Listen to Me - Devilgram

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Listen to Me Devilgram.png
Listen to Me
Intimacy: Leviathan Lv. 7
Card: Listen to Me
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(0 votes)

Story Summary

"No slacking off!"

MC is with Levi, Asmo, and Mammon in the dining room. While Asmo is telling a story, Levi keeps sighing, until Mammon asks what's up. Levi explains that he is feeling anxious for his first performance as a host on the liveshow of Otaku FM. The others try to cheer him up, but nothing helps, until Mammon suggests he should try practicing first. MC is going to help him and that makes Levi a little happier.

"Will it be okay?"

In Levi's room, he sets up the equipment. When MC comments on it, he explains that he had all this equipment in case he wanted to make his own online podcast. But thus far, he was always too shy to go through with it. Thinking about it makes him nervous again for the show. When Levi starts practicing the show, he can't get a word out of his mouth. They decide to try something easier first. A classic segment, reading letters.

"Accidents on air lololol"

Levi starts pondering over what kind of letters are sent to a radio show. MC can suggest a letter that's about the show or one that's about people's personal lives. Then MC suggests letters with questions or letters with requests for advice. Levi will say they're all good ideas. Then he says some letters are probably song requests. With a plan on how he wants to practice now, Levi and MC start again. It's going a little better, but Levi is still way too scared to make it anything good. MC is trying to support him, but Levi thinks he really can't do the show.

"What are ya doin'?"

Still Levi is determined to keep practicing. It goes a little better again, but he still sounds very stiff. MC suggests all kinds of things to make him feel more comfortable, but Levi still feels hopeless. So MC can give him an encouragement to not give up, or a hug, which afterwards Levi asks for a kiss if he tries his hardest. And MC can agree to that. So he starts again. A little nervous at first, Levi starts "reading" a letter that comes from a shut-in that lives in the House of Lamentation, who has a crush on someone, and requests a song for courage. Afterwards, MC can compliment him, which makes him very happy. A few days later it's time for the liveshow. Mammon and MC are watching Levi and Asmo from the crowd. It becomes quickly clear that practicing helped Levi a lot, as he steps into his role of host without any hesitation or stuttering.

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