Rescue! - Devilgram

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Rescue! Devilgram.png
Intimacy: Lucifer Lv. 3
Beelzebub Lv. 5
Card: Rescue!
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x8
(one vote)

Story Summary

"Since we're at the ocean..."

MC is hanging out at the beach with Mammon and Asmodeus. Lucifer is reading a book and explains that he's only at the beach to supervise them. Asmo points out Beelzebub isn't any better because he is just eating. Beel explains he has to eat since this is his only chance to eat at the beach. This makes MC feel a little bit downhearted. Mammon notices that MC is upset, so he decides to formulate a plan to get Lucifer and Beelzebub to enjoy their time at the beach.

"No effect on Lucifer."

For Mammon’s first plan, he has bought some water guns for MC to squirt at Lucifer. Mc might be reluctant to do so but eventually agrees to do it. Lucifer is still reading his book and gets bit surprised when MC squirts him with cold water. Depending on what MC says to Lucifer, he might squirt them back before telling them to leave him be. Lucifer also tells MC that they're naive for thinking he would chase after them and advises them against taking a leaf from Mammon's book.

"It was okay until the..."

Mammon saw that the plan failed, but promises MC that his plan regarding Beel is foolproof. Mammon gives MC a fishing rod and tells them to talk to Beel about catching a fish to eat. MC approaches Beel and he agrees to go fishing with them. After a whole hour of waiting, they still haven't caught any fish. But right before Beel gives up, he notices something pulling on the line and thinks it might be a really big fish. MC can attempt to reel the fish in by themselves or with Beel's help but no matter what, the fishing line snaps and the fish gets away. This disappoints Beel so he goes back to eat by himself.

"Are you okay?!"

MC returns to Mammon who is surprised that his plan failed. MC is able to express disappointment which results in Mammon telling them to cheer up, or MC can express annoyance that Mammon's plans were no good which results in Mammon telling MC that he was just trying to help. Either way, MC decides that they'll take a floatie and swim in the ocean by themselves. Mammon tells them to be careful because the waves are pretty strong but MC goes swimming anyway. MC ends up being pulled pretty far from the shore and when the brothers notice, they get worried about MC and try to come up with a plan to save them. However, Lucifer and Beel are already on their way, using some water scooters. MC is able to choose whose scooter they would like to climb onto and once they do, the brother whose scooter it is tells MC that they were worried about them. Lucifer then asks MC why they went swimming alone and MC says that it's because Lucifer and Beel wouldn't come hang out. Lucifer explains that while he appreciates that MC wants them to enjoy themselves, both of them were having fun in their own way. Beel agrees and tells MC that he was planning to hang out with them after lunch. Before the three of them return back to land, Lucifer suggests they take a ride with the scooters and Beel agrees.

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