Living the Dream - Devilgram

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Living the Dream Devilgram.png
Living the Dream
Intimacy: Leviathan Lv. 3
Card: Living the Dream
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x8
(0 votes)

Story Summary

"This is why I do..."

Leviathan is on his way home from RAD. He is feeling lethargic and blames school for it. Levi decides to stop by the arcade instead of going home when he sees something in a store — a signed copy of a DVD of a live performance of his favorite group Sucre Frenzy! It contains photos from the performance and he sees the store he is standing in in the background. Levi starts formulating a theory that his idols were just there, and gets very excited by that idea.

"Five seconds before I..."

A happy Leviathan is singing along to the DVD when he decides he wants to listen to it in a place with better sound quality, so he goes to the music room. Because of that, Asmodeus, Satan and Beelzebub can hear him from the dining room. Lucifer, having had enough of the noise, walks straight towards the music room to yell at Levi. Levi, realizing what is about to happen, flees back to his own room, dragging MC along with him. Beel, Asmo, and Satan see him run off with MC and comment on how irritated Lucifer is with the situation.

"Dancing does..."

In his room, Leviathan explains to MC that he took them with him for safety reasons since Lucifer would be less likely to follow him to his room and yell at him when MC is there. MC can react offendedly, indifferently, or say that they think Lucifer is nice, to which Levi responds that Lucifer is only nice to MC (and should be nicer to his own brothers). In any case, Levi decides he has to start watching the performance again and tells MC to film him when he is singing and dancing along with the DVD.

"He's so happy..."

Leviathan starts singing and dancing, but MC can't keep up with all the moves. He criticizes the video, and after another failed attempt, tells MC they should learn the song and the dance to know how to film it correctly. They start practicing and go back to the music room the next day to film the performance. Here Levi decides that MC should be in the video with him as well since MC already knows the whole routine now. Levi is satisfied with the result and starts dreaming about having his own act together with MC someday.

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