Hide and Seek - Devilgram

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Hide and Seek Devilgram.png
Hide and Seek
Intimacy: Belphegor Lv. 5
Card: Hide and Seek
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(0 votes)

Story Summary

"Well, they're en..."

Asmo, Mammon, Levi, and Belphie are hanging around in the dining room. Asmo talks about how nice the scones taste and talks with Mammon about who made them judging by the taste. Levi tells Mammon to pay attention to the card game they are playing. Asmo shakes his head and says playing games in the middle of the day is so immature, but Belphie thinks Asmo wants to play with them too. When Belphie is just about to go take a nap, Lucifer comes in and asks why he isn't looking for Lilith since they're playing a game of hide and seek together.

"Hide and see..."

Lucifer tells Belphie that he just saw Lilith by herself, so he asked her if she wanted to play with him, but she told him that she was already playing with Belphie. Confused, Belphie starts to think back while Lucifer keeps talking, saying he might have misunderstood the situation. Now Belphie thinks he remembered playing with Lilith, so Lucifer tells him to go hurry up and find her. Belphie starts with looking in the kitchen, but he only finds Beel in there who said he didn't see Lilith, so Belphie keeps looking.

"Hurry up and fin..."

He meets Lucifer in the hallway who says he saw Lilith in the living room. In the living room, Belphie sees Mammon sneaking around, looking for the deed of the house, and he tells Belphie to look in the planetarium, and not tell Lucifer about what he was doing. In the planetarium he finds Asmo, who was having tea. He invites Belphie to join him, but Belphie declines, saying he needs to look for Lilith. Asmo is surprised he still hasn't found her and Belphie becomes sad about it. Asmo tells Belphie to go look for Lilith in her room.

"Hide and seek is..."

In the hallway again, Belphie meets Levi, who says he just saw Lilith, angry that Belphie never came to look for her. He tells Belphie to hurry up and apologize. Belphie starts to go to Lilith's room, but suddenly forgets where that is. Belphie feels guilty for letting Lilith down, but remembers that he didn't look in the attic yet. Convinced she is up there, he starts climbing up the forbidden stairs but is stopped by Lucifer. He tells Belphie the reason he can't find her is because she is dead. Belphie doesn't believe him and they start arguing. Belphie wakes up in the attic. On the other side of the door, MC hears Belphie, still captive, crying, and talks to him. He claims to be fine but still asks them to stay a while longer. Belphie asks MC how long he has to stay in there and tells them how much he wants to see his little sister and MC. He also says, albeit suddenly angry, that he can't wait to see his brothers too.

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