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Image source: An Evening's Repose


Simeon (シメオン)


(former after Lesson 40 (OM))
former Seraph (Lesson 44-10 (OM)


Li'l Si (by Hell Greengrocer's owner)


from Lesson 40 (OM) to Lesson 60 (NB)




February 10


Devildom Birth Flower

Voice Actor

"He has a gentle personality and is always smiling, but also has a sharp intuition. He is hopeless with technology."

— Simeon's Student ID

Simeon is an angel whose first appearance in Obey Me!'s Main Story was in Lesson 2-13, and whose first appearance in Nightbringer's Main Story was Lesson 6-2. Both he and Luke were chosen to be the Celestial Realm's first exchange students at RAD. While he is considered a side character in both Obey Me! and Nightbringer, Simeon was added to Obey Me!'s Intimacy system in December of 2020 as part of the Happy Devil Day celebration. In the later released Nightbringer, he is part of the Intimacy system from the start.


Simeon has short, midnight brown hair with bangs that sweep towards the right, and sepia-brown skin. His eyes are a gradient of celadon blue and pastel yellow, with a ring of sky blue around his pupils.

As seen in the official height chart, Simeon is the second-shortest of the side characters, just barely shorter than Barbatos.

Angel Look

Simeon Angel Look full.png

Like Luke and Raphael, instead of wearing the standard RAD Uniform, Simeon wears his Celestial Realm clothes. The outfit consists of a skintight and sleeveless black top that appears to be a variation of a leotard. The front and back of the top connect at Simeon's lower back, and at the grey-colored collar around Simeon's neck. Said collar has a white center front, making it appear similar to a Christian clerical collar, and gold accents outline the internal borders of the collar.

Worn off the shoulders, Simeon has a white cape with gold borders and diamond-shaped gold trim. From the posterior view, the left side of his cape contains half of the same gold symbol worn as a charm in the center of Simeon's chest. The design in full appears similar in shape to a dragonfly. The cape's lining is a gradient of dark cerulean blue at the top, fading into ocean green, and then light yellow. Holding the cape together at the front and across Simeon's chest is a gold band, which has been looped together to create a series of interlocking diamond shapes dangling from the band's center.

His white, single-pleated pants are mid-rise and tapered in style. They have a pattern of black triangles pointing upward wrapped around the waist. His Chelsea boots are also white, and have gold colored soles. Simeon also wears a pair of black gloves that reach just short of his elbows. They have gold accent lines on each of his fingers, and two gold lines each along the sides of each arm.
Simeon Angel Look full.png

Like Luke and Raphael, instead of wearing the standard RAD Uniform, Simeon wears his Celestial Realm clothes. The outfit consists of a skintight and sleeveless black top that appears to be a variation of a leotard. The front and back of the top connect at Simeon's lower back, and at the grey-colored collar around Simeon's neck. Said collar has a white center front, making it appear similar to a Christian clerical collar, and gold accents outline the internal borders of the collar.

Worn off the shoulders, Simeon has a white cape with gold borders and diamond-shaped gold trim. From the posterior view, the left side of his cape contains half of the same gold symbol worn as a charm in the center of Simeon's chest. The design in full appears similar in shape to a dragonfly. The cape's lining is a gradient of dark cerulean blue at the top, fading into ocean green, and then light yellow. Holding the cape together at the front and across Simeon's chest is a gold band, which has been looped together to create a series of interlocking diamond shapes dangling from the band's center.

His white, single-pleated pants are mid-rise and tapered in style. They have a pattern of black triangles pointing upward wrapped around the waist. His Chelsea boots are also white, and have gold colored soles. Simeon also wears a pair of black gloves that reach just short of his elbows. They have gold accent lines on each of his fingers, and two gold lines each along the sides of each arm.

Human World Look

Simeon Human World Look full.png

Simeon was first seen in his Human World look in Lesson 43-10 of the Main Story. The outfit consists of a long-sleeved, navy blue collared shirt with one white sleeve garter on each upper arm. Said garters may be beneficial to Simeon when writing, as they could be used to adjust the length of his sleeves to prevent ink from staining his cuffs. Each cuff is adorned with two gold buttons. Over the shirt is a a double-breasted, white waistcoat with gold accents and two sets of four gold buttons.

His white, single-pleated slacks are paired with a simple black belt. His derby shoes are granite grey with black soles and black laces. Simeon also wears a dark turquoise tie around his neck that tucks into his waistcoat. A gold waistcoat chain extends from the pocket welt on his left side to the third-row button on that same side.

Simeon's Human World Look is an available outfit in Majolish, and can be obtained by unlocking the Devil's Tree "Clothing" space in the Demon Card Rainbow of Love.
Simeon Human World Look full.png

Simeon was first seen in his Human World look in Lesson 43-10 of the Main Story. The outfit consists of a long-sleeved, navy blue collared shirt with one white sleeve garter on each upper arm. Said garters may be beneficial to Simeon when writing, as they could be used to adjust the length of his sleeves to prevent ink from staining his cuffs. Each cuff is adorned with two gold buttons. Over the shirt is a a double-breasted, white waistcoat with gold accents and two sets of four gold buttons.

His white, single-pleated slacks are paired with a simple black belt. His derby shoes are granite grey with black soles and black laces. Simeon also wears a dark turquoise tie around his neck that tucks into his waistcoat. A gold waistcoat chain extends from the pocket welt on his left side to the third-row button on that same side.

Simeon's Human World Look is an available outfit in Majolish, and can be obtained by unlocking the Devil's Tree "Clothing" space in the Demon Card Rainbow of Love.


Simeon has a calm demeanor, to the point that Satan states in one of his Home Screen dialogues, "Wouldn't you be curious to see what Simeon's like when he's angry?". He presents himself as a nice and always smiling person, no matter if he's talking with demons or humans. This was shown when he invited Mammon and Beelzebub on a camping trip in Lesson 4-17 (OM).

In Lesson 54-7 (NB) - after an incident relating to MC's safety - Mephistopheles commented that he didn't know it was possible for Simeon to project so much anger while maintaining a smile. Even Diavolo admitted that he was "too scared to move even a muscle" from being scrutinized under Simeon's angry gaze.

According to Solomon in Lesson 32-16 Hard (OM), Simeon also has quite a sarcastic side, and remarked that he was able to be openly sarcastic towards the son of Demon King himself.

Despite his generally kind nature, Simeon can be a very strict supervisor. According to Simeon himself in Lesson 5-20 (OM), he doesn't like to give Luke direct answers; instead, he prefers to give him opportunities to figure things out on his own. Simeon also tends to look for compromises, even if not agreed with, and he tries to act as an interlocutor. In Lesson 5-20 (OM), when he talked about his methods of teaching Luke, if MC chose to call him "mean," he just laughed and agreed with them. In the Pop Quiz Henry and the Seven Lords, as a director, Simeon was also very strict.

In the Devilgram Lured by a Majestic Deer, he claimed that the filming of an argument scene was difficult for him, as he's not good at getting angry, despite the fact that he's assigned Wrath glow sticks in battle. However, he has been seen angry before while directing stageplays. When he was annoyed with Mammon for not memorizing his lines, he gave Mammon a calm talking-to, which creeped Mammon out, because "He was smiling, but his eyes weren't smilin' at all."(source?)

Simeon is known to frequently struggle with technology, such as his D.D.D. or using computers.(source?)




  • In his Cursed Cutlery dialogue, Simeon mentioned that he dislikes coriander.

Talents and Skills[edit]

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B's LOG Entries[edit]

See Simeon's B's LOG Entries page.

Powers and Abilities[edit]

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In Lesson 76-19 (OM), it was revealed that because Simeon took the Ring of Light from Michael at the end of Season 3, and gave it to MC to stabilize their magic powers, he was punished by having his angelic powers taken from him. (more info/details needed.)



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Before the Great Celestial War, Simeon was a member of the Seraphim, the highest rank an angel can possess.(source?) According to Beelzebub when he was still an angel, Simeon was the "most easygoing" of the Seraphim, and he was well liked because of that.(source?) At some point after the war, Simeon was apparently demoted. In Lesson 43-12 (OM), Luke explained that Simeon currently held the rank of Archangel. Raphael also mentioned Simeon's demotion from Seraph to Archangel in Lesson 56-9 (NB).

When talking about the Great Celestial War in Lesson 49-7 (NB), Simeon said that he "wasn't able to be by Lucifer's side." It isn't clear if he meant that he was somehow prevented from allying with Lucifer, or that not fighting alongside the brothers was a decision he later came to regret.

It was implied that Simeon is older than most of the demon brothers — or at least older than Leviathan and Asmodeus — in Lesson 23-A (NB). It was also implied that Simeon is older than Raphael in Lesson 56-11 (NB).

Simeon is aware of the brothers' younger and only sister, Lilith.(source?)

Obey Me!'s Main Story[edit]

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Lessons 1-10[edit]

Lesson 2[edit]

Simeon was first introduced to MC after he interrupted a conversation about Mammon that Lucifer, Diavolo, and Barbatos were having before class. He insisted that despite Lucifer's complaints that his brother is troublesome that it is actually Lucifer himself who is the most troublesome, which suggested that he was quite familiar with the brothers. He was introduced by Diavolo who told MC that he was one of the angel exchange students from the Celestial Realm.

After Luke started yelling from the constant teasing from the demon, Simeon told him to calm down and learn not to make such a fuss about everything. He apologized to MC for any trouble caused by the fuss between the other angel and the demons before he left with everyone, except Luke, for class.

Lesson 4[edit]

After MC challenged Leviathan to a contest to see who was the bigger TSL fan, MC could choose to visit Simeon to give them a "trump card" that would send Levi into a jealous frenzy. The scene is never shown but MC was able to provide a summary of major plot points from the unreleased next volume of the series. It was not explained in this lesson how he was able to tell them this information.

Simeon next appeared when he interrupted an argument between Mammon and Beelzebub before class one morning to invite them, as well as MC, to a camping trip. When Luke, who tagged along, was mercilessly teased by Mammon, Simeon stepped in and told him that despite how cute the younger angel was when flustered they should give him a break from the teasing. He left the group upon receiving a phone call and provided no further information about the potential trip.

Lesson 5[edit]

The day after Luke disappeared from the closet in Beelzebub's room, Simeon met up with Beelzebub and MC in a classroom. He surprisingly seemed to know that they had let Luke stay with them and thanked them for taking care of him. He went on to tell them about the fight they had and how he had hoped the exchange program would help the young angel expand his perspective. He explained that Luke was young and immature so he tended to judge things from just the Celestial Realms logic, making him quick to judge.

It was clear that Simeon cared for Luke even though he preferred to take a hands-off approach as a teacher. They ended up not telling Simeon that Luke was missing after he told them to send him back home if they didn't want to take care of him anymore.

Lesson 6[edit]

During the exchange party at the Demon Lord's Castle, Simeon was assigned to a room with MC and Asmodeus. When Barbatos announced that Luke would be in charge of making food from the Celestial Realm for dinner on day two of the retreat, Simeon reminded him that he needed to make foods that weren't just sweets for the meal. Later that day in their room Asmodeus asked Simeon for his opinion about him and asked both of his roommates if they thought there was anyone who didn't love him.

During the castle tour, a talking painting interrupted the tour. It turned out to be an ex-girlfriend of Asmodeus. After a fight between them, she pulled a number of members of the group into the painting. Simeon and the rest of the members of the group decided to continue the tour. When the missing party returned Simeon and Luke expressed their sympathy to Solomon for being dragged into that mess, but he responded them he actually had fun down there.

After dinner that night, Mammon attempted to start a pillow fight in the room Simeon shared with MC and Asmodeus. He pleaded with Asmodeus to do something about his brother so they could have some peace and quiet for sleep, but he pretended to be asleep. Lucifer instead showed up and put a stop to the pillow fight before it could begin.

Lesson 8[edit]

The next morning, on day two of the retreat, Simeon assisted in keeping the group on task during the explanation of the scavenger hunt. During the hunt, he stopped Satan to ask how his team was doing, but instead was accused of knowing all about how their team was doing as Satan believed Simeon's team had plotted to keep the others from winning. Confused, Simeon asked what he meant before Solomon interjected to explain that Asmodeus was photobombing all of the team's photos, and even charmed a statue Luke's team was photographing.

After Asmodeus stormed off, Simeon asked MC what they should do, which prompted them to follow after him. Later that night at dinner, he joined the discussion about the Celestial Realm food made by Luke when he gave his approval on how the meal was seasoned. Later that night, after Asmodeus entered into a pact with MC, Asmodeus was flirting with them back in their shared room when Simeon commented on the surprise from everyone regarding the unexpected amount of power from MC.

Mammon barged into the room and yelled at Asmodeus for being too close to MC. The commotion gathered more and more people to the shared bedroom. Before long a fight broke out, which then turned into a pillow fight between everyone. Simeon suggested stepping in before it got that far but did not stop it, and instead provided commentary alongside Solomon as the fight escalated.

The next afternoon, everyone woke up late from their eventful night and enjoyed a brunch of Human World food prepared by MC, Solomon, and Barbatos. They quickly learned that Solomon's cooking is very unique, in such a way that everyone found it disgusting. This marked the end of the retreat.

Lessons 11-20[edit]

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Lessons 21-30[edit]

Lesson 24[edit]

It is revealed in Lesson 24-19 by Satan that Simeon is the author of the series The Tale of the Seven Lords, and that he writes under the pen name "Christopher Peugeot." This information is also revealed in a chat with Solomon.

Lessons 31-40[edit]

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Lessons 41-50[edit]

Lesson 41[edit]

Starting in Lesson 40, he and Luke spent time living in the Human World and running a café called The Angel's Halo. He later mentioned in Lesson 61-16 Hard that he has an apartment he — and presumably Luke — live in during this time.

Lesson 43[edit]

In Lesson 43-16 Hard, Simeon mentioned that he had visited the Human World multiple times before, but hadn't stayed there for an extended period until that point.

Lessons 51-60[edit]

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Lessons 61-70[edit]

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Lessons 71-80[edit]

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Nightbringer's Main Story[edit]

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Lessons 1-10[edit]

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Lessons 11-20[edit]

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Lessons 21-30[edit]

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Lessons 31-40[edit]

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This section covers the relationships Simeon has with each of the characters from Simeon's point of view.

Main Character[edit]

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See also MC's POV

Obey Me![edit]

Simeon appears to have admiration for MC. He remarked in Lesson 39-8 that he thinks one of MC's many strengths is being flexible and able to adapt to almost any situation.


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See also Lucifer's POV

Obey Me![edit]

Simeon and Lucifer once considered each other to be brothers when both were still angels in the Celestial Realm. This is why their chat group is named "Brothers No More." Simeon seems to want to reconnect with Lucifer, and frequently tries to invite him to tea or go places with him.(source?) However, Lucifer usually shuts him down and has to be bribed into allowing it.(source?)

Simeon seems to be one of the few characters who can see through Lucifer's prideful demeanor, and often comments about how much he loves his brothers, much to Lucifer's annoyance.(source?)


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See also Mammon's POV

Obey Me![edit]

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See also Leviathan's POV

Obey Me![edit]

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See also Satan's POV

Obey Me![edit]

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See also Asmodeus's POV

Obey Me![edit]

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See also Beelzebub's POV

Obey Me![edit]

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See also Belphegor's POV

Obey Me![edit]

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See also Diavolo's POV

Obey Me![edit]

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See also Barbatos's POV

Obey Me![edit]

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See also Luke's POV

Obey Me![edit]

As the first two angel exchange students at RAD, Simeon and Luke are often together. Simeon behaves as Luke's guardian, trying to encourage the angel to get along with the demons.(source?) Solomon comments in one of his Home Screen interactions that Simeon sees Luke as something like a grandson.

Simeon is also quite protective of Luke, as seen in the chat The Secret to Stress Relief: Lucifer. When Lucifer asked Simeon if he could "borrow" Luke to relieve stress by teasing him, Simeon instead suggested Lucifer go and do something more constructive with his time.


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See also Solomon's POV

Obey Me![edit]

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See also Thirteen's POV

Obey Me![edit]

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See also Mephistopheles's POV

Obey Me![edit]

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See also Raphael's POV

Obey Me![edit]

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See also Michael's POV

Obey Me![edit]

When he was still an angel, Simeon, like Luke, reported directly to Michael, which Luke mentioned in Lesson 5-12 (OM). However, Simeon does not idolize Michael in the way Luke does, but seems to view Michael as a friend rather than a superior. In Lesson 23-7, if MC chose to point out that Simeon talked about Michael as though he were a regular angel, Simeon explained that this was because the two had known each other for a long time.

While Simeon was still an exchange student in the Devildom, Michael would often ask Simeon to run errands for Devildom sweets. In the midst of one such request, Simeon vented to Lucifer in the chat Simeon's Complaint. However, when Lucifer remarked that it must be a nightmare to work under Michael due to his demands, Simeon replied that he's "not a bad angel."


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  • The name "Simeon" has a number of biblical-related references.
    • This includes the "Gospel of Luke," which mentions a man named Simeon.


  • Some of Simeon's cards suggest that he may be ambidextrous.
  • In the chat First Step: Winking? Simeon stated that he can't wink.
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