Luke's Dialogues (Nightbringer)
This page lists all dialogues spoken by Luke in Nightbringer during Surprise Guest interactions, on the Home Screen, and more! For all dialogues with associated voice clips in Majolish, titles and links to Luke's Majolish Voice Clips page are provided.
Title Screen[edit]
Translation of Luke's Title Screen dialogue.
- "Obey Me! Nightbringer, my love for you transcends time." (Title 1)
Dialogues said during a battle in Ruri★Tunes. Character intros change based on the outfit worn during battle.
Battle Intros[edit]
Angel Look[edit]
- "Uhh... I-I'll do my best!" (Round Intro 1)
- "What is it?!"
- "I mustn't hold the others back!"
- (With Ruri-chan) "Oh, um... H-Hello."
- "I need my daily nutrients..."
- "You're not going anywhere."
- "I'm so thirsty!"
- (With Ruri-chan) "Oh, a new friend perhaps."
Arabian Clothes[edit]
- "Want to hear my story?"
- "Take a ride on my magic carpet!"
- "This is fun!"
- (With Ruri-chan) "Is this a mirage?!"
- "Happy Halloween."
- "Trick or Treat."
- "Go, jack-o'-lantern!"
- (With Ruri-chan) "Want some pumpkin pie?"
- "Happy holidays!"
- "I'm a reindeer!"
- "Cool, right?!"
- (With Ruri-chan) "I'll do my best to pull my weight!"
- "Let's enjoy this to the fullest!"
- "Will you dance with me?"
- "Let's have fun!"
- (With Ruri-chan) "Let's all dance together!"
- "Break a leg!"
- "March on!"
- "No rehearsal?!"
- (With Ruri-chan) "Ad libs...?"
- "The heroes have arrived!"
- "I'll protect everyone."
- "Justice will always prevail!"
- (With Ruri-chan) "I'll show you the meaning of justice!"
- "I'm a Devildom penguin!"
- "We're good at swimming!"
- "No, we don't have short legs!"
- (With Ruri-chan) "Penguins are really cute, don't you think?"
- "It's the Festival of Eternal Bliss."
- "I'm going to run as fast as I can!"
- "I want to see everyone's smiling faces."
- (With Ruri-chan) "Let's run through everything together!"
- "I won't lose!"
- "I'm going to do my best!"
- "Teamwork is important."
- (With Ruri-chan) "We've got this!"
Battle Skills[edit]
- "B-Bring it on!" (Skill 3)
- "I'm perfectly capable, you know!" (Skill 5)
- "Just a bit more! I've got this!" (Skill 7)
Full Combo[edit]
- "A full combo?! That's amazing!" (Full Combo)
Surprise Guest[edit]
Dialogues said during Surprise Guest interactions when not using Items.
B↑ Rank Wins[edit]
- "...So, how was it? Did I look cool?"
- "Okay, here we go! It's time for a high five!"
C Rank Wins[edit]
- "How about we take a breather together?"
Home Screen[edit]
- "I'll tag along with whatever you want to do."
- "Since I'm such a great angel, I'll be sure to set a good example for you."
- "I made some sweets, but do you want to have some together?"
Gifting the Player[edit]
- "I got this just for you! I hope you find it useful!"
- "I thought you might like this. Hehe, I'm glad you enjoy it."
Heart Reactions[edit]
- "You're so good at complimenting me!"
- "Your hand is so warm... It feels comforting."
- "It's because you cheer me on that I can keep working hard."
- "You're the source of my energy!"
- "Ugh... This is kind of embarrassing... Still, thanks for complimenting me."
- "Let's have some cookies together later, okay?"
- "What's wrong? Are you tired?"
- "I'm still full of energy!"
- "Th-That tickles..."
- "Ha! You see?! I can do things if I try!"
- "I'm so happy that... you understood I worked hard for you!"
- "Hehe, you can count on me from now on, too!"
Sparkle Reactions[edit]
- "Hm? Is something the matter?"
- "Ugh... I feel so restless..."
- "I'm still full of energy!"
- "Do you want a snack?"
- "Ha! You see?! I can do things if I try!"
Sweat Reactions[edit]
- "Ugh... I feel so restless..." (shared with Sparkle Reactions)
- "Do you want a snack?" (shared with Sparkle Reactions)
- "What in the Devildom are you trying to do?"
- "Don't touch me!"
- "I'm a bit tired, so please let me rest."
- "I would prefer it if you didn't touch me so much..."
Perfect Sequence[edit]
- "Spending time with you was so much fun. Thanks!"
- "Well, I should be getting back. Don't push yourself too hard, okay?"
- "Do you have some time after this? I want to spend even more time with you! Is that okay?"
- "That was a blast! I hope you had a good time, too."
Good Sequence[edit]
- "I'll see you later, okay?"
Normal Sequence[edit]
- "I'll be sure to hang out with you again when I have time."
- "I'll see you later, okay?" (shared with Good Sequence)
Bad Sequence[edit]
- "We're done, right? I'm going home."
- "Invite me whenever you want! I'll be waiting!"
Using Items[edit]
Dialogues said during Surprise Guest interactions when Items are used (excluding Wanderers' Whereabouts).
Standard Items[edit]
Heart Reactions[edit]
- "This is delicious! Let's have some together!"
- "I'm so happy I can get something this nice!"
Sparkle Reactions[edit]
- This is delicious! Let's have some together!"
Sweat Reactions[edit]
- "Is this for me? Thanks, I guess."
Whip of Love[edit]
- "...I don't really think this is a good idea."
In-game Apps[edit]
Dialogues said within various In-game Apps.
Selected for Home Screen[edit]
- "Wow! Thanks!"
Changing Outfits[edit]
- "How do I look?"
- "Does it suit me?"
- "I really like this!"
Excellent Order[edit]
- "Wow! This is amazing! How did you make it?! Can you teach me?!"
Very Good Order[edit]
- "Thank you! Next time, let's make something together!"
Good Order[edit]
- "Thanks for bringing it all this way! Looks great!"
Failed Order[edit]
- "Ahh! It's...ah... T-Thanks, it looks g-great!"
Wanderers' Whereabouts[edit]
Gifting Items[edit]
- "Are you giving this to me? I'm so happy!"
- "Oh, what should I do... I'm smiling too hard!"
- "Whoa...! Thanks for the present!"
Player's Birthday[edit]
Dialogues said on the Player's Birthday. All Surprise Guest interactions result in Perfect Sequences during birthdays.
Birthday App Screen[edit]
- "Happy birthdaaay! Let's make this year one to remember!"
Surprise Guest[edit]
Battle Wins/Home Screen[edit]
- "Happy birthday! You'll have to let me celebrate a ton with you!"
Gifting the Player (said when gifting 30 Devil Points)[edit]
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Perfect Sequence[edit]
- "I'm glad we celebrated your birthday, just the two of us. You feel the same way, right?"
Home Screen[edit]
Dialogues said on the Home Screen, both standard dialogues and those with unlocking requirements.
Standard Dialogues[edit]
- "Ah! You're here at last!"
Player Returns[edit]
- "Welcome back!"
He Returns[edit]
- "I'm back!"
Touched by Player[edit]
- "What?!"
- "Whoa?!"
- "Hey, let's do something fun!" (Back Home 4)
- "Hmhmhm. H-hm ♪"
- "In the Devildom, July 15's birth flower is the ghost lily. It means purity."
- "I love kids movies!"
- "I like spring the best. It's warm and makes me happy."
- "You can't have pancakes without fluffy whipped cream!"
- "Evil demons be on alert, as I'll plant your rears in the dirt! Justice Flower!"
- "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
- "Your soul sparkles so brilliantly."
- "You like the way my voice sounds? Hehe. I love the way your voice sounds too!"
- "If the two of us lived together, wouldn't we be able to play together no matter what time it is?"
- "Sometimes. And I mean sometimes! I get sad when you play with the others more than me."
- "I want you to stay with me."
- "The hell coffee I made might be too bitter for you. I'd be so happy if you gave it a try though!"
- "You're really working hard! You're so amazing!"
- "You're not pushing yourself too hard, are you? You know I'm always here for you."
- "You'll get tired if you don't take a break!"
- "We both got the same black smoke bufo egg doughnuts from Uncle Demon! It must be fate."
- "I always get the Shocking Meal from Hell's Burger. It's so great it even comes with a toy."
- "I saw Lucifer petting a blazing goldfish the other day. It really seemed to like it."
- "I've heard that Mammon's nickname is Scum, is that true?"
- "Woof! Woof woof woof! Just kidding."
- "I really love you a lot!"
- "Devilgrammable sweets are amazing. I want to be able to make something like that too."
- "Do you like me?"
- "Being complimented makes me happy. Hehe."
- "Mammon always talks about money, huh?"
- "You're the BEST!"
- "I'm cheering for you!"
- "I want to put a smile on your faces with my sweets!"
- "You can relax when you're around me!"
- "Little D. No. 1 and 4 are always fighting! But I bet they're actually the best of friends!"
- "Even if you mess up a little, everything is going to be fine!"
- "I'm ready to give you a nice big hug whenever you need it!"
- "If there's anything you want me to do, just ask!"
- "We're good buddies, right?"
- "Whenever I'm kneading dough, I start thinking about the happy face you'll make when you eat it."
- "That's... I... Oh geez, I'm blushing..."
- "This is a secret from Simeon, okay? I actually think it would be cool to stay up late."
- "Is it even possible for us to become better friends? Like, bester buddies?!"
- "I want to eat all the sweets the Devildom has to offer!"
- "Is it true that there are houses made of sweets in the Human World?"
- "Listen to this, listen to this! I've learned how to make even more desserts!"
- "Sorry. I know I rely on you too much, but even still I'd like you to taste-test my sweets today too."
- "There, there."
- "Levi is always going on about Ruri-chan."
- "May the blessing of light burn brightly within you, and keep the darkness at bay."
- "Thanks!"
- "You should tell me more about yourself!"
- "You've been good this year too, right?"
- "Diavolo always says 'Isn't that good!' Does he say that to you too?"
- "Ehehe. I was together with you all day today, even in my dreams ♪"
- "One day I'll come up with my own original dessert recipes!"
Idle Screen[edit]
- "H-Hey..."
Time of Day Interactions[edit]
(Dialogues between 5:00 - 12:00 local time.)
- "Good morning! How are you today?"
- "I'm still feeling sleepy..."
(Dialogues between 12:00 - 18:00 local time.)
- "Hi! Have you had lunch yet?"
- "Wanna get some lunch?"
(Dialogues between 18:00 - 0:00 local time.)
- "*yawn* I'm getting sleepy."
- "I'm getting sleepy… *yawn*"
(Dialogues between 0:00 - 5:00 local time.)
- "I don't know how you manage to stay awake."
- "Are you still awake? I can barely keep my eyes open...zzz..."
Character Intros[edit]
- "I don't like Lucifer. Maybe it's just because I didn't know him when he was an angel..."
- "Mammon is such a scumbag. There's no way I could be friends with someone like that."
- "Leviathan sometimes teaches me stuff about manga and games."
- "Satan's so scary. He's always angry and breaking things."
- "I get the feeling that Asmo thinks of me as a toy..."
- "Beelzebub's really caring! I sometimes make Celestial Realm sweets for him."
- "Someone told me that Belphegor and I are competing for the spoilt child spot..."
- "Diavolo's kind, but he's still kind of intimidating."
- "Barbatos is my baking teacher!"
- "I love Simeon! He's always looking out for me."
- "Solomon's a good guy. His sense of taste is just a little...messed up."
Game Tips[edit]
- "You have a present in your mailbox!"
- "I hear there's an event! Let's go check it out!"
- "You can't earn money unless you get a job."
- "Have you checked De-comm?"
- "Majolish is great when you want a change."
- "You can buy lots of things on Akuzon."
- "I hear that you can strengthen cards in Contacts!
- "Leviathan will get mad if we don't play Ruri★Tunes."
- "Try getting new cards with Nightmare."
- "It looks like something happened!"
- "Someone uploaded a video!"
- "It looks like there are unread posts on Devilgram."
App Deleted[edit]
- "Why did you delete that?!"
- "Huh?! You deleted that?!
- "I reinstalled it for you."
Unlockable Dialogues[edit]
Intimacy-Unlocked Dialogues[edit]
- Lv. 5 "I've been waiting for you!"
- Lv. 10 "What are we going to do today?!" (Login 3)
- Lv. 15 "I was lonely, you know."
Player Returns[edit]
- Lv. 5 "Are you busy?"
- Lv. 10 "Don't leave me alone!"
- Lv. 15 "I was lonely. Please stay with me."
He Returns[edit]
- Lv. 5 "Sorry! I didn't mean to keep you waiting!"
- Lv. 10 "You waited for me? Thanks!"
- Lv. 15 "Sorry I kept you waiting! I rushed back to see you!" (Back Home 4)
Touched by Player[edit]
- Lv. 5 "Hey... Cut it out! Hehe! That tickles!" (Exchange 3)
- Lv. 10 "Wh-What do you want?!"
- Lv. 15 "Gosh! You're messing with me, aren't you?"
Idle Screen[edit]
- Lv. 5 "Keep me company!"
- Lv. 10 "I'm bored... Don't leave me alone."
- Lv. 15 "Are you here yet? Are you here yet...?"
Home+ Dialogues[edit]
- "I baked some cookies. Want some?" ((Home+) Closer 3)
- "Simeon's omelets are so fluffy and delicious." ((Home+) Closer 5)
- "I'm always ready to lend a hand!" ((Home+) Closer 11)
- "I can do it too!" ((Home+) Closer 13)
- "I just want everyone to be happy." ((Home+) Closer 17)
- "I want to come hang out with you!" ((Home+) Closer 25)
Moving Pictures[edit]
Hanging Out at Home (NB)[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
- "Hm...? What is it?"
- "Is there something on my face?"
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
- "How much should I use?"
- "I don't really know the right amount..."
- "...That tickles."
- "Oh, my hands feel really soft now!"
- "And they smell nice!"
- "This scent reminds me of sweets."
- "There! I managed to use all of it!"
- "But my hands are all sticky now..."
A Heartfelt Invitation (NB)[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
- "Here. Will you accept this from me?"
- "The reason I wanted to go to the human world was so that I could find this invitation to give to you."
- "If I was going to give you an invitation, I just knew it had to be this one."
- "So...will you come with me to The Three World's Festival?"
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
- "I was so glad I got to work beside you while we were preparing everything for the festival."
- "Watching you work so hard gave me a lot of courage."
- "For me...? Thank you."
- "I had no idea you had that this whole time. Where did you even hide it?"
- "This looks amazing. I can't wait to try it."
- "You're right about the sweets. I can feel myself coming back to life!"
- "...This is a present for you. It's something to commemorate the hard work you put into TTWF."
- "I bought one for myself too."
- "Whenever you use it, I want you to think about the time we spent together preparing for the festival."
- "I'm so lucky to have you by my side."
The Final Chapter (NB)[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
- "I wouldn't come any closer."
- "The way I am now, there's no telling what I'll do."
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
- "Huh? Are you hiding?"
- "Do you plan to ambush me from the shadows?"
- "I know exactly the sort of places you might hide."
- "...There! Found you!"
- "So, you're facing me head-on? That's very noble of you."
- "However, I have no intention of losing."
- "No one on the seven seas can match my skill at arms!"
- "Well, what do you think? Pretty cool, huh?"
- "Come on!"
- "I won't go down so easily!"
Premium Pictures[edit]
Young Angel's Celebration![edit]
- "I made this while I was waiting for you!"
- "I'll put it on for you, so hold still."
- "Do you wanna make wreathes with me?"
- "These clothes are so cool!"
- "Ahaha, that tickles!"
- "My presents are all ready to go!"
Phantom Thief Luke[edit]
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The Long-Awaited Appearance[edit]
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Luke's Shower[edit]
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The Sweetest Moment[edit]
- "Happy Valentine's! Will you accept my feelings?"
- "To me, Valentine's is a day to make you smile as much as possible!"
- "Hey... This looks like a strawberry, but do you think it's edible?"
- "Do you want sour or sweet? I'll pick the tastiest one for you."
- "These are even sweeter when we eat together. I hope you feel the same."
- "I-It's not like I'm afraid of these strawberries or anything."
Playing on White Keys[edit]
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