Solomon's B's LOG Entries
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This page has unofficial fan translations of all the B's LOG entries that feature Solomon. For a list of all B's LOG issues that feature Obey Me! content, see the B's LOG Issues page.
March 2022 Issue[edit]
Devildom's Homework Survey[edit]
Translated by: Joye0627
Personal Survey[edit]
- What is your motto?
- "No need to worry about tomorrow."
- What is your daily routine?
- "Read a magic book."
- Where do you start washing in the bath?
- "My face."
- What are your dreams for the future?
- "It's a secret."
- What if the Devildom disappeared tomorrow?
Love Survey[edit]
- Confession is from myself.
- Yes / No / Other
- Has a want to "bind and monopolize their lover."
- Myself / My lover / Other
- "I neither want to bind my lover nor be bound by them."
- Myself / My lover / Other
- Can get jealous.
- Yes / No / Other
- "Occasionally."
- Yes / No / Other
- Relationship anniversaries and special dates.
- Cherished / Forgotten / Other
- Relationships with obstacles.
- Face with passion / Give up / Other
- "I wouldn't want to give up if the person was important."
- Face with passion / Give up / Other
- Can't sleep thinking about your lover.
- Yes / No / Other
- Is unable to express his feelings openly.
- Yes / No / Other
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