An Invite From Satan - Devilgram

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An Invite From Satan Devilgram.png
An Invite From Satan
Intimacy: Satan Lv. 5
Card: An Invite From Satan
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(one vote)

Story Summary

"Wanderin' around is nice."

At an inn, Satan enters MC's suite and states that they'll be attending the town festival together. Satan recalls his brothers pestering him to bring someone along, so he eventually settled on MC's company. MC can either reluctantly accept or delightfully take up the invite. When MC meets Satan outside, they can either compliment or question his yukata. Satan will either be taken aback by their compliment and return the good will, or confidently recall his research from human world books and fix the collar of their yukata, respectively. Looking around the festival, Satan wonders about what festival activities they could participate in, and MC can either concur, or offer to be Satan's tour guide. Satan agrees to either idea, though cautions not to overexert themselves, and the duo go explore the festival.

"His competitive side is showing."

Satan and MC first visit a cotton candy stall, and Satan notes of the rare occurrence to spot human world ingredients in Devildom. He observes how other customers use a machine to shape their own cotton candy, and MC can either suggest making some together, or incite a contest between themselves. Satan will eventually advocate the latter option, and both competitors compete to make the best looking cotton candy. Depending on MC's final denomination toward their own cotton candy, will the results vary. If MC responds confidently, then they win the match, and Satan will become dumbfounded and demand multiple rematches - all which end in his loss. If MC responds unconfidently, then Satan will emerge victorious, and offer to help MC shape another piece of cotton candy. They walk to a secluded area to eat, and MC can either wait for Satan to feed them or take a large bite of cotton candy themselves. Satan will either indulge their request or wipe away excess sugar from their mouth, respectively.

"You all were worried, weren't..."

The duo spot a yo-yo fishing stall next and meet Mammon on the way, who makes a small comment about Satan attending the festival with MC. Mammon suggests a contest where the loser treats the winner to whatever they'd want and Satan confidently steps up to the challenge. To the side, Mammon asks MC to keep Satan calm if he becomes too frustrated while competing. At first, both players weren't successful at fishing up water balloons with the provided paper string. MC can comment about their progress, or jab at Mammon's earlier overconfidence. When Mammon nearly hooks a water balloon out of the water, MC can either cheer Satan on or pass a stronger, braided paper string to Satan, where either option results in Satan's victory and Mammon's complaint defeat. Satan asks for yakisoba as compensation, and after Mammon returns with portions for both MC and Satan, he waves goodbye with intentions to head toward the shooting gallery. The duo enjoy their food and Satan considers gifting leftover cotton candy to Mammon after the festival.

"It would be good for reading."

Satan and MC finish their yakisoba , and Satan suggests exploring a bit outside the festival since they've already visited all of the stalls. They come across a lone cherry blossom tree, to which Satan also comments on the rare, human world flora that was most likely imported for the festival. He reflects on the festivities being themed around the human world and admires the beauty of large, flowering tree and the secluded, surrounding scenery. Satan dreams of returning to the tree with MC in the future, and asks if MC would keep the location a secret between the both of them. MC can agree either with an oath or acknowledgement, and Satan will respond with gratitude and joy of their outing together. MC can either choose to hug or kiss Satan as the festival ends, where Satan will either admiringly embrace MC or reciprocate the kiss, respectively.

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