Lesson Summaries (Obey Me!)

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WARNING! This page contains SPOILERS. Please view at your own risk.

This page contains brief story summaries of all 80 Lessons in the Main Story of Obey Me!.

For tables listing all main character appearances in Obey Me!'s story stages, see the Character Appearances (Obey Me!) page. If you are looking for what dialogue choices give intimacy bonuses, see Lesson Intimacy Bonuses (Obey Me!), and for a list of item drops per stage, see Lesson Item Drops (Obey Me!).

Lessons 1-10[edit]

Lesson 1[edit]


We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Royal Academy of Diavolo.

Please return this letter with your signature to confirm your participation.

We are looking forward to welcoming you as part of our new exchange program.

Yours sincerely,


Diavolo welcoming MC
Diavolo welcoming MC

In a place that looks like a courtroom, MC is confused to suddenly find themselves being welcomed to the Devildom by a man who introduces himself as Diavolo. He goes on to explain he is "the ruler of all demons" and that MC has been brought to the Royal Academy of Diavolo, aka "RAD."

Diavolo then introduces Lucifer — his right-hand man and the "Avatar of Pride" — who explains that MC has been chosen as a representative of the Human World in Diavolo's exchange program, which is a program intended to strengthen the Devildom's relationship with the Human world and the Celestial Realm. As one of the four exchange students joining at RAD, MC will stay in the Devildom for one year while working on school tasks. Lucifer then gives MC a D.D.D. — which functions nearly identical to a smartphone — and tells them to call his brother Mammon with it.

After the phone call, Lucifer introduces his other present brothers: Asmodeus, Avatar of Lust and fifth oldest; Satan, Avatar of Wrath and fourth oldest, and Beelzebub, Avatar of Gluttony and sixth oldest. Diavolo then tells MC they'll be staying with Lucifer and his brothers in the House of Lamentation during their time in the Devildom. Mammon, the "Avatar of Greed" then arrives, and Lucifer informs him that he will be in charge of watching over MC, which Mammon agrees to only after putting up a fight about it.

Lucifer tells MC their task at RAD is to "polish up your soul" and "acquire the power to resist demons." At year's end, MC will also be required to write a paper about their stay in the Devildom. However, as MC has no magic, he and his brothers will lend MC their powers via special cards summoned using the Nightmare app on their D.D.D. and used in dance battles. With his explanation complete, Mammon takes MC to the House of Lamentation, which acts as the dorm for RAD student council members, except for Diavolo, who resides in a castle instead.

Once inside, Leviathan, the "Avatar of Envy" shows up. He demands Mammon pay him back the money he owes, though if MC chooses to defend Mammon, he pretends to know that MC collects anime figurines like Leviathan loves. Regardless of choice, however, Mammon successfully uses MC as a distraction before running off. Leviathan then gets an idea, and drags MC to his room. After rambling for a while about The Tale of the Seven Lords fantasy novel series — aka "TSL" — and introducing MC to his goldfish Henry, Leviathan tells MC that he want the money back he gave Mammon. However, he can't force him, because Mammon is the second oldest brother while Leviathan is the third, meaning that he's weaker than Mammon.

Instead, he wants MC to make a pact with Mammon, which would mean he'd have to do whatever MC told him, including giving Leviathan his money back. Traditionally, humans entering pacts with demons offer their soul in exchange, but to avoid trading their soul, Leviathan plans to have MC offer something "he'd do ANYTHING to get."

Lesson 2[edit]

MC has their first day at RAD, where they encounter Solomon, who introduces himself as the other exchange student from the Human World. He hands MC their D.D.D. before departing. MC then runs into Lucifer, who warns them that Solomon cannot be trusted, and that he not only "wields powerful magic," but also has a Ring of Wisdom that aids him in controlling demons.

Going on what Leviathan told them yesterday about Lucifer having Mammon's credit card, MC tries to get a hint from Lucifer about where he hid it. He mentions having "frozen" something of Mammon's, then the bell for the next class rings, and the two part ways.

Meanwhile, Solomon, Satan, and Asmodeus are playing cards and discussing Mammon. Satan comments that he heard from Lucifer that MC is trying to make a pact with Mammon, and has "teamed up" with Leviathan with this goal in mind. According to Satan, Lucifer also said he gave MC a hint about the location of Mammon's credit card.

MC's first pact with a demon
MC's first pact with a demon

That night, back in the House of Lamentation, MC receives a chat from Leviathan asking them to come to the kitchen. They encounter Beelzebub there, and ask about the seventh brother they've not seen. Beelzebub doesn't tell them anything, and tells them not to ask his other brothers either, because Lucifer would be angry.

After Beelzebub leaves, Leviathan comes out of hiding. He looks for Mammon's credit card in the freezer, and finds it frozen in a block of ice, which he puts into the microwave to thaw. Mammon then enters the kitchen to sees his card — which he's named Goldie — and begs for Leviathan to return it to him. Leviathan will only agree if Mammon makes a pact with MC, to which Mammon agrees.

In the Dining Room he next morning, Asmodeus and Satan talk about how amusing it is that Mammon now has a pact with MC, and how interesting it is that Leviathan helped them. Mammon enters and starts yelling at everyone for treating him poorly, then blames the whole situation on Lucifer and insults him, not realizing Lucifer had entered the room as well. Lucifer hits Mammon, then compliments MC for having made a pact with him.

Mammon drags MC out of the room, complaining that bad things have been happening to him ever since MC's arrival. After he threatens to eat MC, they use their pact for the first time, telling Mammon to "stay!" Mammon freezes in place, unable to move due to the pact's magic.

Later at RAD, MC is introduced to BarbatosDiavolo's steward — as well as Simeon and Luke, who are both angel exchange students from the Celestial Realm. After both Lucifer and Diavolo tease Luke by calling him a "chihuahua," everyone save Luke and MC leave for the next class. Luke takes this time to warn MC to "never trust a demon. Especially when that demon is Lucifer."

That night, MC thinks they hear someone calling for help. They leave their room and follow the sounds to the stairs of the attic, where they run into Lucifer. He warns them that the attic is dangerous for humans, and instructs them to return to their room, which they do.

Lesson 3[edit]

Mammon's reaction after MC asks about the stairs
Mammon's reaction after MC asks about the stairs

It's another night of MC being unable to sleep at the House of Lamentation, so they try again to reach the attic, and again are stopped at the staircase by Lucifer. In the Dining Hall the next morning, MC asks Mammon what it at the top of the stairs. He initially refuses to say anything, but after some goading, he relents.

He tells MC that Lucifer has an interest in the vinyl soundtrack for The Tale of the Seven Lords. If they can get the soundtrack from Leviathan and give it to Lucifer, that should distract him so that MC can climb the attic stairs. MC asks Mammon to help them, then make use of their pact with him when he refuses.

The two go to Leviathan's room, and are surprised to encounter Solomon in the hallway. He tells them Leviathan invited him to his room, then knocks on the door. He then says a secret phrase related to TSL trivia beginning with "The second lord..." and is allowed inside. When MC tries using the same secret phrase, however, it doesn't work due to the phrase being "periodically reset." Mammon decides this means MC will have to learn enough trivia about TSL for Leviathan to let them borrow the soundtrack.

MC then has a "TSL Full Series DVD Marathon Night" with Mammon and Beelzebub, who is there for the popcorn. They learn in DVD Volume 2 that the Lord of Fools' former sweetheart's name is "Geldie," in Volume 5 that supplies the Lord of Fools sent the Lord of Flies' country had spoiled, and in Volume 7 that the other lords can't free the Lord of Emptiness from his tower because they were afraid of the Lord of Corruption.

The next day, Mammon quizzes MC to make sure they remember this information, the Leviathan shows up. MC challenges him to a competition to see who the bigger TSL fan is, and eventually goads him into agreeing. Later at RAD, both Satan and Beelzebub give MC advice on how to defeat Leviathan. Mammon later agrees with what Beelzebub said about trying to make Leviathan jealous to throw him off his game, but warns that if they succeed "there's no guarantee he won't kill ya."

MC can either ask "a human" or "an angel" for advice on how to make Leviathan jealous, and then it is time for the "Devil's Trivia Showdown." The judge for the competition is Diavolo, Asmodeus is the host, commentary will be given by Satan, and the "guest demon" is Beelzebub, which was paid to be there in cheeseburgers.

The showdown begins, and MC is given easy questions, such as listing the first three lords in order of age — said order being "Corruption, then Fools, then Shadow" — while Leviathan is asked questions such as what is written on page 724 of TSL Volume 3. Despite the difficulty gap, Leviathan still manages to answer every questions he's given correctly. In response, Mammon urges MC to play their "trump card."

Lesson 4[edit]

To turn the tides of the TSL competition in their favor, MC reveals their "secret weapon." If they chose to ask an angel for advice in Lesson 3-17, MC summarizes the plot of the still unreleased TSL Volume 9, as was told to them by Simeon. Their words are confirmed by Diavolo, who is capable of telling "whether someone is telling the truth," as explained by Satan.

If MC chose to ask a human in Lesson 3-17, they reveal a pendant loaned to them by Solomon in the shape of a single wing. This is the platinum version of the Lord of Corruption's lost wing pendant, which is an extremely rare item of TSL merch.

Whichever option was chosen, the advice pays off, and pushes Leviathan into such a fury that he turns into his demon form and charges at MC. He is stopped, however, by Lucifer also taking his demon form and defending MC. Lucifer then orders Leviathan to return to his room and calm down, which he does. Diavolo then announces the competition to have ended in a draw.

MC managed to fall and sprain their wrist in all the chaos, so Mammon joins them in their room and tries his best to bandage it. Beelzebub is also there, which Mammon complains about, but Beelzebub rebuts that Mammon is in MC's room so often he's even left a phone charger and toothbrush here. He then heads to the kitchen for a soda, leaving Mammon alone with MC. He then tells them that he — and no one else — has to be the one to save them next time, and that if he can't save them, "then make sure you die."

MC gets a chat from Leviathan, and leaves to meet him in the Planetarium. While they're gone, Mammon snoops around their room looking for things he can sell. He then talks about being willing to sell even MC if there was profit in doing so. Beelzebub calls his bluff, stating that Mammon likes MC too much to do that. Of course, Mammon frantically denies that claim.

MC's second pact
MC's second pact

In the Planetarium, despite Diavolo declaring the TSL competition a draw, Leviathan still makes a pact with MC. MC then asks him for the vinyl soundtrack for The Tale of the Seven Lords, and heads for Lucifer's room. Once invited in, they give Lucifer the soundtrack, who then tells MC he will now spend the evening listening to the soundtrack and not leave his room, but reminds them that the stairs to the attic are still off-limits.

Naturally, MC takes this opportunity to climb the stairs anyway. At the top, they see an obstructed doorway, behind which is the person whose voice MC has been hearing calling for help. This person claims to be a human, and tells MC that Lucifer locked him here in the attic. The door is sealed with powerful magic that only the combined magic of Lucifer and all six of his brothers can break. So, the stranger tells MC they have to make pacts with all of them, and that their next pact should be Beelzebub.

The next morning in the Dining Hall, Lucifer asks MC if anything happened last night, then admits he allowed MC to visit the attic, and advises them to forget about that, and focus on surviving the year in the Devildom.

Later that night, MC is in their room when they get a chat from Mammon asking them to meet him in the kitchen. When they do so, Mammon pushes them into eating a custard belonging to Beelzebub. Beelzebub then arrives, enraged because he thinks Mammon ate his custard. He turns into his demon form, and charges at Mammon.

Lesson 5[edit]

MC, Mammon and Beelzebub are brought to Lucifer's where he lectures them on what they had done wrong. The kitchen has been destroyed after Beelzebub went on a rampage, and since MC's room was adjacent to the kitchen, their room now lacks a wall. Lucifer tells them that MC will be staying in Beelzebub's room for the time being, despite Mammon's objections.

There are two beds in Beelzebub's room; the left belongs to Beelzebub, and the right belongs to Belphegor, Beelzebub's twin brother. Beelzebub tells MC that Belphegor is in the Human World as an exchange student along with another demon named Diaval. He also tells them the brothers used to have a sister named Lilith who had been especially close to Belphegor and him. MC later realizes that the occupant of the attic room is actually Belphegor when they find a portrait of him in the portrait hall. That night, they return to the attic to confront Belphegor, who admits the truth.

MC agrees to help Belphegor
MC agrees to help Belphegor

The next morning, MC eavesdrops on a conversation between Lucifer and Beelzebub, and learns that the demon brothers were originally angels in the Celestial Realm, but after ending up in the Devildom Lucifer pledged his loyalty to Diavolo. They also learn that there is tension between the brothers due to Belphegor having attempted to stand in the way of Diavolo's dream. MC decides to help Belphegor in order to resolve this conflict.

Later on, Luke messages MC that he's outside the House of Lamentation and he needs to spend the night in MC's room. As MC's room was destroyed by Beelzebub, Luke has to stay with MC in Beelzebub's room. During breakfast, both MC and Beelzebub eat less than usual, wanting to bring food back for Luke. Beelzebub having uneaten food left on his plate causes a commotion between Mammon, Satan, and Asmodeus. On the way back to Beelzebub's room, he and MC find Luke roaming the hallway and looking inside other rooms because being stuck in Beelzebub's room is boring.

Back inside the twins' room, Beelzebub announces that Lucifer is conducting a surprise inspection. He shoves Luke into a closet to hide him, but when Lucifer arrives and orders the closet to be opened, Luke isn't there. He's still gone the next day, though MC and Beelzebub hide this from Simeon when he asks them to take care of Luke until he's ready to come back to Purgatory Hall. Beelzebub and MC search the house but still can't find him. When they reach the entrance hall, they notice the decorative dollhouse of the House of Lamentation has an extra room in it; a room that doesn't exist.

Lesson 6[edit]

MC and Beelzebub find a secret room that is a copy of Lilith's room back up in the Celestial Realm. When MC asks Beelzebub to tell them more about Lilith, he describes what happened during the Great Celestial War. Mammon suddenly calls MC and tells them to hurry to the underground tomb, which is where Luke is. Lucifer found him there, and is furious at the sight of Luke holding a grimoire. When MC and Beelzebub arrive, Luke accidentally admits Beelzebub hid him in his closet. Lucifer doesn't give Beelzebub a chance to defend himself, and warns that he and Luke should get ready to face the consequences.

MC decides to step between them, shielding Luke and Beelzebub. A furious Lucifer tells them that they can only save one of them. However, MC says they want to protect both. Outraged by MC's reply, Lucifer prepares to attack MC just as everything fades to black. Later, MC wakes up back in the twins' room to Beelzebub calling their name. They ask what happened, and Beelzebub explains that Diavolo arrived in time to stop Lucifer. Simeon took Luke home, who was shaken up but not injured. Beelzebub is also uninjured.

MC's third pact
MC's third pact

Beelzebub tells MC that he's the one to blame for what happened before, and asks MC why they tried to protect him and Luke. MC either tells him they acted on instinct or that Beelzebub and Luke are important to MC as they're friends. Beelzebub tells MC he wants to do something for them as a thank you, so MC asks him to make a pact with them. Beelzebub asks why to which MC replies they want to impress Lucifer so they help him make up with Belphegor. Beelzebub agrees that he also wants the two of them to make up.

He later takes MC to Hell's Kitchen to eat, but Mammon and Leviathan tag along. MC explains to all of them why they want to make pacts with the brothers, and Mammon and Leviathan decide to help. When they return to the House of Lamentation, Lucifer appears and tells MC that their room has been fixed. On the last night staying in Beelzebub's room, he has a dream about Lilith that's different from the nightmare he usually has.

The next morning, breakfast with the brothers is awkward and uncomfortable. Just as MC is about to head off to class early, Lucifer tells them to meet him in the music room. A conversation occurs and Lucifer apologizes for his actions. Shortly after, in the student council room, Diavolo makes the announcement that there will be a retreat held at the Demon Lord's Castle.

Lesson 7[edit]

Everyone gathers in the entrance hall to get ready to leave for Demon Lord's Castle. Mammon tells MC that there are scary rumors about the castle, like there being an underground labyrinth, but Lucifer interrupts the conversation. He hurries everyone along, as he wants to get to the castle before the angels and Solomon do.

They do manage to arrive to the castle first, where Diavolo and Barbatos greet them. Solomon, Simeon, and Luke arrive shortly after. When the younger angel spots MC, he hugs them, saying he's really sorry about what happened back in the underground tomb. Barbatos then begins to explain how the retreat will work.

First, there will be a tour of the castle to learn about Devildom history, and then Devildom food will be served made by himself. The next day will have a scavenger hunt, food from the Celestial Realm will be made by Luke, and finally there will be a dance held. On the final day, lunch will be Human World food will be made by MC.

Everyone has assigned rooms, and MC is to share a room with Simeon and Asmodeus. Mammon demands a switch with his brother, but Asmodeus refuses, and everyone separates to put away their things. Simeon and Asmodeus have a conversation where the latter exclaims how lucky he and MC are to share a room with him, and that there can't be someone out there who doesn't love him. Satan then arrives and informs them the tour will soon begin.

When they join everyone again, Mammon accidentally reveals that he, Solomon, and Satan plan to collaborate together, as Mammon wants to steal things, Solomon wants some magical items that belong to the Demon King, and Satan "just wants to give Lucifer a black eye." Of course Lucifer overhears, and tells Mammon that he expects him to come to his room later.

The tour guide is a tiny demon named Little D. No. 2, who is one of the Little D.'s that helps MC in their tasks. First on the tour is the portrait of the current Demon King, Diavolo's father. Luke comments he last saw the Demon King at a ceremony over 1,000 years ago, and Diavolo mentions he hadn't seen his father in several hundred years, as he's slumbering at the bottom of the Devildom.

Portrait of the witch Helene
Portrait of the witch Helene

While passing through the stairways, Helene, a witch trapped inside a painting, recognizes Asmodeus. Number Two explains that when Helene was in the human world, Asmodeus seduced her and she betrayed her lover at the time, leading to a war that destroyed an entire country. She uses what magic she still possesses to pull Asmodeus, Mammon, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Solomon, and MC into the painting.

MC wakes up to Solomon's calls and finds out they're alone in an underground labyrinth. Solomon summons Asmodeus using their pact, and the three of them soon find the others being chased by a giant snake that was once Leviathan's pet named Henry 1.0.

The snake pursues them, but Solomon amplifies Asmodeus's power, who then charms Henry 1.0., and he shows them to the exit. Afterwards, they explain to everyone how they escaped while eating Barbatos's delicious food.

Later that night, Mammon shows up in MC's room and wants to have a pillow fight. However, Lucifer arrives and overhears Mammon when he insults him, so he drags him away.

Lesson 8[edit]

The second day of the retreat arrives. Mammon didn't get any sleep last night due to Lucifer, and the rest of the brothers have fun guessing what Diavolo had said. The itinerary for the day is a scavenger hunt, so each group is given riddles to solve to find a historical item in the castle and take a picture of it. However, with Asmodeus sabotaging things, Luke's group is not able to complete their riddle solving.

Asmodeus eventually leaves so that he doesn't have to hear Satan's lecturing, and MC follows. They try to make a pact with Asmodeus, but he replies that he'll agree only on the condition that they get a picture of Lucifer's sleeping face.

Later, Luke serves dishes from the Celestial Realm that he made for dinner, and MC tries to get a hint of where Lucifer's room is. After dinner, Diavolo transforms the Hall and fills it with guests from across the Devildom for the formal dance. The demon brothers and Diavolo transform into their demon forms. Mammon nervously asks MC for a dance, but then Lucifer appears and tells MC to dance with him.

As Lucifer and MC dance, he asks them what it is they are plotting. He warns MC that if they ever seem to be a threat to Diavolo or his brothers, he will show them no mercy. Solomon then appears, and he invites MC to dance. He comments that while MC may have pacts with demons, they don't have the power needed to command them. So, Solomon uses a spell to lend MC some of his magic powers for the next six hours.

MC's fourth pact
MC's fourth pact

Later that night, MC, Mammon, Leviathan, and Beelzebub commence 'Operation Photograph Lucifer Sleeping'. When they enter what is supposed to be Lucifer's room, they find Cerberus instead. Everyone escapes through a door, only to fall back into the underground labyrinth with Henry 1.0.

Using Solomon's borrowed powers, MC summons Asmodeus to again tame Henry 1.0. Like Solomon had before, they use a spell to enhance Asmodeus's charm. Asmodeus comments that MC is both able to draw more power out of him than Solomon ever has, and seems to have more magical power than he does.

When the four return to the castle, Lucifer explains that if someone tried to get into his room without knocking, they're transported straight to Cerberus instead. Even though MC failed to get the photo of Lucifer, Asmodeus is still impressed by the power of their magic, and decides to make a pact with them.

Later that night in their shared room, Asmodeus is fawning over MC when Mammon suddenly appears. Satan, Leviathan, Luke, Solomon, Lucifer, and Diavolo soon show up as well. Annoyed at Asmodeus's proximity to MC, Mammon throws a pillow in Asmodeus's face, starting a pillow fight. Once the pillow fight ends and everyone goes to bed, Diavolo and Lucifer discuss MC's pact-making in the garden, while Satan is caught by Barbatos eavesdropping on the conversation.

The last day of the retreat, everyone but Lucifer and Diavolo — who are still asleep — wake up late in the afternoon, tired from staying up all night for the pillow fight. Food from the Human World is served for brunch, with dishes made by MC, Barbatos, and Solomon. Asmodeus is avoiding eating anything Solomon made, and as each of the others try Solomon's food, they understand why. Despite looking delicious, the dishes Solomon made taste terrible to everyone except Solomon himself.

Lesson 9[edit]

Returning home to the House of Lamentation after the retreat, Asmodeus asks MC why they want to make a pact with all the demon brothers, to which MC responds that they want to earn Lucifer's respect. Lucifer asks what the point of earning his respect is, and what MC is trying to accomplish. Satan then states that he's decided he will also be making a pact with MC, which starts an argument that results in Lucifer telling Satan to get out of the house. Satan declares that he would be happy to leave, and goes to his room to pack.

Afterwards, everyone except Satan and Lucifer meet up in MC's room, where MC explains the plan to get Lucifer to make up with Belphegor. Beelzebub points out that earning Lucifer's respect won't work if Satan makes a pact with MC just to spite him. MC asks why Satan hates Lucifer, and Mammon explains that after the Great Celestial War, Satan was born from Lucifer's Wrath, and that while they all raised Satan, he was especially influenced by Lucifer.

Satan explains why he's the fourth-born
Satan explains why he's the fourth-born

MC then goes to Satan's room, where Satan is trying to decide which books to take with him. He warns MC of one book in particular, as it's a forbidden book that causes people to switch bodies. He then explains to MC that he is considered the "fourth-born" because the Demon King gave him and his brothers their names after arriving in the Devildom in the order of most to least powerful. While he was the last born of his siblings, he's the fourth strongest.

Satan then tells MC to make a pact with him, but MC disagrees with Satan making a pact just to irritate Lucifer, and refuses. This angers Satan, and he threatens MC, but is stopped by Lucifer. The two begin arguing, and as Satan's wrath grows, books in the room start to fly off the shelves. Lucifer grabs one of them at the same time Satan does, and in a flash of white the two switch bodies.

Satan (now in Lucifer's body) states that the effect of the body switch lasts for several days. Lucifer (now in Satan's body) still insists they go to school like this, for he does not want Diavolo asking questions. He also wants to keep an eye on Satan while he's in his body, so the two decide to stay in MC's room.

Once in MC's room, with Mammon and Asmodeus still present, Lucifer discusses how things will work. Neither he nor Satan are allowed to go into each other's rooms unless the other is present, and each will avoid doing anything that might attract attention while at school.

The next day, Lucifer, Satan, and MC run into Diavolo, who asks why Lucifer didn't visit the assembly hall first thing in the morning. Satan poorly impersonates Lucifer, but Diavolo reveals that he could tell Lucifer and Satan had switched bodies from the start. He then reminds Lucifer that he has to give a speech to the student body the day after tomorrow. Lucifer concludes that if they haven't switched back by then, Satan would have to deliver the speech as himself.

After school in MC's room, Satan — now joined by Leviathan and Beelzebub — continues to mock Lucifer with bad impressions. MC goes out into the hall to find Mammon hanging from the ceiling, and helps him down only after he agrees to help Satan and Lucifer make up.

Lesson 10[edit]

In Leviathan's room, Mammon shows MC a game named Dogi✩Maji✩Memorium. Anyone who registers to play is actually pulled into the game world. Mammon plans to have Satan and Lucifer work together toward a common goal while playing the game. Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, and MC enter the game.

Mammon inside Dogi✩Maji✩Memorium
Mammon inside Dogi✩Maji✩Memorium

Once inside the game, MC and the others find themselves in a Human World school. Leviathan explains that Dogi✩Maji is a school dating sim; one character is designated the "heroine" (regardless of their gender), and the others have to increase their favorability score with them. In this case, the heroine role is played by MC. In the end, one of the players go up to the Roof of Legend and profess their love for the heroine. If the heroine accepts, they win the game.

Lucifer and Satan — now in their own bodies — challenge each other to see who will raise intimacy with MC first, and the game begins. One by one, MC interacts with each of the brothers, which affects their intimacy levels.

While MC is busy elsewhere, Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, and Satan hold a meeting. They discuss the fact that winning the game isn't guaranteed, so they have a brainstorming session on strategies to best raise intimacy with MC.

On the final day where the players must profess their love to the heroine, Satan apologizes to MC for getting them caught up in a weird business. If MC tells him to wait, they say that Lucifer doesn't see Satan as a child, and that he only behaves as he does because he wants to look good in front of Diavolo.

On the rooftop, instead of a love confession, monsters start appearing all over the school and the game turns into an ultra-hard survival fight. Leviathan seems to be excited about the crazy plot twist in a simple dating sim. The last boss appears, and looks like Cerberus, but Satan states that it's not the real Cerberus. Cerberus charges toward Satan and is about to strike, but Lucifer commands Cerberus to sit, and warns him not to harm his brother. Cerberus obeys, and the screen states that the Mission is Complete.

Back in Leviathan's room, Satan and Lucifer again have their bodies switched in the real world. However, the two brothers seem to have an agreement begun to accept one another.

While all of this was happening, back in the House of Lamentation, Asmodeus and Beelzebub are looking for MC. As the two are cleaning up Satan's room, they touch the forbidden book and switch bodies. Beelzebub (in Asmodeus's body) comments how he doesn't feel hungry, and Asmodeus (in Beelzebub's body) states that he feels incredibly hungry and considers eating some of Satan's books.

Before he does so, both brothers suddenly return to their respective bodies. The forbidden book looks worn out, and Asmodeus states that the more it's used, the more worn out it becomes, until it eventually can't be used anymore.

Lessons 11-20[edit]

Lesson 11[edit]

While shopping in the Devildom, Lucifer — who's still in Satan's body — MC, and Mammon speak about the speech Lucifer has to make tomorrow. They then stop at Hell's Kitchen, where Lucifer treats them all to a meal, but afterwards reveals he did so that Mammon and MC are now in his debt.

Lucifer wants to go to the Human World and find the witch who created the curse of the body switch in order to lift it. At first Mammon is excited about going to the human world, but then changes his mind once he heard witches are involved, because he's afraid of them.

Satan in Lucifer's body helping everyone get to the human world
Satan in Lucifer's body helping everyone get to the human world

There is an obstacle in the way of the trip, however: only certain demons can travel to the human world directly. Because Lucifer is in Satan's body, the magic circle that acts as a doorway doesn't recognize him, and so they can't travel. Satan then arrives and decides to help them, as he's in Lucifer's body, which means the magic seal lets him pass. Thus, they travel together.

In the human world, Mammon's attitude changes again and he enjoys himself. At Victoria Station, Lucifer buys four matching Harrison Porter keychains for the entire group, which surprises Mammon, even though it was what he wanted. Once they board the train and are in a private cabin, Mammon leaves to find the dining car so he can take a picture of the food and brag to Beelzebub. However, he stumbles into the wrong room, and suddenly gets accused of a woman's murder. Lucifer, Satan, and MC arrive at the scene after hearing the woman's last scream.

The brothers and MC meet Lucas, Sophia, and Noah, who were all in the company of the dead woman, who happened to be Grisella, the witch the group was searching for. Lucifer uses his powers to hypnotize the three humans so that they leave.

Back in their own car, everyone hears the ghost of Grisella, who wants them to solve her murder in exchange for lifting the curse of the body switch. All the demons want to torture the three suspects, but MC wants to find a less violent way. They question Grisella and Mammon, and with the information Mammon gives, they guess who the killer is. As the three humans from earlier gather, the witch warns MC about Lucifer, saying he'll soon lose the trust he puts in them.

Once in front of the suspects, Satan decides to explain MC's thoughts, and then declares that the killer is Noah. He turns out to be right, as Noah says he truly wanted to become Grisella's apprentice, but the witch had refused him. She didn't want to take Noah as an apprentice because she predicted she'd die in the train, which would break the man's heart. Ironically, her refusal is exactly why she was killed.

Back in their car, Grisella keeps her word and lifts the curse of the body switch. Surprisingly, Lucifer asks Satan to still do the speech about the report he's supposed to do tomorrow, and his brother agrees with confidence.

Lesson 12[edit]

At Ristorante Six, Lucifer proposes a toast with everyone — save Leviathan, who is absent — for lifting the curse that had he and Satan in each other's bodies. Diavolo thanks MC for how happy Lucifer is, and comments that the right choice was made having MC as an exchange student. MC asks Diavolo how they were chosen in the first place, and he explains that Lucifer chose them, while he simply gave his approval.

In a flashback, a conversation between Diavolo, Barbatos, and Lucifer takes place. Diavolo and Barbatos say they are jealous of how Lucifer enjoyed himself in the human world, then Diavolo mentions he's noticed how well MC is getting along with Lucifer and his brothers. Lucifer admits that he trusts MC now, but after he leaves, Diavolo seems worried, and Barbatos suspects that what's about to happen will wound him deeply.

MC's fifth pact
MC's fifth pact

As everyone is walking back to the House of Lamentation, Lucifer asks MC what they and Diavolo were talking about earlier. When they answer, Lucifer states that the reason he chose MC was due to a sudden breeze that scattered the lists, and the list that landed at his feet had MC's name on it. However, he also says that MC is special to him on a personal level. The conversation is interrupted by a call for Lucifer from Leviathan, but when Lucifer picks up, all he hears is a scream before the connection is cut off.

At the House of Lamentation, Lucifer looks for Leviathan in his room, but only finds his D.D.D. laying on the ground. Lucifer then notices that Beelzebub is also missing, so he suggests everyone split up in groups, with Satan and MC together with him. As they search, Lucifer recalls the story about the House of Lamentation. Originally, the house was built in the human world, and a married couple with seven children lived here with their servant.

One day, the oldest son ran into the constable's office with news that their servant murdered his family, then took his own life. The oldest son lived on in the house, eventually dying of old age, despite circumstantial evidence that he could have been the true killer. At some point, the house was given the name "The House of Lamentation."

Once the story is finished, Satan again asks MC to make a pact with him. MC is surprised, but Satan states that he's not asking to make Lucifer angry. He's decided that he won't let what Lucifer does bother him anymore. MC accepts, and now has their fifth pact.

Later on, the three hear screams that sound like Mammon and Asmodeus to Satan. When investigating, he suddenly disappears as well, leaving Lucifer and MC alone. Lucifer suggests they go back to Leviathan's room, and once there, they notice Leviathan's PC is still turned on. Lucifer finds the packaging for the game The Demon House with a description matching what is happening now.

Thinking the game is the cause for the disappearances, Lucifer suggests he and MC complete the game to see what happens. Upon searching for a game guide, it states that in order to complete the game, you must defeat the final boss, whose name is Lucifer. The guide also states that there is a romantic ending where the player and Lucifer fall in love.

MC and Lucifer reconvene in the library, where Lucifer states that the only choice they have is for MC to fall in love with him so they can finish the game. He suggests they start by asking each other questions. When MC asks Lucifer what he thinks of humans, Lucifer suspects the real question is what he thinks of MC. He states that originally, he'd only wanted to make sure MC survived the year, but over time his feelings changed. He asks MC why they made pacts with everyone, and MC finally tells Lucifer they met with Belphegor, which enrages him.

Mammon and the others appear, but when Beelzebub hears about Belphegor being locked in the attic, he and Lucifer argue, leading to Lucifer hurting Beelzebub. Belphegor then appears in the room with them.

Lesson 13[edit]

Belphegor is out of the attic
Belphegor is out of the attic

Everyone is shocked and confused at Belphegor's appearance. Belphegor confronts Lucifer and things escalate, as Lucifer isn't happy about the situation, and Beelzebub is fed up. In the end, Beelzebub, Belphegor, and MC leave the House of Lamentation.

After leaving, Belphegor laughs at the memory of the look on Lucifer's face, but then asks Beelzebub if it was really okay to leave like that. He answers that he doesn't know, but that they can't go back anymore. He then apologizes for taking MC with them, explaining that he thought it would be dangerous to leave them with Lucifer.

Beelzebub tells MC that the brothers had all gone missing earlier as a practical joke in order to bring Lucifer and MC closer. He then says that sitting and hiding so long has made him hungry, which makes Belphegor nostalgic. Belphegor then comments that he can smell something good, and Beelzebub recognizes the scent of Simeon's BLT devil sandwiches. Sure enough, Simeon shows up, and is surprised at seeing Belphegor. When Belphegor asks him if they can stay at Purgatory Hall, Simeon agrees, but feels like something is going on.

In Purgatory Hall, Beelzebub explains to Simeon, Solomon, and Luke about what's been going on with Belphegor. Solomon and Simeon express disbelief in the entire situation. Belphegor goes on to explain the curse that kept him locked in the attic: it required the power of six of his brothers to break, which is why he asked MC to make pacts with everyone.

However, MC explains that they hadn't made a pact with Lucifer, leading everyone to question how the curse was broken. Belphegor claims that he heard a voice, then he found the door was open. Solomon then points out that even if MC had made a pact with Lucifer, it still wouldn't have been enough, as they lack the ability to control the brothers' powers. Simeon then suggests that someone else must have taken Lucifer's place and filled in as the sixth sibling.

Later on, after bribing Luke to let MC, Beelzebub, and Belphegor use his room to sleep in, Belphegor is still relishing in his freedom. Beelzebub tried to press Belphegor for why he was locked in the attic, but Diavolo suddenly appears, and interjects that if Lucifer hadn't locked his brother up, Belphegor might have destroyed the human world.

Both Diavolo and Barbatos enter the room, and explain that Belphegor vigorously opposed the exchange program. He'd attempted to appeal to Lucifer, but Lucifer had supported the program. Diavolo further explains that Belphegor hated humanity and couldn't accept Diavolo's plan for uniting the Devildom, Celestial Realm, and the human world. Belphegor was angry, to the point that he was a threat to the human world, which prompted Lucifer to lock him in the attic for his own protection.

Belphegor becomes angry when Diavolo claims Lucifer was sheltering him, declaring that he was a prisoner in the attic. Diavolo then corrects him, saying Lucifer was indeed protecting Belphegor from him, then has Belphegor arrested for treason. Beelzebub attempts to interfere, but MC stops him. Diavolo warns them both that if they choose to defy him, things will only get worse for Belphegor. He then explains Belphegor will face justice for his actions, and that Lucifer has been placed under house arrest in the House of Lamentation. He then tells MC to stay out of this, claiming it's a demon matter, and as a human exchange student, they have no involvement. Both he and Barbatos then leave, taking Belphegor away.

Lesson 14[edit]

MC and Beelzebub return to the House of Lamentation with intentions to talk to Lucifer about Belphegor. First, however, MC goes to Mammon to apologize and ask him for help. Mammon tells MC that Lucifer had locked himself in his room, and to get him out they're going to need as much help as they can get. So, they both go to find Leviathan.

They find Leviathan talking with Henry about how betraying and awful humans are, ignoring MC's and Mammon's presence in his room. Mammon tries to explain that MC's pact with him didn't have anything to do with Belphegor, but Leviathan doesn't believe him. MC makes a TSL reference regarding the friendship between the Lord of Shadow and Henry, leading Leviathan to hug them and call them his true friend.

Beelzebub talking about the grimoire Lilith's effigy holds
Beelzebub talking about the grimoire Lilith's effigy holds

The trio is then joined by Satan, Asmodeus and Beelzebub, and they all gather in the underground tomb to follow Mammon's plan. He wants MC to touch the grimoire so that Lucifer will leave his room. However, they first need to sneak past Cerberus, who is patrolling the area.

When MC touches the grimoire, they see a flashback of when Lucifer fell into the Devildom with a dying Lilith after the Great Celestial War. Diavolo appears before him, and at Lucifer's request, promises to save Lilith. However, in return for the great risk of interfering with the Celestial Realm's judgment, Lucifer would have to pledge his loyalty to Diavolo. To this, Lucifer agrees.

When the flashback ends, MC tries to pick up the grimoire, but can't because of the ivy covering it. As Cerberus approaches, Lucifer appears and commands him to sit. MC can either hug or hit Lucifer, and both responses surprise him.

MC gathers everyone back into the mansion to talk about Belphegor. Lucifer reveals that he had locked Belphegor away for his own protection, because he was openly against the human race and put Diavolo's exchange program in jeopardy. Belphegor's reason for hating humans stems back to Lilith's death, as he believes that humanity was responsible.

Meanwhile, back in the Purgatory Hall, Luke is worried about MC and Beelzebub, while Simeon and Solomon try to calm him down. Solomon wonders why Lucifer is loyal to Diavolo, and Simeon comments that Diavolo and Lucifer seem like close friends rater than master and servant, or at least Diavolo sees Lucifer like that.

In a flashback of Simeon visiting the Devildom for the first time after Lucifer's rebellion, he finds Diavolo being extremely friendly with Lucifer, to the point Lucifer had to stop him from embarrassing him any further. Solomon's and Simeon's conversation is interrupted by Luke yelling about his burnt cookies.

In one last flashback, Belphegor is talking to himself in the attic when Lucifer appears. He asks if Belphegor has calmed down yet, reminding him that he was meant to use the time in the attic to rethink what he'd said earlier. Belphegor responds that he'll be stuck here forever, because he'll never change his mind.

Lucifer tells him they've chosen the second student from the human world, and that they are an average, non-magical human. Belphegor threatens to tear them to shreds, ruining both the exchange program and Diavolo's reputation. Lucifer tells him that won't happen, because the door to the room can only be seen by demons, and the stairs are cursed so that no demon but Lucifer can climb them.

Lesson 15[edit]

After Lucifer's explanation as to why Belphegor was locked in the attic, MC asks why he hates humanity in the first place. The brothers explain that, as an angel, Belphegor loved humans and often visited the Human World in secret. His visits led to their sister and youngest sibling — Lilith — also being interested in humanity, and eventually to her falling in love with a human. Unfortunately, the man was stricken with an incurable illness, and in an attempt to save him, Lilith gave him forbidden food from the Celestial Realm.

Because altering the lifespan of a human is forbidden, when caught, she was sentenced to be wiped from existence, which of course Lucifer and his brothers refused to accept. Their rebellion turned into what was afterwards called the Great Celestial War. It was a war the brothers lost, and fell into Devildom, becoming demons.

Lucifer tells everyone about Lilith
Lucifer tells everyone about Lilith

Belphegor blamed the man Lilith had fallen in love with, and argued that she wouldn't have died if neither he nor humanity as whole had never existed, so he began hating humans. However, Lucifer also reveals that Lilith did not die at the end of the war, but was instead saved by Diavolo and reborn as a human, which is why Lucifer swore his loyalty to him.

After hearing all of this, MC and the brothers decide to pay Lord Diavolo a visit. They ask Diavolo to release Belphegor, to which Diavolo eventually agrees, but only under the condition that MC travels back into the past and ascertain exactly who it was that freed him from the attic.

With the help of Barbatos, MC returns to the time when the brothers were pretending to disappear. After being spotted by them, they explain that their plan was to get Lucifer and MC alone together to make up. The brothers urge MC to go back to Lucifer and patch things up, so MC leaves. They arrive outside Leviathan's room to hear Lucifer complaining about how ridiculous the game is, then nearly run into both him and their past self.

Lesson 16[edit]

To avoid being seen by their past self, MC hides in the hidden replica of Lilith's bedroom. They start seeing disconnected events of the past, including an argument between Lucifer and Belphegor about the exchange program. MC heads to the attic to find the door to Belphegor's room missing, but after touching the wall where it should be, the door magically opens.

They enter the room, and Belphegor overwhelms MC with his appreciation upon realizing that he is free. However, suddenly he turns into his demon form, and mocks MC for falling into his trap. He then attacks them, intent on ending the exchange program by killing MC.

Lilith lends her powers to MC
Lilith lends her powers to MC

MC faints from the pain, and they hear the voice of Lilith in a dream-like world. Lilith explains she no longer has a physical form, but after her death as a human, she recalled her memories of her past life. Since then, she'd been watching over her brothers as a soul. Lilith then lends MC her powers so that they can save her brothers.

In the timeline MC left, the brothers anxiously await MC's return, minus Lucifer and Beelzebub, who visit an imprisoned Belphegor only to find him sleeping. Lucifer apologizes to Beelzebub for lying to him about Belphegor being in the Human World, and Beelzebub tells Lucifer he can make up for it by trusting his brothers more.

Back in the past, MC wakes up completely unharmed. They hear an argument downstairs, and head to the source to find a duplicate of themself dying in Mammon's arms. The brothers are panicking, horrified at the idea of MC dying, when they spot the future MC standing there. After a moment of confusion, the MC in Mammon's arms disappears. Belphegor begins to attack MC again, but stops when MC tells him about what really happened with Lilith.

Lucifer asks where MC heard that story from, and Diavolo enters the scene to reveal that MC is a distant descendant of Lilith's. He asks MC if they ever had visions of Lilith's memories, and MC recalls the memory of Lucifer pledging his loyalty to Diavolo. Diavolo then postulates that some of Lilith's angelic powers and memories remained even after being reborn a human, and both had passed on through her descendants.

The brothers are overjoyed both that MC is alive and well, and to learn that their sister lived a happy life that resulted in MC being here with them now. Belphegor apologizes, and finally admits the truth; he blamed himself for Lilith's death, but tried to escape his feelings of guilt by blaming humanity instead. Lucifer responds that Lilith's death wasn't his fault, and that he should've told him that sooner.

Some time afterwards, the brothers — including Belphegor — are fawning over MC. MC asks Barbatos about their disappearing double, and he tells them another power of his: he can choose from any number of potential realities and make his choice the sole reality. Because the reality he chose was one where MC was never harmed, the other MC disappeared, having no longer ever existed.

In a flashback, Lucifer is buried in paperwork for choosing the second human exchange student. Diavolo suggests choosing a human completely different from Solomon, but when Lucifer decides to take a break and open a window, a gust of wind sends the paperwork flying everywhere. The paper that landed at his feet has MC's name on it, and Lucifer decides they will be the second human student. Diavolo states that nothing is a coincidence in this world, and agrees with Lucifer's decision.

Lesson 17[edit]

The brothers are having breakfast as usual, but when Belphegor enters, things get awkward. Leviathan announces that he's going to grab his food in the cafeteria. Beelzebub, Satan, Mammon and Asmodeus come along. Asmodeus questions MC whether they are coming along too, to which they can either agree, or say that they'll wait for Belphegor. Lucifer then enters to announce Diavolo's birthday party, and everyone heads to RAD.

Simeon giving MC advice on the brothers' relationship
Simeon giving MC advice on the brothers' relationship

Belphegor notices his brothers' wariness of him, as does MC, so Simeon suggests MC "serve as a bridge" for the brothers. After school, MC goes to the planetarium with Belphegor, and asks them what they were planning on giving Diavolo for his birthday, but they're interrupted by a loud noise coming from the music room.

They catch Mammon rummaging through the room, and Belphegor accuses him of stealing. Mammon retorts that he wants to give someone a present. Belphegor asks if the present is for Diavolo's birthday, and Mammon seems to suddenly remember that's coming up soon, but agrees that the present is for Diavolo. Belphegor changes the topic to getting money for Diavolo's present. He suggests working in Hell's Kitchen, which the three decide to do.

Afterwards, Leviathan meets up with MC, and says that Belphegor wants to play games with him. He worries that it would be awkward, so he tells MC to give Belphegor the message that he's busy waiting to accept a package from Akuzon. MC leaves for the twins' room and gives the message, but Leviathan shows up to say the package had been delivered, so he brought some games with him for all three of them to play. Belphegor falls asleep in the middle of gaming, to which Leviathan seems surprised and slightly disappointed, but then comments that he shouldn't have worried about things being awkward.

Later, MC and Belphegor are playing card games, with Belphegor repeatedly losing. Lucifer then enters, and wants to talk with Satan about Diavolo's birthday. Satan agrees, and the two leave. Belphegor notes that Satan was acting strangely agreeable with Lucifer, and asks MC if they know anything. MC tells him about the forbidden book incident, and how Satan and Lucifer's relationship changed.

After the story, Belphegor says he wishes he'd been there. Satan returns and overhears them, then comments on how he still loves to see Lucifer suffer. Belphegor then suggests forming "The Formerly Anti-Lucifer League" with the goal to make Lucifer's life as hard as possible. The three adjourn to the library to discuss the group's first prank: putting hot sauce in Lucifer's prized vintage Demonus.

Said Demonus is kept in Lucifer's study, which is behind a secret door in the library. They assume a secret code or phrase is needed to lift the enchantment and open the door, so they start trying taunting phrases to get the door open. Unfortunately, they are caught by Lucifer, who tells them to come with him for a stern talking-to.

Lesson 18[edit]

MC and Belphegor are out shopping for Diavolo's birthday present when Solomon appears, and tells Belphegor he'd like a pact with him. He notices that Belphegor glances in MC's direction, then declines his offer of a pact. He and MC then head back to the House of Lamentation, where Asmodeus comes along and drags them both to his room. He asks MC what sort of outfit they like, then reveals that the outfit is for MC, but Belphegor then pulls MC out of the room.

Later, MC, Leviathan, and Mammon are playing a video game in MC's room, but Belphegor interrupts them after a fight with Beelzebub. He tells them that it was because Beelzebub was feeling guilty due to not knowing Belphegor was being held prisoner. Belphegor asks MC if he can sleep in their room, but Mammon aggressively declines, and offers to help Belphegor and Beelzebub to make up.

When MC and Mammon search for Beelzebub, they find him in the kitchen cooking soup for Belphegor. The three take the soup back toward MC's room, and Beelzebub worries whether or not Belphegor would forgive him. Leviathan and Belphegor come out of MC's room, and Belphegor, tired of Beelzebub's behavior, slaps him, and says firmly that what happened wasn't Beelzebub's fault. The two are then able to make up.

After a day of school, Lucifer invites MC to go shopping with him for Diavolo's present, and then the two have dinner at Ristorante Six. Lucifer raises the topic of MC helping Belphegor and his brothers patch things up, and thanks MC for helping them. They then return to the House of Lamentation to find Belphegor, and Lucifer invites him as well as MC to come with him and provide an opinion.

He leads them to Lilith's room from the Celestial Realm, and confesses that he created the room to never forget Lilith, but the secret of Lilith's reincarnation had been too much too bear, so he'd unloaded it all here. He says that he doesn't need the room anymore, but wants Belphegor to use it if he needs it. Belphegor says that he also doesn't need the room, but thanks Lucifer for being able to make the decision, and the two make up.

MC's sixth pact
MC's sixth pact

At the Demon Lord's Castle, Diavolo's party begins, but he reveals in a speech that the party is meant for MC too. The brothers all give MC their gifts, but Belphegor is nowhere to be seen. MC finds him in the garden, where he admits he wasn't sure what to give MC, so he decided to give himself. He makes a pact with MC, and then Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Mammon find them, and urge them to go back to the party.

In a flashback before the party, the brothers are in Lucifer's private study, where he announces his idea of making Diavolo's birthday party also be a welcome party for MC. Asmodeus decides to buy a present for MC, so the others decide to do the same. Belphegor raises the idea that he should give MC himself by making a pact with them. The other brothers each try to subtly ask MC what they would want as a gift.

After the birthday/welcome party is over, Beelzebub and Satan are playing chess in the music room with MC and Belphegor. Lucifer then enters, and tells Belphegor that he has to make up for all his missed classes. He gives Belphegor all of his assignments, and tells Beelzebub and Satan not to help him.

Later, Belphegor is studying in the twins' room with MC helping, when one by one Mammon, Asmodeus, Satan, Beelzebub, and Leviathan each enter the room. They all try to help Belphegor in their own ways, but are mostly just distracting. Belphegor finally snaps, and takes MC with him to his attic room. He thought he could now focus on his schoolwork, but instead falls asleep on MC's shoulder.

Lesson 19[edit]

The brothers are once again having breakfast, and as Beelzebub eats Leviathan's meal again, everything in the Devildom seems back to normal. Belphegor enters as the room, and Mammon comments that he woke up even later than Leviathan. Lucifer then also enters the room, and asks MC to join him tomorrow for a meeting with Diavolo discussing the end of their stay as an exchange student. The room is filled with silence, as all of the brothers are upset.

Lucifer advising MC to spend time with his brothers before leaving the Devildom
Lucifer advising MC to spend time with his brothers before leaving the Devildom

Breakfast ends, and everyone is getting ready to head to RAD. Lucifer requests MC stay behind, and tells them his brothers are sad that MC's leaving, so he wants MC to spend as much time with them as they can. Once classes are over, Mammon invites MC to hang out, but Leviathan interrupts, demanding Mammon give his money back. Mammon makes a break for it with MC, but Leviathan is close behind.

Still being chased, MC can either suggest hiding in Mammon's room or Leviathan's room. If MC suggests Mammon's room, they'll hide in the trunk of his car. If MC chooses Leviathan's room, they hide in Leviathan's bathtub he uses as a bed. Leviathan enters, then tells Henry that he's sad MC is leaving next week. He eventually leaves the room, and MC and Mammon leave as well.

The two make it out of the House of Lamentation and get some distance between themselves and Leviathan. Mammon laughs about the look Leviathan had on his face as they escaped, then questions MC about staying in the Devildom. However, Leviathan has caught up to them, so Mammon runs away. Leviathan, tired of chasing him, and admits that he too, wants MC to stay in the Devildom.

The next day, the scheduled meeting takes place in the Student Council Room. Diavolo states that Lucifer seemed distraught over MC going back to the Human World, and that he's also sad about MC leaving. Once school is over, MC is spotted by Asmodeus, who invites them to hang out. The two go to Hell's Kitchen, where Asmodeus challenges MC to a drinking contest.

The contest involves drinking Demonus — a common alcoholic Devildom beverage — which turns out to have no intoxicating effect on humans. Because of this, MC wins the drinking contest, which leads to a drunk Asmodeus hugging MC with tears in his eyes as he asks them to stay in the Devildom. Satan finds them like this, and carries Asmodeus back to the House of Lamentation.

He puts Asmodeus to bed and returns to his room, where MC was waiting. He has something to ask MC, and starts talking about a book of old folktales he recently acquired from the human world. In one story, a king is given aid in winning a war by a beast with magical powers. The king then kills the beast, who turns into a monster and curses the entire country. To end the curse, the king offers his newborn daughter as sacrifice. Twenty years later, the daughter is seen still alive, and people try to kill her out of fear. The monster appears and saves her, giving up his own life.

Satan asks what MC thinks the beast felt in its dying moments, and then wonders in confusion what it is he's feeling for MC now. He says that he knows MC returning to the Human World doesn't mean they'll never meet again, but the thought of them not being around still makes him sad.

Lesson 20[edit]

MC is at RAD chatting with Simeon, Luke, and Solomon about leaving the Devildom. Solomon suggests they should all meet up again someday, and everyone agrees. After school at the House of Lamentation, MC finds Beelzebub searching for Belphegor, and helps look for him.

Eventually, MC and Beelzebub find Belphegor sleeping in the attic room. Beelzebub is relieved to find him, then thanks MC for bringing their family together. Belphegor then wakes up, and Beelzebub admits to Belphegor his worries about him running away. Belphegor tells him not to worry, and Beelzebub heads for the kitchen.

After Beelzebub's gone, Belphegor suggests that he, Beelzebub, and MC live together, but then admits what he's asking is selfish, because MC has a life in the human world to return to. Beelzebub then returns with a mountain of snacks, followed by Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus and Satan. A going-away party begins, but after a while MC leaves to find the door to Lucifer's secret study is open, and music plays within.

MC's seventh pact
MC's seventh pact

MC goes inside to find Lucifer listening to the cursed vinyl edition of The Tale of the Seven Lords soundtrack. Lucifer notes that he chose MC as the exchange student in this room, and that while there were times he thought he'd made a mistake, he's now certain he made the right choice. He asks MC if they finished everything they set out to do in the Devildom, and MC answers that they haven't made a pact with him yet. Lucifer then turns into his demon form to intimidate MC, and asks if they still want a pact with him. Regardless of MC's answer, Lucifer still makes the pact.

On the final day, Diavolo, Barbatos, the seven brothers, and the exchange students are is gathered in the Student Council Room, where said exchange students will be sent back to their own worlds. Simeon, Luke, and Solomon leave first, after saying their goodbyes. Diavolo gives his farewell to MC, followed by each of the brothers, before MC returns to the Human World. MC then gets a message from Solomon informing them they can still use their D.D.D. in the human world.

Some time later, Barbatos serves Diavolo tea that he procured from the human world, which makes Diavolo think of MC. Barbatos notes that it has been quite a while since MC left, yet everyone is still in low spirits. He questions whether Diavolo is unhappy. Diavolo admits he might be, then asks Barbatos if he's sad his baking partner Luke is gone. Barbatos answers that he is.

At the House of Lamentation, Leviathan and Mammon are arguing over money Mammon owes, to which Lucifer threatens Mammon with hanging him upside down. Satan complains that he was hoping for someplace quiet to read his book, then Asmodeus starts complaining that Beelzebub ate his special sweet he wanted to post about on Devilgram. He wishes MC were there, and Leviathan agrees that they'd find a way to fix everyone's conflicts.

Belphegor then enters, and comments that the room feels somber before asking if anyone had seen his D.D.D. He says today is the day MC calls him, which fills the others with shock and jealousy. Everyone then hears Belphegor's D.D.D. ringing.

Lessons 21-30[edit]

Lesson 21[edit]

Solomon preparing to take MC to the Devildom
Solomon preparing to take MC to the Devildom

In the Devildom, Solomon tells MC to take a dagger and thrust it into someone's chest, but MC's vision suddenly goes black. They regain awareness back in the Human World to the sound of their D.D.D. ringing. The call is from Mammon, who asks how MC is doing, then complains that Lucifer insisted the brothers take turns calling MC.

He has to hang up shortly after, as Satan is calling him to go to a Student Council meeting. Afterwards, MC gets a text from Solomon, but in the middle of the text conversation, he shows up in person. He tells MC that they need to "get going" and uses his magic to teleport them both to the Devildom.

In the student council room at RAD, a meeting is being held. However, all of the brothers — minus Lucifer — are instead talking about whose turn it is to call MC next. Suddenly, Solomon and MC appear. Everyone is surprised, including Diavolo and Barbatos. Belphegor asks MC if they're staying for a while, but says that their room at the House of Lamentation is covered in dust, so Beelzebub suggests that MC stay in the twins' room instead.

An argument breaks out over where MC will stay, but Diavolo interrupts. He tells MC he's happy to see them, but that they were in the middle of an important meeting. Lucifer gives MC a key to the house, and tells them to wait there.

Solomon escorts MC to the House of Lamentation, then heads for Purgatory Hall. The brothers return home shortly after, and Lucifer complains about everyone losing their composure as soon as MC showed up. The others point out that Lucifer wasn't any different, which is why Diavolo ended the meeting early.

At dinner, Leviathan comments that the soup Mammon made tastes strange. The others agree with him, including Mammon himself. Leviathan then changes the subject, because he wants to show MC the bottle of Gold Hellfire Newt Syrup he recently bought. However, the bottle is empty, and Mammon admits it's because it was the secret ingredient he used in the soup.

Leviathan is furious, and says that syrup was an expensive item modeled after a remedy within the The Tale of the Seven Lords universe. Satan asks Leviathan what the syrup's effects are, and his face suddenly turns red. He then tells MC to stay away from his room, then runs away.

MC and Satan meet up in the library, where both were looking for more information on what the syrup does. Satan says he knows a book that probably has the information, but can't find it in the library, so the two go to his room to look there. They eventually find the book, which says that when consumed by demons, Gold Hellfire Newt Syrup is a potent aphrodisiac, though this heightened sexual desire is felt towards humans only. It's possible to neutralize the effects if the demon carries out an order issued by a human they have a pact with.

After reading the book, MC gives Satan an order to either hug them, kiss them, or meow like a cat for them. Satan obeys, and the effects of the syrup wear off. He then warns MC that the syrup is very powerful, and that they should make sure none of his brothers find them.

MC leaves Satan's room and runs into Beelzebub, who seems to be acting normal. He asks MC if they want to come with him to the kitchen. Once there, however, the syrup starts to take an effect, and he asks MC if he can nibble on them. MC grabs a cream puff for him instead, but said cream puff belongs to Belphegor, who cursed it so that it explodes when picked up.

Whip cream covers MC, who can order Beelzebub to clean it off their lips, their hand, or to grab them a towel. Beelzebub obeys the order, and the syrup's effects disappear. Belphegor then enters the room, angry that his cream puff was touched.

In a flashback before the meeting began, Simeon texts Lucifer from the Celestial Realm to ask him how things have been, to which Lucifer answers they are "the same as ever." Luke enters the room looking depressed, and Simeon asks if it's because Luke misses the Devildom. Luke dismisses the idea, then Simeon gets a text from Solomon telling him that he's in the Devildom with MC.

Lesson 22[edit]

Belphegor being affected by the Gold Hellfire Newt Syrup
Belphegor being affected by the Gold Hellfire Newt Syrup

An angry Belphegor storms off, and Beelzebub urges MC to chase after him. MC finds Belphegor on the stairs to the attic, and he admits he can't be around them because the Gold Hellfire Newt Syrup has started to take effect. He goes up to the attic, and MC follows. Belphegor says that if MC wants to be forgiven, they have to do whatever he wants, so MC gives Belphegor a massage. MC suddenly starts tickling Belphegor, who tickles MC back. When MC tells him to stop, it counts as an order and the syrup's effects fade.

Back out of the attic, MC encounters Asmodeus in the hallway, and he accidentally pushes MC to the ground. MC tells Asmodeus to get off them, which he does, but then he starts wheezing. MC helps Asmodeus to his room, where he says that he's going to die from the tightening in his chest, so he gives MC a last request: to put their arms around him. When they do, he gives up the act, and tells MC that the effects of syrup were already cancelled when MC ordered him to get of them.

Lucifer then enters the room, and gives MC a package that was addressed to Leviathan, but was sent to his room instead. Asmodeus ask Lucifer how he isn't affected by the syrup, and Lucifer answers that something like that would not affect him. MC leaves and knocks at Leviathan's door. Leviathan asks for the secret phase, which begins with "The second lord..."

MC then enters, but Leviathan asks them to not come any nearer. However, he can't keep himself from throwing his arms around MC and admitting that he missed them every day. He asks MC to give him an order, which they do. Mammon then starts texting MC a bunch of emoji spam.

MC goes to see Mammon, who's angry at MC for going to his brothers first instead of him. He admits that he has been thinking of MC as much as he's been thinking of schemes to make money. MC can order Mammon to kiss them, hug them, or shake like a dog, to cancel the effects of the syrup. Diavolo then texts MC to tell them that he's arranged for their stay in the Devildom.

Lucifer also texts MC, asking them to come the library and sign some papers for their stay in the Devildom. Once finished, he asks MC to give him the papers, but blushes when their hands touch. He finally admits that he's been hiding how much the syrup is affecting him, and asks MC to give him an order. MC can order Lucifer to kiss them, hug them, or tell him to stay. Lucifer obeys the order and is cured, but they suddenly hear screams. Asmodeus enters the room, and says Leviathan had another bottle of the Gold Hellfire Newt Syrup that Mammon tried to steal, which led to a fight, and now both of them are covered with the syrup.

In the Celestial Realm, Luke is still behaving depressed and denying it. Simeon asks if he wants to see MC and Solomon, then suggests inviting them both to visit the Celestial Realm. Luke races off to ask Michael about it, and Simeon texts Solomon to ask him why he suddenly brought MC to the Devildom. His answers are evasive, so next Simeon texts Lucifer about it. However, at the time of his texting, Lucifer is still under the influence of the Gold Hellfire Newt Syrup, so he can't focus only anything other than wanting to see MC.

Lesson 23[edit]

Luke and Simeon text MC to invite them and Solomon to the Celestial Realm. MC asks Diavolo at RAD about it, and he explains that MC being a short-term exchange student in the Devildom doesn't prevent them from visiting the Celestial Realm. When news reaches the brothers — minus Lucifer — at the House of Lamentation, everyone wants to go with MC. Mammon suggests MC draw a card, and the number they pick will represent who gets to go with them.

MC picks Mammon's number, but it's discovered that all of the cards are identical. Lucifer enters, and tells his brothers to forget about going to the Celestial Realm. Solomon then texts MC to tell them he's heading to the Demon Lord's Castle, and will see MC there. Everyone bids MC farewell, and Lucifer escorts them out.

Simeon welcoming MC and Solomon to the Celestial Realm
Simeon welcoming MC and Solomon to the Celestial Realm

Once at the castle, Lucifer bids MC goodbye, and both they and Solomon follow Barbatos to the garden, where the gates of the Celestial Realm open for them. After the two arrive, Solomon mentions that it's his second time visiting the Celestial Realm. A voice calls out to them, and both Luke and Simeon arrive.

Luke tells MC that Michael wanted to meet them, but Simeon explains it wasn't possible due to a sacred spring starting to dry out. Solomon mentions that both Luke and Simeon will be coming back to the Devildom with MC and him as part of a short-term program. Both MC and Luke had no idea, and Luke is upset that Simeon didn't tell him. The four of them all return to the Devildom.

Once again at RAD, Lucifer announces that there will be a student council meeting, and that MC needs to be there as well. The meeting is about the upcoming school festival, and Diavolo selects MC to head the committee. The first task is to decide what will they do for the event, wants MC to have suggestions ready for the next meeting. Diavolo tells Lucifer he notices they're one officer short before departing.

The missing member is Belphegor, and a furious Lucifer orders everyone to find him. Lucifer has too much work to do for searching, and so does Leviathan, Mammon and Satan. Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and MC search for Belphegor, but he's nowhere to be found. The search continues at the House of Lamentation, where Asmodeus splits off, but Beelzebub and MC stick together. After searching several places and not finding him, Beelzebub searches his and Belphegor's room and suggests MC search somewhere else.

MC enters the attic and finds Belphegor just waking up. He jokes that if he knew it was them, he would've kept sleeping so that MC would kiss them awake. Beelzebub and Asmodeus then enter the room, and Asmodeus reminds Belphegor that he missed the student council meeting. They all go downstairs, but instead of reaching the library like they should have, they're in the music room. Belphegor notes that he doesn't have any signal on his D.D.D., and everyone wonders what is going on.

Lesson 24[edit]

Beelzebub confused that doors aren't leading where they should
Beelzebub confused that doors aren't leading where they should

After trying to go through many doors in the House of Lamentation, it's discovered by MC, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor that none of the doors lead outside. They wind up in the kitchen, where Beelzebub's finds a cake that looks like an anime character Leviathan likes. Just as he's about to eat it, Leviathan appears to protect it. Thankfully, the next door opens to outside the house. Levi informs the rest that he forgot to turn off his new 3D escape game, which was the cause for the door phenomenon.

Some time later, Belphegor finds MC in their room and shows them the pile of work Lucifer gave him as punishment for missing the meeting. He tells MC he's getting hungry — due to not being allowed to have dinner — and asks if MC would come with him to get a snack. They find the kitchen door locked by a spell, so they head for the Planetarium instead.

Belphegor asks MC if they are okay with Diavolo assigning them to lead the festival committee, then says he thinks that Lord Diavolo is self-centered. Eventually, Belphegor and MC both fall asleep, and Lucifer punishes Belphegor the next morning by not letting him eat breakfast because he didn't complete his assignments.

MC and Belphegor are still together at RAD when Diavolo walks in to tell MC he wants them at the student council meeting later. Belphegor tells Diavolo it's annoying how he makes decisions on a whim, to which Diavolo says he understands how Belphegor feels, then hands him an energy drink made by Barbatos.

MC follows Diavolo out to find him puzzled about the door leading to the wrong location. MC explains that they'd borrowed Leviathan's game, and that it must have activated when they dropped it. Diavolo thinks it sounds fun, so they work together to try and get to the student council room.

Along the way, MC asks Diavolo about Belphegor's comments, and Diavolo says he will take what Belphegor said into consideration. The next door they open leads to the Colosseum, and Diavolo tells MC the colosseum was here before RAD, but was once destroyed in a war with the Celestial Realm. It's also where he found Lucifer holding Lilith in his arms. He looks sad, and wonders if choices he made to reach this point where the right ones, but then asks MC to ignore what he just said.

The next door finally opens to the student council room, where Mammon and Satan are complaining about how long it took to get there. The meeting about the festival starts now that Diavolo and MC are here, and Diavolo asks MC if they have any suggestions for what the student council should do. Eventually, the group settles on doing a play. After the meeting, Lucifer takes Mammon, Leviathan, Beelzebub, and MC aside to ask who is responsible for the door phenomenon. When he learns the game Leviathan bought is at fault, he gives him a lecture.

Back at the House of Lamentation, everyone is discussing the plot of the play when Satan suggests they ask for Simeon's help. Leviathan asks why, and Satan tells him that Simeon is the author of The Tale of the Seven Lords, rendering Leviathan speechless.

The brothers and MC have a brainstorming session to decide what the play will be about, and MC suggests a fairy tale. Satan and MC then find Simeon and ask him to write the script for them. Simeon agrees, but when starting to work on it after school at Purgatory Hall, he encounters a shocked Luke, who also had no idea that he wrote TSL.

Lesson 25[edit]

Satan, Luke, Simeon, and MC are at RAD discussing plot ideas for the play. Simeon asks Satan and MC if they have a rough idea of a theme for the play, to which Satan responds, "Prince Lucifer and Princess Diavolo." Simeon exclaims that he loves the idea, and is 100% in on coming up with a story on that basis.

The group builds on this idea, and Simeon asks MC what type of demon the protagonist is, what kind of story the play will be, and how the play should end. The choices MC makes do affect the play in future lessons. The meeting is dismissed, and the next step is to get Diavolo's approval. They find him in the student council room, and he loves the idea. Simeon states that they should go to Leviathan next for costumes.

Simeon asking Leviathan to make the costumes for the play
Simeon asking Leviathan to make the costumes for the play

At the House of Lamentation, Simeon and MC knock on Leviathan's door. He asks a TSL question as a test to get into his room, but is shocked to realize Simeon is there too. The pair enter Leviathan's room to find him standing with his eyes closed because he doesn't think he's worthy to be in the same room as Christopher Peugeot, which he now knows is Simeon's pen name. Simeon asks Leviathan if he would make the costumes for the play, and Leviathan accepts.

At dinner, Lucifer tells Leviathan, Asmodeus to go out and buy the needed materials for the costumes, with Beelzebub and Mammon accompanying them. During the trip, Leviathan, Asmodeus, and Beelzebub end up going off in their own ways, leaving only MC and Mammon together. Suddenly, Little D. No. 2 runs up to Mammon while calling him "Papa." Mammon insists he stop calling him that, and asks what he's doing there.

No.2 explains that he, Diavolo, and Lucifer are investigating an illegal casino ⁠— which Mammon pretends not to know about ⁠— but he got separated. No.2 asks Mammon and MC to help him find Diavolo and Lucifer, then tells them he last saw Diavolo at the traveling carnival nearby.

At the Devil's Coast carnival, a wandering ghost snaps a pic of Mammon and MC and tries to get them to buy the photo. MC can offer to buy the photograph, or No.2 will buy it for them. The group then play a crane game filled with zombie iguana stuffed animals, and Mammon wins one for both No.2 and MC. After MC bumps into Mammon while they're walking through the crowded carnival, he tells them to hold his hand.

No.2 says he is jealous, then complains that Barbatos is a tough boss, and that Lord Diavolo is the only one who shows the Little D.'s kindness. Mammon points out that they still haven't found Diavolo and Lucifer, so No.2 takes them where he thinks the casino might be: a haunted house attraction.

Little D. No. 2 scares Mammon, and as he tries to let go of MC's hand, he realizes a curse has stuck their hands together. The group head deeper inside the building, where Mammon and MC get separated from No.2 and end up locked inside a room. An unknown voice asks the two questions about each other, and if they get them right, they can escape. If not, the will be eaten by zombies. The questions are about previous lessons, but even if the questions are answered correctly, the zombies are still set loose. Mammon and MC manage to escape, and find No.2 waiting for them.

Lesson 26[edit]

Little D. No. 2 tries to get Mammon and MC to ride the roller coaster with him by claiming it must be the location of the illegal casino, but Mammon calls No.2 out for leading them on a wild goose chase. He suggests they ride the Ferris wheel, and when No.2 complains, tells him not to come with them. Once on the Ferris wheel, MC receives a text in the "House of Lamentation (New)(8)" group chat from Asmodeus, who wants to know where MC and Mammon are. MC replies they're at a carnival, to which the brothers say they're coming to find them.

MC and Mammon meet back up with No.2, and then Lucifer shows up with Diavolo. Seeing that Mammon and MC are holding hands, Lucifer notes that the zombie iguana MC is carrying is cursed. Lucifer demonstrates by asking for the plushie and touching Diavolo, who he becomes stuck to. He lifts the curse, then confronts Mammon about the illegal casino. Diavolo steps in to interrogate Mammon, dragging him away along with No.2.

Lucifer requests MC ride the Ferris wheel with him. While on the ride, he brings up how MC and Diavolo showed up at the meeting together that day. He states that since then, Diavolo hasn't seemed like himself, and MC convinces him that he should ask Diavolo directly. Afterward, Lucifer suggests looking for him and Mammon. If MC takes his offered hand, he speaks about a memory of holding Lilith's hand long ago.

They find Diavolo, No.2, and Mammon at a restaurant, where one of the ghost servers delivers a Babel parfait "the size of a mountain." Diavolo informs everyone that if the four of them eat it within an hour, they'll get it for free. Barely a third through the parfait, Beelzebub and Asmodeus arrive, and as Diavolo is explaining their hour is up, Beelzebub finishes the parfait.

Asmodeus informs Lucifer that all of their shopping is completed, and that Leviathan returned home to get started on the costumes. Diavolo and No.2 excuse themselves, paying the tab on the way out. Asmodeus complains that Lucifer and Mammon got to have fun while everyone else worked, and suggests doing something fun together. Beelzebub stays behind to take the Babel parfait challenge himself.

Beelzebub throwing a hunger tantrum
Beelzebub throwing a hunger tantrum

After riding a thrill ride called the heaven's wheel, Satan and Belphegor show up, who Asmodeus had invited. Satan wonders where Beelzebub is, then the group hears him throwing a hunger tantrum. Everyone heads back to the restaurant to find Beelzebub demanding another parfait after finishing the previous one in 15 minutes. When the ghost waiter declines, stating the restaurant will go bankrupt, Beelzebub transforms into his demon form.

Chaos breaks out as the ghost staff throws plates to fight back. Satan gets hit in the face by a plate of pancakes, and transforms into his own demon form in rage. Lucifer tells Satan to calm down, but this only makes him angrier. Asmodeus mistakes another plate thrown by a ghost as being thrown by Mammon, and hits Belphegor in the face with a cookie when trying to hit him. MC realizes they must do something, and invokes all six of their pacts at once, pinning the brothers in place.

Back at the House of Lamentation, the brothers are complaining about being sore from the command. Lucifer is silent even when Mammon snaps at Leviathan, who's arrived to show his preliminary costume designs. The topic of MC's power returns again at breakfast the next morning. Satan is amazed at how much power MC holds, and a sore Beelzebub complains that he was made to sit on his knees in MC's room as he was yelled at for two hours.

Asmodeus changes the subject to the upcoming dance as part of the school festival, and wonders who MC will go with. MC then shows up, with Lucifer arriving shortly after, bringing news that he's received a bill for the restaurant's damages. He states that everyone will be responsible for an even share of the costs. MC, Mammon, and Beelzebub all get jobs at Hell's Kitchen to earn money for their share.

Meanwhile, Simeon is having trouble writing the play's script. Solomon asks how Simeon went about writing TSL, to which Simeon replied he used the seven brothers as character models. This gives him a breakthrough, and he stays up all night finishing the script.

At the Demon Lord's Castle, Barbatos is subtly encouraging Diavolo to return to his work. Similar to when he showed doubt about his past actions at the Colosseum with MC, Diavolo asks Barbatos if he always chooses the best course of action. Barbatos tells him his actions are always correct, but Diavolo doesn't appear fully convinced.

Lesson 27[edit]

As director of the play, Simeon is strict on everyone and frustrated that his expectations aren't being met. Solomon shows up to talk to MC about using their pacts to subdue the brothers at the carnival. He comments that the first time he put multiple demons under control at once, his whole body was sore, and asks if MC is all right. Diavolo then arrives, and he and MC practice a love scene for the play. He also asks MC if they are feeling okay, and tells them that they can talk to him anytime.

Later, at the House of Lamentation, the brothers ⁠— minus Leviathan, who was working on costumes ⁠— are tired from rehearsing, and begin to argue. Lucifer attempts to stop them, but is ignored. Instead, they all stop talking to each other. MC visits Leviathan in his room, who says this happened a lot while MC was gone.

Simeon explaining his idea for another retreat
Simeon explaining his idea for another retreat

The brothers then start to use MC to relay their messages between each other, witch Simeon thinks is amusing when MC tells him and Luke about it at RAD. With the help of Lord Diavolo calling an emergency meeting, Simeon tells everyone that they're going to have another retreat at the Demon Lord's Castle.

At the castle, Simeon announces who will room with each other, and makes sure to group together the brothers that are fighting with each other the most. Diavolo and Barbatos will have their own rooms, and Solomon was busy, so he couldn't participate. Everyone will be rehearsing the play during the retreat as well.

When dinnertime arrives, Barbatos instructs everyone on how to make Babylon curry, but another argument breaks out, and ingredients start being thrown about the kitchen. At Barbatos's encouragement, MC uses their pacts once more to make the brothers stay, this time including Leviathan. Afterwards, Beelzebub is upset because he wasn't able to have any curry, so Belphegor gives him some pudding he found in the fridge, which leads to the two being able to make up.

The next day, Belphegor takes MC aside to let them know he knows that Luke made the pudding, and knows it was MC's idea. He then asks if MC would go to the school festival's dance with him. MC's choice here — as well as the choices they make later when each of the other brothers ask them to the dance — will have an effect on the story later.

Rehearsal then begins, and Satan gets into an argument with Asmodeus, who wants to switch places with him. It ends with Asmodeus storms off, and MC following after. While Asmodeus is trying to explain his side of things to MC, they hear a hissing sound, and find Satan trying to help an injured cat that isn't cooperating. Asmodeus uses his charming ability on the cat to calm it down, and then apologizes to Satan about their argument earlier. The two make up and return to rehearsal.

After rehearsal ends, Satan thanks MC for talking with Asmodeus. He then asks MC to the dance, and again MC can accept or refuse. A new argument breaks out between Lucifer and Mammon this time, but Simeon breaks it up and asks them to at least stay focused during rehearsals.

Later, Asmodeus tells MC that Lucifer has a soft spot for Mammon, but that Mammon has "always been the naughty type." He explains that when they were angels, Michael was in charge of training Mammon, but had difficulties with him, and asked for Lucifer's assistance. Whatever Lucifer did won Mammon over, and Mammon's training was turned over to him. Asmodeus assures MC that they will get over this fight eventually, and changes the subject by asking MC to the dance.

The end of the retreat arrives with at least most of the brothers having mended fences. Simeon — who has already been harsh throughout — warns everyone not to slack off, because he's going to continue being strict on everyone until the play is over.

Lesson 28[edit]

Leviathan is upset that Beelzebub's costume won't fit because he's been eating too much. He asks MC to watch him to stop him eating while he fixes the costume. MC agrees, and while together, Beelzebub asks MC to the dance. Luke then happens by, carrying a cake he made, and Beelzebub goes into a rage, chasing him back to House of Lamentation. Both he and Luke collide with Lucifer, causing the cake to fly into Beel's mouth.

A furious Leviathan shows up, who changes into his demon form and summons Lotan. However, doing so floods the house and ruins all of the costumes Levi had been working on. With MC's encouragement, he decides to re-make just one costume: MC's. He succeeds with MC's help, and then asks them to the dance.

Lucifer surprised that Diavolo left with Solomon
Lucifer surprised that Diavolo left with Solomon

The next day at RAD, Lucifer explains what happened to Solomon and Diavolo, who find it all amusing. Barbatos arrives then, and whispers something in Diavolo's ear. Diavolo says he has to leave on urgent business, and Lucifer assumes he'll be coming along, but Diavolo instead takes Solomon with him.

In RAD's courtyard, Mammon comments that Lucifer is trying to hide how upset he is, then insists that MC has something they need to ask him. MC can choose to ask him to the school dance or not. Either way, Mammon lets MC know that Lucifer tends to retreat to the music room and listen to classical music when he's upset, and suggests they visit him tonight.

MC does so, and Lucifer tells MC that he heard from Diavolo that he'll be unable to make it to the play tomorrow, so Simeon cut out his scenes. MC and Lucifer practice the play together, and MC can try to ask Lucifer to the dance or not. If they do, Lucifer interrupts and tells them to get a good night's sleep.

The play — titled "With Me" — begins the next day, and the choices MC made in Lesson 25 are reflected in how the story plays out. In the middle of the play, Lucifer changes his character's dialogue so that he can ask MC to the dance. The play continues, and MC's character is given a dagger so that they can kill the princess and marry Lucifer's character. They are unable to bring themself to do so, but Lucifer's character vows to renounce his royal birthright to be with them.

Once the plays is over, Little D. No. 2 shows up, and tells MC that Simeon wants to meet with them in the courtyard. MC goes there, and Simeon thanks them for their help in getting the brothers to do their best for the play. He then suggests that MC could either come with him to the Celestial Realm once their studies are finished, or he could come with them to the Human World.

MC heads back inside to find Diavolo and Solomon having just returned, and Diavolo asks who MC chose to go to the dance with. If only one of the brothers was chosen, they show up and take MC to the dance hall. If MC chose more than one, most of the brothers are upset by this — although Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Lucifer seem more understanding — and MC ends up dancing with everyone. If MC chose none of the brothers, they end up going with Solomon.

After the dance is over, Lucifer finds Diavolo at the Colosseum and asks him what has been going on. Diavolo replies that it isn't the right time to tell him yet. Lucifer also asks about the day he and MC were together when Leviathan's 3D escape game activated. Diavolo tells him that he, his brothers, and MC share a special bond, and that makes him jealous. Upset, Lucifer asks if he's suggesting that they don't share a bond with him as well, and Diavolo admits they do, but can't help feeling anxious. Lucifer tells him no matter what, he'll be by his side, and the two leave for the cast party.

Lesson 29[edit]

The brothers are hanging out in MC's room, relived that the play is over, until Leviathan mentions that exams are coming up. Mammon, Beelzebub, and Leviathan complain about how difficult exams are, and Mammon tells MC they're lucky they're an exchange student, so their scores don't have to be as high.

MC encounters Lucifer in the hall, and he tells them he was able to speak with Diavolo about his recent odd behavior, then asks if MC is doing alright. He suggests they talk to Solomon about using the magic of pacts. MC meets with Solomon at RAD, and he shows them the Ring of Wisdom that was given to him by Michael. Wearing the ring gives him the power to control demons, but when he was still new to having pacts, the energy needed to use them made him incredibly sore. He finds it odd that's not the case for MC, but they're interrupted by a text on MC's D.D.D..

Diavolo explaining why MC's exam scores will need to be higher
Diavolo explaining why MC's exam scores will need to be higher

The text is about an emergency meeting that MC also attends, where Diavolo announces that for the upcoming exams, MC will be given the same pass/fail standards as the regular students. Mammon and Belphegor argue that's too much for MC to handle, but Lucifer tells Satan that he will be tutoring MC for the exams.

Tutoring with Satan begins with seductive speechcraft, and Leviathan joins due to his poor scores last exam. Satan explains the steps to seducing a human are to "look at them with a kind, friendly smile" and to "tell them that I'm a demon." Satan then tells Leviathan to seduce MC, but when he tries, tells him he did a poor job, and gives his example of seducing MC. Then it's MC's turn to seduce Satan, who passes if they choose to meow at him. Afterwards, in Leviathan's room, MC helps him practice by pretending they're in a dating sim, and he asks MC to stay the night so practice can continue.

The next lesson focuses on curses and hexes, this time with Mammon joining. They start with the basics, like explaining the word for "curse" in Latin is "Imprecatio." Then Satan asks MC to try cursing Mammon. MC messes up, instead causing Mammon to be overcome by desire for them, so Satan kicks him into unconsciousness. He then tells MC that performing curses takes a toll on the body, and uses a spell to fix MC's dizziness. MC uses the same spell on Mammon later to take care of his soreness.

Out in the Devildom, MC comes across Luke and Simeon, who suggest that they should all study together, though Simeon has to cancel later. This time, the focus is on magical potions with Beelzebub joining, and they're in the twins' room instead of the library. Satan again starts with the basics, like how the elixir of cerebral stimulation requires powdered unicorn hoof, bittergrass root, and caladruis blood as ingredients.

When making the potion, Belphegor has to stop Beelzebub from eating the ingredients. In the middle of brewing, however, he still drinks MC's potion. The unfinished potion makes him behave like a cat, and MC keeps him occupied while Satan researches a cure. After he's cured, Mammon suggests giving the potion to Lucifer. MC makes another potion, but Leviathan makes Mammon drink it instead. Because he didn't drink all of it, he's still able to talk, but also meows like a cat.

Lesson 30[edit]

Lessons with Satan continue, this time with Devildom history. Both Luke and Simeon are able to join this time, while Solomon is at the Demon Lord's Castle again. Asmodeus was also meant to join, but he skipped tutoring to go shopping with Mammon.

Satan asking MC a Devildom history question
Satan asking MC a Devildom history question

Satan explains that the Devildom came into existence at the same time as the Celestial Realm, and then covers some basic trivia, such as shortly after the Devildom came into existence, its surface was covered in a forest. There is also a relief sculpture at the entrance to the Devildom royal tomb that depicts a three-legged crow.

At some point during Satan covering the Great Celestial War and the aftermath, both Luke and MC fall asleep. Simeon comments that he thinks its amazing that after such a violent history, angles and demons can now study together in peace.

Later in Asmodeus's room, Asmodeus complains to MC about the work Satan gave him for skipping his tutoring session. Then the next day, exams begin at RAD. Day 1 covers magical potions and Devildom history. Belphegor falls asleep mid-exam, but only because he finished early. Before leaving, he invites MC to hang out in the planetarium that night. On their way back to the House of Lamentation, MC crosses paths with Solomon, who is again on his way to the Demon Lord's Castle.

After the first days of exams, Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus, and Beelzebub are at The Fall when Asmodeus mentions that tomorrow's exam is seductive speechcraft. The idea of practicing with MC before the exam encourages each of them to head home. Meanwhile, MC meets with Belphegor in the planetarium, who tells them about the twin stars that appeared in the sky after the Great Celestial War ended, and how they represent him and Beelzebub.

The exams on day 2 are curses and hexes and seductive speechcraft, and in both, MC must choose one of the brothers as a partner. Once exams are over, there is another student council meeting that MC also attends. If MC was able to answer at least four of the exam questions correctly, their exam score is excellent and Diavolo praises them for how well they did. If they answered at least two questions correctly, they passed with average exam results. If fewer than two were correct, Diavolo says they were only barely able to pass, but Mammon, Leviathan, and Beelzebub reassure MC that it's okay and they did well enough.

Mammon announces that it's time to party now that exams are over, and everyone heads to The Fall except Lucifer, Diavolo, and Barbatos. Barbatos brings Lucifer some tea, and Lucifer asks him if he can tell him anything about Diavolo's recent behavior. Barbatos refuses, then warns Lucifer to be prepared in case he'd ever face the decision of staying by Diavolo's side even if it meant hurting those closest to him.

After partying, everyone makes it back home where MC hears music playing, and finds Lucifer in the music room. He tells MC that he feels like something bad is happening, but Diavolo won't tell him yet what's going on. He then brings up the play from earlier, and asks what MC would do when faced with the choice of duty or love, but then tells them to forget what he said.

At some point after the botched potion that MC made caused both Beelzebub and Mammon to have cat-like behaviors, Mammon tasks MC with giving the potion to Lucifer. MC goes to Lucifer's room and gives him a drink laced with the potion, but nothing happens. He tells MC that he's able to resist the effects of most potions and elixirs, then asks MC if they'd rather be punished by spending the night with him, by pretending to be a cat, or by meowing as cutely as they can.

Lessons 31-40[edit]

Lesson 31[edit]

Mammon, Leviathan, and MC are playing video games in MC's room — with Beelzebub cheering them on while snacking — when Leviathan mentions a time loop game called "The House of Sorrow" is releasing next week. The game's murder mystery story is based on events that happened in the House of Lamentation back when it was still in the Human World. Suddenly, Asmodeus bursts into the room to announce there will be a bloody moon this weekend.

Satan explaining the bloody moon competition
Satan explaining the bloody moon competition

In the dining room, the brothers explain that a bloody moon is a night when the Devildom moon turns red. During the bloody moon, the bloody moon competition is held, when students at RAD vote to decide who the most honored and respected demons are. Everyone expects Diavolo and Lucifer to take first and second place, as they always do, but Asmodeus seems upset about something. He invites MC to his room, where he tells them he wants to come in first for this year's competition, and asks for MC's help to do so.

Asmodeus also asks for help from Satan and Belphegor, as they're members of the "Anti-Lucifer League." The two agree, and suggest plans to sabotage Lucifer's reputation, but in the end the plan is to improve Asmodeus's image. They decide to make a promo video for him to upload on DevilTube, and Satan asks Mammon to help direct it due to his experience as a model.

They set up to film in Asmodeus's room, because Mammon wants to focus on letting people see the "real Asmodeus." When the video is uploaded, it does as well as all of Asmodeus's other video, but no better. Next, Satan suggests throwing a fundraiser party at Ristorante Six. Asmodeus struggles with taking Mammon's advice from earlier, but just sounds awkward. Meanwhile, they find out from a chat Beelzebub sends that Lucifer is at Hell's Kitchen and is paying for everyone in the restaurant.

The next day, Satan reveals that the RAD Newspaper Club released an article about Lucifer treating everyone at Hell's Kitchen, which upsets Asmodeus, so MC goes to Solomon to asks for advice in cheering him up. He suggests shopping, which MC and Asmodeus do. This does cheer Asmodeus up, until a text from the RAD Newspaper Club announces that Diavolo has dropped out of the competition, and is backing Lucifer instead.

After returning to the House of Lamentation, MC talks to Lucifer in his study about the news. He tells MC that he still doesn't know what Diavolo is doing, and didn't know he was dropping out until asked for an interview. He also explain that he paid for everyone at Hell's Kitchen earlier because it was the owner's birthday, and doesn't really care about the bloody moon competition.

Asmodeus still refuses to give up, but after a tense breakfast, another text from the RAD Newspaper Club announces that after Lucifer, Beelzebub is in second place, with Asmodeus in third.

Meanwhile, Simeon brought some cake sent to him by Michael to the Demon Lord's Castle for Diavolo to try, though his meeting is something he's keeping a secret from Luke. He brings up the secrets Diavolo and Solomon are keeping, and delivers a message from Michael that if these secrets affect the Celestial Realm, then the angels will intervene.

Lesson 32[edit]

MC and Belphegor are playing Old Maid in the twins' room while discussing the current results of the bloody moon competition, and why Beelzebub just being himself is why he's currently in second place. MC then heads into the hallway and finds Asmodeus trying to get into Leviathan's room. MC says the password needed, and Asmodeus asks Leviathan to sew ten outfits that he designed. Asmodeus wants to throw a party tomorrow with a fashion show, and after saying he and MC will help, Leviathan begrudgingly agrees.

Asmodeus welcoming everyone to his fashion party
Asmodeus welcoming everyone to his fashion party

The next morning, Mammon find Leviathan, Asmodeus, and MC asleep on the floor in Leviathan's room, but Lucifer tells him to let them sleep. The party begins that night, with many famous people invited. Asmodeus announces the theme of today's show is "Keeping It Real," and that the outfits in the fashion show represent true "Asmo styles."

Solomon compliments MC for making Asmodeus feel better, and when Luke says that he won't be voting for any demon in the competition, Simeon points out that only demons are allowed to vote anyway. Solomon then gets a call from Barbatos, and suddenly has to leave. Lucifer then appears, and when Simeon asks about a meeting, explains that Diavolo had to cancel as something came up last minute. Asmodeus notices him there, and scolds him for trying to keep MC to himself before pulling MC away with him.

The two take to the dance floor, where Asmodeus tells MC that he's in a great mood, and it's all thanks to MC for helping him realize how to be true to himself. However, the next day at RAD, all he can do is worry about the votes. The voting takes place, and the results leave Asmodeus and Lucifer tied for first with only one vote left...Lucifer's. Asmodeus is certain he's lost, but Lucifer votes for Asmodeus, and Diavolo announces him the winner.

At the House of Lamentation, Asmodeus can't stop crying and telling Lucifer how much he loves him. At first he'd been upset, because he thought Lucifer voted for him out of pity. Instead, Lucifer explained that his talent for fashion design and being able to charm almost everyone he meets makes Lucifer respect him for his abilities. Belphegor then notices that Leviathan is missing, and Satan says he hasn't seen him all day.

MC and Asmodeus head to Leviathan's room to try and find him. On the way, Asmodeus thanks MC again for helping him with the competition, and says he now better understands both himself and Lucifer. They then knock on Leviathan's door, but suddenly hear him scream. The two rush into his room to find him unharmed, but upset about something, and saying Lucifer's going to kill him.

Out in the primeval forest in the Devildom, Diavolo, Barbatos, and Solomon examine an entire cliff that has collapsed. Barbatos also mentions that a few days ago, there was an incident at Demon King's tomb. Solomon suggests letting Simeon and the Celestial Realm know about this. Diavolo states that he has difficulty dealing with Simeon, and asks Solomon to speak to him in his stead.

When Barbatos asks about what to do with Lucifer and his brothers, Diavolo tells him that they should keep this from them a little longer, despite knowing it's a bad thing to do. He wants to have proof that MC is the source of what's happening before telling them anything.

Lesson 33[edit]

Lucifer explaining how to stop the time loop
Lucifer explaining how to stop the time loop

In the library, Lucifer demands to know what Leviathan has done, and he admits the time loop game "The House of Sorrow" had a charm cast on it by developers to keep people from playing it before the official release. Because he loaded up the game early, a message appeared saying the current day will repeat endlessly until whatever someone was wishing for the moment the charm took effect comes true. Everyone's memories will also be reset each day.

Lucifer tasks Leviathan with making everyone's wish come true, and both he and MC retreat to MC's room to decide who to start with. Leviathan refuses to start with himself, and suggests starting with Lucifer instead. Lucifer says that he learned Mammon was a bookie for a group of RAD students during the bloody moon competition and made money doing so. He wished that Mammon could become a proper demon, and when asked what that means, he says a "proper" demon is honest and doesn't make things difficult.

Leviathan produces a bangle that forces wearers to tell the truth, and can only be taken off by the person who put it on. He'd gotten it from Satan, who planned to use it to prank Lucifer. He puts the bangle on Mammon, who admits that he likes and respects Lucifer, but doing so doesn't break the time loop.

Next they try to grant Mammon's wish, and when he refuses to admit what it is, the bangle is put back on him. He again tells the truth, and says that he wanted MC to only be sweet and happy when alone with him. Leviathan runs off, leaving Mammon wearing the bangle, and because he can't stop admitting truths out loud, hides with MC in the bathroom.

He tells MC that he likes them, and his wish is to hear them say they like him too. MC does say they like him — though how they mean it depends on the player's choice — but suddenly Leviathan appears from the bathtub, because he was hiding there when Mammon and MC came in.

Upset that Mammon's wish didn't break the time loop, Leviathan next moves to granting Satan's wish. He and MC find him in the living room, and he says that his wish was to see Lucifer kneel at his feet. Leviathan thinks the best way to get that to happen is by accident. He gets Lucifer into the room, and MC drops a magazine at Satan's feet. Asmodeus picks it up, ruining that plan, so Leviathan tells Lucifer his shoe is untied. Not knowing who he's talking to, both Lucifer and Satan bend down, knocking their heads together.

Leviathan then admits what Satan's wish it to Lucifer, who doesn't even hesitate to kneel before Satan, telling him it's sweet that's all that it takes to make him happy. Satan doesn't seem happy with this, but his wish was still granted, and the time loop remains.

Meanwhile, at Purgatory Hall, Luke brings Simeon some tea and cake, who is working on writing a spin-off to The Tale of the Seven Lords. Despite the recipe being new, Simeon gets the feeling he's had this cake before. Solomon then appears with some food that he's made, and when Simeon suggests letting everyone at the House of Lamentation try it instead, he tells them about Leviathan triggering a time loop.

Lesson 34[edit]

Asmodeus's wish is next to be granted, and his wish is that he wants to charm MC as a reward for helping him win the bloody moon competition. Asmodeus's charming ability doesn't work on MC, but he, MC, and Leviathan go to his room to try anyway. When it still doesn't work, he gets sidetracked and pulls out a photo album from when he was an angel.

Beelzebub describing the "siren's song" cocktail
Beelzebub describing the "siren's song" cocktail

When looking at the pictures, Asmodeus claims that MC is emitting an aroma of attraction. This makes him feel like he was able to charm them just a little, but that's another wish granted without fixing the time loop. Leviathan and MC move on to Beelzebub, whose wish is to drink a "siren's song." To prepare the cocktail, you have to listen to a siren's song, which makes the listener lose their mind and want to jump in the nearest body of water to drown. Leviathan suggest using a record Lucifer has of a siren's song, and they all go to the music room to find it.

Meanwhile, Lucifer visits the Demon Lord's Castle because Diavolo invited him for tea. Barbatos greets him, and is amused about hearing their issues in dealing with the time loop. Diavolo is happy that Lucifer still meets with him despite having other things to deal with, but when he jokes it wouldn't be so bad to repeat this day, Barbatos reminds him of the stack of paperwork he still needs to sign after tea is over.

Leviathan and Beelzebub look through Lucifer's records, but don't let MC help in case they touch one of the many cursed records. The records is found, and Leviathan makes the drink wearing earplugs while Beelzebub and MC cover their ears. Beelzebub then drinks the cocktail, and the time loop still isn't fixed.

Leviathan and MC find Belphegor in his room, who says his wish is to nap with MC. He then orders Leviathan out, and MC sits on the bed while he rests his head in their lap. He isn't tired, however, so asks MC to sing him a lullaby. MC sings the siren's song, and Belphegor tells them that a long time ago he, Beelzebub, and Lilith listened to that song once.

Belphegor eventually falls asleep, and Leviathan returns to check on them. With another wish granted, only Leviathan's wish remains. He finally admits that his wish is to play games all night alone with MC. They do so, and after falling asleep, wake up to find that the charm is gone.

At breakfast, Lucifer is exhausted, and wishes for a break from the constant mayhem being caused. Mammon then shows up and tries putting the charmed bangle on Lucifer, and Satan succeeds after he fails. Lucifer promptly breaks the bangle, but before he can deal out punishments, Beelzebub enters the room and tells Lucifer they have a problem.

Lesson 35[edit]

In the music room, Beelzebub explains that he wanted to have one more siren's song, and tried making the cocktail himself. However, the earplugs he was wearing fell out, and under the song of the siren's spell, he thrashed around until he bumped the needle of the record, stopping the music. The record player is still turned on, and now with everyone in the room, the record starts playing again. Everyone races to the bathroom in search of water, nearly trampling a visiting Solomon, who fortunately performs a spell to end the curse. Unfortunately, he was visiting because he brought food he made for everyone to try.

Before anyone has to eat the food, Lucifer arrives with one of his records broken in half. The record, the "Hymn of the Reaper," is a song from an opera of the same name, sung by the reaper as they extinguish the candle representing the soul of the protagonist. Everyone worries that because Beelzebub broke the record, he's incurred the wrath of the reaper, who now might extinguish his soul at any moment.

Satan explains to MC that housed within a Reaper's Cave are the Life Candles representing the souls of humans, demons, and angels. Belphegor suggests going to the cave to check Beelzebub's candle, but Satan points out that no one know where it is. Except Solomon does know, and they all head outside so he can draw the magic circle needed to get there.

Solomon warns that the reaper is likely to accuse them of trespassing, but doesn't give anyone time to think on that before saying the spell to transport them to the cave. Once everyone lands, Leviathan find a message written in blood directed at Solomon. The message states that if he tries "sneaking inside" while the reaper is gone, they will destroy his life candle. When Leviathan asks Solomon what he did to make the reaper so angry, he replies that he can't think of anything.

Solomon explaining the rules of the Reaper's Cave
Solomon explaining the rules of the Reaper's Cave

Mammon suggests that the reaper not being present is a good thing, as now they can check Beelzebub's candle and leave without being noticed. Before they enter the cave, Solomon tells everyone that there are rules that must be followed. Each level of the cave has a different rule, and if broken, there will be a terrible punishment.

Hearing this, Beelzebub wants to go alone, then when everyone insists on going with, argues that MC is particularly endangered, as they're a human. Asmodeus argues that MC is no ordinary human, as they are powerful enough to use their pacts with the seven brothers as needed.

The first level of the cave looks like an open field, and the rule for this level is "Don't look back." To trick them into breaking the rule, everyone hears different voices behind them, calling them to look back. Leviathan, hearing the voice of Ruri-chan, looks back, and is turned into a Little D..

Level 2 of the cave looks like a library, and the rule is "Do not touch." Beelzebub notices a mark on Mammon's wrist that looks like Midas's Crest, the bearer of which can turn whatever they touch into gold. It's not really the crest, but Mammon still attempts to touch things, and is turned into a Little D. as well. Satan meets the same fate immediately after, as he was tricked into trying to pick up what he thought was a kitten meowing at him.

Solomon comments that he'd assumed something more terrible would happen to those who broke the reaper's rules, and wonders if something is protecting the brothers. Mammon then asks Solomon if he'll give him a real Midas Crest. After Mammon refuses Solomon request for a pact in return, he agrees instead to help Solomon forge a pact with Lucifer. He changes his mind, however, when Asmodeus points out that with the crest, he wouldn't be able to touch MC anymore.

Lesson 36[edit]

Solomon mentioning how old he actually is
Solomon mentioning how old he actually is

Asmodeus is curious about the reaper, and asks Solomon what they're like. He replies that even though they've known each other for over a thousand years, there's much Solomon still doesn't know about them. MC is shocked that Solomon is so old, so he explains that long ago, he was researching new forms of magic, but made a mistake that led to him being unable to grow old or die. Lucifer calls for everyone to keep moving, but MC thinks they see Solomon take a book off one of the shelves as they head out.

Level 3 of the Reaper's Cave has the rule "No talking," and because their D.D.D.'s don't work in the cave, texting also isn't an option. Everyone tries communicating with each other by thoughts, which doesn't work well for any of the brothers besides the twins. They all still manage to understand MC, however. Satan, Mammon, and Leviathan are able to speak aloud because they're already Little D.'s. Asmodeus opens a door into a closet full of designer clothes that he can't help but start talking about, and is turned into a Little D. as well.

Level 4 of the cave is a series of rooms filled with food, and the rule is "Do not eat." Beelzebub is able to resist the temptation until Solomon spots a dish just like one MC made during their retreat at the Demon Lord's Castle. To save his brother, Belphegor eats the dish instead. Solomon notices Lucifer look pale, and he replies that his head hurts.

They reach Level 5 of the cave, which has no rules, and Belphegor finds the Life Candles representing the seven brothers, with MC's candle right next to them. Beelzebub's candle, however, is nearly burned down and is burning much faster than the others. He asks if there's a way to summon the reaper so he can explain and apologize, but instead, Lucifer pours some of the essence of life from his candle into Beelzebub's. Each of the other brothers follow suit, even though this will shorten their own lifespans.

This buys Beelzebub some time, but his candle is still burning too fast. MC then pours a single drop of their candle's essence into Beelzebub's, and in a burst of light, his candle returns to normal again. Solomon transports everyone back to the House of Lamentation, and Lucifer heads inside to rest in hopes of treating his headache.

MC is able to ask Solomon several questions. When asked about the stolen book, Solomon explains he and the reaper have competitions sometimes. As he won the last one, he's allowed to take one item as a prize, which is why he wasn't punished for breaking the "Do not touch" rule. Solomon also explains that he once invited the reaper to eat some of his cooking, and they've disliked him ever since "for some reason." When asked about his age, Solomon admits he no longer remembers how old he is.

Once back in the house, Asmodeus asks Solomon to change everyone turned into a Little D. back to normal, which he does, and Beelzebub then takes MC aside to thank them for what they did in the cave. Solomon interrupts them, however, and tells them that Diavolo has been keeping secrets from them. He doesn't agree with that decision, and starts to tell them something, only for everyone to hear Lucifer scream. They all rush to the dining hall to find Lucifer collapsed on the floor.

Meanwhile, Diavolo, and Barbatos, and Simeon examine a hole in the forest that has grown larger in the past days, and Diavolo tells Simeon that the Royal Tomb has collapsed as well. Nothing like this has happened before, and it's Solomon's opinion that MC is the cause.

Simeon asks why Diavolo's kept it a secret from the brothers, and why Lucifer in particular is so important to him. Diavolo gives a vague non-answer, and Simeon tells him that he should have told Lucifer about these happenings right away. Barbatos agrees, and Diavolo decides to send Lucifer a message to come see him so that he can tell him everything.

Lesson 37[edit]

An unconscious Lucifer is carried to his room, where Belphegor brings up that he kept mentioning his head hurt while in the Reaper's Cave. Solomon had left to fetch Diavolo, and returns with him as well as Barbatos, Luke, and Simeon. Diavolo is distraught over seeing Lucifer, and exclaims that this is all his fault. He asks for MC's help, and everyone but Luke — who is keeping an eye on Lucifer — heads into the living room.

Diavolo explains that unprecedented phenomena have been taking place in the Devildom, such as the Royal Tomb collapsing and holes opening in the forest. Solomon admits this is why he brought MC to the Devildom, and that similar phenomena have also been happening in the Human World. Simeon adds that this is happening in the Celestial Realm as well, though at a lesser extent. Diavolo then bluntly states that he and Solomon believe MC is the cause. Luke then runs in to let them know Lucifer is awake.

Lucifer not remembering who anyone is
Lucifer not remembering who anyone is

Initially, everyone is relieved that Lucifer is awake again, but when Lucifer asks who they are, they realize that he has amnesia. Barbatos puts Lucifer back to sleep, and Luke again stays to watch him while the rest return to the living room. Diavolo continues his explanation, and tells MC that being a human, the distant descendant of an angel, and having pacts with all seven of the brothers, means that MC shares deep bonds with all three worlds. After hearing Solomon's theory about these bonds, Diavolo subjected MC to exams at a higher standard to test their powers.

The test results didn't show MC to be capable of powerful magic on the surface. Because MC cannot fully control the power granted by the "ring" their connection to the three worlds creates, MC's powers has caused a negative impact on all three worlds without realizing it. Diavolo states there are two possible ways to fix this: MC gains the ability to control their powers, or the "ring" is severed.

The only magic item that could help MC control their powers is the Ring of Light. This ring once belonged to Lucifer, but he lost it during the Great Celestial War. Severing the "ring" would require the power of the Night Dagger Solomon took from the Reaper's Cave. Using it would mean MC's pacts with the brothers would also be severed, and as Diavolo tells Mammon, once a demon's pact is broken, it's permanent. However, severing the ring might also return Lucifer's memory.

After announcing that Solomon will perform the ceremony needed to sever the ring, Diavolo apologizes to MC and hugs them. Solomon needs to do research first, and leaves along with Diavolo, Barbatos, and Simeon. Before Luke leaves also, he tells MC that Lucifer was saying their name in his sleep.

Back in Lucifer's room, Asmodeus is showing Lucifer a photo album from when they were in the Celestial Realm, but it only has pictures of himself. After Lucifer complains, he leaves to get different pictures, but reassures MC before he goes that even without a pact, their relationship will still be the same.

Lucifer tells MC he now knows what Asmodeus is like, but asks about his other brothers. MC has the choice to provide a more positive or negative opinion on each of them. He then asks about his relationship with MC, with options given to be romantic or not. Beelzebub then brings Lucifer some food, and tells him about how he gave some of his Life Candle's essence to him. He then gives both Lucifer and MC a hug.

Then next day, MC finds Lucifer in the attic with Belphegor sleeping with his head on Lucifer's lap. MC joins them, and the three nap together. Later, Mammon is talking to MC, and the two find Lucifer in front of Leviathan's door. MC provides the correct secret phrase about the second lord "having incurred the wrath of the Lord of Corruption."

Lucifer wants to play video games, so the four of them play "Super Smash Devils" together, with Lucifer insisting that he won't quit until he manages to beat Leviathan. Leviathan takes a moment to tell MC that even without a pact, the two of them will still get together and game.

While all of this is happening, Little D. No. 2 finds Barbatos to tell him Diavolo is acting strange. Barbatos find him and asks him what's wrong, and Diavolo replies that he want to check on Lucifer, but doesn't feel he has the right. Barbatos disagrees, but advises to trust Lucifer's brothers and MC to look after him.

Lesson 38[edit]

Satan tries to convince Lucifer not to play cards with Mammon because he's worried Mammon's trying to take advantage of him having amnesia. Lucifer won't be convinced, so Satan asks MC to go with him. The two join Mammon in his room, and Mammon suggests playing "The Witch and the Black Cat," a card game where two players try to take each other's face cards. If Mammon wins, he gets to use Lucifer's credit card for one day. If Lucifer wins, he gets MC to himself for one day, though he tells MC he'd ask for something else if they didn't like the idea.

The card game begins, but Lucifer is distracted by regaining memories of Mammon's Demonio 666 Lexura. The color for the car Mammon wanted was limited edition, so Lucifer secretly asked Diavolo to help him get it for Mammon. He then told Mammon that he found a dealer who had the car in stock.

The game ends with Lucifer winning, who then leaves MC with Mammon. Mammon tells MC that even if their pact is severed, he's still their first demon. Later in the library, he tells Leviathan and Satan that Lucifer will have MC to himself tomorrow. The three start making plans to intervene, but Lucifer shows up and thanks them for helping him while his memories are gone. This makes them change their minds about interfering with him spending time alone with MC.

The next day, Lucifer and MC are on their way out of the house when they run into Solomon. He says he wanted to talk to MC, but he'll just come back tonight. He also suggests they go to Devil's Coast, as it's the last day they're open. They take Solomon's advice, and end up riding the ferris wheel just as they'd done the last time. Lucifer tells MC that even without his memories, MC is special to him.

Solomon explaining how to restore the Night Dagger's power
Solomon explaining how to restore the Night Dagger's power

After the two return to the House of Lamentation, MC finds Solomon waiting for them in their room. He tells them he researched the Night Dagger only to find its magic power has waned over the years, and so would not be strong enough to sever the ring of MC's powers. The only way to restore the dagger's power is to kill a demon with it and have the dagger absorb said demon's power.

Solomon hands MC the Night Dagger, and tells them to use is on Lucifer, but then says he's just kidding. He says that he has always put the interests of the Human World above all else, but he doesn't want MC to hate him. Lucifer then enters the room, who overheard everything.

Lucifer tells Solomon to leave, then holds onto MC's hand and tries to get them to use the dagger on him. However, Simeon appears and puts the Ring of Light on MC's finger. MC sees a blinding light, and a disembodied voice speaks to them, saying they're jealous of MC, and that they loved Lucifer and his brothers, but lost them. They then tell MC the Ring of Light will protect them now, and returns MC to their room.

At the Demon Lord's Castle, MC, Luke, Simeon, and Solomon all talk about recent events. Now that MC has the Ring of Light, the chaotic ring of MC's connection to the three worlds has stabilized. Lucifer's memories have also returned, when then unleashed his anger on both Solomon and Diavolo.

Solomon asks MC — who now ranks as a sorcerer with powers as strong as his — if they'd help him protect the Human World by helping him decide what to do in future complicated situations. MC agrees, then Solomon asks Simeon how he was able to find the Ring of Light. Simeon explains that he suspected Michael had the ring, so went to the Celestial Realm to "borrow" it from him. Barbatos then arrives to tell them "the preparations are complete."

Meanwhile, Diavolo attempts to explain to an angry Lucifer why he'd kept secret that MC might be the cause of the destructive phenomena. Solomon comments that this is why he advised Diavolo to tell Lucifer, but Simeon points out that he also didn't tell Lucifer, and that he tried to convince MC to stab him with the Night Dagger.

Diavolo comments that Lucifer sounds more rough now than he did before, and that Lucifer should always talk to him in this more "real" way. Lucifer isn't happy about that, so Diavolo says that he got him a painting from the famous unknown Devildom artist John Smith. While still angry, Lucifer is also moved that the painting he'd wanted is now his. As Solomon tries to make his exit, Lucifer's ire moves on to him.

Lesson 39[edit]

At the Demon Lord's Castle, Diavolo tells MC how surprised he was when Simeon told him that they'd received the Ring of Light's blessing. MC then remembers waking up just after being given the Ring of Light to the brothers bursting into their room, worried because Beelzebub said that he saw Celestial Realm light coming from there. Lucifer warns them to be quiet if they don't want a repeat of what happened at the carnival when MC told them all to "stay." Everyone realizes this means that Lucifer's memory has returned, and an exhausted MC falls asleep.

Back in the present, Diavolo thanks MC for saving both Lucifer and the Devildom, and tells them there's a party in their honor today. Everyone is in their demon forms for the event. Leviathan mentions he's surprised that Lucifer still remembers what happened while he had amnesia. Satan and Belphegor both say that they preferred Lucifer when he had amnesia, but Asmodeus calls them out on actually being relived that Lucifer's back to normal.

Diavolo then asks MC to dance with him. He tells them that as the living embodiment of bonds between the three world, MC is a very important person, and he feels that he can place his trust in MC. He wants to say more, but the song ends, and Luke asks to dance with MC next.

The next morning at the House of Lamentation, Lucifer is mostly the same as before, but now seems even closer to his brothers. Out in the Devildom, MC runs into Luke, Simeon, and Solomon, who reminds everyone that they'll be returning home soon. MC brings this up to the brothers when at RAD, and Asmodeus suggests asking Diavolo if MC can stay longer. When MC does this, Diavolo points out they have a life in the Human World to consider. Afterwards, Belphegor suggests asking Solomon to teach MC how to teleport between the Devildom and Human World.

Solomon asking MC to be his pupil
Solomon asking MC to be his pupil

Solomon tells MC they have the raw power to learn teleportation, but lack the skills, so MC will have to start with the basics first. He asks MC to become his pupil and learn magic from him, though he points out learning to teleport could take years. Instead, he suggests learning to use their pacts with the brothers to summon them to where they are.

He explains further that if the brothers each give MC "something that is dear to them," their gifts will act as permits that would allow MC to summon them across worlds anytime. MC returns to the House of Lamentation, then they hear a loud noise. They find Satan in his room beneath a collapsed pile of books. He blames Lucifer for this, because he'd asked Satan to tidy his room.

MC helps him clean, and explains what they learned from Solomon. Satan then gives them the Forbidden Book that causes people to switch bodies when two people touch it at once. The magic has faded, so it no longer has that power, but it's connected to an important experience to Satan, so he wants MC to have it.

At the house's entrance, MC finds Asmodeus lugging boxes filled with clothes he hasn't worn recently. Lucifer ordered him to get rid of what he doesn't need. MC starts to ask him about getting a gift from him, but Asmodeus beats them to it, having already heard what was going on from Solomon. He doesn't know what to give MC, but the two decide to take pictures together, and both save a copy to their D.D.D.'s.

Next, MC finds Belphegor trying to hide because Lucifer told him to clean the attic, and they ask him for a pact gift. He gives them his star, one of the two twin stars in the Devildom sky that represent himself and Beelzebub. He then says next time they'll look at the stars together in the Human World.

Later, Diavolo comes to the House of Lamentation to visit MC, and tells them "a friend of his" has been acting cold towards him because he was keeping secrets from said friend. He asks MC for advice, then Barbatos tell him that his tea is ready. He also comments on MC doing a good job advising Diavolo. Lucifer then asks Diavolo to at least seek MC's advice about him when he's not in the same room.

Lesson 40[edit]

Leviathan giving MC his pact gift
Leviathan giving MC his pact gift

Leviathan brings a box of games and DVDs to MC's room because Lucifer asked him to declutter his room, so he wants MC to take them back to the Human World. Then, for his pact gift, he presents the script to "With Me," the play they performed for the RAD school festival. He tells MC they have to summon him whenever there's any event he wants to go to, then gives MC a hug, and tells him they'll still game online together every night.

MC then finds Beelzebub in the kitchen, because Lucifer told him that he could eat anything but the emergency rations. He knows about the pact gifts, and that Belphegor gave MC his star, so he wants to also give MC his star. He also says he was once leader of Lucifer's personal guard when they were in the Celestial Realm, so if MC gets into trouble in the Human World, they should call him.

MC next finds Mammon in his room trying to avoid Lucifer, who told to repay any debts he has in the Devildom right away. He too knows about the pact gifts already, and gives MC one of the "Harrison Porter" keychains they bought when they went to the Human World together before. He then tells MC that when they summon him to the Human World, he'll refuse to leave and stay by their side.

Later, MC hears music coming from Lucifer's secret study. They find Lucifer there, and he shows MC the Gold Hellfire Newt Syrup he has, telling them he mixed it with the Demonus he's drinking. MC gives him an order to either kiss them, or give them something precious to him. Either way, for his pact gift, he tells MC they already have it: the Ring of Light. He's happy that something once belonging to him now keeps MC safe.

The next day, MC visits Purgatory Hall for some tea, and Solomon tells them once they return to the Human World, he'll teach them the magic needed to summon the brothers. MC then visits the Demon Lord's Castle with Luke, who's going to see Barbatos about a new recipe. Luke and MC are greeted by Barbatos at the castle, then Diavolo appears and asks to talk to MC. They go to the garden, where Diavolo admits that he doesn't want to send MC back to the Human World. He again is interrupted in trying to tell MC something when Luke shows up with some muffins he made.

On MC's last day in the Devildom, everyone throws MC a surprise party. Diavolo teleports them all to The Fall, where he'll be paying everyone's tab. When taking a break from the party, Simeon tells MC that he, Luke, and Solomon decided to leave today instead of tomorrow. He explains that Michael wants a report on what's happened during the crisis caused by MC's powers. Solomon also says he wants to see the situation in the Human World for himself.

Luke openly admits he'll miss the Devildom, and that thanks to MC, he realizes that he needs to make some changes in himself, and that it's not right to condemn someone just for being a demon. The brothers then find MC and bring them back to the party.

Early the next morning, MC wakes up inside a sack being "kidnapped" by the brothers, minus Lucifer. The sack is opened when everyone is inside the underground tomb, where an emergency escape route leads to the far reaches of the Devildom. Everyone is nearly attacked by Cerberus, who is guarding the tomb, but Lucifer appears and tells him to sit. He then gives them instructions for how to find the escape route, but as soon as they make it to the outskirts, they're met by Diavolo and Barbatos.

Diavolo wasn't surprised the brothers pulled this stunt, but is surprised that Lucifer helped. He tells everyone that he doesn't want MC to be a demon or an angel, but a human who can someday work with himself to bring harmony to the three worlds. He wants MC to better understand all three worlds, not just stay in the Devildom. Barbatos then opens the portal to the Human World, the brothers say their goodbyes, and MC leaves.

After MC is gone, the House of Lamentation is back to normal, meaning everyone is arguing and missing MC. Lucifer asks if everyone is done tidying their rooms, then tells everyone to start packing, because they're going to the Human World.

Lessons 41-50[edit]

Lesson 41[edit]

MC runs into Solomon in a Human World park, where he asks MC if they're keeping up with the homework he gave them on fundamentals that sorcerers need to know. He also suggested earlier that MC take a babysitting job, and hands them the address of the people looking to hire MC. MC goes there to find a manor, and the door is answered by Asmodeus. Leviathan, Satan, Beelzebub, and Belphegor are there as well, and MC is so shocked that they use their pacts to make everyone "stay."

Asmodeus telling MC the brothers are staying in the Human World
Asmodeus telling MC the brothers are staying in the Human World

After calming down, Asmodeus explains that they're all spending their vacation in the Human World, and wanted to surprise MC, so they told Solomon to contact them. MC then finds Mammon hanging from the music room's ceiling because he gambled away all their money — and gave the deed to the house to some loan sharks — as soon as he got here. MC gets him down, then Asmodeus gives MC a tour of the manor.

The first room they visit is Asmodeus's private bathroom in the House of Lamentation. When the brothers decided to stay in this manor, they asked Barbatos to create portals to their favorite rooms in their home in the Devildom. Satan then finds them, and takes MC to the manor's home theater. He mentions that he and his brothers had been in the Human World since last week, but Asmodeus and Mammon insisted they keep it secret from MC until they could think of a way to surprise them. Leviathan comes in yelling about an emergency in the kitchen, and tells Satan to go there. He then asks MC if they want to see what it's like outside.

Leviathan shows MC the outdoor pool, then they go to his room to see Henry and game, but Belphegor interrupts, telling Leviathan he still has "a job to do." He then takes MC to their room from the House of Lamentation, which Barbatos also made a portal to. They both fall asleep there, then MC later wakes up in the living room in Beelzebub's arms, who'd carried them there.

The two continue to the twins' room, where Beelzebub retrieves some party crackers. Lucifer then sends him a text telling him to bring MC to the manor's balcony. Everyone is there to throw a party inviting MC to stay with them at Serenity Manor. Lucifer later asks MC to slip away with him, which MC can accept or refuse. If they do leave with Lucifer, he admits that he was planning this vacation to the Human World since MC asked them all for pact gifts.

Lesson 42[edit]

After most everyone gets the idea to wake MC up that morning, Lucifer asks MC to go wake up Mammon. Then while eating breakfast, Lucifer reminds everyone they need to decide who will be in charge of what chores around the house. This leads to a "rock, paper, scissors" tournament involving Beelzebub calling forth a Rock Giant and Leviathan summoning Lotan.

After chores have been decided, another "battle" of rock, paper scissors takes place over the bathroom order. Asmodeus is excluded this time, as he has his own bathroom. Once all this is over, MC and Beelzebub leave to buy groceries for dinner.

Beelzebub wants to have roast chicken for dinner, and had Satan tell him all the ingredients. He tells the butcher he wants five whole chickens, and says "We're celebrating our first night living together." The butcher misunderstands Beelzebub's meaning, so gives him some relationship advice. The two then run into Mammon and Satan, and all four go to a restaurant Satan says has good pizza. Once there, Satan gushes about the restaurant being a film location for "The Twilight of a Great Family" - a drama TV show he loves.

After eating, MC can either visit bookstores with Satan, or a bakery with Mammon and Beelzebub. If MC goes with Satan, the two get lost in a bookstore and have to find their way out. If MC goes with Mammon and Beelzebub, they use Asmodeus's credit card to pick up a Mont Blanc for Asmodeus, but also buy lots of other food.

After returning to Serenity Manor, they all find Solomon waiting for them with homemade sandwiches and pastries, because Lucifer insisted Solomon make food for them after having to eat his food for lunch. While they eat, Solomon tells MC he thinks it's time they applied for a sorcerer's license, but the food is so bad that MC faints.

Barbatos telling MC about connecting their room to the Demon Lord's Castle
Barbatos telling MC about connecting their room to the Demon Lord's Castle

MC wakes up in their room, but when they leave it, find themselves in the Demon Lord's Castle. They encounter Little D. No. 2, who informs Barbatos they have arrived. Barbatos tells MC he'd connected their room to the castle earlier because Diavolo would like tea with them. Once everything is set up, Diavolo joins MC by the castle's pond, who tells them it's been quiet and boring since MC and the brothers left. He says Barbatos won't let him visit the Human World until he's made enough progress on his work.

Lucifer texts Diavolo asking for MC to return, as everyone has been waiting for them to make dinner. Leviathan, Beelzebub, and Satan bring MC to the kitchen to ask them about the modern appliances within, like a slow cooker and ice cream maker. They explain that while the Devildom has human world appliances like ovens and blenders, these newer technologies aren't familiar to them. Once dinner is made and everyone digs in, Asmodeus invites MC to a café called The Angel's Halo.

Lesson 43[edit]

It's morning at Serenity Manor, but only Mammon and MC come out to the living room. It seems everyone else — including Lucifer — is very ill. Not only did Solomon make food for some of the brothers and MC yesterday, but he also left things he made in the manor's fridge, leading to everyone in the house eating his concoctions. Mammon doesn't know why he isn't affected, but he and MC leave to get edible food and medicine.

After picking up some medicine using Lucifer's credit card — which Mammon managed to swipe — the two head to the market and encounter the same butcher MC and Beelzebub spoke to before. Mammon mentions that he and MC also live together, and MC can either claim they don't actually know Mammon, or that he's the one they're "actually serious about."

While waiting in line at a deli, Mammon mentions that he comes to the Human World fairly often, because witches are "always calling him up here." While his only pact is with MC, he says that he can't say no to the witches due to some debts that he has with them. They then overhear two people talking about The Angel's Halo, which is the café Asmodeus wanted to visit. A rumor is going around that if you drink coffee at the café with someone you have a crush on, it'll make them fall in love with you. Mammon then insists they skip the deli and go to the café instead.

Simeon greeting Mammon and MC at The Angel's Halo
Simeon greeting Mammon and MC at The Angel's Halo

When nearly there, the two run into Luke, who is excited to see MC. He brings them into The Angel's Halo, where Simeon explains that he and Luke were appointed by Michael to help coordinate relations between the Human World and Celestial Realm. They'll be living in the Human World for a while, and the café is to help them blend in.

Simeon offers to make some food for them, and Mammon insists on having some of the coffee "everyone's talking about." MC explains the rumor they heard, and Simeon thinks the rumor started when he gave a free cup of coffee to a girl who had a positive development in her love life afterwards.

When MC asks if this is because Simon used his angel powers, he says no, and Luke explains that all angels are born with different powers. They're also assigned ranks depending on how skilled they are at what they do, and Simeon has the rank of archangel. Luke still doesn't have his rank yet, because he's still finding out what he's good at.

Simeon is worried that the rumor will cause Luke and him to blow their cover, so he suggests MC and Mammon pretend to be a couple that has a falling-out after drinking the café's coffee. This idea upsets Mammon, and when practicing, he can't keep up the charade, despite some of his complaints to MC seeming to be genuine.

Back at The Angel's Halo, the café's first day open is a busy one. Mammon and MC are helping Luke and Simeon out by working, as Mammon refused to pretend break-up with MC to fix the rumor issue. Satan and Beelzebub show up as customers as they're both feeling better, and Simeon insists they too help out by working. After the café closes, Luke tells MC that he thinks Simeon has been feeling anxious, but seeing MC seemed to bring relief to him as well as Luke.

Later, when everyone returns to Serenity Manor, Mammon tells Satan what Simeon said about he and Luke coordinating relations between the Human World and Celestial Realm. Satan responds that a job like that should be for angels of the dominion rank, and he thinks Michael really has something else planned in giving that job to Luke and Simeon. Beelzebub then says they should open an umbrella, because there's water leaking from the ceiling. The location it's coming from seems to be Asmodeus's bathroom.

Lesson 44[edit]

Mammon, Satan, Beelzebub, and MC rush into Asmodeus's bathroom, where they find him unconscious in the bath. After a spell is used to take away his pains, he wakes up feeling dizzy. While the others clean up the water and get him some medicine, MC takes Asmodeus back to bed and tells him about The Angel's Halo, and how it's run by Luke and Simeon. That makes Asmodeus remember that while he was unconscious, he dreamed that he was still an angel in the Celestial Realm. As he talks, MC falls asleep.

Angel Asmodeus finding MC in the Celestial Realm
Angel Asmodeus finding MC in the Celestial Realm

MC then opens their eyes to see Asmodeus as an angel, and find themselves in the Celestial Realm. Asmodeus doesn't recognize them, and neither does Beelzebub or Belphegor, who also look like angels. Everyone assumes MC is an angel as well, and Beelzebub tells MC that they're supposed to bring lost angels to Lucifer. Mammon then shows up, saying Lucifer wants to see Beelzebub and Belphegor, and Raphael was looking for Asmodeus with his spear in hand. The brothers all worry now that showing up with MC will get them in even more trouble, so they decide to hide them for now.

MC is brought into the Celestial Palace and to their "secret room," which Leviathan had booby trapped with a bucket of water over the door. After introducing MC to him, Belphegor mentions that Leviathan served as a kind of general before the Celestial Realm was at peace with the Devildom. He now feels like a useless burden to the realm, so MC can suggest he take an interest either in anime or manga from the Human World, both of which he hasn't yet heard of.

Lucifer then enters the room and chastising everyone, so Mammon tries to change the subject to Lucifer being asked by Diavolo to meet with him in the Devildom. Lucifer expresses his displeasure about the meeting, but the subject changes again to how each of the brothers feel like they know MC well despite just meeting.

All of this is interrupted by bright light and a mysterious voice, who explains to MC that they were sent back in time inside of a dream due to eating Solomon's cooking. The voice says that they'll all likely forget what happened, but MC's effect on the brothers will persist. They then wake up back in Asmodeus's room.

Later that night, with still no sign of Leviathan, MC, Mammon, and Beelzebub go to his room again to check on him. After resorting to kicking the door down, they find him perfectly fine playing video games.

Lesson 45[edit]

Solomon's opinion on the Sorcerers' Society
Solomon's opinion on the Sorcerers' Society

At breakfast in Serenity Manor, Lucifer reminds MC that the two of them plus Beelzebub are going to meet Solomon in front of the Sorcerers' Society headquarters. Once there, Solomon explains that the Sorcerers' Society "provides assistance to all of the sorcerers secretly living in the Human World." Also, to become an official sorcerer, one needs a license from the society. Today, their aim is to get a provisional license for MC. Lucifer asks why he and Beelzebub are needed, and Solomon tells them to be patient.

Once inside the building, other sorcerers comment in awe at seeing the two demons, which makes Lucifer realize Solomon's scheme is to make MC look good by bringing them along. Solomon adds that he and the society aren't on the best of terms — despite admitting he and one of his apprentices where the original founders of the society — so MC being his apprentice might make it difficult for them to get in.

The four approach the registration desk, where Solomon asks MC to hold out their hand. The receptionist then presses his staff to the back of MC' hand, and a magic seal of three staves and seven stars — the crest of the Sorcerers' Society — appears. Solomon tells MC that to obtain a full sorcerer's license, they must earn these the seven stars by passing seven trials. For generations, apprentices have always received their first star from their master, so Solomon tells MC to prepare for their first trial.

Solomon binds Lucifer with a spell, which initially makes him furious, but Solomon tells him it's for the sake of MC's first test, so he relents. Solomon then uses another spell to shrink Lucifer down so he can fit in the palm of one's hand, then tells MC their first trial is to keep "mini Lucifer" safe for one full day. They're not allowed to use their pacts on the other brothers, and can only use Beelzebub's powers. Solomon will also stay at Serenity Manor with MC to keep an eye on things.

Before returning home, they stop at The Angel's Halo to see Luke and Simeon, and to come up with a strategy for dealing with the brothers. Beelzebub reminds MC they're allowed to use his powers, but Solomon points out they can't just use the same incantation as before when they used Asmodeus's powers during the retreat at the Demon Lord's Castle. MC will have to understand Beelzebub's "true nature."

As soon as the four set foot inside Serenity Manor, they hear a voice that sounds like Satan's, and they are pulled into a portal that drops them inside of an RPG video game called Devil's Quest. They find Leviathan dressed as the Lord of Shadow, and he tells MC that they have a mission to defeat "Demon Lord Satan." Beelzebub tries to explain the situation with Lucifer, but Leviathan shows them a projection of Satan, who captured Diavolo after he snuck to the Human World without telling Barbatos, and is using him as a hostage.

With no choice but to save Diavolo, after Leviathan gives them 100 Grimm and a special Lord of Shadow talisman, the party of four head for the town to do some shopping. First they visit the weapon shop, where a merchant that looks just like Little D. No. 2 sells them gear for Solomon and MC, but then they're out of money. The merchant offers them a quest to get his money back from a "greedy monster" at a casino, and he'll give them a discount on armor for Beelzebub if they succeed.

After first ending up at the harbor and going on a "side quest" to defeat the Seven-Headed Sea Serpent — which turns out to be Lotan — the group make it to the inn. They eat supper there, then decide to stay overnight and complete the quest for the armor tomorrow. They can only afford a double room, so MC and Beelzebub take one bed, while Lucifer and Solomon take the other.

Beelzebub tells MC the story of how, when he was still an angel, he wanted to be a soldier, but had trouble controlling his powers. He would often destroy thing by accident, which Raphael always made sarcastic comments about that depressed him. Lucifer then gave him the advice to focus on protecting instead of attacking, which led to Beelzebub becoming a Cherub and guarding the Celestial Realm's gates. That is why he wants to be there whenever Lucifer needs his help.

Lesson 46[edit]

Morning breaks, and Little D. No. 2 shows MC, Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Solomon to the casino, where they find Mammon. He tries to use a spell to take the miniature Lucifer, but MC is able to call on Beelzebub's power to cancel Mammon's spell and counter it with his own. With Lucifer safe and Mammon defeated, they return to the shop and purchase Beelzebub a Lord of Flies armor set.

The party then travels north to seek "Demon Lord Satan," and after being chased by ghosts in a haunted forest, make their way to a lake protected by a guardian spirit, where they rest for the night. The next day, Lucifer points out that over a days has passed, so Solomon should change him back now. Solomon replies that while it feels like days in the game, it's really only been a few hours.

"Demon Lord Satan" appears in the game
"Demon Lord Satan" appears in the game

Beelzebub then spots a treasure chest in the middle of the road containing a warding bottle, medicinal herbs, and a pair of cat ears. The bottle has a talisman attached, and whatever is put inside said bottle is protected from monster attacks. Just as Lucifer is put inside, suddenly, the sky turns to night, and Satan appears. Even if MC chooses to use the cat ears and deal Satan some damage, nothing is enough to stop him from taking Lucifer and leaving Belphegor behind to take care of the others.

Satan promised Belphegor that if he defeated MC and the rest, he could have mini Lucifer to himself for a day. Beelzebub tells MC that before when they fought Mammon he may have been holding back his powers, but now he trusts MC will all that he has. MC uses a spell to channel their power through Beelzebub, who uses powerful winds to slam into Belphegor. Impressed by MC's abilities, Belphegor decides to change sides and join the party.

Because Lucifer was inside the warding bottle when Satan took him, he'll be difficult to mess with, so Solomon considers MC's test as still ongoing. While Satan figures out that he's able to change Lucifer's outfits using magic, there's not much else he can do. Meanwhile, at another inn, Solomon is able to purchase twin rooms for everyone, so the twins stay in one room, while Solomon stays with MC.

The next day, Belphegor uses a spell to teleport the party directly to Satan's castle. Instead of fighting him, MC tells him about his bonds with his brothers — including Lucifer — and that getting along together and being honest about how they feel is more important than earning some star for a sorcerer's license. Beelzebub agrees, and after some affirming words from Lucifer, Satan relents and gives the bottle back to MC. Everyone thinks it's now over, but Solomon then states that he is actually the final boss.

Solomon tells MC they still haven't fully used all of Beelzebub's powers, so if the trial ended here, they'd fail. He summons Asmodeus and uses his powers to increase Asmodeus's strength. However, MC is finally able to draw out all of Beelzebub's powers as well, and the battle is won. Everyone then returns to Serenity Manor, and Lucifer is restored to his proper size. MC also earned their first star, which now faintly glows in the magical seal on their hand.

Meanwhile, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, and Asmodeus are subjected to Solomon's cooking as punishment. Belphegor managed to slip away, but while Beelzebub and MC are talking, he wonders out loud if they had forgotten about something...

Later, Lucifer and MC meet with Diavolo at the Demon Lord's Castle to apologize for leaving him behind in the game. While they did later go back and get him, and Diavolo is all smiles, he's still very angry about being forgotten. MC can either suggest Lucifer meows like a cat when apologizing, or tell Diavolo that Lucifer agrees to do anything he asks as an apology.

Lesson 47[edit]

Leviathan, Belphegor, and MC visit The Angel's Halo and tell Simeon about how they forgot Diavolo in the Devil's Quest game, so they had to go back and get him. Lucifer then helped Diavolo catch up with his work as an apology, so he's now able to come to Serenity Manor and visit that day. Leviathan comments that he'll spend the day in his room, as he's "not the biggest fan" of Diavolo, and is also worried about making Lucifer mad if he says or does something he shouldn't. Simeon then gets a call from Lucifer, who tells him MC and his brothers need to get home right away, because Diavolo is missing.

Belphegor asking about a missing Diavolo
Belphegor asking about a missing Diavolo

Back at the manor, Lucifer is pacing back and forth while on the phone with Barbatos trying to find out where Diavolo went. Asmodeus explains that when Barbatos — who has a case of demonic flu — opened a portal for Diavolo to the Human World, he sneezed, meaning while the portal did lead to the Human World, no one knows exactly where. Leviathan says he knows someone who might know where Diavolo is, so they all head to his room.

Leviathan introduces them all to his friend "Crowe," which is actually a voice-activated smart speaker. Leviathan says that Crow knows everything, so the brothers spend time asking it questions and ignoring MC's explanation that Crowe is just a piece of technology. MC resorts to using their pacts to get everyone's attention, and after explaining what a smart speaker is, Leviathan refuses to accept their explanation.

Leviathan then asks Crowe to find Diavolo, and after providing Diavolo's phone number, Crowe sends the location information to Leviathan's D.D.D.. The brothers and MC rush to the location to find Diavolo in a karaoke parlor. A note written in Devildom script on the door to the exit says the room is cursed, and the only way out is to score a perfect 100 when singing karaoke.

Diavolo mentions that the karaoke parlor is owned by the Three-Legged Crow Group, the company that also developed the D.D.D. and who recently have expanded into the Human World market. They are also developing a smart speaker, which he says there's a prototype for at Serenity Manor. Leviathan is devastated to realize his "friend" is just some technology, and feels even worse when the voice of "Crowe" comes from the karaoke machine and tells them to get ready.

Crowe explains that the rules are to take turns singing one song, and a score will be given after the performance. If anyone gets 100, the group wins, but there will also be "surprises" to keep the game interesting. Asmodeus sings a song first, but hears the imaginary voices of his fans in the middle of the song, causing him to mess up and only score an 88. He then disappears, having been sent by Crowe to the "punishment room."

Mammon goes next, but realizes too late that he chose to sing a romance song in front of MC, and fails to start singing in time due to embarrassment. He too is then sent to the punishment room. Diavolo offers to sing next, but Lucifer refuses the idea, saying that as the future demon king, he's too important to the Devildom to take the risk. While Beelzebub is busy ordering food from Crowe, Diavolo suggests he and Belphegor sing a duet together. However, in the middle of the song, Beelzebub's food arrives. When he stops singing to eat it, both twins are sent to the punishment room.

Satan and then Diavolo ask for Leviathan to sing next, but he doesn't want to sing in front of Diavolo, so instead Satan sings next. Mid-song, the screen displaying the lyrics starts showing cat videos, and as expected, Satan ends up failing his song as well.

Lesson 48[edit]

Diavolo comments that he's often asked Lucifer to go sing karaoke with him, with Lucifer always refusing, so he's ecstatic that he gets to hear Lucifer sing now. Before he even starts, however, he disappears. Crowe claims to have "pushed the erase button by accident," which leaves only MC, Leviathan, and Diavolo left.

Diavolo again tries to sing next, saying he can't ask MC or Leviathan to sing for him, and Leviathan replies that this is what he can't stand about Diavolo. He goes on to say Diavolo is "always completely just and completely fair" and "never does anything bad," which just makes Leviathan hate himself more, because he isn't like that.

Diavolo responds that Leviathan's humility is one of his best qualities, then brings up times in the past when things only went well due to his help. With both Diavolo and MC's positive words, Leviathan tries to sing the next song, but Crowe says that time is up and automatically chooses a song for Diavolo to sing. Diavolo sings the song, but even after getting a score of 100, he's still sent to a cramped, pitch-black room, which is the "punishment room" everyone else has also been sent to.

Leviathan tells Crowe to bring everyone back if he scores 100 on his song
Leviathan tells Crowe to bring everyone back if he scores 100 on his song

Crowe announces that Diavolo scoring 100 means Leviathan and MC are allowed to leave, but Leviathan tells Crowe he's going to sing, and if he scores 100, Crowe has to bring everyone else back. MC can either sing a duet with Leviathan, or let him sing alone, but either way, he too scores a 100, and everyone returns to Serenity Manor.

MC finds Leviathan in his room, who confesses to MC that he worries that someday someone better than him will show up and take MC away from him. Diavolo then sends MC a text asking to see MC before he goes, and Leviathan after joking about telling Crowe to trap them both in his room together, he says it's okay for MC to go.

MC meets Diavolo outside by the pool, who admits to MC that the karaoke incident was his fault. After spending time with all of the brothers gone from the Devildom, his memories of what it was like before they arrived made him lonely, so when he learned the karaoke parlor was owned by Three-Legged Crow Group, he couldn't help wanting to enjoy having fun with everyone.

MC has the choice to either forgive him or not, then Barbatos appears, still sneezing and running a fever. He apologizes to Diavolo for his portal sending him to the wrong place, and apologizes to MC and Lucifer as well, who was standing aside waiting on MC. Diavolo and Barbatos leave, then Lucifer and MC head inside to find the common room flooded, as Leviathan had summoned Lotan after his brothers teased him.

The next morning, Satan turns on the TV to see Diavolo and Barbatos on a news program about Corvo Lagoon View, the eighth hotel to be opened by the Corvo hotel chain, and a chain also owned by the Three-Legged Crow Group. Diavolo and Barbatos then arrive in the common room, where Diavolo tells everyone he now gets to stay in the Human World. He also stopped by because he hadn't been able to tell MC what he wanted last night. He uses his magic to give MC the second star of the Sorcerers' Society magic seal.

Afterwards, Barbatos visits The Angel's Halo, where Simeon and Luke had been trying — and failing — to give Solomon cooking lessons to make his food less terrible. Barbatos asks Simeon why Solomon had recently started coming to him and asking him to try his cooking. He also tells Simeon that Solomon's food is likely what gave him the flu that led to him sending Diavolo to the karaoke parlor. Luke advises Simeon to start apologizing to a clearly angry Barbatos.

Lesson 49[edit]

Mammon, Luke, and MC arrive at Hotel Corvo and they all marvel at it. Luke complains that he doesn't like how Devildom corporations are starting to inroad into the Human World. Barbatos appears, and reassures him that Lord Diavolo's intentions are purely peaceful, should he inform Michael. Then Mammon teases Luke for being a tattletale.

Once inside the hotel, Barbatos talks about how Leviathan and Diavolo have become close since the earlier karaoke incident, and even play online games together all night. Mammon then remarks on Barbatos's odd fashion choice, and Barbatos tells him that his cover story while in the Human world is that her works as an importer of tea leaves, and hopes his outfit conveys this.

Barbatos telling Mammon a rumor about fairy rings
Barbatos telling Mammon a rumor about fairy rings

A bit later, Barbatos brews them all fairy ring tea. He explains on rare occasions, golden-hued flowers grow in these rings. MC can ask about the fairies, but they all explain fairies have gone extinct in the Human World. Mammon is quite displeased that they are extinct, but then Barbatos mentions they actually might not all be gone. They might be hiding in secret in the Human World, and the flower fairy rings that are created from them make rare treats. This makes Luke, Mammon, and MC decide to go on a quest to find fairy rings. Mammon suggests they look for clues in a library.

In the library, they split up, and MC can either go with Mammon or Luke. If MC chooses Mammon, they learn about the time he was an angel. If MC goes with Luke, he teaches MC more about Michael. They ended up not finding anything but rumors. Mammon at one point insults the image of Michael, and Luke becomes incredibly defensive of the archangel. While trying to calm Luke down, Solomon appears.

After explaining what their plans are to Solomon, he tells them they won't find the information they're looking for in human literature. Instead, they should seek places free from human influence to find the fairies themselves. Luke suddenly exclaims he has a plan to find the fairies, and takes them to Levi's room. Once there, he asks Crowe for help. Crowe says that faeries can be found in the area of Lake lo Lanthe.

Meanwhile, Asmodeus, Barbatos, and Solomon meet each other in the Hotel. Asmo is happy all three are alone together, because the last time was during Solomon's dispute with the Sorcerers' Society. Then Barbatos and Solomon reminisce about the past, and when Solomon made a pact with him. Afterwards, Solomon reveals he wants to make MC into a full-fledged sorcerer.

Luke finds Simeon to ask him for permission to travel on the overnight train to the Lake lo Lanthe, and Simeon agrees. Luke also promises to look for somebody to help take care of The Angel's Halo. They think of all the demon brothers, but asking most of them would not be a good idea. In the end, they decide to ask Satan. Initially, Satan declines, but MC ends up persuading him to work anyways.

Mammon and MC return to Serenity Manor, because they want to ask Lucifer for permission to go to the lake, but the brothers tell them he's still out with Lord Diavolo. They talk a little about the fairy hunt, and Belphegor doubts Mammon's ability to handle it. Lucifer then returns, and they ask the big question. Lucifer agrees, but also refuses to pay for their excursion. Then MC asks for a game of cards, and if they win, he will pay.

After the game, MC ends up in Mammon's room with him, and they take turns asking Crowe questions, but suddenly they hear an unknown person screaming.

Lesson 50[edit]

Satan and Asmodeus greet MC the next morning. Belphegor tells MC that they should hurry so they don't miss boarding the overnight train, and MC rushes to Mammon's room to get him out of bed. Later, Luke greets them at the train station, and says to hurry because the train is about to leave.

Once on the train, Luke worries that he and Mammon will have to spend so much time together, and Mammon agrees. They split up to look at their rooms, and Mammon is happy that he's alone with MC, but Luke interrupts their moment to go to the dining car. Luke reviews a plan for how to get to Lake lo Lanthe, but complains that Mammon isn't taking it seriously. They get into a fight, which ends with Luke ignoring Mammon.

Luke and Mammon having an argument
Luke and Mammon having an argument

The topic switches to angels, and Michael gets brought up again. Mammon tries to argue about what's so great about angels, which Luke tries to ignore, until finally the angel snaps. He yells in frustration about how Michael could still care so much about Mammon and his brothers, then runs away. MC runs after Luke into his cabin, where they comfort him. Luke wonders out loud why Michael still cares about the brothers, and if he loves the brothers so much, then why did he cast them out of the Celestial Realm.

Luke asks MC if the brothers truly hate angels, and MC asks if Luke thinks the brothers are bad people. Luke confesses that without them, he would have never seen the good in demons. MC returns to a worried Mammon after Luke cries himself to sleep.

Mammon is grouchy about how uptight Luke always is, and ponders if it's because he has a small worldview. He tells MC how he used to be naive too, which MC doubts. He explains how Luke is the lowest an angel could rank, so Michael or Simeon must be pulling strings to have gotten him into the exchange program. Perhaps this way he could see that there is more than just the world of angels.

Luke wakes up by nightfall, and shyly apologizes to Mammon for what happened earlier. With some persuasion from MC, Mammon apologizes too. Luke shoots down his proposal to reconcile, so Mammon picks him up and climbs atop the train so they can view the Human World stars. Hoping to try and make up with Luke, he even points out a few consolations he knows, because Michael taught them to him in the past. Mammon and Luke then recollect memories about Michael.

Meanwhile, Beelzebub finds Belphegor at the pool at Serenity Manor, where Belphegor was admiring the stars. But their peace and quiet was destroyed by Leviathan and a drunken Asmodeus. They too reminisce about the time when Michael taught them all about the human world stars. Lucifer finds Satan alone, sulking in the living room. He complains that the others are looking at the stars and telling stories he can't understand.

Later, Lucifer confronts Diavolo, saying he knows he was behind the karaoke incident. Diavolo confirms it, saying he was bored and lonely with the brothers in the Human World and him stuck in the Devildom. He also admits jealous of MC's ability to fit in so effortlessly with the brothers while he never could. Then Diavolo asks Lucifer why he hasn't asked about his confession to MC at their pool, since he knows Lucifer heard. Lucifer tells him he is free to feel how he wants to, but that won't change how he and his brothers feel about MC.

At last, MC, Mammon, and Luke exit the train. They walk through the forest to get to Lake Lo Lanthe, and Luke tells them lots of mythical creatures haunt the grounds according to his pamphlet. Luke then offers his blessing to MC, to protect them from harm. Immediately afterwards, the sky starts pouring rain.

Through the rain, they are confused to see the House of Lamentation. Luke remembers the pamphlet said there was an old manor in the woods, but Mammon denies that it's the same house, for Lucifer disassembled it and rebuilt it in the Devildom. They seek shelter from the storm, and find that the inside also looks like the House of Lamentation. Suddenly, Mammon and Luke disappear, leaving MC alone.

Lessons 51-60[edit]

Lesson 51[edit]

MC starts searching for Mammon and Luke, and ends up in the house's library. They remember the brothers once discussing who they thought the real killer was for the murders that took place in the House of Lamentation. MC's phone then starts ringing, and either Simeon or Satan tells MC about their own disasters at The Angel's Halo before hanging up.

Attempting to calm down, MC thinks about happy memories. They remember when the brothers once talked about how MC is always capable of handling any situation without fear, and how they'll always have the seven brothers by their side. Depending on choice, either Satan or Simeon appears first with the other following afterward.

It turns out that Barbatos had dropped by the Angel's Halo, and teleported the two of them to MC's location while he temporarily watches over the café. Simeon expresses surprise seeing the carbon copy of the House of Lamentation, but Satan notices the difference just from the book covers being changed. The trio searches upstairs for Mammon and Luke, but encounter a blinding white light.

They find themselves out of the manor and in a brightly lit forest. Satan doesn't know where they are, but Simeon recognizes it as the Celestial Realm. Beelzebub then appears in his angel outfit and no memory of MC or Satan. Simeon, trying not to be suspicious, introduces them as two other angels, but changes Satan's name to "Sully."

Satan telling MC he remembers little of the Celestial Realm
Satan telling MC he remembers little of the Celestial Realm

The angel Beel asks why Simeon isn't at the meeting with Lucifer and Michael, as all seraphim had to attend. Simeon makes excuses, while "Sully" secretly admits to MC that he doesn't remember the brothers as angels. Only on rare occasions was he was able to see through Lucifer's eyes. Mammon, Asmodeus and Leviathan make an appearance, and also have no memory of MC or Satan. Simeon tells Beelzebub that he will search for Belphegor, and leaves "Sully" in the care of the angel brothers, much to his dismay.

When Simeon is alone with MC, he tells them that he left Satan with his brothers as Simeon assumed Satan would want to know more about them when they were angels. MC can ask Simeon a few questions that leads to him confessing this was the most fun period of his life, despite the fact that Luke probably doesn't exist yet. MC then kicks a tree per Simeon's request, and Belphegor falls out of it.

Belphegor also doesn't remember MC, but he does claim they feel familiar somehow. He then tells them Lucifer had a task for him, and he asks the duo to help him out. On their way, they also tell him about "Sully." Belphegor is surprised that Simeon has two angels assigned to him. Simeon jokes that Belphegor must think he's too low-ranked for that, but then remembers he was still a seraph at this point. They continue working on Lucifer's tasks, and Belphegor then tells them Lucifer is away often, since the Prince of the Devildom keeps asking for him.

Out in the hallway, Leviathan and "Sully" are chasing several eggs with wings named "fluffy eggs," which are needed for another of Lucifer's tasks. The brothers seem surprised about how well they seem to get along with the "new angels," and have even been calling Satan "Sully dear." When "Sully" says out loud that back in the day Lucifer was probably still pompous with an overinflated ego, all the brothers seem confused. They all think that he's a good guy, and that he's trying to do whats best for them, to the point where they adore and admire Lucifer. They all suggest "Sully" should get to know Lucifer better. Simeon too pushes on this, but "Sully" gets angry with him and runs away.

Simeon is stumped at the reaction, for he thought "Sully" was done rebelling, but realizes he forgot to let him learn at his own pace. He tells MC they should probably talk to him first before he apologizes. MC finds Satan in the forest where they first appeared and comforts him, but then they're startled to hear Lucifer's voice calling out to them.

Lesson 52[edit]

Seraph Lucifer is at first suspicious of MC and Satan/"Sully," but when told they work under Simeon, he asks to help him carry some books to the library. On their way, Lucifer complains about Raphael and his brothers, and calls "Sully's" behavior quite un-angel-like. However, he then compliments him for knowing his way around books, and even says he wishes how he could have somebody like "Sully" as a brother.

When they are done reorganizing the books in the library, Lucifer lets "Sully" pick up a book, and from it chains emerge to trap him. Lucifer tells him that the book reacts to evil beings and captures them. He knew from the beginning that Satan and MC weren't angels, so he asks what kind of creature MC really is. "Sully" tells Lucifer to let MC go, as he is the only demon.

"Sully" transforms into his demon form to presumably try to escape, but Lucifer lets him go. He confirms that "Sully" isn't plotting anything. Lucifer then asks him a question. He has a new demon acquaintance that doesn't act nor feel like a demon, just like "Sully." He is at a loss for what to do, and tells them he will keep them secret from Michael if they follow him.

Satan telling Mammon about Human World constellations
Satan telling Mammon about Human World constellations

Lucifer, "Sully" and MC meet up with the rest of the brothers. Simeon is there too, and thanks MC for making "Sully" go back to his old self. After this, Lucifer reveals the reason they are gathered together, and shows them a remodeled room where they can see the Human World stars. "Sully" starts telling his fascinated brothers the names of the constellations.

Later, "Sully" quietly wakes MC, since all his brothers have fallen asleep, minus Lucifer and Simeon, who left. "Sully" asks to please not tell his brothers what happened, and thanks MC for today. They look for Simeon and Lucifer, and they find them again in the forest. Accidentally eavesdropping on their conversation, they hear Lucifer calling Simeon a human, and Simeon saying where they are isn't real before their vision turns black.

Simeon, Satan, Luke, Mammon, and MC all appear back in the original forest around Lake lo Lanthe with no memory of what happened after they entered the fake House of Lamentation. Luke and Mammon ask how Simeon and Satan got here, so they tell them all about the incident. Simeon shows them the pamphlet, and how the page about the manor is now replaced with legends about fairies. He thinks the fairies liked the special flour that covered Satan, so they showed him something he wished he could have experienced.

Mammon and Luke are disappointed they didn't end up finding the fairy ring flowers. They all board the train again, Simeon commenting how close Mammon and Luke have suddenly gotten. Which Luke does absolutely not agree with. As they booked the train ticket last minute, there are only four rooms for the 5 of them. After a game of rock-paper-scissors, Mammon and Luke ended up rooming together.

Later that night, MC find Simeon lost in thought. When asked about what's bothering him, he tells them that the whole Celestial Realm experience did a number on him too, and admits how much he misses the time when they were all angels. Simeon then gives MC their third star, "patience."

That same night, MC goes to the roof of the train when they hear voices. Luke and Satan are attempting to re-teach the human world constellations to Mammon. Mammon wishes to know if there is a constellation for seven brothers, and Luke explains that there is one, but in the Celestial Realm. It contains seven bright stars, with three other stars watching over them that nobody knows what they represent. Luke then gives MC their fourth star, "generosity," and thanks MC for all the fun he had.

Much later, Simeon and Satan come back to The Angel's Halo to a very aggravated Barbatos, who only meant to deliver the tea, not run the café. Satan, however, only cares that the cats are now gone. Diavolo confesses he let Solomon into the kitchen, which in turn makes Simeon irritated towards Solomon. When he hears Lucifer and Leviathan — who were also supposed to watch the café — left, he demands Satan fetch them.

Lesson 53[edit]

The brothers are all chilling together, with Leviathan feeling tired because he's been playing games with Lord Diavolo, and Mammon laughing at his phone because Luke keeps sending him pictures of desserts he's making. Asmodeus says Mammon is fawning over Luke like a little brother, which he denies. Lucifer helped Satan get an art book he'd been looking for. Although Satan claims to still hate Lucifer, his brothers see the new strange peace between the pair. The doorbell rings, and Solomon and Barbatos arrive at the Serenity Manor. Solomon says they are here for MC's Sorcerer's License preliminary exam.

Barbatos explaining the rules of "Tail Thieves"
Barbatos explaining the rules of "Tail Thieves"

The exam will allow MC to get their fifth star, and Solomon asks all of the brothers to help. They will play a game of "Tail Thieves." Everyone will be transformed into "animals" by Solomon, with real tails to steal. MC's task is to steal everyone's tail, while not getting their own tail stolen. If they do lose their tail, they fail the exam. Luckily, Asmodeus and Barbatos will aid MC with this task. Using magic is against the rules, but MC may use Asmo's and Barbatos's powers. Since MC does not have a pact with Barbatos, Solomon gives Barbatos's Grimoire to MC, and then leaves.

All of the brothers run away to places they think they have an advantage. Although MC was given the precious grimoire consensually, Barbatos requests that they don't use or read it. Mammon appears once he hears the grimoire won't be used.

Unfortunately for Mammon, Barbatos easily beats him using only hand-to-hand combat, and strings him from the ceiling of the living room. MC then pulls off Mammon's tail, and because Solomon used a special curse, once someone's tail is pulled off, the tail bearer must fulfill the wish of the person that took said tail. MC asks Mammon one of several questions as their wish.

Asmo keeps asking MC to use the grimoire when they can't find Lucifer, but Barbatos shuts him down. However, he doesn't mind explaining his powers to MC. Barbatos can create portals to anywhere he wants, both through space and time, though a portal's connection is less stable if it goes to the past or future. When MC asks where Barbatos would like to go, he answers nowhere, and says his place is right by Diavolo's side.

They go to the manor's home theatre in search of Satan, but as they enter the light shuts off. Satan, who sneak attacks Asmo, says the darkness is a protection against Asmo's powerful charm ability. While distracted, Lucifer restrains MC too. He claims MC won't use the Grimoire, since he knows Barbatos doesn't want anyone to use it, and MC wouldn't use it against his wishes. Just as Lucifer tries to grab their tail, Barbatos throws over the remote to MC, and a movie about cats starts to play. They manage to catch Satan, but Lucifer barely slips away and escapes.

After Satan fulfills a wish, they search for the others, and find Belphegor sleeping in his bed. They decide he isn't a threat, and the trio wonders why Solomon gave this preliminary exam. Asmo says he finds it hard to figure out what's going on inside Solomon's head, as he is good at dodging questions. Then Asmo tells the story of how he and Solomon first met, and how they made a pact. Barbatos also speaks about how he had a pact with Solomon long before the sorcerer had one with Asmo, with Solomon summoning him with his very own incantation. Solomon was on the verge of death when he summoned Barbatos, because the incantation was so powerful. In the end, Barbatos says that, despite everything, he trusts Solomon, and that he's a truly gifted person.

They find Beelzebub in the kitchen eating, as expected. And after a little blackmail from Asmo, he gives up the tail without a fight, making Barbatos wonder how the seven of them are so powerful. MC asks Beel to fulfill their wish, but because Asmo was the one who pulled the tail, he decides on the wish, leaving Beel to an unknown fate.

Lesson 54[edit]

Asmodeus talking about how powerful Barbatos is
Asmodeus talking about how powerful Barbatos is

Barbatos compliments the power of Asmodeus's charm. While there are many demons who can use the charm ability, Barbatos doubts anyone is on Asmodeus's level. But Asmo is still sad that his charm doesn't work on MC. The trio decide to take a small break outside in Serenity Manor's garden, and Barbatos leaves to get some tea to drink, leaving MC and Asmo together. Once alone, Asmo tries once again to take a peek inside Barbatos's Grimoire. He explains how lower-ranking demons shudder at Barbatos's name, and how Barbatos is powerful enough to possibly rival the Demon King himself. He also says that nobody knows why Barbatos became Diavolo's butler, not even Lucifer. However, they end up not looking in the Grimoire, and the game of "Tail Thieves" continues.

Using the correct phrase of "Platypus, which could lay golden eggs," they enter Leviathan's room. However, it seems his door leads to a grassland savanna scenery. Levi says it's a new feature of his smart speaker Crowe that lets you change the scenery to anything you want, and that he was in the middle of a photoshoot. He then puts MC in his bathtub to take pictures of them as an animal, too. While Levi is distracted, MC takes his tail.

They check the outside for more brothers, but Asmo suddenly has to rush back inside to moisturize his skin. Now alone with Barbatos, MC tries to strike up a conversation with the demon. They get the chance to ask him a plethora of questions, but he asks a few back too, like what they think of the brothers, the angels, or of him.

A crying Asmo comes back with a sleeping Belphegor dragging behind him. He is upset that Belphegor won't let go of him. MC easily pulls off Belphegor's tail, which doesn't even wake the demon. Barbatos carries the sleeping Belphie back inside the house, but then Asmodeus is confronted by his brothers because he posted embarrassing pictures of them while they were fulfilling the wishes. MC uses their pacts to calm everyone down. Since Lucifer is the only one not caught yet, they devise a plan to get him. Asmo suggests that MC seduce Lucifer as they did with Levi, which causes a fight to break out between the brothers.

They decide to send MC after Lucifer alone, since he has a weak spot for them, while Asmo and Barbatos stand guard outside his room. After MC "seduces" Lucifer, he willingly removes his own tail to hand it over. Asmo attempts to take the opportunity to get a few good pics of Lucifer, but Lucifer asks Barbatos to drag Asmo out of his room, leaving him and MC alone.

The original trio eventually ends up in MC's room, with Asmo begging MC to tell him what happened with Lucifer. Barbatos points out that because MC has collected everyone's tail, they won the game. Asmo calls this a strange test for a sorcerer, saying that something isn't right. Barbatos reveals they weren't actually on MC's side after all, and promptly pulls off MC's tail. Surprisingly, Asmo's wish for them is only to let him paint their nails, and Barbatos comments that Asmo paints all his brother's nails. Then it's Barbatos's turn for a wish, and he desires to ask MC a question privately, so he whispers in their ear. He asks them how they feel about Lord Diavolo, and after MC answers, he says he'll take it into consideration.

Solomon, Asmodeus, and Barbatos all laugh at the fact that MC believed they were on the same team as them. Solomon reveals the exam wasn't just about the game of Tail Thieves. Instead, it was a challenge to see if they could resist the temptation to use Barbatos's grimoire. Solomon says there are very few sorcerers in the world, and that he needed to know if MC could keep a secret, and not fall into temptation. Barbatos also tells MC that the grimoire given to them was a fake. With this, Solomon gives them their fifth star, "chastity."

Lesson 55[edit]

MC walks into the living room where Asmodeus is scolding Beelzebub. He wants him to stop eating because they are about to go to an all-you-can-eat restaurant, and he invites MC as well. Mammon bursts in saying that idea sucks, and MC should come to see the "horsies" with him. Leviathan then says MC should go with him instead to an escape room, and Satan suggests he and MC watch a movie together. Instead, MC gets a text message from Diavolo asking them to go to Bayside Bonanza Worlds of Wonder — which is a popular theme park — to celebrate MC getting another sorcerer's star.

Beel asks MC that if they go to the theme park, he'd like them to bring Belphegor along, too. MC, Beel and Asmo then go and try to wake up Belphie, choosing one of several techniques. Beel admits that he knows Diavolo probably wanted MC alone, and that's why he wanted Belphie to go along as well.

Belphegor telling MC why he doesn't like Diavolo
Belphegor telling MC why he doesn't like Diavolo

On the way to the theme park, Belphie complains about the fact he has to be awake and spend time with Diavolo. When MC asks, Belphegor easily admits he doesn't like Diavolo at all. He especially dislikes how Diavolo always expects things to go his way about everything and anything. He says he is much too shielded from criticism, and lists several other reasons he dislikes Diavolo. On their way, the pair bump into Simeon, and they tell him about their plan for today. Although Simeon has to hurry away because he's meeting with a person, Belphie saw a glimpse of who Simeon was meeting. He thought they were familiar, but brushed it off.

Later, Belphie groans about the large crowd at the theme park while waiting for Diavolo. However, the prince appears to be already there, and is talking with some girls. Belphie interrupts the two girls trying to flirt with Diavolo, and though Diavolo expresses joy that Belphie actually came, Belphie sarcastically apologizes for third-wheeling. He also says he can't call Diavolo "Lord" because it draws too much attention. He thinks they should use a nickname, which MC gets to suggest.

The two demons immediately bicker, since Belphie doesn't want to wear matching headbands, but Diavolo is determined to have him wear it. His argument isn't working, so Diavolo uses his sad puppy dog eyes on MC instead to have them side with him. Belphie doesn't budge, and instead calls Diavolo out for using MC against him before running away. Diavolo catches him, and firmly apologizes for not considering his point of view.

Belphie then lists all his boundaries, and once Diavolo accepts them, they decide to go back into the theme park. Belphie immediately decides that he wants to ride the most terrifying roller coaster the park has to offer, and drags the pair along with him. Once the ride is over, he's so overjoyed that he can't stop laughing. He especially enjoyed the look on Diavolo's face. Unfortunately, looking around makes him realize they lost Diavolo at some point.

Diavolo isn't reading any of his messages, and Belphie is confused as to how he got lost in the first place. He compares both Diavolo and Mammon to 5-year-olds. By pure chance, the two bump into the Butcher, who brought his family along. They ask him if he had seen Diavolo, and he tells them they should ask the information desk so they can broadcast a call. Meanwhile, Barbatos texts MC, telling them he hopes they are enjoying the park and that they are taking good care of Diavolo. Lucifer also separately sends MC a message, telling them to take care of Diavolo. This makes MC and Belphie realize they are in hot water with these two protective demons, and they decide to just search by themselves to not draw attention.

They head to the lake that Diavolo mentioned wanting to visit earlier, but don't find him there. He also wanted to ride the ferris wheel, so they decide to take a boat through the lake to get there quicker. Belphie says he'd much rather have some alone time together with MC than look for Diavolo, but then speakers announce that MC and "snoozy" should come to the Guest Service center.

Lesson 56[edit]

Belphegor is embarrassed that he and MC were called out over the loudspeaker at Bayside Bonanza Worlds of Wonder, but when they reach guest services, they find a note left for them not in Diavolo's handwriting. It says "I have the hotel owner. If you want him back unharmed, it's going to cost you."

They realize this means Diavolo has been kidnapped, and the note instructs them to go to the circus tent. They find Diavolo in the tent with a man holding a gun against his head. Neither Belphegor nor Diavolo seem concerned about that, which makes the man angry, but then Belphegor turns into his demon form. This scares the man, and makes him turn his gun on Belphegor.

He fires, but MC uses magic to protect him, even though Belphegor tells MC bullets can't harm him. After Diavolo sees the man fire at Belphegor, he also takes his demon form, making the man drop his gun and run away. Diavolo wants to call the Devildom's royal army to find the man, but Belphegor thinks doing that would accidentally cause mankind's destruction.

With the threat gone, Diavolo suggests staying in the tent and watching the circus perform, because he knows Belphegor likes Human World circuses. When Belphegor asks how he knows that, Diavolo replies that Lucifer talks about his brothers all the time, but especially Belphegor. After enjoying the circus, they spend the rest of the day riding various thrill rides that Belphegor likes.

Diavolo wanting to talk more with Belphegor
Diavolo wanting to talk more with Belphegor

Later, Diavolo suggests heading for home, but first Belphegor says he wants to ride the ferris wheel. He insists that it isn't because Diavolo said he wanted to ride the ferris wheel earlier, but Diavolo believes otherwise. While on the ride, Diavolo says he would like more chances to talk with Belphegor, and Belphegor says that would be fine with him.

Diavolo then says there's one more place he'd like to stop before they all go home, which is the wagon that sells the character headbands. He has MC choose one for him, but then Belphegor buys three pairs, and lets his picture be taken wearing one of them.

Diavolo brings Belphegor and MC back to Serenity Manor, where Asmodeus invites him to stay for dinner. The other brothers notice that things seem better between Belphegor and Diavolo, though Belphegor firmly denies that. After dinner, everyone relaxes in the manor's music room, until Lucifer tells Belphegor and MC that Diavolo told him about the circus tent incident, and wants them to explain exactly what happened.

Later, MC walks Diavolo and Barbatos out of the manor, but Barbatos remembers something he needs to tell Lucifer, and tells them to go on without him. Diavolo tells MC that Belphegor is angry at him for telling Lucifer about being kidnapped, but MC tries to cheer him up. He then asks MC to go on a walk with him, and the two go to a park together.

At the park, Diavolo tells MC more about himself. He talks about his mother, who died giving birth to him, and his father, who was always strict with him. He never was able to talk with anyone outside the castle until he met Barbatos, who told him stories of the outside world. This made him so happy that he "threw a tantrum" and insisted he wouldn't become the next demon king unless Barbatos stayed by his side, to which Barbatos agreed.

Diavolo worries that Barbatos is still with him against his will, but MC reassures him otherwise. Diavolo then says he wants to spend much more time with MC, and confesses he loves them. MC can either confess to him in return, or let him down gently.

Meanwhile, Mammon and Leviathan are in Leviathan's room with Crowe, who tells them about a feature called "Pandora's Gacha." Crowe would create an effect chosen at random for 500 Devil Points, which Leviathan pays. They get the highest rarity effect, but their reward is something they think Lucifer will kill them for when he finds out.

Lesson 57[edit]

Satan and Belphegor wake up MC and tell them breakfast is ready, but Belphegor also came to their room to give them the star of diligence. Now MC only needs one more for the Sorcerers' Society to recognize them as a full-fledged sorcerer.

They hear a noise that sounds like Beelzebub going on a hunger rampage. Thankfully Lucifer stops him, and everyone is able to eat breakfast. Mammon and Leviathan are acting strangely, however. Before anyone can figure out why, Lucifer gets a call from Barbatos, who wants everyone to come to Hotel Corvo right away.

On the way there, Beelzebub remembers the meat pies he put in the microwave, and wants to go back home so he can eat them. Instead, they take a detour to the market to get him some food. It feels like other people there are staring at them, but Lucifer points out a large group like they are would stand out.

They meet with the same butcher that has helped them out before, who asks what the brothers' relationship to MC is. The brothers give different answers, and MC also has a choice of several answers to give him. Beelzebub gets his meat pies, and everyone continues on to the hotel.

Diavolo telling everyone about the bogeyman in Hotel Corvo
Diavolo telling everyone about the bogeyman in Hotel Corvo

Once there, Diavolo and Barbatos tell everyone that the hotel has been "in an uproar" since last night, and there have been reports of an evil spirit in the hotel. Everyone that has encountered this spirit are in the hospital now due to the shock they endured.

Mammon and Leviathan suddenly try to make excuses and leave, but Lucifer demands they stay. Diavolo goes on to explain that the evil spirit is a bogeyman, which is capable of appearing as whatever someone fears most. Lucifer thinks Mammon and Leviathan know why this bogeyman suddenly appeared at the hotel, and the two come clean about using Leviathan's smart speaker Crowe to purchase a "Pandora's Gacha" that creates a random effect.

This random effect was the bogeyman, which took the form of Lucifer, so the two panicked and paid Crowe to teleport the bogeyman to Hotel Corvo. Lucifer and the brothers are tasked with taking care of this bogeyman, while Diavolo and Barbatos have to leave and take care of some meetings.

Discussion begins on who exactly should handle the bogeyman, when Simeon and Solomon suddenly show up. Solomon wants to make this bogeyman MC's final test for earning their last star. He also wants Simeon to help, to which Simeon agrees only because MC asks him.

Everyone then leaves the hotel room, and goes to the hallway where the bogeyman is. However, once they are close enough see a shadowy mass at the end of the hallway, the bogeyman suddenly rushes at them.

Lesson 58[edit]

The bogeyman charges down the hallway of Hotel Corvo and takes the form of Lucifer, because it's taking the shape of Mammon's and Leviathan's fears. MC uses a spell to repel the bogeyman, which retreats and goes into one of the hotel rooms.

Solomon wants everyone to admit their fears so they can know in advance what the bogeyman might turn into, and wants to "start with the oldest," because really he just wants to know what Lucifer is afraid of. Both Lucifer and Satan claim nothing scares them, Asmodeus is afraid of looking ugly, Beelzebub isn't sure what he's afraid of, and Belphegor says he used to be afraid of an alarm clock that would never shut up.

Meanwhile, Diavolo and Barbatos are out taking care of official business, though Barbatos is still upset with Diavolo over what happened at Bayside Bonanza Worlds of Wonder. Diavolo tries to change the subject, and tells Barbatos that he told MC about their history together, and how he had told Barbatos he couldn't leave the castle unless he agreed to become his butler.

Diavolo asks if Barbatos is still upset over that, and he answers that of course he isn't, because everything he did, he did of his own free will. He remains Diavolo's butler because that is what he wants to do. Diavolo comments that MC told him that too, and both are relieved that the brothers have MC with them now when facing the bogeyman.

Simeon realizing Luke's blessing is protecting MC from the bogeyman
Simeon realizing Luke's blessing is protecting MC from the bogeyman

When MC is asked about their fears, Leviathan realizes that the bogeyman didn't transform when MC faced off with it. Simeon thinks that's because Luke gave MC his angel's blessing awhile ago, and that blessing continues to protect them now. He says that Luke's blessing is especially powerful, though Luke doesn't realize that himself.

Lucifer thinks it unwise for everyone to go in the bogeyman's room at once, so MC should choose just one demon to accompany them. MC chooses Asmodeus, and Simeon assures them he'll help if something goes wrong. However, if he helps, MC will fail the test, because it must be MC's own powers that defeats the bogeyman. The two go in the room, but Asmodeus can't handle seeing an ugly version of himself, so they retreat.

Next, MC goes back in with Belphegor, and at first the bogeyman is the annoying sound of the alarm clock Belphegor hated. But then everything goes dark, and Belphegor can't see or hear MC. He calls out for them and for his brothers in a panic, because he's afraid of being alone. Again there's a retreat from the room.

Beelzebub is angry that the bogeymen upset Belphegor so much, so he volunteers next. Once inside, Beelzebub attacks the bogeyman, but suddenly the room changes to look like the Celestial Realm, and his magic hits what looks like Belphegor. He starts yelling in despair, and the real Belphegor comes into the room after hearing his screams, as do the rest of his brothers.

Satan faces the bogeyman next, and the scene transforms again to look like the Colosseum. An angelic version of Lucifer appears, and tells Satan he's just an "inferior copy" of him. The real Lucifer tells Satan this isn't true, and that truly they are brothers. MC uses their pact to channel Satan's powers, and he's able to make the bogeyman disappear.

After congratulating Satan, the brothers all then turn their attention to Mammon and Leviathan. They make a break for it, with everyone chasing after them except Lucifer, Simeon, and MC. However, the weakened bogeyman is not completely gone, and transforms into a bright light. Lucifer claims this fear is his, and this time he fully eliminates the bogeyman.

Lucifer then leaves to check on his brothers, but Simeon seems upset about the final illusion the bogeyman took. MC comforts him, and he's about to tell them something, but Asmodeus calls out for them. Simeon says they can continue this conversation another time, and the two leave to find Mammon and Leviathan dangling from the ceiling.

Solomon gives MC their final star - the star of humility - and MC is now an official sorcerer in the eyes of the Sorcerers' Society. That night, they throw a party at the hotel celebrating MC's new sorcerer status, but Lucifer and Simeon go off by themselves.

MC finds them talking about the light - and the figure within it - that the bogeyman transformed into earlier. Once they realize MC is there, though, the topic changes to what kind of sorcerer MC will be, with MC having choices as to how they'll answer.

Lesson 59[edit]

It's a typical morning at Serenity Manor for the most part, though the newly full-fledged sorcerer MC is able to make a napkin float in the air to wipe some whipped cream off Beelzebub's mouth, and use wind to push Mammon backwards onto the couch so he doesn't step on the robot vacuum. They can't yet summon across worlds yet, and Satan mentioning that makes the brothers realize they'll have to return to the Devildom soon.

Later, most of the brothers are in Leviathan's room either playing games or using Crowe, when Mammon comes in with a message for MC, saying Lucifer needs them to take something to Barbatos at The Angel's Halo.

On the way there, MC encounters Diavolo, who is coming back from the market. When he hears MC is bringing something to Barbatos, he tags along. He tells MC they shouldn't be sad about the brothers leaving, because once they learn summoning magic, they can call the brothers to them whenever they want. MC points out they can't do that with Diavolo, and ask for a pact with him. He declines, however, saying as the future demon king, he can't enter a pact with them.

Simeon suggesting they all have a "till we meet again" party
Simeon suggesting they all have a "till we meet again" party

They make it into The Angel's Halo, where they're greeted by Luke and Simeon makes them some coffee. Everyone is sad that they won't all be able to get together whenever they want anymore, so it's decided a "till we meet again" party will be thrown.

Later, MC heads for home and runs into Solomon, and they tell him about the party plans. Solomon then changes the topic to MC learning magic, and suggests returning to RAD to study more. He then gives MC a "sorcerer's ring," which is a talisman that can protect them in a similar way to the Ring of Light.

Just outside Serenity Manor, MC hears Mammon and Leviathan arguing about money, then right when they enter the house, Leviathan summons Lotan. MC wakes up later in the bathroom, where Leviathan apologizes, and explains he was mad that Mammon keeps buying things using his account with "Crowe" no matter how many times he changes his password. The two of them brainstorm together to come up with a password Mammon won't guess.

The next morning, Beelzebub and Belphegor are making fruit juice in the kitchen, though they've also made a mess. Belphegor then hears the ice cream truck outside, and goes to check it out while Beelzebub and MC clean up. Once they're done, MC goes to catch up with Belphegor while Beelzebub takes the dirty towels to the laundry room.

MC finds Belphegor holding three ice creams, and gives one to them. They go sit by the pool and talk, until Beelzebub shows up and takes his ice cream as well. Like all the other brothers, but Beelzebub and Belphegor are sad about leaving MC behind, and want to come up with some plan that will make it so they can all stay together.

Lesson 60[edit]

Mammon has been acting strangely cold towards MC, but when they ask him about it as they're leaving Serenity Manor, he just denies it. Asmodeus is also heading out to go to the spa, and invited MC to walk with him part-way. He explains that Mammon doesn't want to say goodbye to MC, so he's distancing himself to make the time when they are separated hurt less.

While Asmodeus is also sad about parting with MC, he's certain they will be together again in the near future. They then part ways, with MC heading to the bakery, but they then run into Satan. He was going to the bookstore, and invites MC to come along so they can help him stock up on Human World books before he returns to the Devildom.

Later back at the manor, it's dinnertime, but Mammon isn't present. MC goes to his room to tell him dinner is ready, but he says he doesn't want to eat. He tells MC how much he'll miss them, and insists MC come up with something so they don't have to be separated.

After dinner in the music room, Lucifer asks for MC to come to his room so he can talk to them. He also tells everyone that he received a message from Diavolo that he wants everyone to come to Hotel Corvo tomorrow. Once he has MC in his room, he asks if they know anything about why Diavolo wants them all at the hotel tomorrow, but MC doesn't say.

The next day, the brothers are surprised to walk inside the hotel only to find themselves all in a popular club. The "till we meet again" party begins. There is a karaoke machine that Leviathan is happy to use for singing anime songs, and invites MC to sing with him.

The brothers telling Diavolo they want MC to join their family
The brothers telling Diavolo they want MC to join their family

After singing, MC takes a break and sits next to Diavolo, but while they are having a conversation, all seven of the brothers approach Diavolo and tell him they want MC to "join the family." Diavolo is stunned, and Luke ask if they mean one of them will marry MC.

Several brothers volunteer for marrying MC, but Diavolo explains to MC that there is still some "bad blood" between the three worlds, and letting MC stay with the brothers permanently isn't something he has the power to grant on his own. However, he promises that someday MC will be free to marry anyone in the room. Solomon points out that as a human, nothing is preventing MC from marrying him This angers all of the brothers, who argue he barely counts as a human anymore.

Later on, as the party continues, MC notices that Diavolo is missing, and Belphegor tells them he saw Diavolo head out into the hall. They find him in his hotel room and sit with him, and he tells MC how surprised he was at the brothers' request. He's also a little jealous, because he wants to spend forever with MC just like they do. He again promises that he'll do his very best to remove the barriers still present between the worlds.

MC then goes out to the hotel balcony, where they find Solomon. He's also still surprised at how the brothers asked MC to join their family, but when MC tries to ask him more questions about his relationships with demons or about his past, he gives only half-answers. He then uses his magic to teleport several of the other party-goers to distract MC, and the party continues into the night.

All too soon the day comes when the brothers, Diavolo, and Barbatos have to return to the Devildom. MC has a moment with each of the brothers to individually say their goodbyes, then Barbatos opens a portal and everyone passes through.

Meanwhile, Luke and Simeon are at The Angel's Halo preparing to open for business, when someone enters the café. Simeon explains they aren't open yet, but then realizes that it's Raphael that entered.

In the House of Lamentation, the brothers are all missing MC, when Lucifer tells them he's leaving for the Demon Lord's Castle and they should have dinner without him. After he leaves, Satan enters the room with a stack of mail from when they were gone, and Asmodeus noticed one of the letters is from the Celestial Realm.

Despite the letter being addressed to Lucifer, they open it to find it's about the RAD Student Exchange Program. They are all shocked to see the names of two new exchange students.

Lessons 61-70[edit]

Lesson 61[edit]

MC and Solomon are in a park in the Human World, where Solomon is teaching MC a teleportation spell. After a successful attempt, Solomon announces that MC should now be able to teleport between worlds. He then gets an urgent phone call, and tells MC he has to leave.

Diavolo telling MC he wants to speak to them about something important
Diavolo telling MC he wants to speak to them about something important

A letter then appears from nowhere and lands in MC's hand. They open it to see Diavolo in the student council room, who explains the letter uses magic to make it seem like Diavolo's actually there. The seven brothers are there as well, and they all insist on speaking to MC too. After an argument breaks out, Diavolo is able to tell MC that he has something important he wants to discuss with them, and would like them to come to the Devildom as soon as possible.

After a text from Solomon — who somehow knew MC was about to teleport to the Devildom — MC teleports to the RAD library and lands on top of Satan. He takes MC to speak with Diavolo, but they run into Asmodeus on the way, who says he has something to show MC.

Asmodeus takes MC to an empty classroom, and shows him a nail polish he designed himself. The multicolored polish is made with water from the Phantom Spring, but when applied, it turns transparent, as it does after Asmodeus paints MC's nails. Beelzebub and Belphegor then find them, and Asmodeus paints their nails with his new polish as well.

Beelzebub then takes Asmodeus to see Lucifer, while Belphegor stays with MC. After his stomach starts growing, the two get some bread to eat, but even after that, Belphegor doesn't feel full. They head out to the courtyard when they suddenly hear Asmodeus yell, and find him being crushed under a sleeping Beelzebub. They help him out, then MC stays with Beelzebub while Asmodeus and Belphegor go find help for carrying him.

After waking Beelzebub up, he explains he suddenly felt sleepy, but now that he's awake, they can go to the council room together. Once there, MC finds that everyone prepared a surprise celebration for their return to the Devildom. After Lucifer hands MC a glass of Demonus, Asmodeus mentions that there are going to be new exchange students at RAD. Diavolo interrupts him before he can give names, and proposes a toast.

Mammon tells MC to hurry and eat some of Barbatos's desserts before Beelzebub eats them all, but notices instead it's Belphegor eating everything he can, while Beelzebub says he isn't hungry, and is tired instead. Meanwhile, Diavolo pours MC some more Demonus, and tells them he'll call a council meeting to talk with MC and the others later.

Once the party's over, Asmodeus asks where MC will be staying while in the Devildom. Diavolo answers the Demon Lord's Castle, and points out that MC isn't an exchange student for this visit. However, the brothers argue that MC should stay at the House of Lamentation.

Lesson 62[edit]

Mammon, Leviathan, and Asmodeus return to the House of Lamentation with MC. After arguing about who gets to do what with MC first now that they're back, MC spots an antique box in the living room. Inside are the letters that MC wrote to everyone while they were in the Human World.

Leviathan commenting on Beelzebub's and Belphegor's odd behavior
Leviathan commenting on Beelzebub's and Belphegor's odd behavior

Satan, Beelzebub, and Belphegor then return from cleaning up after the party, with Belphegor still eating and Beelzebub tired and yawning. Later, however, the twins join MC and the others playing cards in MC's room, and both seem to be back to normal. Belphegor is tired again, and Beelzebub brought an armful of food with him. Everyone but Satan and Lucifer spent the night in MC's room, and the next morning Asmodeus paints Mammon and Leviathan's nails with his new nail polish while they're still sleeping.

At RAD later in the day, Leviathan is spending time using his D.D.D. for gambling, while Mammon is playing an anime dating game. Beelzebub, Belphegor, and MC bring Leviathan out into the hallway to ask why he's behaving so oddly, but he just leaves to go gambling at a racetrack. The three then get Lucifer and Satan, and they all try to talk to Mammon, who starts talking negatively about himself as Leviathan always does.

After realizing Asmodeus's nail polish is the likely culprit, and the twins say they stopped acting strange after they both showered, MC finds Mammon in the Colosseum and uses their magic to douse him in water. He then returns to normal, and so does Leviathan after MC does the same to him.

Once all this is settled, the student council meetings begins with Diavolo telling MC he's been thinking about before, when the brothers asked him about MC joining their family before they had to leave the Human World. He thinks the idea is worth a shot, and asks MC to once again stay in the Devildom as an exchange student. The last exchange program was only meant to provide cultural exchanges among inhabitants of all three worlds. This time, the goal is to "make a stronger case for mutual understanding."

Diavolo also asks MC if they would like to be an officer on the student council. Having MC as part of the student council would make it clear how close MC is to everyone, and how much everyone trusts each other. To become an officer, however, tradition dictates that MC must undergo a trial, and not an easy one. Naturally, MC accepts the challenge anyway.

Later, Mammon proposes to use Asmodeus's nail polish on Satan and Lucifer so they swap personalities. They paint Satan's nails while he's sleeping in the music room, then surprisingly, Lucifer lets MC paint his nails as well. Even after Satan wakes up, however, no one can spot any differences in the two's personalities.

Lesson 63[edit]

Mammon tells MC in the hallway at RAD he heard about their challenge. He offers to come with MC to learn more from Diavolo, and won't take no for an answer. On the way to the council room, Mammon spots Serun picking up RAD's mail, and comments that must mean it's 11 o'clock already.

MC encountering an upset Mephistopheles
MC encountering an upset Mephistopheles

Suddenly, the winds blows a stack of papers over to them. MC picks them up to find they're about the new exchange students, Raphael and Thirteen. Mephistopheles appears then, and chastises MC for reading someone else's documents. After wondering aloud how Diavolo could "choose a human like this." He takes his papers and leaves.

Mammon and MC visit with Diavolo and Barbatos, and Diavolo explains that there will be three trials for MC to become a student council officer. If MC fails any of them, they are immediately disqualified. Before that, though, Diavolo gives MC a preliminary task to find a magic card hidden somewhere on RAD's school grounds. They only have until 4 PM today to do so.

MC must search alone, and can only ask for help from the student council three times. Fake cards are scattered throughout school grounds as well. If MC fails this task, they will be disqualified from even attempting the three trials. Their status as exchange student will also be revoked, and they'll be sent back to the Human World.

Mammon finds a card behind a clock, but when he picks it up, it turns into a pair of glasses. He finds another card, but this one is fake as well. Shortly after, Lucifer finds MC to remind them they can only have help if they use a request. This means if Mammon finds the card, MC will be disqualified. Mammon finds another face card that makes him meow like a cat. Lucifer calls Satan over to take care of Mammon until MC finds the real card.

Belphegor shows up as well, and tags along with MC to help find the card. They go to the library at RAD, where MC finds a copy of The Tale of the Seven Lords. The book teleports MC, Belphegor, and Leviathan into the story, where Levi is dressed as the Lord of Shadow, Belphegor as the Lord of Emptiness, and MC as Henry. A card on the floor says MC must defeat the "Lord of Shadow," and Leviathan explains that the Pasto game also in the room is what the card refers to.

After rambling about the game within the TSL universe, Leviathan explains the rules of how to play, then says Belphegor and MC can both play against him. This counts as MC asking for help one of their allowed three times, but the two end up winning, and everyone returns to the library.

MC continues looking for the card, and after advice from either Asmodeus in the classroom, or Beelzebub in the cafeteria, goes to the RAD common room, where they encounter Solomon and Simeon.

Meanwhile, Mephistopheles and Lucifer bump into each other (literally). Mephistopheles tells Lucifer he dropped his pen, then leaves him to pick it up himself. Lucifer continues on to the student council room, where he attempts to start signing documents, but realizes that he's been hit by a curse that makes his writing terrible. Satan then posts in the wrong chat room about how he, Belphegor, and Mephistopheles are behind the cursed pen, which Lucifer is also able to read. He turns into his demon form, and leaves to dole out punishments.

Lesson 64[edit]

In RAD's common room, Solomon and Simeon tell MC that they're going to be short-term exchange students. MC asks Simeon about wearing his Human World clothes and if he'll be representing the Celestial Realm, but his answers are evasive. Luke arrives then, excited to see MC. As he'll also be an exchange student again, he tells MC that he and Simeon temporarily closed their café The Angel's Halo.

MC then explains to the three about their wanting to be on the student council, and about their trial they're in the middle of. Solomon noticed that Luke is holding a card he found, and when he gives it to MC, it says "Time to play shiritori." The card's magic makes them only able to speak if their first word begins with the last letter of word the person who spoke last said.

MC asking either Barbatos or Diavolo about the card
MC asking either Barbatos or Diavolo about the card

Satan and Beelzebub enter the room, and Satan tells Luke, Simeon, and Solomon that Diavolo wants to see them in the council room. Beelzebub was sent by Lucifer to check on MC, who only has an hour left to find the card. They also go to the council room, having realized that they are allowed to ask student council members for help, including both Barbatos and Diavolo. Whichever MC asks, Diavolo is the one that gives them two hints about where the card is, one being that it isn't in the school's building.

MC and Beelzebub go behind the school to search, and Luke also joins them just as Beelzebub finds a card. It's another fake, and says "say 100 nice things about someone else." The card's magic holds them in place until they do what it says, so Beelzebub says 100 nice things about MC. The three keep searching for cards, then MC gets a chat from Satan. He tells MC "the time limit is a hint."

Satan then shows up with Simeon and Solomon, who help MC figure out that the real card must be hidden in RAD's mailbox, which Serun gets the mail from at four P.M. Only two minutes are left until four, so Beelzebub turns into his demon form to carry MC. MC instead uses their magic to teleport both them and Beelzebub to the mailbox, and Beelzebub smashes it. MC picks up the real card just in time, and passes their preliminary test.

Afterwards, Luke, Simeon, and Solomon return to Purgatory Hall, and Solomon asks Simeon "Have you told Luke yet?" Simeon answers no, and says he needs more time before telling Luke "about [his] issues." Luke then returns to the room and suggests they invite MC and the others to join them for a feast celebrating their return to the Devildom.

Lesson 65[edit]

At breakfast in the House of Lamentation, everyone talks about the upcoming RAD Sports Festival, and that the new exchange students are taking part in it. The card that MC found in their preliminary test tells them that they have to complete a special mission during the festival, so they made an appointment to talk to Diavolo about what that means.

Once at RAD, Barbatos escorts them to the council room, but stops outside the door. MC can either go inside, or wait and use their magic to open the door. A trap in the form of a bucket propped over the door either lands on MC's head or misses depending on their decision.

Inside the council room, a woman starts yelling at MC about "barging into someone else's home," and Diavolo interrupts to explain she's talking about their earlier visit to the Reaper's Cave to save Beelzebub. Thirteen then introduces herself and holds out her hand. If MC chose to open the council room door with magic earlier, they don't take Thirteen's hand now. If they were hit by "Mr. Bucket Number 3" earlier, however, they take Thirteen's hand and also fall for her "Billion-Volt Billy" hand buzzer trick.

Diavolo introducing Raphael to MC
Diavolo introducing Raphael to MC

Diavolo announces that Thirteen is one of the new exchange students in hopes of broadening the program's horizons. He also introduces the other exchange student, this one being an angel from the Celestial Realm. If MC guesses the person is Michael, he is insulted at being mistaken for "that socially inept weirdo." This is Raphael.

Diavolo goes on to explain that this year, the RAD Sports Festival will consist of two races with obstacles to overcome. The first will be the Bloody Scavenger Hunt, where teams of three work together to reach the finish line first. MC, Thirteen, and Raphael will be on the same team, though both Raphael and Thirteen seem unhappy about being teamed together. MC's "special mission" is to be the "support role" of the team and make sure the two exchange students work together.

Lucifer enters the council room and tells Diavolo he should already be starting the opening ceremony. Raphael seems shocked to see Lucifer, but greets him calmly. Solomon also arrived and greeted Thirteen, who pulls out her "Sticky Sticky Spiderweb Bazooka Number 12" and shoots at him. He dodges, but out in the hallway, Mephistopheles barely misses getting hit. He takes the weapon from Thirteen, and the two start arguing.

Eventually, everyone makes it outside to start the opening ceremony. Diavolo formally introduces everyone to Raphael and Thirteen, and then the festival begins.

All the teams save MC's have been randomly chosen. Earlier, Lucifer had wanted to ask Diavolo if he could choose his teammates. Diavolo suspects it's because Simeon "lost his special powers" and Lucifer wants to keep a close eye on him. Diavolo denies Lucifer's request, but after learning Barbatos is on Simeon's team, he isn't worried.

Each team is given a slip of paper with instructions on finding something. The first team to find what their paper says and make it to the finish line wins the Bloody Scavenger Hunt. Each team has to find something tailored to be challenging to them especially. When Leviathan gets his team's paper, he yells about how no one can see what it says, then runs away, with his teammates Belphegor and Luke chasing after him.

He drops his paper when escaping, so Thirteen picks it up and reads that his team needs to find "someone Leviathan loves." MC's team then reads their own paper, which says to obtain "the grimoire in Solomon's possession." They then move to an empty classroom to discuss strategy. Thirteen suggests capturing Solomon, but Raphael disagrees, and comments it will be even more difficult as Solomon's on Lucifer's team.

In the end, they decide to find what Lucifer's team is looking for before they do, then trade for the grimoire. They go to spy on Lucifer and Solomon, who also have Mephistopheles on their team. They lean the other team's paper says to find "An octopus pot - fleeting dreams under a summer moon."

Meanwhile, Satan, Asmodeus, and Beelzebub's team are tasked to acquire "some of the sweet treats Luke brought along." This seems like an easy task, and Luke is happy to give them some sweets, but Beelzebub eats everything he gives them.

Lesson 66[edit]

Thirteen showing off "Ozzie Octopus Number 2."
Thirteen showing off "Ozzie Octopus Number 2."

Thirteen, Raphael, and MC puzzle over what Lucifer's team's clue means, while Lucifer, Solomon, and Mephistopheles do the same. However, Thirteen gets distracted by demonstrating one of her traps, a life-sized "Ozzie Octopus Number 2," and MC's team gets caught eavesdropping.

Thirteen uses "Ozzie Octopus" on Solomon, which causes him, Lucifer, and Mephistopheles to see visions of whatever they desire. Only Mephistopheles is effected, so either MC or Raphael uses a binding spell on him. However, being bound gives Mephistopheles and epiphany, and he realizes their team's riddle is referring to Thirteen's octopus trap.

MC's team makes a break for it, but they're blocked by Lucifer's team in RAD's garden. Solomon uses magic to attempt to take Thirteen's octopus trap, but MC fights back with their own magic. Thirteen attempts to help with another trap, but Solomon dodges, meaning instead the trap puts a hole in the side of the school. This angers Lucifer, and a bigger argument begins, but Mammon suddenly appears claiming he has a solution to settle things.

He suggests the two teams compete in a "demonopede race" where everyone on a team ties their legs together and then race to the finish. Barbatos and Simeon - who are on Mammon's team - agree this idea would be better than fighting, and both MC's and Lucifer's team agree to the race.

Mammon ties everyone's legs together, but then an enchantment actives that makes the ropes extremely difficult to break free from. He had "borrowed" the rope from Satan, who was going to use it on Lucifer. While everyone's tied, Mammon takes from Solomon what he thinks is "The Book of Incantations," which his team needs to finish the scavenger hunt. Barbatos and Simeon question if Mammon took the right book, but he runs off without listening to them.

Because the rope Mammon took was originally enchanted by Solomon, he attempts to undo his spell, only to find his enchantment had been reinforced, likely by Satan. Mephistopheles attempts to go after Mammon, but he's still tied to Lucifer and Solomon and they all crash to the ground. Thirteen attempts to use the opportunity to go for Lucifer's team, but instead causes her team to also hit the dirt.

An enraged Lucifer taken on his demon form, tears through the magic ropes, then goes for Thirteen's octopus trap. Either MC or Raphael breaks their own team's ropes, then MC teleports the octopus to the Colosseum. Because Mammon likely took the wrong book, and has the grimoire MC's team is after, now both MC's and Lucifer's team has the item they need at the finish line.

Both teams head for the Colosseum to find Mammon handing Diavolo what was indeed the grimoire, which means his team is disqualified for bringing the wrong item. Angered, he throws the grimoire on the ground. However, a piece of paper within the grimoire had a magic seal for summoning a chimera, and the impact triggered the magic. Thirteen's octopus also had a magic seal on it, which makes the chimera even stronger than usual.

The chimera attacks Simeon, who strangely does not use his angelic blessing to protect himself. Raphael saves him, and then Thirteen uses her trap's abilities to make the chimera hallucinate. Raphael finds that the chimera is weak to water, so MC hits it with a water spell and then binds it so Raphael can finish it off. The chimera vanishes, but in the chaos, Lucifer takes the octopus and gives it to Diavolo. This means Lucifer's team wins, which Raphael says is Thirteen's fault, while Thirteen blames MC for their team losing.

Lesson 67[edit]

The next day of the RAD sports festival, Diavolo announces there will be a "purgatorio climbing" competition where one member from each team will climb the outside wall to the top of the school building, then lower a rope for their teammate to climb. Teams are the same as yesterday, but Barbatos isn't present due to Little D. No. 2 having the Devildom flu. So Diavolo will take his spot on Mammon's team.

Thirteen reading MC's special task
Thirteen reading MC's special task

As a "special twist," each team member is given a task they have to compete before they are allowed to go to the courtyard and begin climbing. Because Barbatos was no longer participating, the tasks were written by him. Leviathan is distraught to find his task is "Play the 'I love you' game with MC." MC's task is "hide-and-seek with another team" where five players hide and MC has to find them.

Luke overhears MC's tasks and offers to help, and so does Belphegor if MC will agree to play the "I love you" game with Leviathan. So Leviathan's team along with Thirteen and Raphael hide while MC counts to 60. After counting, MC runs into Asmodeus, who asks for their help playing "butt charades," where a player writes a word in the air with their butt and the other player has to guess the word. After MC guesses it right, they go with Asmodeus to the cafeteria, where they find Thirteen and Beelzebub.

Thirteen reveals her instructions say "enjoy a bit of Russian roulette," so she found a box of cream puffs with one filled with Death's Door sauce in the cafeteria. Beelzebub ate the whole box, but the chime still goes off for Thirteen completing her task because she was present when the "Russian roulette" happened, even if she didn't participate.

Beelzebub then wants help completing his task, which is "perform a magic trick in front of an audience." He grabs a giant bowl of Devildom grilled chicken over rice, then makes it "disappear" by devouring it. With their tasks completed, Asmodeus and Beelzebub leave to find Satan, while Thirteen helps MC continue their game of hide-and-seek.

When the two are alone, Thirteen offers to answer a question from MC about herself, and MC can learn she has an older sister named Candy. After more searching, MC suggests using a trap to lure the others out of hiding. No matter which trap is chosen, it's Luke that gets caught, and he wants help with his task of "a three-hint quiz." MC gives him three hints and Luke guesses right, but then the three spot Lucifer wearing a unicorn onesie.

Lucifer is not enthused, but is wearing the onesie as part of his task. Then Satan shows up, who reveals his task is to "show gratitude to Lucifer." Lucifer then gives him some cat treats that he normally carries around but forgot at the house, and when Satan thanks him, his task is complete.

Lucifer then suggests looking for Raphael "somewhere quiet" so Luke, Thirteen, and MC go to the library. They find both him and Belphegor, whose is trying to make Raphael smile as that was the task he was given. With nothing working, he gives up and takes a nap. Raphael comments that Belphegor would sleep all the time in the Celestial Realm too, and smiles at the memory.

Thirteen asks what Raphael's task is, but he replies he already completed it. Earlier, he had gone into the woods alone, because his task was to sing, and he didn't want anyone hearing him. Asmodeus and Beelzebub heard him, though, and the three reminisced on their times in the Celestial Realm.

With his task now done, if MC finds Leviathan, then everyone on their team will have their tasks completed. After searching more, Thirteen, Raphael, and MC find Leviathan in a classroom, and MC plays the "I love you" game with him. With this, now both his task and MC's is complete, and it's time to head to the courtyard and begin climbing.

Lesson 68[edit]

Diavolo explaining the climbing wall also has traps
Diavolo explaining the climbing wall also has traps

MC's team makes it to the climbing wall, but Lucifer's and Mammon's team are there also. Mammon, Mephistopheles, and Thirteen are chosen as each team's first climber, but they find that there are traps and obstacles making the climb more difficult.

Mephistopheles decides it would be smarter to climb the wall from the inside where there aren't traps, and Mammon and Thirteen follow him. However, it's against the rules to climb from the inside, and going into the building triggers a spell Barbatos placed to prevent cheating.

Meanwhile, Barbatos is having Little D. No. 2 clean the entire Demon Lord's Castle as punishment for pretending to be ill, but senses his magic has gone off. He goes to the castle's magic flower garden to find all three teams had been teleported there. After wishing Diavolo good luck in the competition and departing, it's found that Mammon, Mephistopheles, and Simeon are all under the effect of the flowers' illusions.

Once they are all freed from the magic, Mammon accuses Simeon of behaving strangely because he didn't use his blessing against the chimera earlier, and now he was tricked by illusions. However, Diavolo interrupts him by teleporting everyone back to RAD's courtyard.

Once back, the others find Leviathan's and Satan's teams are there climbing the wall, though they haven't made it far. After some planning, the first climber for MC's team changes to Raphael, with MC and Thirteen helping to handle any traps he runs into.

Both Leviathan and Belphegor are having trouble climbing the wall, so Luke decides to be their team's first climber. After making it a ways up, suddenly Luke falls. Mephistopheles jumps and catches him to at least try and break Luke's fall, but thankfully they both are saved from hitting the ground by Diavolo and Lucifer, who fly up and catch them.

Because Lucifer and Diavolo used their wings, both of their teams are disqualified from the contest. Luke apologies for this, and says that he always thought demons were terrible, but realizes that not all demons are like that. He hurt his ankle when he lost his footing, though, so his team withdraws. Now only Satan's and MC's team are still in the competition.

Climbing resumes, and both Beelzebub and Raphael make it to the top. To slow the other team down, MC summons a cat to distract Satan, and Thirteen uses "The Mirror of Wrinkled Reflection" against Asmodeus, which makes him look old and wrinkled. Raphael then finishes pulling MC and Thirteen up to the roof, and their team is declared the winners.

Lesson 69[edit]

Everyone minus Lucifer are in the House of Lamentation's music room listen to one of Lucifer's prized records. Beelzebub asks about MC's first trial towards becoming a member of RAD's student council, which was the task of working together with Thirteen and Raphael in the RAD Sports Festival. According to Diavolo, MC passed their trial, though this was only the first of two trials.

Belphegor complains about all the noise everyone is making, and leaves to take a nap somewhere else. Beelzebub thinks something isn't right, because Belphegor can normally sleep though him snoring or talking in his sleep just fine. MC goes to check on him, and finds him in the planetarium. He admits that he's in a bad mood because everyone else has been spending so much time with MC, but he wishes he could spend more time alone with them.

Mammon planning to confront Simeon about hiding something
Mammon planning to confront Simeon about hiding something

The two are interrupted by Mammon showing up, who invites MC to Purgatory Hall. He wants to force Simeon to talk about whatever has been making him act strangely lately. On the way, he and MC stop at a taco truck and get some food, but after eating spot Luke and Simeon who are out to get groceries. They invite Mammon and MC along, and while shopping Mammon asks about how Solomon and Raphael get along. Simeon answers that the two don't see each other at home very much, but they're both together at Purgatory Hall now.

Meanwhile, Leviathan is filling the attic of the House of Lamentation with boxes full of doujinshi. He explains to Belphegor that he was keeping them in the guest room at Purgatory Hall, but since that's now Raphael's room, he has to move them. However, Belphegor tells him to get the boxes out of the attic or he won't speak to Leviathan anymore.

With groceries purchased, everyone heads to Purgatory Hall to find Solomon and Raphael doing laundry. Mammon insists on seeing Raphael's room, and MC joins them, but while everyone else is occupied, Solomon uses the ingredients they just bought to make pasta. Everyone is dismayed except Raphael, who eats Solomon's "food" and thinks it tastes excellent. Mammon comments that Raphael always had bad taste when it comes to food, then escapes with Simeon and MC to Simeon's room.

Mammon then confronts Simeon, telling him that he knows Simeon's hiding something, and Simeon admits that he "no longer qualified" to use the angel's blessing. He then asks for some more time to "process things" before he explains any more. Luke then comes in, upset that everyone left him to eat Solomon's "cooking," and the conversation ends.

MC and Mammon return to the House of Lamentation, but they hear an explosion, and find Lucifer in the middle of a destroyed living room. He leaves without explaining anything, but Belphegor mentions passing Satan on the way there, so it seems he and Lucifer had another fight.

Two weeks later at RAD, Luke, Beelzebub, Solomon, and MC are talking about how Satan left home after the fight and still hasn't returned. Barbatos then appears, saying he knows that Satan is in the Human World, and is staying at Hotel Corvo. Knowing that, MC decides they need to go there and get Satan to come home.

Meanwhile, Diavolo summons Thirteen to the student council room, and offers to prepare a room for her in Purgatory Hall so she doesn't have to travel from her cave all the way to RAD every day. Thirteen strongly refuses, due to not wanting to live under the same roof as Solomon. After she leaves, Solomon shows up, as Diavolo also summoned him. He tells Diavolo he has questions about "a friend" and the two prepare to talk over some tea.

Lesson 70[edit]

MC uses their magic to teleport Leviathan, Asmodeus, and themselves to the Human World to get Satan to come back home. It takes them a few attempts, as teleporting multiple people is difficult, but they eventually make it to Hotel Corvo.

They find Satan in his hotel room, which is a broken mess. Satan explains that there was student council work he was supposed to do, but Lucifer did it instead. When he asked why, Lucifer replied "It doesn't matter which one of us does it, because this is you and me." Satan takes this to mean he and Lucifer are interchangeable, and feels like his existence has no meaning.

Satan furious about feeling interchangeable with Lucifer
Satan furious about feeling interchangeable with Lucifer

After Satan takes on his demon form, MC and the others retreat. On Lucifer's orders, they can't go back to the Devildom without Satan, so they'll stay in the hotel for now. Diavolo booked them two rooms, so MC can either share with Leviathan, Asmodeus, or have a room to themselves. With that decided, planning on how to get Satan home begins.

Mammon gave Asmodeus a magic item that conjures a copy of anyone, so they decide to make a Lucifer doppelganger to beg Satan's forgiveness. MC leaves the item in Satan's room overnight, because it works best if the target inhales the item's scent.

Meanwhile, Solomon stops by the House of Lamentation to warn Mammon that the magic item the witch gave him is cursed. The next day, MC, Leviathan, and Asmodeus find a happy Satan in a different outfit. While Asmodeus takes a nap, the others have breakfast, and that's when Mammon sends MC a chat to warn them about the curse.

It turns out that the magic item doesn't create a copy, but instead makes anyone who inhales its aroma be controlled by their own shadow. Leviathan and MC go find Asmodeus, but now he too is under his shadow's control. Where Satan seemed happy, Asmodeus is miserable over how beautiful he is.

Leviathan tells Asmodeus that he's "my adorable younger brother" and swears to free him from the curse no matter what. Suddenly, Asmodeus seems happy again and like his regular self. Leviathan thinks his shadow represented Asmodeus's inner fears, but when his fears were eliminated, the curse was lifted.

Meanwhile at RAD, Mephistopheles is looking for Asmodeus because he has a box full of fan letters for him. Belphegor tell him Asmodeus "took the day off," and then he and Luke invite him to Hell's Burger. After eating his first hamburger ever, Mephistopheles is picked up in an expensive-looking car, and Luke and Belphegor are left to wonder just how rich Mephistopheles is.

Leviathan and MC leave, and find Satan in a bookstore. They try eliminating Satan's fears with either a cat or a rare book, but while both make him happy, the curse doesn't lift. Satan then tells Leviathan there's a rare Ruri-chan figurine being sold nearby, and Leviathan leaves to buy it.

Satan and MC head to a park, where he tells MC he knows he's under a curse. So to break it, MC uses their magic to summon a demon across worlds for the first time. They summon Lucifer, who has been told that Satan is under control by his shadow.

Satan again takes his demon form and attacks him, but Lucifer explains that he didn't mean what he said earlier to imply Satan is a copy of him. Instead, he knows that any task of his can be entrusted to Satan too, because he'd do just as good a job as Lucifer would. He also says he values Satan more than he'll ever know, and asks him to come back home. Satan agrees, and the curse lifts. If MC chose earlier to have their own hotel room, now they can either spend the night with Lucifer, Satan, or keep to their own room.

After everyone returns to the Devildom, everyone is invited to the House of Lamentation for a big meal together, with Satan doing the cooking. Raphael makes the mistake of commenting how Satan reminds him so much of Lucifer, and naturally Satan goes on a rampage.

Lessons 71-80[edit]

Lesson 71[edit]

Diavolo announcing MC will be a student council offer for a day
Diavolo announcing MC will be a student council offer for a day

In the RAD student council room, Diavolo announces that MC will be serving as a student council officer for the day. Barbatos then arrives with a stack of paperwork for the council, and Diavolo asks MC to empty the Bloody Box and bring back what's inside. Lucifer asks Beelzebub and Belphegor to join them.

If MC asks, Beelzebub and Belphegor explain the Bloody Box is RAD's suggestion box, and the more suggestions are added to it, the more it fills up with blood. It's the student council's job to empty it by channeling magical energy into a key, but when MC tries that, they end up covered in blood.

The three return with the letters to the council room, and Lucifer cleans the blood off MC. Their next task is to sort the messages with Leviathan's help. While sorting, they find a letter not addressed to anyone. Barbatos senses traces of magic, and tells them not to open it, but MC already broke the wax seal, so Barbatos takes the letter from them just as a spell goes off.

Barbatos is unharmed, but refuses to leave MC's side. It seems the letter was enchanted, but the spell changed with MC's magic so that when Barbatos took the letter from them, he became infatuated with MC. After being followed around by Barbatos to classes, Solomon points out that if Barbatos refuses to break the spell, MC still can, and so they do.

With the enchantment broken, Lucifer reminds MC there is still more work to do, and they should return to the student council room at lunchtime. Once there, Diavolo gives MC their second trial: to survey the student body on opinions of the exchange program, and exchange students on their experience, then write a report.

MC then leaves and has lunch with Simeon and Raphael, and asks their opinions for the report. Raphael's are positive, but brief. Simeon has more to say, and takes a walk with MC. He tells MC about first coming to the Devildom, and how his thoughts on what was possible for relationships between the three worlds has changed for the better. However, the conversation takes so long that they are both late to their next class, and so are given detention.

Mammon and Thirteen are also serving detention, with Barbatos overseeing things. Punishment for detention varies, but today Barbatos wants everyone to write sentences on the blackboard. There aren't enough for everyone, so MC has the option of sharing a blackboard with one of the other detention servers.

Once detention ends, Barbatos comments that MC mentioned they wanted to see Mephistopheles earlier. He tells them that he should be in the RAD Newspaper Club room, so that is where MC goes next.

Lesson 72[edit]

MC visits the RAD Newspaper Club room to talk to Mephistopheles about the student survey and report they need to make, with Mammon and Barbatos joining. After some convincing, Mephistopheles agrees to help MC with interviewing all the students about the exchange program.

The next day, MC meets with Simeon and Luke at a restaurant to ask Luke his thoughts on being an exchange student. Luke admits he didn't like being in the Devildom at all to begin with, but over time, he realized it's wrong to dislike a place because it's different, or dislike someone just because they're a demon. After realizing that, he's made lots of friends in the Devildom.

Simeon suggests asking Thirteen about being an exchange student next, and Luke gives MC some treats he made for them before they leave. Later at RAD, they run into Solomon, who contacts Thirteen for them. After trying to hit Solomon with a trap, Thirteen says she doesn't care too much one way or the other about peace between the three worlds, and is just here as an exchange student because she was bored.

Solomon then asks MC on a "date" after school, and the two go to the Phantom Spring together. MC asks his opinion on being an exchange student, and he says he enjoys it, but then asks MC how much they know about what's going on with Simeon. Despite not knowing anything, Solomon is still glad Simeon has MC to talk to when he's ready.

MC asking Mephistopheles' help in surveying the student body
MC asking Mephistopheles' help in surveying the student body

After returning to the House of Lamentation, Lucifer tells MC that Mephistopheles was looking to talk to them. The next day, MC visits the Newspaper Club room with Belphegor, where an angry Mephistopheles tells them the student surveys are complete, or *were* yesterday, but now they are nothing but blank pages today. The final draft of the newspaper is also blank, despite being completed yesterday.

Luke mentions in class later that text disappearing from assignments is one of the rumored 666 Mysteries of RAD, and Belphegor suggests just giving Diavolo the part of the report that's finished about the exchange students. MC does so, only to discover their report is also just blank pages now.

MC rushes to the Newspaper Club room to find Mephistopheles, who was also looking for MC. He thinks the two of them should investigate and find out the cause of the disappearing text. Diavolo overhears and wants to help them out as well, but Barbatos reminds him of the pile of documents needing his signature still.

Mephistopheles and MC head to the school library, where important documents are kept, but haven't been reported to ever had text disappear. They encounter Satan there, and ask him about especially rare books. He takes them to the restricted section, and then MC senses something in the section of cat books. Only Satan's favorite cat books are all blank.

Mephistopheles spots a lesser demon, and MC brings it to Diavolo to find out it's the culprit behind the disappearing text. Diavolo then announces that MC passed their second trial, because writing the report was only a pretense, and the real trial had been solving this mystery.

Lesson 73[edit]

Asmodeus shows MC that the RAD Newspaper Club published an article on how they and Mephistopheles solved one of the 666 Mysteries of RAD. When Luke ask if that means there are only 665 mysteries now, Asmodeus tells him a new mystery was found, so the number went right back to 666.

Asmodeus also mentions that "Devildom Felicity" is coming up. When neither MC nor Luke knows what that is, Mephistopheles appears and offers to explain it to them. The three of them plus Simeon, Asmodeus, and Satan go to the RAD Newspaper Club room, where Mephistopheles shows them a back issue of the RAD Newspaper with a report on Devildom Felicity.

Satan explaining RAD's student council's involvement in Devildom Felicity
Satan explaining RAD's student council's involvement in Devildom Felicity

The point of the event is "going out of your way to do something nice for someone else." To set an example for the student body, RAD's student council are expected to participate, and how they participate varies depending on who is in charge. For the last event, that was Beelzebub, who made it so everyone could eat for free at any Devildom restaurant for a limited time. Because he was in charge of the last event, this Devildom Felicity has Belphegor in charge.

After school, MC finds Belphegor up in the attic, who tells them his idea of letting students take afternoon naps was rejected for his Devildom Felicity plan. While he's annoyed by that, seeing how hard MC has been working on their trials makes him want to put more effort into his task, too. The following days, Belphegor is at breakfast earlier than usual, and shows up to classes earlier too. But he falls asleep walking home with MC and Beelzebub, and runs into a signboard despite normally avoiding obstacles even when sleepwalking.

MC goes to Lucifer for advice, who suggests making Belphegor take a break from worrying so much. The next day at RAD, while Belphegor is asleep at Raphael's desk, Asmodeus suggests everyone — including Raphael — play video games after school to help Belphegor relax.

Meanwhile, Solomon is upset with Simeon for having left to go shopping without telling him. Simeon promises not to do that again, then admits he knows Solomon has been worried about him and keeping an eye on him. He tries to tell Solomon not to worry about him, but Solomon replies that he sees Simeon as an important friend and only wants to help. He then hears a thud, and worries Luke overheard their conversation, but thinks he just imagined it.

Though Satan and Asmodeus bowed out, everyone else heads to Leviathan's room to game, but find him sleeping. Suddenly, Mammon, Beelzebub, and Raphael fall asleep too. Lucifer, Belphegor, and MC are fine, but Lucifer detects magic, and asks Leviathan's smart speaker Crowe what's happened.

Crowe replies that the ones who fell asleep are in a dream world because Leviathan lost the save data to a game he'd been playing, and wanted to dream of something happy, so purchased a service from Crowe. Only those suffering from lack of sleep are effected, and Belphegor slept all day, MC had enough sleep, and Crowe's magic has no effect on Lucifer.

Crowe assures them that the four are just sleeping, so they leave them be. The next day finds them still sleeping, and at RAD, Mephistopheles mentions that tomorrow is Helldown Day. It's the one day each year magic is prohibited in the Devildom, a custom established by Diavolo to keep the magical power of the three worlds in balance.

If magic is detected on Helldown Day, the spell is cancelled by force, which could mean the four sleeping will be stuck in the dream world permanently. Everyone prepares to go back to the House of Lamentation, but Luke arrives and wants to talk to Simeon and Solomon, so they stay behind. Lucifer also has student council work, so it's up to MC, Satan, Asmodeus, and Belphegor to wake everyone up.

After hours of no success, and Crowe explaining that the four will only wake if they feel they've had enough of the dream, it's decided that MC and the others will go into the dream world and bring them back out. To do this, Satan suggests going to ask Barbatos for help.

Lesson 74[edit]

Satan and Asmodeus stay behind with the sleeping Mammon, Leviathan, Beelzebub, and Raphael while Belphegor and MC go to the Demon Lord's Castle. They find Lucifer already there, and with the same idea of asking Barbatos for help getting into the dream world the others are trapped in.

Barbatos tells them he can't help, which makes Belphegor angry, as there are only hours left until midnight and the start of Helldown Day. Diavolo explains that Barbatos is refusing because the dream world is unstable, and a human entering it would only make things more dangerous. Not only that, but Barbatos has a pact with Solomon, and having him lend others his power whenever they felt like it would violate the rules.

To have Barbatos use his powers, he must be given "reasonable compensation," and his request is for himself and MC to play a game to determine if he'll help or not. He'll roll a single die, and MC must guess if the number will be even or odd. No matter what MC guesses, their answer is correct, so they ask for Barbatos to send them to the dream world.

Belphegor trying to wake Beelzebub from inside his dream
Belphegor trying to wake Beelzebub from inside his dream

Belphegor promises to keep MC safe, and Barbatos opens a portal to the dream world. After passing through, the two find themselves inside a restaurant, where Beelzebub and illusions of the other brothers are having a feast. Belphegor tries to explain to Beelzebub he's in a dream, but suddenly a dream version of Belphegor replaces the real one. MC then mentions the Devildom Felicity dish he liked so much. Beelzebub replies they won't find that here, then disappears. All of the illusion brothers disappear too, which makes Belphegor think Beelzebub woke up.

The next dream, they find Mammon in a casino winning lots of money. Belphegor says there's no helping him, and tries to get MC to leave. Mammon gets upset at the idea of them leaving, then disappears, having woken up. Next, MC and Belphegor end up in a club, and find Leviathan there depressed. He says he wanted to turn himself into a party demon, but being here just makes him feel even worse. He decides he's had enough, and disappears into the real world again.

The last dream is Raphael's, who they find in the Celestial Realm with illusions of the brothers in their angel forms, including Satan. With only minutes until Helldown Day, and the angel brothers getting in the way of talking to Raphael, Belphegor decides they have to use force. He mentions that doing so might damage Raphael's mind, so MC is against the idea. Instead, MC manages to summon Lucifer despite being in the unstable dream world. He tells Raphael it's time to wake up, and despite looking sad, he does so. Just before the clock strikes midnight, MC, Belphegor, and Lucifer return to the real world as well.

Despite everyone now being safe, Belphegor and MC try to cheer Raphael up by having a tea party with everyone in RAD's greenhouse. It's a part of Belphegor's Devildom Felicity project, to "create opportunities for students to come together and get to know each other better." However, just as the tea party begins, Luke bursts through the door crying, and announces he's running away from home.

Lesson 75[edit]

At the House of Lamentation, everyone is enjoying the food MC cooked for dinner, including Luke. He says he's going to be living there from now on, but when asked why he "ran away from home," he says he doesn't want to answer. Certain this will only be temporary, Lucifer gives his permission for Luke to stay, and it's decided he'll sleep in MC's room.

Once he's alone with MC, he decides he can tell them why he ran away, but then Mammon, Satan, Asmodeus, and Beelzebub come barging into MC's room. Beelzebub brought him a drink and some of the little cakes Luke said he liked, which convinces him the brothers actually are worried about him.

Luke worried about Simeon keeping a big secret from him
Luke worried about Simeon keeping a big secret from him

Luke confesses that Simeon has been acting strangely, and he and Solomon seem to have some kind of secret. He overheard them talking about Simeon being in danger, but when he asks them about it, neither will tell him anything. He thinks it all started shortly after Lucifer lost and then regained his memory.

After talking, eventually all the brothers leave but Mammon, who tells Luke that he thinks Lucifer, Diavolo, and Barbatos seem to be in on whatever the secret is. The next day at RAD, Satan and MC talk to Solomon and Raphael, but Solomon won't say anything about what he's hiding.

At the same time, Mammon is asking for Thirteen's help in making a trap to force Simeon to talk, but it doesn't go well for him either. After school, MC finds Luke in the kitchen making dinner for everyone. They offer to help, but then later Satan comes into the kitchen acting suspicious. He gets some milk and pours it onto a plate while asking about Lucifer coming home late.

Suddenly, Leviathan makes a "surprise strike" by exploding a party cracker with magic dust inside that makes Satan start sneezing. Leviathan says it will stop once he reveals his secret, so Satan admits he brought a cat home that he's keeping in his room.

Mammon is upset that Leviathan took the party cracker, as that was a trap Thirteen gave him that makes someone sneeze until they reveal a secret. He's at least glad to see the trap works, so the next day in the student council room, Mammon, several brothers, and MC plan to hide until Lucifer and Diavolo enter, and then spring the trap.

However, Lucifer suspected this would happen, and sets the trap on them instead. MC is unaffected, but each of the other brothers have to confess a secret to stop sneezing. Diavolo thinks this looks like fun, and purposely tries the trap on himself, but it doesn't work on him either.

The next day, Mammon, Asmodeus, Belphegor, and MC discuss what they should do next about finding out Simeon's secret, but Mephistopheles kicks them out of the RAD Newspaper Club room. They go to RAD's greenhouse to find Simeon and Raphael talking. Asmodeus throws the party cracker, but Raphael gets in front of Simeon to take the magic instead. After saying a true statement in that he isn't sneezing due to the flu, his sneezing stopped.

Back at the House of Lamentation, Luke is sad that Mammon's plan didn't work, but when Leviathan asks Satan about the large book he's reading, Satan seems to come to an epiphany, and says he has an idea to solve their problems.

Lesson 76[edit]

In applied magical potions class at RAD, Thirteen is upset to hear everyone has to make a magic potion that matches what's in the textbook, and points out that Solomon does whatever he wants in this class. Asmodeus explains that Solomon has special permission to develop new potions during class, and Belphegor adds that if he does so, supposedly the Intellectual property rights would belong to RAD.

Leviathan calls MC over, and Satan tells them they're going to set "the plan" into motion. Said plan is to make a potion called "Verbum drops" that forces someone to reveal secret information, and use it on Simeon. Satan thinks they already have all the ingredients needed, but then notices they still need "the tears of the one whose confession you seek."

Satan will continue work on making the potion, while Leviathan, Beelzebub, Luke, and MC try to get some of Simeon's tears. While their attempts to make Simeon cry don't work, Luke manages to get some of Simeon's tears when he yawns from lack of sleep.

Luke Mammon being sucked into the dark crevasse
Luke Mammon being sucked into the dark crevasse

When adding the ingredients, Satan leaves for a moment and tells Beelzebub to make sure he adds the exact amount of ingredients called for. He adds too much, however, because when Luke adds the tears, suddenly a tornado-like dark crevasse appears in the classroom. It sucks Mammon, Leviathan, and Asmodeus inside.

Lucifer, Diavolo, Barbatos, and Solomon arrive, and Solomon asks Barbatos to take care of the dark crevasse. He does so, and both the objects and people sucked into the crevasse are returned as well.

Later, MC meets with Simeon in his room at Purgatory Hall. He realizes MC has guessed that he can't use the power of the angel's blessing anymore. He finally admits that the reason for that is because he's no longer an angel. He's a human now.

Lucifer then arrives, who had been asked there by Simeon, and he takes over explaining. He tells MC that the Ring of Light they were given to stabilize their powers was taken from the Celestial Realm by Simeon without permission. As punishment, Simeon lost his angelic powers. MC is worried about him, and tells Simeon that they and Lucifer are here for him, which Simeon greatly appreciates.

Lesson 77[edit]

Lucifer and MC return to the House of Lamentation after talking with Simeon. MC then takes Luke to their room and tells him that Simeon talked to them about his secret. Luke is relieved to know that Simeon's life isn't in danger, and realized he was so focused on thinking Simeon didn't believe in him enough that he forgot to think about how Simeon feels. He wants to be patient, and wait until Simeon is ready to open up to him.

They hear something outside MC's room, and find Beelzebub coming into the house with a year's supply of cup noodles. He and Leviathan were shopping at Hell's Supermarket, which was holding a raffle, and Leviathan won.

The next day at RAD, Luke tells everyone that he's going to return to Purgatory Hall, which makes Simeon, Solomon, and Raphael happy. Satan then changes the topic to ask if everyone has heard about the "wishing board" yet. There's a rumor that if you make a wish on the bulletin board on the RAD website, it will come true. He points out that yesterday Leviathan and Beelzebub won a year's supply of cup noodles after Beelzebub posted on the board he wanted to "eat to his heart's content."

Raphael uses his D.D.D. to go to RAD's website and writes "I want a pair of pinking shears" on the bulletin board to test this rumor. Immediately afterwards, Thirteen appears with a pair of pinking shears she thought would be useful for making traps, but hasn't had much use for, and gives them to Raphael. Solomon and Satan suspect magic is at work here, but before they can ponder more, Belphegor arrives to tell MC and Satan there will be a student council meeting after school that day, and MC is expected there as well.

Diavolo explaining the "wishing board" phenomena
Diavolo explaining the "wishing board" phenomena

Diavolo announces that the emergency meeting is about the "wishing board" phenomenon, and explains there have been some worrying incidents. For example, a student posted to the board they forgot to study for an exam and wanted help, and midway through said exam the pages became illegible for everyone, so the exam had to be cancelled.

Diavolo also announces that he wants MC in charge of handling this issue, because fixing this problem will be their final trial to become a RAD student council member. The brothers are to follow MC's orders, but can't act on their own, or MC will fail the task. There will also be a time limit of three days to find a solution.

Later at the House of Lamentation, Mammon posts on the wishing board he wants access to Lucifer's credit card, but his wish isn't granted. Everyone theorizes that it might be necessary to be within RAD to have a wish granted, so they'll test their theory tomorrow at school.

The next day at RAD, several of the brothers as well as MC post wishes on the bulletin board to see if they are granted. Depending on MC's choice, their wish is granted in Lesson 77-A. A wish for "something to snack on" gets a scenario with Thirteen, a wish for "something that will soothe the soul" gets Mephistopheles, and "to borrow someone's Devildom Law textbook" gets Raphael.

Regardless of choice, MC's wish is granted, and so is everyone else's that posted. MC remembers from their sorcerer's lessons with Solomon that "spells that only initiate when certain conditions are met are often powered by magic items." This could mean a magic item is hidden somewhere on RAD's campus.

Everyone searches for such an item, but only finds magic items that are supposed to be at RAD. MC gets the idea to ask Mephistopheles to take the bulletin board offline, but by that point the RAD Newspaper Club have gone home, so it will have to wait until tomorrow.

When Belphegor greets everyone at breakfast the next morning, he struggles for a moment to remember Leviathan's name, but Asmodeus thinks it's just because he's still tired. Satan then arrives and says there is a problem: a new wish was posted on the bulletin board.

Lesson 78[edit]

Someone has posted to the "wishing board" on RAD's website "I don't like school, and I don't want to study." Lucifer, Mammon, Satan, Beelzebub, and MC arrive at school early to patrol the campus, but nothing is out of the ordinary. However, when they enter a classroom, all kinds of objects and furniture are flying around the room, and all the other classroom are the same.

They head to the RAD Newspaper Club room, where Mephistopheles tells MC that the club was told by Diavolo to not try to fix this problem on their own, as solving the issue is MC's trial. MC asks him to take the bulletin board offline, but Mephistopheles demonstrates that when he tries to log in as an admin, a powerful magic rejects the login.

MC goes to the main computer and starts casting a spell that condenses a large amount of magic energy into a single point, with the idea of then shoving it into the computer to force the magic item hidden within it back outside. However, the magic orb they were creating just dissipates; their magic isn't strong enough to force the magic item out.

Asmodeus upset that he has no reflection
Asmodeus upset that he has no reflection

As a secondary plan, all the student IDs are locked out of the computer system except for student council members, and return to the House of Lamentation for the day. As they're discussing what to do next, they hear Asmodeus scream. They find him in his bathroom, and discover he's upset because for some reason he has no reflection any more.

Everyone returns to the living room, where they hear Leviathan speak, but don't see him anywhere. He sounds like he's in the room, and everyone can talk to him with him talking back, but he seems to be completely invisible.

Classes at RAD are still cancelled the next day, but several student council members meet there, where they explain to Lucifer what happened to Leviathan and Asmodeus. He tells the two of them to return home and stay there, but when he goes to order Mammon to take them back, he can't remember his name. The others there realize they don't remember Mammon's name either, including MC.

Solomon then arrives, who was told the situation by Asmodeus. He thinks the cause of these new problems is the dark crevasse that sucked in Mammon, Leviathan, and Asmodeus before. They should have been killed, but Barbatos saved them using time manipulation magic. However, they still seem to have magical ties to the dark crevasse, which is slowly causing them to cease to exist.

Outside later, Barbatos stumbles and drops a stack of papers, something Beelzebub and Belphegor comment is "a truly rare event." The reason behind it was the appearance of a cat, who he gives some cat treats before returning to the council room. There he sits and talks with Diavolo, who has noticed that he's been having headaches lately.

Later, to test the wishing board again, Beelzebub posts a wish for "an all-you-can eat meal at Hell's Kitchen." He gets a message right away that he's won just that, even though earlier when they tried wishing to "return our brothers to normal" the post just disappeared. This means the dark crevasse has an effect on the bulletin board, too.

Belphegor suggests just throwing the magic item into the dark crevasse, but Satan points out they can't get to the item. Meanwhile, Satan is busy sending a message to Lucifer with a cursed attachment, as he has been doing daily. He mentions that this time he's sending the "cyber devil virus," and suddenly MC gets an idea that might allow them to get the magic item out of the bulletin board.

Lesson 79[edit]

While waiting for Satan and Mephistopheles to prepare some things at MC's request, everyone eats some of Simeon's BLT devil sandwiches in RAD's greenhouse. MC explains that they want to infect the bulletin board on RAD's website with a computer virus, which should give them the opportunity to remove the magic item hidden inside.

Leviathan rages when he hears that MC needed someone good with computers and asked Satan and Mephistopheles, but not him. He accidentally hits Asmodeus, which starts a chain reaction of most of the brothers getting into an argument. Lucifer tells MC to use their pact to make them "stay," but before they do, Simeon is able to calm them down one by one.

Everyone compliments Simeon on keeping a fight from breaking out, including Leviathan, who reminds everyone that Simeon is "Christopher Peugeot," author of The Tale of the Seven Lords series. He goes on to say he's heard that fans have been writing tons of letters saying how they're looking forward to the next book in the series. As TSL fans, both he and Solomon also wrote letters, of course.

After everyone finished eating, Simeon asks MC if they'd go on a walk with him. He tells them that once these problems they're facing have been solved, he's going to tell everyone the truth about him losing his angelic powers. The two then encounter Satan and Mephistopheles, how have returns with the virus ready to go.

Satan seeing MC succeeded in pushing the magic item out of the computer
Satan seeing MC succeeded in pushing the magic item out of the computer

They go to the RAD Newspaper Club room, and Satan sends the message with the virus to the board. Once it starts working, MC again focuses their powers to a single ball of light. This time, they succeed in pushing the magic item out of the computer. It turns out to be a magic treasure box, and a very large one.

Diavolo comments that it started out small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Satan asks him how he knows that, but then Asmodeus and Mammon come into the room yelling, because now both of them are invisible too. As for Leviathan, now he can't touch things anymore. They take the magic item and return to the greenhouse, where they find Barbatos looking horribly pale. He too is being effected by the dark crevasse's magic.

MC has told Beelzebub, Belphegor, Luke, and Raphael to go and gather the ingredients for making Verbum Drops. They plan to recreate the dark crevasse, then throw the magic item into it. Despite making a dark crevasse being a forbidden art, Solomon promises that if he has the ingredients then he knows how to make one.

MC gets a text from Belphegor, but the message says it's Raphael and that they need help. MC teleports both themselves and Lucifer to them to find the issue being Beelzebub wants to eat the ingredients they gathered, so Belphegor wanted MC's help stopping him. He's given some food, and everyone is teleported back to the greenhouse safely. Mephistopheles offers to stay and watch over a sleeping Luke, while everyone else takes care of the dark crevasse.

Everyone goes to RAD's courtyard, and Solomon uses the ingredients to recreate the dark crevasse. Suddenly, Mammon's head starts badly hurting, and it's the same with Leviathan and Asmodeus. Barbatos too is effected, and says his head won't stop spinning. He starts being pulled into the crevasse, but MC saves him.

The will of the dark crevasse is preventing the magic item from being pulled in until it gets what it wants: Mammon, Leviathan, and Asmodeus. Both Mammon and Asmodeus cling to Simeon and beg him to use his angelic powers. Simeon then admits he can't, because he's not an angel anymore.

Lesson 80[edit]

There's no time to dwell on Simeon's revelation that he's no longer an angel. Without his angelic blessing, he, Mammon, and Asmodeus will all be pulled into the dark crevasse. Lucifer turns into his demon form and stands between them and the crevasse, then uses his wings to blow them all back in the opposite direction.

The dark crevasse grows larger, and starts uprooting trees, but still the magic treasure chest won't be pulled in. It's decided to try opening the treasure chest, but it needs a key. Diavolo announces that the key is his eye, or more specifically the lock can scan his iris and be opened.

He opens the chest and there is a blinding light, which is pulled into the crevasse, and then said crevasse disappears. Mammon, Asmodeus, and Leviathan are all visible again, and Barbatos feels better too. Diavolo then invites MC, all the brothers, and the Purgatory Hall members to spend the night at the Demon Lord's Castle to rest and recover.

At the castle, Diavolo explains that the magic item was originally hidden in RAD's bulletin board as part of "RAD Gets Pranked," a yearly event where a random student is chosen to play a prank on all of RAD. They still need official permission first, which is how both Diavolo and Barbatos knew about the magic item. When the prank took a negative turn, however, Diavolo decided this would be the perfect final trial for MC.

Diavolo congratulating MC on passing their final trial
Diavolo congratulating MC on passing their final trial

Because MC did solve the problem within the time limit, they are now officially on RAD's student council. Everyone celebrates and hugs MC, but then the topic turns to Simeon. Mammon accuses him of joking before, so Simeon takes his hand and tells him to concentrate, making Mammon realize he can't sense Simeon's power anymore.

He apologizes for taking so long to tell everyone, but the others reassure him that he is still himself, no matter if he's an angel or a human. Simeon feels relief at finally telling everyone and having them accept him, and Diavolo then hires the chef from Ristorante Six to make dinner for everyone.

After eating, if MC chooses they're "not done partying" they go to Mammon's room for the night, if they'd "like a late-night snack" they go to Beelzebub's room, and if they're "ready to go to bed" the go to Belphegor's room.

The next morning, Barbatos finds MC already awake, and tells them he has breakfast for them. They go to the main hall where Diavolo and Luke are, but no one else is awake yet. Once Luke finishes his breakfast, he asks Barbatos to teach him to make a pastry he talked about earlier, and the two leave for the kitchen. Diavolo then invites MC to come to his room when they're done eating.

Once there, Diavolo congratulates MC again for passing their trials, and says they are "an indispensable part of both RAD and the Devildom." He also informs them there will soon be a formal ceremony introducing them as the newest council member to the student body.

Classes resume again at RAD, and MC starts taking on student council tasks like sorting the contents of the Bloody Box and reviewing documents. Afterwards, they run into Thirteen and Mephistopheles, who points out their short-term exchange period is nearly over.

The brothers are sad to be reminded this back at the House of Lamentation, so Asmodeus suggests making two identical memory boxes. One will stay with the brothers, the other will go with MC. Each box has eight drawers, so everyone puts a memento inside. Lucifer is still at RAD, but he gave Asmodeus a letter to MC to put in his drawer.

Later, MC runs into Simeon and Raphael out shopping for groceries, and Simeon is once again wearing his Celestial Realm clothes. He says now that he's more comfortable with himself, he felt like wearing them again. He also tells MC that he and Luke will now be staying in the Devildom as students for the full year, so only Solomon and MC will be returning to the Human World.

The next day, before the start of the ceremony, Lucifer helps MC prepare for the big moment, and tells them how proud his is of them. The ceremony then begins, Diavolo gives a speech, and all too soon it's all over, and MC returns to the Human World.

Weeks later, after a magic lesson with Solomon, MC teleports back to the Devildom. Lucifer explains that Diavolo gave them an entry permit because they're on the student council, so MC can now travel between the Human World and Devildom whenever they want.

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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