Breaking Curses - Devilgram

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Breaking Curses Devilgram.png
Breaking Curses (OM)
Intimacy: Satan Lv. 7
Card: Breaking Curses (OM)
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
Breaking Curses (NB) Devilgram.png
Breaking Curses (NB)
Intimacy: Satan Lv. 5
Card: Breaking Curses (NB)
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(0 votes)

Story Summary

Note: This Devilgram's story content is identical in both "Obey Me!" and "Nightbringer."

"Satan, you hunk! ♡"

Set in an alternate universe, MC congratulates Lucifer on his coronation as king and they look forward to their future days living in the castle. Lucifer becomes willing to grant any request from MC, but when they either ask to go shopping for clothes or to leave the room, he sternly declines. Lucifer reminds MC of how they were cursed to be pricked by a spinning wheel and fall into an eternal sleep on their upcoming birthday. He reasons that for the sake of their safety, he must confine MC inside. Riddled with guilt, Lucifer notes that he will hire a personal tailor for them if MC had requested to go shopping. Once MC replies with sympathy towards Lucifer's intentions, he vows to find a way to break the curse and leaves the room. At nighttime, a strange knock lures MC outside to meet Satan, who proclaims he has arrived to abduct MC.

"You're breaking curses?"

Satan introduces himself as the sorcerer who cursed MC when they were a baby, and MC sighs in defeat as they've inferred Satan suddenly appeared to activate the curse in person. Satan dismisses the accusation, retorting that the curse will activate on its own with time, unless it is broken. He strikes a deal with MC that in order for him to lift the curse, MC must accompany him outside until morning. Though Satan promises to return MC safely back to the castle, MC remains to be suspicious of him. MC could request to discuss the matter with Lucifer, but Satan argues the conversation would be a lost cause and that their outing would require secrecy. MC can then choose to take his hand or refuse, but if they decline, Satan takes it upon himself to let them ride on his back. Ultimately, Satan whisks MC up into the night sky, away from the castle.

"He's flying!"

The duo admire the stars while flying through the air and Satan suggests taking a detour to wherever MC would like to go. MC can choose between going to a field of flowers or the local town. If MC chooses to explore the flower field, Satan will comment on MC's negligence towards their clothes being dirtied or their disregard for safety if they accidentally trip. In the moment of MC's enthusiasm, Satan conjures a crown of flowers for MC to take home. If MC chooses the local town instead, then Satan will address his disappointment that all of the shops have closed for the night. They stroll around town until MC spots a hat within a storefront. Depending on the dialogue chosen, Satan will use his magic to either summon the hat onto MC's head or teleport them both inside the shop for MC to try on the hat themselves.

"Everything turned out..."

As dawn approaches, Satan abides by his promise and lifts the spell from MC while repenting about his past actions. MC questions his true intentions, and Satan properly introduces himself as prince of the rivaling fairy kingdom. He further explains that in a fit of rage from the failed attempt at having his wings clipped to seal away his magic, he had laid a curse on the king's newborn child, which happened to be MC. Ever since the incident, Satan has kept a watchful eye on MC and loathed himself for the restrictions he had created. Satan confesses his reason to finally dispel the curse was because he had grown fond of MC as time had passed. MC can choose to reciprocate his feelings, or be willing to forge a new friendship. If MC chooses the latter, then Satan will promise to visit the castle in the daytime to take MC on a date. If MC chooses the former, they will have the further option to hug or kiss Satan while he expresses words of gratitude.

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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