Part-Timer Struggles - Devilgram

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Part-Timer Struggles Devilgram.png
Part-Timer Struggles (OM)
Intimacy: Luke Lv. 7
Card: Part-Timer Struggles (OM)
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
Part-Timer Struggles (NB) Devilgram.png
Part-Timer Struggles (NB)
Intimacy: Luke Lv. 5
Card: Part-Timer Struggles (NB)
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(0 votes)

Story Summary

Note: This Devilgram's story content is identical in both "Obey Me!" and "Nightbringer."

"Be careful by the poolside."

At the pool for their part-time jobs, MC reassures Luke that helping him with this work isn't an issue. They begin by cleaning the pool after referencing the instruction manual. While cleaning the deck, Luke slips and tumbles into the water! If MC tries to catch him, they fall as well. Afterwards, they finish up their first task by rinsing the whole deck.

"Stop putting things in the pool."

The next task listed in the manual is to arrange the pool supplies. As instructed, Luke and MC pour colored balls into the water until the pool brims with them. Then, the two do the tiring work of inflating flamingo floaties before placing them, too, in the pool. Once all the supplies are in position, the pool is ready for customers, so Luke and MC take a well-deserved break.

"Any type of work is hard."

Luke laments the exhaustion from pumping up the floaties, and MC can choose whether or not to agree. When Luke remembers that he prepared snacks to eat with MC, he presents the chocolate chip cookies that he baked. After the customers leave, the duo start cleaning up. The colored balls come first, which they scoop up with a net and return to their boxes. Upon collecting the last of the balls, Luke stumbles and ends up stuck in a box. MC helps him out, and they finish cleaning up the colored balls.

"Maybe my way of doing things..."

Luke and MC move on to collecting the flamingo floaties. Luke tries to reach a flamingo that floated far into the pool using a pole, but falls in by accident; the third mishap of the day! Depending on MC's choice, they either follow in an attempt to save him, or they stay on the deck and get playfully splashed by Luke. The two gather the rest of the floaties and deflate them all. Outside of the pool, after they've completed their work, Luke thanks MC for their help. If MC chooses to grab a bite with Luke, he expresses his happiness and suggests working together again if there is another job opening in the future.

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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