Easter Egg Panic! - Devilgram

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Easter Egg Panic! Devilgram.png
Easter Egg Panic!
Intimacy: Diavolo Lv. 5
Card: Easter Egg Panic!
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x8
(one vote)

Story Summary

"I want to eat some egg dis..."

MC arrives to the Demon Lord's Castle after being called there by Diavolo but finds him and Barbatos looking for something. Diavolo explains that he was trying out a Human World custom of painting eggs for holidays but he got over enthusiastic, multiplied the eggs but the spell accidentally gave them a mind of their own and they escaped. As he wants to cook the runaway eggs for dinner, he asks MC for help finding them.

"What are you even trying to do?"

While searching with MC's help, Diavolo apologises to MC for dragging them in the search and says he painted the eggs for MC. At first he was just curious about the tradition, but as he kept painting, he just couldn't help but want to show MC what he created. However, the eggs escaping were not the surprise he was planning. He spots three eggs and captures them - fortunately they're not damaged so they can still be cooked and served. They have different patterns in pastel colours. There's still plenty left though.

"The eggs are being strange."

Diavolo and MC arrive at the lake near the Demon Lord's Castle. Diavolo concludes that most eggs have been recovered. He spots another one and is happy that he found it because he painted it with bright colours and detailed patterns that reflected his impression of MC. Diavolo thinks it'll be a shame to break the egg open and decides to try to remove the yolk inside and preserve the shell. It is the last egg, so they can move to cook them, but then something happens to the egg.

"Don't show Beel."

The captured egg hatches in Diavolo's hands, and soon other eggs follow. The chicks start climbing onto Diavolo, but he's worried he'll end up squashing one, so he tries to get away. The chicks follow him, as they apparently assumed he's their mother. He's confused as the eggs were bought as unfertilised, so he suspects his spell to have caused them to hatch. MC teases him about his expression when he's handling the hatchlings and depending on choices, might kiss Diavolo. If they ask why he keeps hiding that tender expression from others, he explains that as a ruler he cannot show any weakness. Soon he decides he needs to inform Barbatos about it, but the butler arrives right away. He's baffled by the scale of the trouble but as Diavolo claims the problem is with what they will have for dinner, he agrees to buy more eggs.

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