A Little Growth - Devilgram

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A Little Growth Devilgram.png
A Little Growth
Intimacy: Belphegor Lv. 5
Card: A Little Growth
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(one vote)

Story Summary

"He fell asleep after all."

Beelzebub is looking for someone, and MC asks what he's doing. Beelzebub explains that he's looking for Belphegor, who disappeared after bringing in the dry sheets. MC can say they haven't seen him, or suggest that he's napping in his room. Beelzebub says he's checked there already, and asks MC to help look for Belphegor as their attendant. MC finds Belphegor napping in the planetarium, and they wake him up by shaking him or calling his name. Belphgegor agrees to wake up after MC insists, and he asks why MC was looking for him.

"He looks so comfortable."

Belphegor claims he's too tired after bringing in the laundry, and he wants to go back to sleep. MC tells him he has to finish his chores. Belphegor says the warm sheets are too comfy to resist, and offers to let MC join him. They can either agree, or refuse to be swayed. Belphegor says it was really his brothers' fault for giving him the chore, because they knew he couldn't make it all the way through. MC reassures Belphegor by saying he'll get used to it, or that he's good at this kind of thing. Beelzebub thanks MC for finding Belphegor, and offers to help carry the laundry when he wakes up.

"Belphie's doing his best!"

Back in the present timeline, Belphegor remembers it's his turn on laundry duty while he's chatting in MC's room. He asks MC for help, and they hang the sheets together outside. The nice weather starts to make Belphegor sleepy. MC can suggest a quick nap, but he decides to stay awake to finish the job. They realize they're out of clothespins, and MC can either go get them or stay and hang the last sheets. If MC goes inside, Lucifer asks if Belphegor is working hard, and he's happy that MC is supporting him. If they stay, Beelzebub says he's glad that Belphegor now enjoys chores when MC is around. Afterwards, Belphegor goes to clip the sheets in place.

"His brothers must be proud."

Suddenly, one of the clothespins bites Belphegor. MC can either use magic to stop them, or try talking to them. If MC tries talking, they learn that the clothespins are angry because they don't get used enough. After promising to use them more, the clothespins agree to behave. After the laundry is finished, Belphegor says that drying the linens isn't so bad when he thinks about how happy everyone will be with fresh sheets. Belphegor is sleepy after working hard, so MC suggests taking a nap. MC conjures a hammock using magic, and the two snuggle up together. Belphegor asks for one more reward, and MC can either hug or kiss him. If they kiss, Belphegor doesn't want to sleep anymore and asks for more.

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