I Want to Help You - Devilgram

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I Want to Help You Devilgram.png
I Want to Help You (OM)
Intimacy: Simeon Lv. 7
Card: I Want to Help You (OM)
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
I Want to Help You (NB) Devilgram.png
I Want to Help You (NB)
Intimacy: Simeon Lv. 5
Card: I Want to Help You (NB)
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(one vote)

Story Summary

Note: This Devilgram's story content is identical in both "Obey Me!" and "Nightbringer."

"Will eating this give us str..."

At the Patchwork Rabbit's cafe, Simeon is happy that business is slowing down after the lunch rush. Leviathan tells MC and Simeon that someone is complaining about the Wish-Granting Soup not working right. Simeon is lost in thought and takes a moment to get to their table. He then sends MC to the kitchen. Luke is concerned that Simeon is working himself too hard, so he asks MC to check on him. Outside the cafe, Simeon assures MC he's okay before deciding to confide in them about something.

"Unfamiliar stuff is difficult..."

Simeon admits that he's having trouble getting used to his high heels. MC can suggest trading shoes, modifying his heels with magic, or having Simeon work in the kitchen instead. But Simeon is having fun at his position, and he wants to wear the proper uniform the Patchwork Rabbit created like everyone else. Simeon is thankful that he opened up to MC, and MC assures Simeon that he can depend on them if things start getting tough. The two head back to continue their work.

"Holding back too much is..."

Simeon notices that today's lunch rush is busier than usual. He stumbles on his way to a table and hurts his foot, but Simeon assures MC that he's okay. Leviathan and Mammon are slacking off because Simeon is so good at waiting tables. MC can either tell them to take more orders, or take the orders themselves. After the lunch rush, Diavolo asks MC to accompany Simeon on his break. Leviathan and Mammon feel bad once they learn about Simeon's injury, and they agree. MC finds Simeon taking off his heels. Simeon says to himself that his feet hurt and they look red. Suddenly, he is surprised by something.

"What a wonderful sight..."

Simeon swears his shoes just glowed. MC approaches Simeon and can ask how he's doing, and Simeon invites MC to sit next to him. He tells them that his shoes feel different now, like he's walking on clouds. MC can either admit they cast the spell, or keep it a secret. Even if MC pretends like they didn't, Simeon admits that he knows it was them. Simeon thanks MC, but he still feels awkward walking in heels. MC says practicing will help, so the two go on a walk together. They find a path that leads to a field of flowers. Simeon gets an idea to cast a levitation spell that puts matching wings on their heels. He asks MC for their hand in a mid-air dance. Afterwards, MC can ask for a kiss or take a walk in the sky with him.

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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