Belphegor's B's LOG Entries
This page has unofficial fan translations of all the B's LOG entries that feature Belphegor. For a list of all B's LOG issues that feature Obey Me! content, see the B's LOG Issues page.
February 2021 Issue[edit]
Devil Brothers Awareness Survey 7[edit]
Translated by: machine (please replace with a user translation)
Q1 Who would you confide a secret to?[edit]
Asmodeus: "It's surprising everyone voted for himself..."
Beelzebub: "I voted for Lucifer."
Asmodeus: "I know, Beel has always been a big brother's guy since he was an angel."
Voter | Who Voted For |
Lucifer | Lucifer |
Mammon | Mammon |
Leviathan | Leviathan |
Satan | Satan |
Asmodeus | Asmodeus |
Beelzebub | Lucifer |
Belphegor | Belphegor |
Q2 Who do you absolutely do not want your weaknesses exposed to?[edit]
Belphegor: "If Mammon find out my weakness, I'll lose everything I own."
Leviathan: "Lucifer and Satan would definitely vote for each other lol."
Voter | Who Voted For |
Lucifer | Satan |
Mammon | Lucifer |
Leviathan | Mammon |
Satan | Lucifer |
Asmodeus | Mammon |
Beelzebub | Mammon |
Belphegor | Mammon |
Q3 Who is best at fighting?[edit]
Mammon: "Depends on the time and the situation, doesn't it?"
Satan: "For hunger, Beel. For games, Levi. For power, Lucifer."
Voter | Who Voted For |
Lucifer | Lucifer |
Mammon | Mammon |
Leviathan | Lucifer |
Satan | Beelzebub |
Asmodeus | Lucifer |
Beelzebub | Lucifer |
Belphegor | Beelzebub |
Q4 If the last day of the Devildom comes, who is most likely to survive?[edit]
Lucifer: "Belphie might get through the final day because he was sleeping."
Mammon: "Then Levi probably wouldn't notice either since he's holed up in his room all the time, right?"
Voter | Who Voted For |
Lucifer | Belphegor |
Mammon | Leviathan |
Leviathan | Belphegor |
Satan | Lucifer |
Asmodeus | Lucifer |
Beelzebub | Leviathan |
Belphegor | Lucifer |
Q5 Who is the kindest?[edit]
Satan: "Asmo is the one who helps me with everything."
Beelzebub: "Lucifer is the one who supports us from the sidelines."
Voter | Who Voted For |
Lucifer | Beelzebub |
Mammon | Asmodeus |
Leviathan | Asmodeus |
Satan | Asmodeus |
Asmodeus | Lucifer |
Beelzebub | Lucifer |
Belphegor | Asmodeus |
Q6 Who would you go to a deserted island with?[edit]
Lucifer: "With Beel, most survival situations are okay. As long as we share food, that is."
Leviathan: "Who the hell is the idiot that voted for me, this otaku?"
Beelzebub: "Well, if we have Levi, we can summon Lotan and escape from the deserted island quickly."
Lucifer and Leviathan: "..."
Voter | Who Voted For |
Lucifer | Beelzebub |
Mammon | Beelzebub |
Leviathan | Beelzebub |
Satan | Beelzebub |
Asmodeus | Beelzebub |
Beelzebub | Leviathan |
Belphegor | Beelzebub |
Q7 Who is the most popular?[edit]
Belphegor: "I voted for Beel because I thought everyone except Levi would vote for himself."
Beelzebub: "I chose Belphegor, the most popular."
Voter | Who Voted For |
Lucifer | Lucifer |
Mammon | Mammon |
Leviathan | Lucifer |
Satan | Satan |
Asmodeus | Asmodeus |
Beelzebub | Belphegor |
Belphegor | Beelzebub |
Devil's Daily Life WATCH![edit]
Translated by: machine (please replace with a user translation)
- When should you post a photo?
- please add translation
"Tell Me! Everyone's SNS Situation" Q&A[edit]
Translated by: machine (please replace with a user translation)
- Are you the type to reply to messages right away?
- please add translation
- Which do you prefer, social media or face-to-face?
- please add translation
Obey Me! Boys Special Interview: Satoshi Onishi[edit]
Translated by: machine (please replace with a user translation)
- What is the appeal of Belphegor?
- Onishi: please add translation
- Are there any similarities you think you have with him?
- Onishi: please add translation
- Please tell us about a memorable episode that occurred during recording.
- Onishi: please add translation
April 2021 Issue[edit]
"The Best Gourmet Food in the Devildom" Q&A[edit]
Translated by: machine (please replace with a user translation)
Q1 What comes to mind when you think of party food?[edit]
- Mammon: please add translation
- Leviathan: please add translation
- Asmodeus: please add translation
- Beelzebub: please add translation
Q2 What are some trendy foods that are popular among young people?[edit]
- Satan: please add translation
- Asmodeus: please add translation
- Beelzebub: please add translation
- Belphegor: please add translation
Q3 What do you eat when you're sick?[edit]
- Lucifer: please add translation
- Mammon: please add translation
- Beelzebub: please add translation
- Belphegor: please add translation
Q4 Speaking of breakfast?[edit]
- Lucifer: please add translation
- Leviathan: please add translation
- Satan: please add translation
- Beelzebub: please add translation
Q5 What is your go-to for celebrations?[edit]
- Lucifer: please add translation
- Mammon: please add translation
- Beelzebub: please add translation
- Belphegor: please add translation
Q6 What is your go-to side dish for bento?[edit]
- Mammon: please add translation
- Leviathan: please add translation
- Asmodeus: please add translation
- Beelzebub: please add translation
Q7 What do you think of as "mother's cooking"?[edit]
- Satan: please add translation
- Asmodeus: please add translation
- Beelzebub: please add translation
- Belphegor: please add translation
November 2021 Issue[edit]
"After he took off his work suit" Q&A[edit]
Translated by: TBA
please add translation
"Demon Exchange Diary" Serial[edit]
Translated by: machine (please replace with a user translation)
Today's Events[edit]
please add translation
Brother News[edit]
please add translation
Time Schedule[edit]
- 7:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m.
- "I ask Beel to wake me up."
- 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.
- "I fell asleep again, so Beel wakes me up again."
- 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- "Nap at RAD."
- 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
- "Lucifer takes me shopping."
- 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
- "I'm tired, so I take a nap in the attic."
- 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
- "Dinner. I was satisfied with all my favorite foods."
- 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
- "I relax with MC in the planetarium."
- 9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
- "Take a bath. I fell asleep for a bit."
- 10:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m.
- "I fall asleep while Beel dries my hair."
February 2022 Issue[edit]
"The ultimate wooing king tournament" Special[edit]
Translated by: TBA
please add translation
May 2022 Issue[edit]
Devildom's Homework Survey[edit]
Translated by: Joye0627
Personal Survey[edit]
- What is your motto?
- "Children who sleep more grow faster."
- What is your daily routine?
- "Sleep."
- Where do you start washing in the bath?
- "My hair."
- "If I don't wash himself in order from the top, I get confused and forget what to wash."
- "My hair."
- What are your dreams for the future?
- "To travel around the Human World with Beelzebub and MC, all three of them."
- What if the Devildom disappeared tomorrow?
- "I would sleep first and think about it later."
Love Survey[edit]
- Confession is from myself.
- Yes / No / Other
- Has a want to "bind and monopolize their lover."
- Myself / My lover / Other
- Can get jealous.
- Yes / No / Other
- Relationship anniversaries and special dates.
- Cherished / Forgotten / Other
- Relationships with obstacles.
- Face with passion / Give up / Other
- Can't sleep thinking about your lover.
- Yes / No / Other
- Is unable to express his feelings openly.
- Yes / No / Other
June 2022 Issue[edit]
"How to do 'nice to meet you'" Q&A[edit]
Translated by: machine (please replace with a user translation)
- What do you pay attention to when talking to someone for the first time?
- please add translation
- Who is someone whose impression of them changed after meeting them for the first time?
- please add translation
- When you first meet someone, what makes you think "This person is wonderful" or "I want to be friends with them"?
- please add translation
- What do you do when a rift or disagreement occurs?
- please add translation
- Please tell us about an encounter you had recently.
- please add translation
November 2022 Issue[edit]
Makai borderline Survey[edit]
Translated by: TBA
- please add translation
December 2022 Issue[edit]
"The magic of his kiss" Q&A[edit]
Translated by: TBA
please add translation
February 2023 Issue[edit]
"Love game with a bad guy ♥" Q&A[edit]
Translated by: TBA
please add translation
April 2023 Issue[edit]
"Ultimate 1-day date plan ♡" Q&A[edit]
Translated by: TBA
please add translation
July 2023 Issue[edit]
Translated by: TBA
please add translation
Obey Me! Boys Special Interview 2023: Kazuya Yamashita[edit]
Translated by: TBA
please add translation
January 2024 Issue[edit]
"Autumn sentimental" Q&A[edit]
Translated by: TBA
please add translation
April 2024 Issue[edit]
"Tell me about yourself" profile[edit]
Translated by: TBA
please add translation
September 2024 Issue[edit]
"Midsummer GOSSIP" Q&A[edit]
Translated by: TBA
please add translation
April 2025 Issue[edit]
"Best in the Galaxy BIG LOVE" Q&A[edit]
Translated by: TBA
please add translation