Belphegor's Surprise Guest - All Heart Sequences

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Belphegor SG Icon.png

This Surprise Guest guide is a complete list of sequences of actions that earn hearts from Belphegor in both Obey Me! and Nightbringer with or without the use of Items. For a concise list of recommended sequences without using items, see Belphegor's Recommended Surprise Guest page.

For general information on Surprise Guest interactions, see the Surprise Guest category page.

With Items[edit]

All Sequences using Items are listed here in order of highest intimacy points increase to lowest.


3 Stars / B↑ Rank Standard Dialogue[edit]

OM: "Did you really think I'd lose?"

NB: "You want to hang out with me? All right, you got it."

Food (Standard)[edit]

Family Pack Sushi Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Arm Tap
Head Tap,
Face Rub,
Arm Tap
Family Pack Sushi
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Arm Tap
Family Pack SushiHead Rub
20 pts
40 pts
40 pts
Family Pack SushiHead RubHead Rub
40 pts
40 pts
40 pts

Medical (Standard)[edit]

Whip of Love Reward.png
Poison Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Whip of Love,
Head RubHead Rub
40 pts
40 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Arm Tap
Whip of Love,
Head Rub
20 pts
40 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Arm Tap
Head Tap,
Face Rub,
Arm Tap
Whip of Love,
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts

Presents (Standard)[edit]

Book Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
Movie Ticket Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕 (OM only)
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
BookHead RubHead Rub
40 pts
40 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Arm Tap
BookHead Rub
20 pts
40 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Arm Tap
(OM only)
Movie Ticket
Head Rub
20 pts
40 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Arm Tap
Head Tap,
Face Rub,
Arm Tap
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Arm Tap
BookFace Tap,
Face Rub
20 pts
40 pts
20 pts
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Arm Tap
Head Tap,
Face Rub,
Arm Tap
(OM only)
Movie Ticket
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Arm Tap
(OM only)
Movie Ticket
Face Tap,
Face Rub
20 pts
40 pts
20 pts
(OM only)
Movie Ticket
Head RubHead Rub
40 pts
40 pts
40 pts

3 Stars / B↑ Rank High Five Dialogue[edit]

OM: "We might be compatible."

NB: "All right... you want me to hold up my hand, right?"

Food (High Five)[edit]

Family Pack Sushi Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
High FiveFamily Pack SushiHead Rub,
Face Rub
20 pts
40 pts
40 pts
High FiveHead Rub,
Face Rub
Family Pack Sushi
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
High FiveFamily Pack SushiChest Rub,
Shake Device
20 pts
40 pts
20 pts

Medical (High Five)[edit]

Poison Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
High FivePoisonHead Rub
20 pts
40 pts
40 pts
High FiveHead Rub,
Face Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts

Presents (High Five)[edit]

Book Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
High FiveBookHead Rub,
Face Rub
20 pts
40 pts
40 pts
High FiveBookChest Rub,
Shake Device
20 pts
40 pts
20 pts
High FiveHead Rub,
Face Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts

1-2 Stars / C Rank Dialogue[edit]

OM: "This is nothing out of the ordinary."

NB: "Just so you know, if this turns out to be boring, I'm out of here."

Food (1-2 Stars/C Rank)[edit]

Family Pack Sushi Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Chest Rub
Family Pack SushiHead Rub
20 pts
40 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Chest Rub
Head Rub,
Chest Tap,
Arm Rub
Family Pack Sushi
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Family Pack Sushiplease addplease add
40 pts



Medical (1-2 Stars/C Rank)[edit]

Poison Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Chest Rub
PoisonHead Rub
20 pts
40 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Chest Rub
Head Rub,
Chest Tap,
Arm Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Poisonplease addplease add
40 pts



Presents (1-2 Stars/C Rank)[edit]

Book Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Chest Rub
BookHead Rub
20 pts
40 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Chest Rub
Head Rub,
Chest Tap,
Arm Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Bookplease addplease add
40 pts



Home Screen[edit]

Home Screen Dialogue 1[edit]

OM: "You're free, right? I know you are. Come shopping with me."

NB: "I guess I can hang out with you for just a little while."

Food (Home 1)[edit]

Family Pack Sushi Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Chest Rub
Family Pack SushiHead Rub
20 pts
40 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Chest Rub
Head Rub,
Chest Tap,
Arm Rub
Family Pack Sushi
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Chest Rub
Family Pack SushiArm Rub,
Chest Rub
20 pts
40 pts
20 pts
Family Pack SushiHead RubHead Rub
40 pts
40 pts
40 pts

Medical (Home 1)[edit]

Poison Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Chest Rub
PoisonHead Rub
20 pts
40 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Chest Rub
Head Rub,
Chest Tap,
Arm Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Poisonplease addplease add
40 pts



Presents (Home 1)[edit]

Book Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
Movie Ticket Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕 (OM only)
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Chest Rub
BookHead Rub
20 pts
40 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Chest Rub
(OM only)
Movie Ticket
Head Rub
20 pts
40 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Chest Rub
Head Rub,
Chest Tap,
Arm Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Bookplease addplease add
40 pts


Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Chest Rub
Head Rub,
Chest Tap,
Arm Rub
(OM only)
Movie Ticket
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
(OM only)
Movie Ticket
please addplease add
40 pts



Home Screen Dialogue 2[edit]

OM: "Were you watching me sleep?"

NB: "*yawn* ...You know, I'm already feeling pretty tired..."

Food (Home 2)[edit]

Family Pack Sushi Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head Rub,
Arm Tap,
Arm Rub
Family Pack SushiArm Rub
20 pts
40 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Arm Tap,
Arm Rub
Face Rub,
Arm Tap,
Chest Rub
Family Pack Sushi
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Arm Tap,
Arm Rub
Family Pack SushiHead Rub,
Arm Tap
20 pts
40 pts
20 pts
Family Pack SushiHead RubHead Rub
40 pts
20 pts
20 pts

Medical (Home 2)[edit]

Poison Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head Rub,
Arm Tap,
Arm Rub
PoisonArm Rub
20 pts
40 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Arm Tap,
Arm Rub
Face Rub,
Arm Tap,
Chest Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Poisonplease addplease add
40 pts



Presents (Home 2)[edit]

Book Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head Rub,
Arm Tap,
Arm Rub
BookArm Rub
20 pts
40 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Arm Tap,
Arm Rub
Face Rub,
Arm Tap,
Chest Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Bookplease addplease add
40 pts



Home Screen Dialogue 3[edit]

OM: "Why do I have spend this time with you?"

NB: "What? You're going to entertain me for a while?"

Food (Home 3)[edit]

Family Pack Sushi Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head Tap,
Chest Rub
Family Pack SushiHead Rub,
Face Rub
20 pts
40 pts
40 pts
Head Tap,
Chest Rub
Head Rub,
Face Rub
Family Pack Sushi
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Head Tap,
Chest Rub
Family Pack SushiChest Rub,
Arm Rub
20 pts
40 pts
20 pts
Family Pack Sushiplease addplease add
40 pts



Medical (Home 3)[edit]

Poison Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head Tap,
Chest Rub
PoisonHead Rub,
Face Rub
20 pts
40 pts
40 pts
Head Tap,
Chest Rub
Head Rub,
Face Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Poisonplease addplease add
40 pts



Presents (Home 3)[edit]

Book Reward.png
= Big Hearts 💕
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head Tap,
Chest Rub
BookHead Rub,
Face Rub
20 pts
40 pts
40 pts
Head Tap,
Chest Rub
Head Rub,
Face Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Bookplease addplease add
40 pts



Without Items[edit]

All Sequences that do not use Items are listed here in order of highest intimacy points increase to lowest.


3 Stars / B↑ Rank Standard Dialogue[edit]

OM: "Did you really think I'd lose?"

NB: "You want to hang out with me? All right, you got it."
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Arm Tap
Head Tap,
Face Rub,
Arm Tap
Head Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Arm Tap
Head Tap,
Face Rub,
Arm Tap
Face Tap,
Face Rub
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts

3 Stars / B↑ Rank High Five Dialogue[edit]

OM: "We might be compatible."

NB: "All right... you want me to hold up my hand, right?"
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
High FiveHead Rub,
Face Rub
Head Rub,
Face Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
High FiveHead Rub,
Face Rub
Chest Rub,
Shake Device
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts

1-2 Stars / C Rank Dialogue[edit]

OM: "This is nothing out of the ordinary."

NB: "Just so you know, if this turns out to be boring, I'm out of here."
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Chest Rub
Head Rub,
Chest Tap,
Arm Rub
Head Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts

Home Screen[edit]

Home Screen Dialogue 1[edit]

OM: "You're free, right? I know you are. Come shopping with me."

NB: "I guess I can hang out with you for just a little while."
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Chest Rub
Head Rub,
Chest Tap,
Arm Rub
Head Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Face Tap,
Chest Rub
Head Rub,
Chest Tap,
Arm Rub
Chest Rub,
Arm Rub
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts

Home Screen Dialogue 2[edit]

OM: "Were you watching me sleep?"

NB: "*yawn* ...You know, I'm already feeling pretty tired..."
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head Rub,
Arm Tap,
Arm Rub
Face Rub,
Chest Rub,
Arm Tap
Arm Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Head Rub,
Arm Tap,
Arm Rub
Face Rub,
Chest Rub,
Arm Tap
Head Rub,
Arm Tap
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts

Home Screen Dialogue 3[edit]

OM: "Why do I have spend this time with you?"

NB: "What? You're going to entertain me for a while?"
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Head Tap,
Chest Rub
Face Rub,
Head Rub
Head Rub,
Face Rub
20 pts
20 pts
40 pts
Head Tap,
Chest Rub
Face Rub,
Head Rub
Chest Rub,
Arm Rub
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
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