A Kind Demon's Care - Devilgram

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Story Summary

Note: This Devilgram's story content is identical in both "Obey Me!" and "Nightbringer."

"Ginger makes you beautiful!"

Barbatos worries about MC, and calls them to the Demon Lord's Castle. He offers them tea with ginger in it, and tells them about the Devildom cold that has a few cases occur every year. MC either can ask what the symptoms would be if humans catch it, or tell him he should look out for himself, too. If they ask the first option, then Barbatos explains that it's quite the same as the one in the human world, and they should take precautions.

"I'll also be careful of my health."

Barbatos offers MC gingerbread cookies that he made, and asks them to take some home to the demon brothers. He asks them if they've ever had a cold, and they can answer yes or no. Barbatos then tells MC about the last time he came down with the Devildom cold a few hundred years ago. Lord Diavolo took care of him then, which he felt terrible about. The scene ends with Little D. No. 2 entering the room and collapsing from illness.

"I'll bring some pudding with..."

Little D. No. 2 is unwell, and Barbatos checks his forehead to find that he's running a fever. He decides it'd be for the best to carry Number 2 to his room, and asks MC to lead the way and open the doors for them. Number 2 falls asleep in Barbatos's arms, and MC has a choice. If they choose to wish that Number 2 said something sooner, Barbatos sympathizes with his unwillingness to admit he's fallen sick and show weakness. If MC notes that he trusts Barbatos, Barbatos replies that he's flattered that Number 2 came to him for help, and hopes that MC would also come to him if they're in need of care.

"Were they unwell?"

MC holds Little D. No. 2 while Barbatos examines him. If MC asks Barbatos if he's a doctor, he explains that he only has some basic knowledge in case of any health problem that might fall upon Diavolo. He then asks MC to watch over Number 2 while he prepares food and medicine for him. He comes back with the medicine and some apples. If MC chooses the medicine, he administers it to Number 2, then lets him rest in his bed. If MC chooses the apples, Barbatos feeds them the apples while Number 2 is asleep. MC soon falls asleep too, and when they wake up, they find that Number 2 has recovered. He thanks them for their care. After Number 2 leaves, Barbatos thanks MC as well, and invites them to dinner. They can either accept or return home. If MC stays, he asks if he can kiss them.

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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