Just Be Yourself! - Devilgram

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Just Be Yourself! Devilgram.png
Just Be Yourself!
Intimacy: Leviathan Lv. 5
Asmodeus Lv. 3
Barbatos Lv. 3
Card: Just Be Yourself!
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(one vote)

Story Summary

"Not very good at it."

During the filming of the animal movie, it's time for Asmodeus's and Leviathan's scene. Barbatos is in the scene as well and feels uneasy about it. When the filming starts, Diavolo immediately cuts the scene as Barbatos's acting is very stiff. Diavolo assigns the other two to teach him how to act and announces a break. Asmo asks if Barbatos is nervous, but Barbatos explains he has simply never acted before and doesn't know what to do. If MC is glad to see a new side of him, Levi agrees with them and claims that the imperfection makes Barbatos more approachable. Asmo however points out that a solution is needed.

"I can't wait to see what..."

Asmodeus suggests practicing one scene at a time. Barbatos still doesn't perform well. He expresses that he would rather support them from the sidelines rather than participate directly. Asmo, however, has an idea.

"That's Asmo for you!"

Asmodeus suggests that Barbatos might act better if he actually stopped trying to pretend to be someone else, but instead behaved like himself. Leviathan thinks it's a good idea, and if Diavolo won't approve of the script being slightly changed they can look for another option. Despite his reluctance to change the script, Barbatos thanks them for their help and agrees to try.

"Don't do that in my room."

After Leviathan finishes tweaking the script to fit Barbatos more, they want to practice, but the break is over. Barbatos is still worried if it will work, but tries anyway. After the scene ends, Diavolo is pleased with the effect. Barbatos is also glad but still apologizes for changing the script. Diavolo, however, reassures him it's no problem. Asmodeus and Levi congratulate Barbatos on the successful attempt and he thanks them for their help again. He starts thinking how to enrich his acting to behave more like the bat he's playing, but goes overboard by hanging from the ceiling. Levi and Asmo are confused by how he even did that.

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