Buffing Up Belphie - Devilgram

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Buffing Up Belphie Devilgram.png
Buffing Up Belphie
Intimacy: Belphegor Lv. 5
Card: Buffing Up Belphie
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x8
(0 votes)

Story Summary

"I want to join in too."

Belphegor is falling asleep at the table, which makes Lucifer reprimand him, and Beel worries that Belphie hasn't eaten enough. Lucifer says that if Belphie is tired all the time, he probably lacks stamina. Beel suggests training to help him get in shape. MC joins too, either voluntarily or asked by Belphie.

"Even beauty takes some effort!"

The training is on. After warm-up, Beel suggests anaerobic exercise for muscle training. Belphie dislikes the idea, but the training starts. MC is holding his legs while he's doing the core exercise, but he dozes off in the middle of it. Beel still praises Belphie for keeping the correct form during the exercise, and expresses how he believes in Belphie's abilities.

"It was really strenuous."

After Belphie is done with the sit-ups, Beel tells him to do 60 pull-ups next. Beel encourages him as Belphie starts, but soon notices that Belphie fell asleep during exercise. After the failure of the push-ups, Beel tries with bicep curls, then the bench press, but Belphie keeps dozing off. After a while, Beel ends the muscle training. Belphie admits he wasn't able to do more than 5 reps of any exercise save for the first one, but Beel tells him that he doesn't have to go beyond what he can handle and that maintaining a routine is more important. Then he tells him it's time for cardio.

"Let's do this again."

Outside of the House of Lamentation, the three of them start jogging. Beel takes off running, but he's too fast for Belphie to follow. MC encounters a choice to encourage Belphie to just try to keep up with them or to keep the pace slow for Belphie. He tells them that they don't have to stay behind with him, but when they agree and leave him, he finds the strength to catch up to them and finishes the 10 laps. If they stay with him, after some time Belphie decides it's time for a nap. If MC isn't pleased with the jogging, Belphie leads them away to a forest and asks for a reward for his workout efforts. MC can either drag him back, let him sleep on their lap, or give him a kiss.

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