Luke's B's LOG Entries

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This page has unofficial fan translations of all the B's LOG entries that feature Luke. For a list of all B's LOG issues that feature Obey Me! content, see the B's LOG Issues page.




June 2022 Issue[edit]

June 2022 Issue.png

Devildom's Homework Survey[edit]

Translated by: Joye0627

Personal Survey[edit]
  • What is your motto?
    • "Big accomplishments come from an accumulation of little ones."
  • What is your daily routine?
    • "Report to Michael on the brothers' situation."
  • Where do you start washing in the bath?
    • "My hands."
  • What are your dreams for the future?
    • "To be an amazing and powerful angel."
  • What if the Devildom disappeared tomorrow?
    • "I'd want to talk to Simeon first."
Luke's Charm[edit]

There is no "Love Survey" for Luke until he can grow up as an angel.

Luke's charm is the smile of an angel that makes the weariness disappear. This is not a metaphorical expression, but a true angel's smile that purifies the soul. He has a straightforward personality and does not hesitate to express his affection for people he likes, while on the other hand being outspoken about things he hates is also part of his charm.





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