Show Me Your Frames! - Devilgram

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Show Me Your Frames! Devilgram.png
Show Me Your Frames!
Intimacy: Leviathan Lv. 5
Card: Show Me Your Frames!
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x8
(one vote)

Story Summary

"What about a glasses day?"

Leviathan invites MC to watch an anime with him. He tells them its title is My Meganekko or MyMega for short. After watching the anime together, Leviathan gushes over how this anime's main character and side characters all wear glasses despite characters with glasses typically being sidelined in anime. MC can choose to share his enthusiasm or tell him that they get it already. If the latter option is picked, he states that although he's not excessively into glasses, he should cover all his bases as a respectable otaku. He lists a few glasses-wearing types: the cute nerd, the sadistic spectacles, and the hot librarian. He then claims that glasses are the essence of romance and announces that MC must become a glasses character.

"I refuse."

Leviathan decides to start off with turning MC into the "cute nerd" character trope. As "cute nerd" characters are associated with oversized round glasses with metal frames, he supplies MC accordingly. If MC chooses to ask why he owns those glasses, he answers that he uses them for cosplay. If MC chooses to protest that the glasses don't suit them, he assures MC that they'll look great. After MC dons the glasses, he appears wowed and directs them to tilt their head to the side, bonk themselves on the head with their fist and stick their tongue out as if they'd done something embarrassing. If MC complies, he becomes very flustered. He is astonished at the amount of moe in MC's "cute nerd" look. He then elects to move on to the next example.

"You mean Lucifer?"

Leviathan decides to continue with turning MC into the "sadistic spectacles" character trope. As "sadistic spectacles" characters are associated with black-rimmed specs, he supplies MC accordingly. He seems impressed with how MC looks with the glasses on, and asks them to say something sadistic. If MC chooses to ask Leviathan to give them an example, he resists, insisting that he's not a sadist in the slightest, but if MC pushes on, he reluctantly decides to quote Lucifer and gets embarrassed. If MC chooses to say a sadistic line, Leviathan gets flustered and asks, stunned, where they learned how to speak like that. He then elects to move on to the final example.

"I want to pick shades for ev..."

Leviathan decides to finish off with MC simply wearing glasses as themselves. He provides MC with glasses he picked out just for them, brown with oval frames. He becomes amazed at how MC looks wearing them, calling the look "epically moe." He then hesitantly asks MC if he could kiss them. If MC refuses, he recovers quickly, suggesting a special cosplay show consisting solely of glasses characters. If MC agrees, Leviathan tells them he realized he felt this way not because of the glasses or the character trope, but because they were MC. He wonders if this could all be a dream, and asks MC for assurance. MC can choose to ask if this was a dream, where Leviathan states that if that were the case, he'd never want to wake up, or choose to tell him they love him, where Leviathan, delighted, tells MC he loves them too.

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