"Like I'd ever forget a guy as weird as him. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. He sticks in your memory."
— Mammon, Lesson 50-12 (OM)
Michael is an angel who resides in the Celestial Realm. He has not yet officially appeared in either Obey Me! or Nightbringer, but has been mentioned by other characters, including Luke, who stated that he "reports to Michael directly" in Lesson 2-13 (OM).
Though Michael's appearance is not yet known, according to Satan in Lesson 43-19 (OM), his appearance is the complete opposite of Lucifer's. It was also stated in this lesson that Michael "had a certain presence about him that's impossible to put into words" and "was everything humans imagine an angel to be and more". Luke also claimed in Issue 6 of the RAD Newspaper that Michael has good fashion taste, particularly with accessories.
Michael has been described by both Raphael and Mammon as weird and socially inept. He's said to be very difficult to read, with Raphael's character introduction stating he is "the only one who truly understands Michael." Lilith also stated upon meeting him that she had no idea what he was thinking or what he would do next.(source?) He appears prone to overthinking, with Lucifer stating in Lesson 52-3 (OM) that he "overcomplicates things and twists them into something they're not."
Michael also appears prone to rambling; in the Devilgram A Pawn to a Queen, he spammed Simeon's phone so heavily that the latter resorted to silencing his phone. In another incident in Lesson 52-3 (OM), a voice from within a bright light that is likely to be Michael caught himself rambling to MC and apologized.
Michael can behave rather childishly, and in the Devilgram Raphael's Welcome, he was said to have moped dramatically over Raphael and Lucifer not bringing Human World food back to the Celestial Realm for him after their trip there. He also seems to have difficulty confronting issues directly. Raphael stated in Lesson 20 Hard (NB) that "if there's one thing he's good at, it's running away." This came after Michael's repeated evasion and denial when Raphael pressed him about his motivations, with Michael ultimately running away when Raphael came too close to the truth.
Michael has also been described by Simeon as "the lazy sort" in Lesson 24-8 Hard (NB). This claim was also backed up by Raphael "bemoaning the fact that [Michael] doesn't exercise enough" in Lesson 6-4 (NB). When he expressed interest in a poetry reading in Lesson 20 Hard (NB), Raphael stated that Michael would likely fall asleep early into the poetry reading.
According to Lucifer in the chat Simeon's Complaint, Michael is "too upfront about his desires", causing him to place unreasonable responsibility onto those working under him. Michael's unreasonable demands are also mentioned by Belphegor in Lesson 56-1 (OM). He can also be rather self-centered, as Raphael commented in Lesson 20 Hard (NB) that he often does things "with no regard for anyone else." Despite this, his subordinates seem to respect him greatly, and view him as a good person. Simeon stated in the chat Simeon's Complaint that Michael is "not a bad angel." He can also be quite generous in return, and an example of this is when he sent Simeon and Luke a package of Celestial Realm confections while they were in the Devildom, as mentioned in the chat Sweets From The Celestial Realm.
In was shown in his one and currently only chat with Simeon that Michael is calm, yet stern, when he is angry, and prefers to talk rather than use physical discipline. The Devilgram A Job From Michael further exemplifies this approach, as in it he suggested that Lucifer use more gentle tactics to correct his brothers' behavior. However, Michael is very much capable of more harsh behavior. Mammon stated in Lesson 43-19 (OM) that Michael used to punish him in ways that "still give him shivers to this day."
- One of Michael's favorite books is An Illustrated Guide to the Plants of the Devildom, as mentioned in Lesson 53-14 (NB).
- Raphael said in the same lesson that Michael tends to like "this sort of thing," thought it's unclear if he meant books about plants or books about the Devildom.
- Michael has an immense sweet tooth, and is known to often be eating sweets.
- When asked for his opinion on the angel, Beelzebub simply mentioned in Lesson 43-19 (OM) that he "smelled tasty."
- Raphael stated in the Devilgram Errands for Michael that "he eats so many sweets that you have to wonder if he's more sugar than celestial being."
- In Lesson 50-10 (OM), Michael was said to be interested in astronomy.
- He taught Mammon and Luke about Human World constellations, and Mammon stated that he sneaks away to his observatory "any chance he gets" in the same lesson.
- Lucifer also explained in Lesson 52-7 (OM) that Michael had Raphael create a planetarium so he could view Human World stars from the Celestial Realm.
- Michael appears to have an interest in writing and poetry.
- It's known from the quote used in Nightbringer's Chapter A Nightmare that Michael keeps a diary.
- He also expressed his intentions to attend a poetry reading in Lesson 20 Hard (NB).
- Michael has an interest in fishing, as Simeon mentioned in the Devilgram Rainbow of Love.
- Michael seems to have a derogatory opinion of demons.
- If MC stated that they love Lucifer in Lesson 38-8 (OM), Michael remarked that he "finds it hard to believe a demon could be so lucky."
- This attitude also appeared in Nightbringer, with him blaming Simeon and Luke's disagreement with him on the Devildom corrupting their spirits in Lesson 17-14 (NB).
In Lesson 23-5 (OM), Barbatos mentioned that Michael is the current leader of the Celestial Realm's legion of angels as well as the guardian angel of confectioners. During MC's stay in the Obey Me! timeline, Michael had the rank of Archangel, as Barbatos also stated in the same lesson. Luke also referred to Michael as an Archangel in Lesson 2-13 (OM). However, during MC's stay within the Nightbringer timeline, Michael had the rank of Seraph, as mentioned by Luke in the Devilgram I Can Do It Too!.
When Lucifer was still an angel, the two appeared to have a friendly sibling rivalry. The two would do things to mildly annoy each other, such as Lucifer making sure to attend the opening of the first planetarium in the Celestial Realm in Lesson 52-7 (OM) because he knew Michael had wanted to visit first. They also had a habit of pushing their responsibilities onto each other, such as when Lucifer referred a lost MC to Michael and Michael made Lucifer go to a diplomatic meeting in Devildom in his place, which Lucifer griped about in Lesson 44-15 (OM). However, the two have become estranged since the fallout of the Great Celestial War.
Main Story and Events[edit]
According to Luke in Lesson 5-12 (OM), Michael loves sweets of all kinds.
In Lesson 49 (OM), Luke commented that he often found Michael in the great hall of the Celestial Palace, where portraits of Lucifer and his brothers used to hang when they were angels. He would simply stare at the empty space, lost in thought. He claims that, although he never says anything, Michael misses the demon brothers dearly and regrets both the Great Celestial War and their resulting departure from the Celestial Realm.
This section covers the relationships Michael has with each of the characters from Michael's point of view.
Main Character[edit]

See also MC's POV
Obey Me![edit]
MC was meant to meet with Michael at two points in the series, but has not yet done so.(source?) According to Luke before the first missed meeting, Michael had been greatly looking forward to meeting MC.(source?) Despite never officially meeting, it seems that Michael knows MC on some level, as Raphael mentioned in his character introduction video that he had heard a lot about MC from Michael.
The two may or may not have met when the Ring of Light was given to MC, and MC communicated with an unknown person.(source?)
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See also Lucifer's POV
Obey Me![edit]
In Lesson 23-3, the brothers revealed that Michael had always admired and loved Lucifer. Michael and Lucifer once had a close brotherly relationship back when Lucifer was an angel.(source?) In Lesson 43-19, Satan described the two feeling "like twins." Mammon also stated that the two had similar personalities, despite Satan thinking Lucifer embodied what Michael "wasn't, but wished he could be."
In Lesson 38-9, it was revealed that Michael had collected very important mementos from Lucifer's time in the Celestial Realm. He was very quick to discover when one of these keepsakes — the Ring of Light — was stolen, implying he still keeps track of these keepsakes closely after all these years.(source?)

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Michael enjoys seeing Lucifer in various outfits. In the Pop Quiz Trick or Treat!, Raphael stated that Michael sent him on an errand to get pictures of Lucifer in his Halloween costume. In the Devilgram A Pawn to a Queen, he insisted on seeing Lucifer in his chess tournament outfit and, upon receiving pictures, grew so excited that he spammed Simeon's phone.
See also Mammon's POV
Obey Me![edit]
In Lesson 27-19, it was revealed by Asmodeus that Michael used to teach Mammon, but didn't know how to deal with him. This led to Lucifer taking over. Before this happened, Michael attempted to teach Mammon about the constellations, though Mammon apparently didn't absorb that information, as mentioned in Lesson 50-10. In the same lesson, Mammon referred to Michael as "weird", and said he "could never forget someone as weird as him."

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See also Diavolo's POV
Obey Me![edit]
The extent of Diavolo and Michael's relations are unknown, but it has been implied they have interacted, as Michael was directly involved in choosing students for RAD's exchange program.(source?) Michael was also indicated to be frustrated with Diavolo for the secrets he kept in Season 2. He used Simeon as a messenger in Lesson 31-16 Hard to express to Diavolo that if it was discovered his secrets could affect the Celestial Realm, Michael will not hesitate to intervene.

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See also Luke's POV
Obey Me![edit]
Luke reports directly to Michael, which is something Luke has frequently mentioned, but stated first in Lesson 2-13 (OM). Although Luke is the lowest rank of angel, Michael sees a lot of potential in Luke and the power of his protective blessings, and has taken Luke under his wing.(source?) In Lesson 5-20 (OM), Simeon revealed that is was Michael who chose Luke to be one of RAD's exchange students representing the Celestial Realm.
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See also Simeon's POV
Obey Me![edit]
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Simeon mentioned in Lesson 15 that Michael was the one who suggested Simeon officially publish The Tale of the Seven Lords.
See also Solomon's POV
Obey Me![edit]
In Lesson 52-5, a pre-fallen Lucifer stated that "Michael has had his eye on a certain human sorcerer as of late", implying that Michael had taken some kind of interest in Solomon in the time prior to the Great Celestial War. At a later point in time, he gave Solomon the Ring of Wisdom, according to Solomon in Lesson 29-5.
In Lesson 44-18, Michael told MC that he considers Solomon to be "a truly decent human with a good head on his shoulders." However, he also said that Solomon "can be even more troublesome than the demons." In the same lesson, he seemed frustrated that Solomon's cooking had accidentally caused MC to be sent back in time inside a dream, and that the sorcerer acts like he understands his own power, but really doesn't. The way Michael spoke to MC about Solomon seemed to imply the two know each other fairly well.

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