Belphegor's Dialogues (Nightbringer)

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This page lists all dialogues spoken by Belphegor in Nightbringer during Surprise Guest interactions, on the Home Screen, and more! For all dialogues with associated voice clips in Majolish, titles and links to Belphegor's Majolish Voice Clips page are provided.

Title Screen[edit]

Translation of Belphegor's Title Screen dialogue.

  • "Obey Me! Nightbringer, my love for you transcends time." (Title 1)


Dialogues said during a battle in Ruri★Tunes. Character intros change based on the outfit worn during battle.

Battle Intros[edit]


  • "Fine..."
  • "Ugh, come on..." (Round Intro 1)
  • "What a hassle..."
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Uh... Well, nice to meet you."


  • "Checkmate."
  • "What a drag..."
  • "You're not going anywhere."
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Hmm..."


  • "There isn't a subject I've failed at."
  • "You can't beat me at seductive speechcraft."
  • "Curses are so easy!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "...Hmm?"


  • "Happy Halloween."
  • "Trick or treat!"
  • "Woah!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Want some candy?"


  • "Happy holidays."
  • "I'm Santa."
  • "Victory will be ours."
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Ho ho hoo."


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  • (With Ruri-chan) please add


  • "Let's just chill..."
  • "Feel the rhythm."
  • "That's the vibe."
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Life's better enjoyed."


  • "I won't let you get in the way of my sleep."
  • "I'll protect you."
  • "Justice will always prevail."
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Let's do our best in moderation."


  • "I'm a demon squid, I guess."
  • "Slime attack..."
  • "Watch out for the squid ink."
  • (With Ruri-chan) "The octopi look cool too."


  • "They say it's called the Festival of Eternal Bliss."
  • "Let's get fired up."
  • "Let's put some energy into this."
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Maybe I'll get serious for a bit."


  • "I'll give it some effort."
  • "Go easy on me, will you?"
  • "Cheer me on!"
  • (With Ruri-chan) "Let's do our best."

Battle Skills[edit]

Stage Boss[edit]

  • "Not my fault if you cry."
  • "Here I go."
  • "Let me finish this."
  • "Tsk..."

Surprise Guest[edit]

Dialogues said during Surprise Guest interactions when not using Items.

B↑ Rank Wins[edit]

  • "You want to hang out with me? All right, you got it."
  • "All want me to hold up my hand, right?"

C Rank Wins[edit]

  • "Just so you know, if this turns out to be boring, I'm out of here."

Home Screen[edit]

  • "I guess I can hang out with you for just a little while."
  • "*yawn* ...You know, I'm already feeling pretty tired..."
  • "What? You're going to entertain me for a while?"

Gifting the Player[edit]

  • "You know, picking out presents is surprisingly fun."
  • "Here, this is for you. What do you think...pretty great, huh?"


Heart Reactions[edit]

  • "I just can't say no to you when you look at me like that."
  • "...I don't know why, but I'm finding it really hard to stay calm. Every time you touch me, it's like my heart starts pounding."
  • "You think by running your hands over me, I'll warm up to you? ...Maybe I will, maybe I won't. I guess that depends on you."
  • "*yawn*... I love the way your hand feels. It puts me right to sleep..."
  • "Do you enjoy touching me? ...Because I enjoy it, too. Only when you do it, though."
  • "...I have to admit, this makes for a pretty good reward."
  • "I don't like it when anyone else does this to me. Only you."

Sparkle Reactions[edit]

  • "Aha... just going to touch me all you want, huh? Pretty gutsy of you..."
  • "*yawn*... I love the way your hand feels. It puts me right to sleep..."
  • "...If this is supposed to be my reward, you shouldn't have stopped there."
  • "What? Hey, was that you just now?"
  • "I'll go ahead and let you do this. Since it's you."
  • "Hehe, that feels nice. Do it again?"
  • "You think you can butter me up by doing this? Hehe... well, you're right."

Sweat Reactions[edit]

  • "Hey, you're not planning on stopping now, are you?"
  • "If you've really got nothing better to do, you should go bring me a pillow."
  • "...If this is supposed to be my reward, you shouldn't have stopped there."
  • "*sigh* All that work for nothing..."
  • "Do you understand what happens if you make me angry?"
  • "Meh, this is boring. Can't you do anything more interesting?"
  • "...zzz"


Perfect Sequence[edit]

  • "Listen, I'm feeling a lot more awake now. So I'd really like it if we could spend a little more time together."
  • "I can tell you had fun. It's written all over your face. ...Hehe, to tell the truth, I had just as much fun as you did."

Good Sequence[edit]

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Normal Sequence[edit]

  • "You know, you're cute when you're happy."
  • "*sigh* Well, that was a waste of time."

Bad Sequence[edit]

  • "Next time you feel like talking, you know where to find me."
  • "Are we done now? Great. Well, good night."

Using Items[edit]

Dialogues said during Surprise Guest interactions when Items are used (excluding Wanderers' Whereabouts).

Standard Items[edit]

Heart Reactions[edit]

  • “Huh, this was pretty thoughtful of you. Here, you can have some, too.”
  • “Anything you give me is automatically special. Because I know it means you’ve been thinking of me.”
  • "Thanks. I have to say, I really like this."
  • "...Thank you, I love it. I promise to take good care of this."

Sparkle Reactions[edit]

  • "Huh, this was pretty thoughtful of you. Here, you can have some, too."

Sweat Reactions[edit]

  • "Huh... Well, this is all right I guess."

Whip of Love[edit]

  • “It’s my turn next, right? Can I borrow that whip?”
  • "I didn't know you were into this sort of thing, but... Eh, as long as you're having fun, I don't have a problem with it."

In-game Apps[edit]

Dialogues said within various In-game Apps.


Selected for Home Screen[edit]

  • "Why me?"

Changing Outfits[edit]

  • "Hmmm... I don't really get it."
  • "Sure, why not?"
  • "Do I look okay...?"


Excellent Order[edit]

  • "Whoa! You made this?! It looks amazing!"

Very Good Order[edit]

  • "Wow, this looks yummy. I'll go tell Beel."

Good Order[edit]

  • "Thanks for bringing it all this way. I'll order something again, okay?"

Failed Order[edit]

  • "Oh, wow. You made this?"

Wanderers' Whereabouts[edit]

Gifting Items[edit]

  • "You're giving this to me? Hmm?"
  • "Is this from you? Hehe. I'm glad."
  • "Wow... Thank you!"

Player's Birthday[edit]

Dialogues said on the Player's Birthday. All Surprise Guest interactions result in Perfect Sequences during birthdays.

Birthday App Screen[edit]

  • "Congratulations. I hope we can make even more special memories."

Surprise Guest[edit]

Battle Wins/Home Screen[edit]

  • "Happy Birthday. I'll sleep next to you tonight. That way, you'll have good dreams."

Gifting the Player (said when gifting 30 Devil Points)[edit]

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Perfect Sequence[edit]

  • "Just for tonight, I think I'll go ahead and stay awake. I'm sure you know why without having to ask, right?"

His Birthday[edit]

Dialogues said on Belphegor's Birthday, including birthday login bonuses.

Home Screen[edit]

  • "Today's my birthday, right? I want a new pillow..."

Login Bonuses[edit]

2024 Login[edit]

  • "I hope today becomes a special memory for both of us."

Home Screen[edit]

Dialogues said on the Home Screen, both standard dialogues and those with unlocking requirements.

Standard Dialogues[edit]


  • "You came."

Player Returns[edit]

  • "Welcome back..."

He Returns[edit]

  • "I'm home..."

Touched by Player[edit]

  • "...What?"
  • "Hey... Stop that..."
  • "I'm feeling good today." (Very Happy)
  • "Hmhmhmhm...h-hm ♪"
  • "The birth flower for March 11 is the death meadowsweet. It means lovely and adorable."
  • "Fantasy movies are the best."
  • "I like winter. My blankets feel even more comfortable than usual."
  • "I like eating my pancakes with honey drizzled on top."
  • "Evil demons, be on alert, as I'll plant your rears in the dirt. Justice Flower."
  • "Calm the unease that gnaws at me and bring peace to my heart!"
  • "Are you being a good lamb?"
  • "Your soul shines like the stars in the sky."
  • "You really like my voice, right? It's plain as day."
  • "If the two of us lived together, we'd be able to sleep together morning, noon, and night, right?"
  • "You better finish this hell coffee I made you."
  • "Please will you stay by my side?"
  • "I love the midnight biscuits from Godevil Chocolatier."
  • "What is Luke's nickname anyway? Fido? Chihuahua?"
  • "Thank you for everything."
  • "You're a member of the Anti-Lucifer League, don't forget that."
  • "I'm rooting for you!"
  • "Little D. No. 7 is ALWAYS sleeping... Oh, wait, that's like me. Huh, guess he is my counterpart."
  • "Could you go shopping in my place? Woof ♪ ...Levi said that would work on you."
  • "Sometimes it seems like you're shining like a star, why is that?"
  • "Don't start thinking you'll be able to run away from me."
  • "It's just not the same without you."
  • "I love you, you know?"
  • "If you want me to do something, let me know."
  • "Levi said I had 'the makings of a yandere,' but what does that even mean?"
  • "I can't sleep soundly without you."
  • "You're doing so well."
  • "I'm not gonna let you look away right now."
  • "Whether I'm awake or asleep, I always end up thinking of you."
  • "You're really doing your best, huh?"
  • "I'm not jealous?"
  • "I've seen Mammon strung up so often that I'm starting to wonder if he's a chandelier."
  • "Don't bother saying you won't hang out with me, those words aren't in my dictionary."
  • "Could you say you love me?"
  • "I don't want you to keep anything from me."
  • "You were on Asmo's Fab Snap, so I made sure to save it."
  • "I saw Solomon talking with a magic cat called a meownderer the other day."
  • "Like my impression of Beel? 'I'm so hungry.'"
  • "I wonder if me and my bed will end up fusing."
  • "I won't let you run away. I think this is what they call fate."
  • "Are you not ready yet? I want you to hug me tight already."
  • "There, there."
  • "Don't let your guard down too much. ...If it's with me, it's okay though."
  • "Hey, I'm not getting enough of you. Take responsibility and stay with me forever."
  • "Make sure to get enough sleep."
  • "Hey, wanna take a nap with me?"
  • "You're making me blush..."
  • "Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?"
  • "You showed up in my dreams again. Today's dream...hehe, do you want to guess what it was?"
  • "Maybe you're the star that shines down on me."
  • "When you feel down, rest your head on me."

Idle Screen[edit]

  • "Hey."

Time of Day Interactions[edit]


(Dialogues between 5:00 - 12:00 local time.)

  • "*yawn*... I'm still sleepy."
  • "Morning... I'm still...sleepy..."

(Dialogues between 12:00 - 18:00 local time.)

  • "...I'm so sleepy after lunch."
  • "*yawn*... Time for an afternoon nap."

(Dialogues between 18:00 - 0:00 local time.)

  • "I just want to sleep at night..."
  • "*yawn*... Night..."

(Dialogues between 0:00 - 5:00 local time.)

  • "*yawn*... I can't believe that you can't sleep."
  • "*yawn* What time are you going to bed?"

Character Intros[edit]

  • "I hate Lucifer. He's always getting mad. And he treats me like a child."
  • "Mammon... He's a scumbag. But it's fun hanging out with him."
  • "Sometimes I read manga or play games with Levi."
  • "I have a feeling I'm going to get on with Satan. We have a common enemy."
  • "Asmo's kind. I always fall asleep when he does my nails."
  • "Beel's so reliable. I can't help behaving like a spoiled kid around him."
  • "Lord Diavolo...probably wouldn't get on with me. He gets along with Lucifer, though."
  • "Barbatos can be scary sometimes. It's like he sees through everything."
  • "Simeon's kind. I'm glad he came and not Raphael."
  • "Luke's been picking fights with my brothers since he began living with us."
  • "Solomon's so suspicious. You can't trust that guy."

Game Tips[edit]

  • "You've got mail, you know?"
  • "I get it. Checking To Do is a hassle..."
  • "I hear there's an event... Wanna go?"
  • "It's a drag, but you've gotta work if you want money."
  • "Shouldn't you check De-comm?"
  • "Why not get a new look in Majolish?"
  • "Akuzon's convenient, isn't it?"
  • "I hear you can strengthen cards in Contacts."
  • "Must play... Hana Ruri★Tunes... zzz..."
  • "Why don't you try summoning something with Nightmare?"
  • "Sounds like something happened."
  • "Someone uploaded a video."
  • "Are you checking Devilgram?"

App Deleted[edit]

  • "Ah... You deleted it."
  • "Here, I put it back for you."
  • "I'm not the one who's going to run into problems."

Unlockable Dialogues[edit]

Intimacy-Unlocked Dialogues[edit]

  • Lv. 5 "I've got lots to ask you today."
  • Lv. 10 "Welcome. I'm counting on you..."
  • Lv. 15 "Wait, you came to see me, didn't you?"
Player Returns[edit]
  • Lv. 5 "Can't you be quieter? You woke me up."
  • Lv. 10 "Hey, I was waiting for you..." (Welcome Back 3)
  • Lv. 15 "You're late… You shouldn't leave me alone for so long."
He Returns[edit]
  • Lv. 5 "Were you waiting for me? That's kind of cute." (Back Home 2)
  • Lv. 10 "Did you come to see me? It's written all over your face." (Back Home 3)
  • Lv. 15 "I came back in a hurry. I wanted to see your face." (Back Home 4)
Touched by Player[edit]
  • Lv. 5 "Are you messing with me?"
  • Lv. 10 "Don't you get sleepy?"
  • Lv. 15 "I wonder if Beel's hungry."
Idle Screen[edit]
  • Lv. 5 "I'm getting sleepy..."
  • Lv. 10 "Have you fallen asleep?"
  • Lv. 15 "Keep me company... How long are you planning on leaving me alone?"

Home+ Dialogues[edit]

Moving Pictures[edit]

Let Me Take Care of You (NB)[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
  • "I'm back with some vegetable soup for you."
  • "I'll help you eat."
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
  • "Huh? You're awake?"
  • "You should've woken me up..."
  • "Let me feel your forehead..."
  • "Good thing I was here to take care of you. I hope you're grateful."
  • "I would only ever do this for you."
  • "You'll have to make me something when you recover."
  • "I like you better when you're not feeling sick."
  • "...Hurry up and get better so I can have my turn."
  • "It's your job to spoil me, remember?"
  • "Feel free to ask me for anything, and I'll take care of it."
Secret Dream Study Sesh (NB)[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
  • "Isn't this new pillow nice? I think it's my new favorite."
  • "...I'm just kidding around. Can you see what's written on it?"
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
  • "This celestial sphere is used to find the constellations in the human world."
  • "I asked Lord Diavolo to make one for me. It's one of a kind."
  • "Hehe, were you surprised the constellations changed so suddenly?"
  • "This here can also show you constellations of the Devildom as well."
  • "Now we can look at all the stars we want together with this."
  • "We can teach each other about the ones that we don't recognize. Isn't that a great idea?"
  • "It's the constellation Gemini, right?"
  • "We gave you the twin stars, remember?"
  • "This constellation is yours as well."
  • "...I'm glad I was able to see this together with you."
The Ghostly Gift of Music (NB)[edit]
Standard Art[edit]
  • "Is it playing a Christmas song from the human world?"
  • "Hehe, that's not a bad tune."
Flower Unlocked Art[edit]
  • "Well, at least we've got a little time before we have to get up on stage."
  • "...But, would anyone really notice if we slipped out entirely?"
  • "...Oh, yeah?"
  • "It's weird how a few nice words from you can make me actually want to do something."
  • "For you, I'll sing the whole song. All the way through."
  • "So you don't get to skip out on this, either."
  • "Hehe, thanks."
  • "We should sing together like this, too."
  • "If I start to lose the melody, you'll get me back on track, right?"

Premium Pictures[edit]

Seventh-Born's Celebration![edit]
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Belphegor's Shower[edit]
  • "This feels so good..."
  • "Showers make me sleepy."
  • "Stop, that tickles!"
  • "You're so dirty."
  • "I know you wanna join me."
  • "Why are you blushing?"
Fluttering in the Night Wind[edit]
  • "You brought the next load. Thanks."
  • "What do you mean you want to touch the blanket and me to compare?"
  • "You're warm and cozy, just like a comfy blanket."
  • "The full laundry line is a pretty pleasant sight, don't you think?"
  • "You came. You'll help me out with this laundry, won't you?"
  • "Looks like these are almost dry."
A Vague Flame[edit]
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The Ultimate Hospitality[edit]
  • "This way, please... Hmm? We're heading to your room. You can leave the cuddling to me... just kidding."
  • "Master, if you touch me too much, I cannot be held responsible for what might happen. Let's save it for tonight, okay? Then I shall repay the favor in kind."
  • "Oh, having tea alone is boring? ...My apologies. Would you like me to join you?"
  • "You left your seat. Is something the matter? Did you want to get a closer look at me serving you? Heh, that's fine."
  • "Welcome back, Master. ...Oh? Are you blushing? How cute."
  • "I've been waiting for you. Your tea and nap are all set. Please, enjoy at your leisure."
The Other Me in the Water[edit]
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Naps Sure Are Great[edit]
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True Love on False Wings[edit]
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