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Magic is present in all three worlds in both the Obey Me! and Nightbringer games, though presumably it is less prevalent and more hidden in the Human World. Magic can be used for casting spells, creating potions, or enchanting magic items. Magic can also be measured using a Phantominic Absorption Photometer, as seen in Lesson 49-12 (NB). This device measures "pantominios" - the smallest type of magic particle. Another device that can measure one's magic power is in the possession of the Sorcerers' Society, as seen in Lessons 55-1 and 55-4 (NB).

As Solomon explained in Lesson 45-4 (OM), the crest of the Sorcerers' Society has three staves that are meant to represent the Three Magi, who are said to have invented the magical arts.

It is known that the Human World contains magic in some remote locations or in rare phenomena. One example of this is small amounts of magic in aurora displays mentioned in the chat Mysterious Crystal Structure. This magic can then in rare cases be transmitted to snowflakes when it snows, creating Everlasting snowflakes.

As mentioned in the Devilgram The Ghost Ship, delicate things cannot be fixed with magic.

Diavolo mentioned in Lesson 52-11 (NB) that "a surplus of magic power" can sometimes cause "magic sickness." Magic sickness seems to be a possible side effect of one's magical power suddenly increasing. Having this increase happen can also cause the individual to lose control of their magic.

A "magic gene" was explained in Lesson 55-12 (NB) to be a variety of gene whose job is to transmit information necessary for the generation of magic.

If the target of a cast spell is powerful enough, it is possible for spells like curses to be reflected back on the original castor, potentially at an even greater intensity.



In Lesson 24-2 (NB), Lucifer explained that how one casts a spell varies depending on an individual's magical ability. "Those who lack the required skill" will find it necessary to recite an incantation to cast a spell. As Satan explained in Lesson 29-12 (OM), when using an incantation, an individual must say the incantation clearly and with confidence to maintain control.

In the same lesson, it was also shown that merely speaking an incantation doesn't do anything if the speaker does not intend to cast a spell. However, this might depend on one's control over their powers, as Leviathan has claimed that he's summoned Lotan accidentally on multiple occasions, such as in the chats The Dream and Lotan's Return.

Individuals with a high enough skill level are capable of spellcasting without an incantation. It is also possible to take a spell's standard incantation and shorten it, as Solomon commented MC was capable enough to do in Lesson 66-4 (OM). Shortening an incantation is purposeful, since as evidenced by Lesson 36-16 (OM), a spellcaster can't just stop in the middle of an incantation arbitrarily.

Known Incantations[edit]

A - K[edit]
Amplify the Power of a Demon (with a pact)

"Denizens of the darkness, awaken! You who are born of shadow, hear me! I am the one called Solomon. I call upon you now to lend your power to Asmodeus, Avatar of Lust!"

"...Denizens of the darkness, awaken! You who are born of shadow, hear me! I call upon you now to lend your power to Asmodeus, Avatar of Lust!"

"Denizens of the darkness, awaken! You who are born of shadow, hear me! I am MC, the master who commands Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony. I call upon you now to lend your power to this demon!"

Lessons 7-20, 8-13, and 46-17 (OM)
Angelic Blessing (usable only by angels)

"May the blessing of light burn brightly within you, and keep the darkness at bay."

"In the name of the angel Simeon, may the blessing of light burn brightly within you, and keep the darkness at bay."

Lesson 50-15 (OM), Lesson 38 (NB)
Bind Two People Together

"May our hands be drawn together and bound together, by a force none can resist and none can escape..."

"May our bodies be drawn together and bound together, by a force none can resist and none can escape..."

"May we be drawn together and bound together, by a force none can resist and none can escape..."

Lesson 30-13 (OM)
Binding Spell

"...I call upon the earth itself to shackle the one who stands before me. Leave them bound and helpless. I am the sorcerer Solomon... Answer my call!"

Lesson 45-7 (OM)
Command a Wind Spirit

"...Spirit of wind, the magician Solomon commands thee! Shield the ears of those who stand before me! Rid them of their lust for water, and silence the siren's voice!"

"Spirit of wind, I command you! Arise, pierce the darkness, and bring that tiny demon to me!"

Lessons 35-2 and 46-1 (OM)
Create a Box of Truth

"Arca veratis! Detain those who are false of heart!"

Devilgram Solomon's Box
Create Breeze

"Spirit of wind, awaken!"

Lesson 3-6 (NB)
Create Fire

"Spirit of fire, send forth your flames!"

Lesson 3-6 (NB)
Create Rain

"Spirit of water, rain down upon these demons!"

Lesson 3-6 (NB)
Halt Creature(s) Command

"Hear my voice and heed my command. These words are sound...the sound, melody. And through it I bind thee, and rob thee of thy freedom. Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride commands thee! Halt!"

Devilgram A Gothic Party
Immobilize Target

"Heed my call. Wind, subside. Earth, slumber... In the name of Solomon the Sorcerer..."

Pop Quiz Get Arty With It
Activating the Jar of Magical Absorption

"O Jar of Magical Absorption, with thy profound vessel, draw forth the magical power of this individual!"

Pop Quiz The Scroll of Thirst
L - Z[edit]
Remove Pain or Curse Effect

"May the vestiges of the curse that linger within the person before me be eliminated. I am the one they call Satan... Hear my command!"

"May the vestiges of pain that linger within the demon before me be eliminated. I am the one they call MC... Hear my command!"

"May the vestiges of the curse that lingers within the object before me be eliminated. I am the one they call Solomon... Hear my command!"

Lessons 29-12 and 29-13 (OM); Devilgram Shutter Shenanigans
Shield Clothes From Getting Wet

"Hear me, o wind of nature, and wrap yourself around my brethren."

Pop Quiz Pearls and the Beach
Shrink a Demon

"This demon shall fit in the palm of my hand."

Lesson 45-7 (OM)
Silence Target

"Spirit of earth, cover the mouth of the one who lies before me, and silence his cries forever..."

Lesson 37-1 (OM)
Stimulating Desire

"Forces of calamity, disaster, and misfortune! Rain down upon the one who stands before me.... Bidibriupyon fath parthu..."

Lesson 29-12 (OM)
Summon Cerberus

"...Come forth, Cerberus!"

Birthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Lucifer '21
Summon a Demon (with a pact)

"Hear me, denizens of the darkness, you who are born of shadow and you who give birth to it. Hear me and do as I command! I, Solomon, call upon you to send forth one of your number! I summon the Avatar of Lust, Asmodeus!"

Lessons 7-14 and 8-13 (OM)
Summon Jumping Marshmallow Rabbits to Chocolate Fountain

"Come forth, marshmallow bunnies!"

Devilgram The New Menu
Summon Lotan

"In the name of Leviathan, Avatar of envy and master of water itself, I command you! Come forth, Lotan!"

Birthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Beel and Belphie '22
Summon a Star Shower

"In the name of MC, I summon thee, shower of stars..."

Birthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Beel and Belphie
Summon the White Wolf of Frost Flowers

"Heed my voice among the parade of ice flowers, and answer our summoning! Come forth, white wolf of frost flowers!"

Pop Quiz Absolute Zero
Teleportation Spell

"I am the magician Solomon... Heed my words! Open the way forward, and create a path where there was none! Show us the way to the reaper's cave!"

Lesson 35-9 (OM
Travel through Spacetime

"By the will of the sorcerer Solomon, lead us back to the time and space from whence we came."

Lesson 40-14 (NB)
Turn People into Rats

"O black mist! Turn all in your path to rats!"

Devilgram New Emotions
Undoing a Curse

"May this vile curse return to the one who conjured it. Turn back the hands of time and unwind the wrongdoing that triggered it. I am the magician Solomon... Hear my command! Let none oppose it and none escape it!"

Lesson 36-16 (OM)

Somatic Components[edit]

It is unclear is all spells being cast has somatic components, ie physical gestures or motions. However, Solomon commented in Lesson 55-4 (NB) that MC would require "free hands to properly channel magic." So at least in some cases, spellcasting requires the use of hand gestures.

Magic Circles[edit]

Another factor in spellcasting is the use of magic circles. Again as Lucifer explained in Lesson 24-2 (NB), magic circles can be physically drawn on the floor or on paper, but they can also be "created" by accurately picturing the circle in one's mind. As seen in Lesson 35-8 (OM), magic circles are drawn when doing teleportation spells. Events in Lessons 35 and 36 (OM) indicate that teleportation spells are not often utilized by demons.

Solomon mentioned that the circle necessary to teleport to the Reaper's Cave is more complex than others. In the Birthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Simeon '22, it was shown that Belphegor drew a magic circle to transport people into a dream.

Types of Magic[edit]


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Blessings are the forte of angels. There is a type of blessing only angels can bestow known as an angelic blessing.


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Curses are the forte of demons. As Satan mentioned in Lesson 29-12 (OM), performing a curse takes a toll on one's body, and might result in that person feeling dizzy.


Divination is a means of fortunetelling that uses various methods. One such method is tasseomancy, as mentioned by Barbatos in a phone call titled such. He explained that the technique involves interpreting "magical creature-shaped patterns" in tea leaves left at the bottom of the cup.

In the Devilgram The Avatar of Wrath, Satan explained one of these creature shapes is a sea serpent, which represents floods or drowning. Another he mentioned is a dove, which represents "an angel's visit." There are special teacups made for this type of divination, as Barbatos told MC in his phone call that he'd found some when cleaning that once belonged to a famous Devildom fortune-teller.

Another divination method uses cards and aromatic oils to read someone's fortune. It is likely similar to reading Tarot cards. The person who is having their fortune read places their hand atop the pile of cards, closes their eyes, and focuses on the cards. Then the cards are laid on the table in order, "as the magic rite dictates," according to Satan in Lesson 31-8 (NB).

What the cards mean is up to interpretation, which is why it's possible that divination is not considered a credible practice by some. Belphegor commented in Lesson 31-8 (NB). that "you can't expect it to work." However, he and his brothers had found it curious that in divination class at RAD they all were given the same fortune reading. Said reading seemed to come true later, beginning in Lesson 31-14 (NB).

When trying to divine the future, Satan also mentioned in Lesson 31-8 (NB) that botanical oils work best. This implies divination is not always used to foretell the reader's future.

Classes on divination are taught at RAD, as mentioned in Lesson 31-6 (NB).


Magic seals can be used to bind or contain curses, spirits, or even powerful beings. During the Hellfire Incineration Festival, paper talismans with seals on them can be used to transfer things like curses from an item to be sealed within the paper, which is then burned. The being known as Dark Demon Santa was sealed away after he "rampaged through the Devildom for a thousand days." Barbatos also stated in the Devilgram A Special Illumination that there are many sealed individuals in the Devildom that are kept in sacred locations.


Summoning magic is performed when a magic user wishes to relocate a person, creature, or being to the summoner's location. In the case of demons, this can be done either by performing a ceremony - as mentioned by Solomon in Lesson 39-13 (OM) - or by a human with a pact speaking an incantation.

As mentioned by Solomon in the Pop Quiz Absolute Zero, it is customary for the sorcerer to speak with the being that was summoned, as opposed to others speaking on a sorcerer's behalf.

Location Factors[edit]

As explained the Pop Quiz RAD Tumbling Troupe, magical forces vary from region to region. In some cases, moving into an area with high magic concentration can lead to magic poisoning. Magic poisoning can be extremely debilitating, and is made worse with physical exertion. According to Diavolo, in severe cases it's almost impossible to get out of bed. The Long-Hu Tumbling Troupe came down with magic poisoning while visiting from Long-Hu Town, which implies that the area of the Devildom where RAD is located has a higher magic concentration.

Some locations can have magnetic fields that behave strangely, and so prevent the use of magic in these places, as Satan mentioned in the Devilgram Something to Tell You.

Magic Sharing and Affinities[edit]

It is possible to share one's magic or one's magic powers with another person. Solomon cast a spell on MC in Lesson 8-8 (OM) that temporarily allowed MC use his magic powers. In Lesson 70-19 (OM), Lucifer shared some of his magic with MC to help counterbalance their expending so much of their own magic earlier.

According to Solomon in the Pop Quiz Happy ☆ Holidays!, magic has "affinities." If the magic of one being were absorbed by the magic of another being whose innate magic was not compatible, it could have negative side effects, such as causing the affected being to go on a rampage.

Magic Items[edit]

A - F[edit]

G - Q[edit]

R - Z[edit]

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