinnertime and asks them to go eat without him as he doesn't really have an appetite, but cheekily asks MC to make something for him.
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"Tell me the recipe next t..."
When MC returns, Belphegor welcomes them, expressing interest in MC's vegetable soup. He then requests MC feed him. If MC agrees, Belphie expresses delight, saying the food is good and warms him up, making him feel better. He admits that although it sucked when he started feeling sick, he thinks it isn't so bad since he has MC to himself. Belphie asks MC to stroke his head. If MC does so, he says their hand feels nice and soothing. He then asks MC if they wanted to attend the Halloween party. If MC tells Belphie they can't leave him alone when he's sick, he responds MC is kind but that they are kind to everyone, making him jealous sometimes. He says he might feel better if he got a kiss. If MC kisses him, Belphie declares he already feels better, and asks MC to kiss him more until he recovers.
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