Luke and the Troll

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Luke and the Troll is the tenth solo audio drama that was released alongside Luke's character song My Wish on March 25th, 2022.


Beelzebub: Yum... YUM!

Belphegor: You're already eating? Why don't you take in the view while we're out here?

Beelzebub: Belphie, that bento looks good... I wonder what it tastes like. Hey, Belphie... Can I, uh... Eat it?

Belphegor: Not just a bite? All of it?

Beelzebub: Yeah, I wonder what it'd taste like if I ate it all.

Belphegor: Okay. I thought you'd say that. So I bought two.

Beelzebub: You're the best! Thank you!

Belphegor: By the way, did you hear?

Beelzebub: I did. They're raising the price of devil hamburger combos. I guess it's better than them making them smaller though.

Belphegor: No, not that.

Beelzebub: Huh? What then?

Belphegor: Luke got told off by Michael.

Beelzebub: This bento is so good! Oh, yeah?

Belphegor: If he doesn't produce some results, he'll have to leave RAD.

Beelzebub: What?! That means no more of Luke's cakes! No, I meant, we won't be able to see him again! *Yum!*

Belphegor: Yeah...

Beelzebub: It'd be sad without him around. What are these "results" anyway?

Belphegor: I don't know. But haven't they been studying us and the Devildom for a while?

Beelzebub: Hmm... Right. I'm hungry. Let's get somethin'.

Belphegor: You already finished? Did you chew?

Beelzebub: Hey, isn't that Luke?

Belphegor: True. What is he wearing? He's coming this way.

Luke: I am a giant troll! I'm gonna attack you now!

Belphegor: Do you think he thinks he's a troll? There's a face hole in the stomach though. And he's holding a pen and paper... He's trying to study us...

Luke: Rawr, if I told you to give over one of you, who would you choose?

Beelzebub: Hey, Luke. What's up?

Belphegor: Beel!

Luke: L-Luke?! W-What are you talking about?! I'm a giant troll! And my eyes are up here! Why are you looking at my tummy!

Belphegor: Ah, right! Beel must have panicked and said Luke instead of troll! They sound similar, right? Trooll and Luuke... Like, when you elongate them... Hehe

Luke: Is that right? Mwahaha! I know I can be scary. Especially since I am a real genuine troll! So, if...

Beelzebub: -You studying us?

Belphegor: -Beel!

Luke: W-W-What's that?!

Belphegor: I-I think Beel was just scared. He meant to say, "You sure look tough!"

Luke: You studying us... You sure look tough... Hmm... I guess I can see that! He's big for such a scaredy cat!

Beelzebub: Luke, that costume looks great on you.

Luke: C-Costume?! W-What?! What are you talking about?!

Belphegor: Oh, ah! Beel was just, uh... He meant... Um... Look! A UFO!

Luke: Where?!

Belphegor: He fell for it! Beel! Pretend like he's not Luke. If he doesn't get this study done, he'll have to go home! You don't want him to, do you? So just play alone.

Beelzebub: Oh, I get it now.

Belphegor: Yup! Just pretend like he's a troll and answer his question.

Beelzebub: Okay.

Luke: Hey! There was no UFO! Were you tricking me?! I'll teach you! You better help my study or else!

Belphegor: He said study...

Beelzebub: Okay, troll. I'll help your study.

Belphegor: Don't you say it too.

Luke: It appears the big one is scared, huh? Anyway, who would you give up if I was gonna take one of you?

Belphegor: Easy, me.

Beelzebub: No, me?

Luke: Interesting. So you'd put yourself in danger to protect the other one?

Beelzebub: Troll, you better have written that down.

Luke: Don't worry! Thanks.

Beelzebub: You dropped your cap. Here you go.

Luke: Thank you!

Belphegor: Did you guys forget the whole troll thing?!

Beelzebub: Troll, we can answer another question.

Luke: Thanks, you're too kind. But don't worry.

Belphegor: You were meant to be a threatening troll! Did he just remember he's a troll?

Luke: You two are lucky! I just remembered I had something to take care of! I'll let you go, this time! But! Next time, you won't get off so easily! So long!

Beelzebub: See ya, troll.

Luke: Bye-bye!

Belphegor: He left... What was that? Did he think we believed him?

Beelzebub: Probably. It was cute though.

Belphegor: Yeah. I'm gonna remember this in a month and crack up.

Luke: Study Report: Belphegor and Beelzebub believed that my fate at RAD depended on a study and played along with a ridiculous situation. I believe this shows they are growing through their interactions with humans and angels. However, I cannot yet trust them fully, and must continue to observe their behavior. All done. ...Maybe I shouldn't say I don't trust them. I'll remove it. They are great guys after all.

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