Beelzebub's Calls (Obey Me!)

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This page lists all phone calls in Obey Me! that are sent from Beelzebub. For calls from Beelzebub in Nightbringer, see Beelzebub's Calls (Nightbringer).

Intimacy Calls[edit]

Calls from Beelzebub obtained by raising Beelzebub's Intimacy level. For call summaries, see the summary section below this table.

Title Requirements
Midnight Delivery Lv. 5 Intimacy
I Wanted to Hear Your Voice Lv. 10 Intimacy
Aim for the Top! Lv. 15 Intimacy
One Hundred Delicacies Lv. 20 Intimacy
Food For Two Lv. 25 Intimacy
Hang In There Lv. 30 Intimacy
I'm Worried Lv. 35 Intimacy
Warning! Don't Drink Too Much Lv. 40 Intimacy
Daily 1 Lv. 40 Intimacy
Daily 2 Lv. 45 Intimacy
Daily 3 Lv. 50 Intimacy
Daily 4 Lv. 55 Intimacy
please add Lv. 60 Intimacy
please add Lv. 65 Intimacy
please add Lv. 70 Intimacy
please add Lv. 75 Intimacy
please add Lv. 80 Intimacy
please add Lv. 85 Intimacy
please add Lv. 90 Intimacy
please add Lv. 95 Intimacy
please add Lv. 99 Intimacy

Intimacy Call Summaries[edit]

This section may include spoilers.

Lv. 5 Intimacy[edit]

Confused by MC answering his call to the pizzeria, Beelzebub, rather than realizing his misdial, asks if they opened up a pizzeria. He's ready to order when he eventually realizes his mistake — rushing to call in a feat of hunger. Deciding to redial, he invites MC over for pizza.

Lv. 10 Intimacy[edit]

Alone in his room, Beelzebub, knowing he'd talked to MC throughout the day, calls to hear them again. Committing to eating Mammon's snack, he notices MC's misunderstanding — that he called due to hunger. Explaining his delight in MC picking up quickly, he decides to head over and talk more.

Lv. 15 Intimacy[edit]

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Lv. 20 Intimacy[edit]

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Lv. 25 Intimacy[edit]

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Lv. 30 Intimacy[edit]

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Lv. 35 Intimacy[edit]

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Lv. 40 Intimacy[edit]

Call 1: please add summary under 50 words

Call 2: please add summary under 50 words

Lv. 45 Intimacy[edit]

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Lv. 50 Intimacy[edit]

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Lv. 55 Intimacy[edit]

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Lv. 60 Intimacy[edit]

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Lv. 65 Intimacy[edit]

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Lv. 70 Intimacy[edit]

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Lv. 75 Intimacy[edit]

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Lv. 80 Intimacy[edit]

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Lv. 85 Intimacy[edit]

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Lv. 90 Intimacy[edit]

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Lv. 95 Intimacy[edit]

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Lv. 99 Intimacy[edit]

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Birthday Calls[edit]

Calls from Beelzebub sent on the Player's Birthday. For call summaries, see the summary section below this table.

Title Requirements
Happy Birthday (Beelzebub) Player's First Birthday
Happy Birthday2 (Beelzebub) Player's Second Birthday
Happy Birthday3 (Beelzebub) Player's Third Birthday

Birthday Call Summaries[edit]

This section may include spoilers.

Player's First Birthday[edit]

Beelzebub calls to wish MC a happy birthday and tell them he left food for them outside of their room. He tells them how much fun he had picking out foods he thought they would like and his hopes for another year of trying new foods with them.

Player's Second Birthday[edit]

Beelzebub wishes MC a happy birthday. Instead of sending them food like last year, he's planned a food tour of his favorite restaurants. However, since they won't have time to visit them all in a single day, Beelzebub suggests they spend the whole year celebrating until MC's next birthday.

Player's Third Birthday[edit]

Beelzebub's glad he and MC spent so much time together celebrating their last birthday. If MC agrees, Beelzebub tells them food tastes better with them and that he hopes to celebrate their birthday again next year. If MC inquires about their present, Beelzebub reveals he's planned a tour of Human World restaurants.

Holiday/Anniversary Calls[edit]

Calls from Beelzebub sent on holidays or anniversaries. For call summaries, see the summary section below this table.

Title Requirements
Anniversary 6 Three Years of Playing

Holiday/Anniversary Call Summaries[edit]

This section may include spoilers.

Three Year Anniversary[edit]

Beelzebub suddenly asks MC how many puddings they've eaten together in the past three years. Regardless of their answer, Beelzebub says that the large amount is proof of how long they've been together. He invites MC to an all-you-can-eat pudding place, alongside Belphegor, and wishes them a happy three-year anniversary.

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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