Royal Academy of Diavolo

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RAD Garden.png
Image source: Majolish RAD Garden
Location Name
Royal Academy of Diavolo
The Devildom
Location Type
Obey Me!
First Seen
Lesson 1-1
First Seen
Lesson 1-1
RAD Newspaper

The Royal Academy of Diavolo (commonly known as RAD) is a school for demons in the Devildom. The school - specifically the student council room - is the first location seen by MC in both Obey Me! and Nightbringer.


Diavolo stated in the Devilgram The Glory Days that the purpose of the school is to ensure "all who live in the Devildom are given an adequate education in order to have a healthy, well-ordered society." As shown in the same Devilgram, RAD was already in existence when Lucifer and his brothers were still angels.

Presumably, RAD is not the Devildom's only school. While Lucifer did mention that RAD typically allows students more freedom when "compared to other schools" in Lesson 2-4 (OM), he did not specify if these other schools are located in the Devildom or not.

In the chat A Little Wish, Diavolo confirmed that the campus is open to the general public of the Devildom, and not just students.

Students at RAD are given their own copies of the student handbook, as mentioned by Simeon in Lesson 73-4 (OM). One of the subjects covered in the handbook is an urging for students to "do nice things for others."

In the chat Noise Complaint 1, it is mentioned that RAD has a dedicated time for recess, although not all classes have recess at the same time. In the chat A Picnic Mood, Diavolo mentions "afternoon recess", which could mean that some classes have recess at a different time of day.

Satan mentioned in Lesson 77-7 (OM) that RAD has its own website, which includes an online bulletin board. RAD also has its own internet plan — the Special RAD Student Plan — as mentioned in the chat Beware of Sales.

Student Council[edit]

Since before MC's arrival to the Devildom in Obey Me!, RAD's student council has consisted of the seven demon brothers and Diavolo. As Barbatos also attends student council meetings and assists with council work, he may also be a student council member, though his status has not been explicitly stated.

It is traditional for any potential student council members to undergo a difficult trial before being accepted, as Diavolo explained in Lesson 62-19 (OM).

Members and Positions[edit]

This section may include spoilers.

President: Diavolo (Lesson 1-1 (OM))

Vice President: Lucifer (Lesson 1-1 (OM))

Secretary: Satan (Lesson 71-1 (OM))

Unknown Positions: Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, and MC

* MC officially became a member of RAD's student council in Lesson 80 (OM), and remains a council member after they returned to their own timeline in Lesson 41 (NB).

RAD Uniform[edit]

The RAD uniform is worn by all students attending the Royal Academy of Diavolo, with the exception of Celestial Realm exchange students.

The standard uniform consists of a charcoal grey jacket with a belt, a red half shoulder cape on the left side, a teal-colored dress shirt, charcoal-colored pants with red stripes along the sides, and charcoal grey leather shoes. The uniform has long sleeves with a quilted pattern and gold teardrop beads in the intersections. The buttons are also gold, as is the badge on the uniform's right side with RAD's initials.

With the introduction of Thirteen, it is shown that students may also wear shorts instead of pants. Thirteen's uniform jacket also has heart-shaped buttons, which differs from the round buttons all other students are shown to have. The heart-shapped buttons are also different in the fact that they are simply gold while the round buttons are embossed with a star-shaped pattern similar to the RAD logo.

Diavolo's uniform is unique compared to other RAD students. It is red instead of grey, the badge ribbon is blue rather than red, the cape is black instead of red, and his dress shirt is black instead of teal.

The dress code at RAD seems to be lax, for most students are allowed to wear accessories and make modifications to their uniform, such as wearing any tie they wish (or no tie at all), and having a tailored jacket. Students are also not shown to be penalized for wearing the uniform improperly, ie not buttoning their buttons or not having their belt buckled correctly.


Art Room[edit]

please add info including time when first seen.(source?)

AV Room[edit]

This room is normally kept locked. Belphegor once found a key to the AV Room as mentioned in the chat AV Room Key.


RAD Balcony.png
RAD Balcony.png

please add info including time when first seen.(source?)


RAD Cafeteria.png
RAD Cafeteria.png

RAD's cafeteria is one of the Jobs locations in Nightbringer. In Lesson 26 (OM), it was mentioned that Diavolo and Beelzebub planned to request new menu items at Hell's Kitchen similar to the Babel parfait, sparkling fresh bloody soda, and black potato tornado fries (all of which are sold at the Ghost Café in Devil's Coast). However, according to the chat New Menu Items Coming to RAD Cafeteria, these items ended up in RAD's cafeteria instead.

As implied in the chat Cafeteria Recommendations, the RAD cafeteria has a somewhat large menu, and students are allowed to get multiple dishes at once. Devil's Smile Pasta used to be served in the cafeteria, but was later been removed from the menu due to safety issues with humans.

Cafeteria menu items include:


RAD Classroom.png
RAD Classroom.png

There are likely various classrooms for different subjects, but the chat The RAD Cleanup Plan 5 implied that students also have a primary classroom. As seen pictured, at least some classrooms are lit solely by candles, and have chalkboards that some teachers are known to use, as mentioned in the Devilgram Levi Dreams of Sleep.

Some classrooms also have students seated at shared tables with bench-like seats. Said tables have quill pens and ink pots, and said quill pens also known to be used for homework sometimes, given the existence of the Student's Quill item in Wanderers' Whereabouts. However, it's unknown how commonly these quills are used by students, and there is evidence of other writing utensils used in class, such as MC having both a pencil case and eraser in the Devilgram Color Trouble.

Common Room[edit]

RAD Common Room.png
RAD Common Room.png

please add info including time when first seen.(source?)

Dance Hall[edit]

Dance Hall.png
Dance Hall.png

This room is also sometimes referred to as the ballroom. As seen in the Devilgram Seek a Melody, the dance hall contains a collection of records, as well as a turntable where students may freely listen to music.


RAD Lab.png
RAD Lab.png

RAD has a laboratory where students may mix potions. They are also one of the Jobs locations in Nightbringer.

Lab Classroom[edit]

RAD Lab Classroom.png
RAD Lab Classroom.png

please add info including time when first seen.(source?)


Castle of Knowledge.png
Castle of Knowledge.png

All of the books in RAD's library were personally chosen and purchased by Diavolo, as he told MC in the chat Diavolo's Top Book Recs. After Diavolo was made president of the student council, the collection of publications made outside the Devildom increased greatly, as noted in the Devilgram Learning Is Fun!.

Library's Restricted Section[edit]

Library's Restricted Section.png
Library's Restricted Section.png

please add info including time when first seen.(source?)

Music Room[edit]

While Simeon was relearning how to play the piano, he used the music room at RAD to practice between classes.(source?)

Newspaper Club Office[edit]

RAD Newspaper Club.png
RAD Newspaper Club.png

please add info including time when first seen.(source?)

Nurse's Office[edit]

The nurse's office was mentioned in the chat Where Is Belphie?, and Belphegor is known to sleep here sometimes.


RAD Pool.png
RAD Pool.png

RAD's pool is one of the Jobs locations in Nightbringer.

Staff Room[edit]

Barbatos mentions this room in the chat Barbatos's Ulterior Motive.

Store Room[edit]

Leviathan mentioned in the Devilgram Spread Our Wings and Fly that this room is full of centuries-old documents.

Student Council Room[edit]

RAD Council Room.png
RAD Council Room.png

The student council room - also referred to at times as the "assembly hall - is the first Devildom location seen by MC in Lesson 1-1 of both Obey Me! and Nightbringer. It is also one of the nine Jobs locations in Nightbringer for those with VIP memberships. MC described it as "a place that looks like a courtroom" in Lesson 1-1 (OM). The comparison is likely due to the enclosed, slightly elevated area where seven chairs sit facing outward, and behind them sits an even higher podium-looking area where Diavolo's chair resides.

Which seats exactly the seven brothers use in the council room remains uncertain for several reasons. In the actual games, the brothers are not shown sitting in any seats. While the brothers are shown sitting in the opening movie of Obey Me!, it's uncertain if their chosen seats are actually canon, as the council room itself is largely different between the opening movie and the games. Diavolo's seat, for example, is missing entirely in the opening movie.

On the wall behind these chairs hang seven banners, each depicting animals representing one of the seven brothers. From left to right - and from oldest to youngest brother - they show a peacock, crow, snake, unicorn, scorpion, fly, and cow. These banners were not present in Nightbringer's Main Story until Lesson 40.

Directly in front of the sectioned off seating is a long table, where presumably the student council members sit during proper council meetings, as opposed to where they likely sit when interacting with non-council members. Said table can be seen in use during one such meeting on page 26 of the manga Obey Me! Misadventures.

Lucifer mentioned in Lesson 77-19 (OM) that a powerful barrier protects the student council room, such that "only student council officers and those with special permission can set foot inside."


RAD Stage.png
RAD Stage.png

please add info including time when first seen.(source?)


Clock Tower[edit]

RAD Clock Tower.png
RAD Clock Tower.png

The clock tower is one of the Jobs locations in Nightbringer. While the tower is not located near the school gate, the tower is tall enough that when inside the tower, one can see the gate.(source?)


RAD Colosseum.png
RAD Colosseum.png

See the Colosseum page.


RAD Pool.png
RAD Pool.png

The courtyard is one of the Jobs locations in Nightbringer.


RAD Garden.png
RAD Garden.png

At least some of the flowers in this garden are known to be Mirage Flowers, as mentioned in the Pop Quiz Welcome to Hell's Garden.

Rear Garden[edit]

RAD Rear Garden.png
RAD Rear Garden.png

please add info including time when first seen.(source?)


RAD Greenhouse.png
RAD Greenhouse.png

please add info including time when first seen.(source?)



  • Alchemy Society
    • A club at RAD that is known to end up creating creatures through failed experiments. As mentioned in the chat Business Matters, there have been at least two incidents of this. In the last incident, the creature was sealed away and the Alchemy Society was billed for the cost of dealing with the creature and repairing the tower they destroyed.
  • Cat Club - as mentioned in the chat Suspicious Clubs, the proposal to make this club was rejected
  • Chess Club
  • Cosmetology Club - as mentioned in the chat Suspicious Clubs, the proposal to make this club was rejected
  • Drama Club
    • The RAD Drama Club was mentioned in the Devilgram Proud Brothers when Asmodeus claimed that he and his brothers were part of it. In that Devilgram he was lying but the brothers do end up putting on various plays as part of the Student Council.
  • Fangol - sports team
    • Beelzebub is part of this team and they have meetings regularly.
  • Horse-racing Study Group - as mentioned in the chat Suspicious Clubs, the proposal to make this club was rejected
  • Nap Club - as mentioned in the chat Suspicious Clubs, the proposal to make this club was rejected
  • RAD Newspaper Club
  • Robotics Club
    • In the chat One Hell of a Butler 3, it was said that some students built a robot Barbatos which may mean that RAD has a robotics club.
  • Society for Human Admirers - as mentioned in the chat How Things are Going at RAD, an application was sent in but the outcome is unknown

Annual Events[edit]

Bloody Moon Competition[edit]

As the brothers explained in Lesson 31-2 (OM), the bloody moon competition is a celebration held on the night the Devildom's moon turns red, also known as a bloody moon. The date for this competition varies, as a bloody moon cannot be predicted until shortly before it happens. During a bloody moon competition, the entire student body will decide who the most honored and respected demons are. It was originally a solemn sort of event, but recently turned into a popularity contest, where everyone votes on who they like best. As mentioned by Simeon in Lesson 32-8 (OM), only demons are allowed to cast votes for the competition.

Every year up to the start of Obey Me!'s Main Story, Diavolo and Lucifer had always taken first and second place respectively in this competition.

Devildom Felicity[edit]

An event first mentioned in Lesson 73-1 (OM), Devildom Felicity is all about "Going out of your way to do something nice for someone else." The RAD student council in particular are expected to set a good example by participating in the event. How they participate varies depending on which council member is in charge, which seems to be based on a rotation system starting from the oldest of the seven brothers to the youngest.

Monster Fair[edit]

The "Monster Fair" is an event similar to a pet show, as explained in the chat Spirit Week. People bring a monster to "show off," and the best one wins. The event is currently suspended, as was decided by the student council and mentioned in the chat Announcing Spirit Week. This is because the last time the event occurred, Leviathan wanted to participate with Lotan, but Lucifer didn't allow him to keep Lotan in the house. Instead, Leviathan released Lotan into the ocean by Siren Beach, which caused "great havoc and devastation among the human population." This is why RAD suspended that event afterwards.

RAD Gets Pranked[edit]

As mentioned in Lesson 80-6 (OM), "RAD Gets Pranked" is a special event where at the same time period once a year, one student is randomly selected to play a practical joke on all of RAD. The student chosen still has to get official permission first, and explain exactly what they're going to do and how.

RAD Spirit Week[edit]

A week-long event in which the whole school participates in. The purpose of the event is to unify the students for a common purpose, but according to Satan in the chat Spirit Week, the only thing they do is to dress up based on the theme of the day. As mentioned in said chat, some past themes included: Wedding Day, Hawaiian Day, Pajama Day, Pink Insanity Day, and Beach Day.

RAD Sports Festival[edit]

This event started in the Devilgram The Battle Between Demons. In the event, the students form groups of two based on assigned numbers. The first team to complete a lap around the academy wins one month's worth of free meal tickets for RAD's cafeteria. Obstacles are placed throughout the course to make it more challenging, and there are three trials to complete.

The first challenge is walking across a balance beam that has been enchanted to move as if it is alive. The second challenge is to go through a net that has been enchanted with a spell that makes the net wrap around you if you get stuck. The third and final challenge is a three-legged race around RAD. The rope used for this race ties itself to the teammates' ankles, and won't come off until they cross the finish line. It was also mentioned that the festival had to be redone after Beelzebub blew up the goal.

Speech Contest[edit]

In the chat Fed Up With Lucifer, Mephistopheles mentioned that Lucifer had won the school's speech contest "yet again." The chat did not mention the winning criteria or how frequently this contest is held, however.

Student Health and Safety[edit]

RAD has a physical fitness test that measures as well as ranks the physical abilities of students, as mentioned in the chat Down With Lucifer!. Only pure physical ability is measured, and the use of any magic is prohibited.

According to the chat Hellmouth 1, the student council is in charge of emergency drills on campus. An example of a drill that might occur, as mentioned in Hellmouth 2, is when a hellmouth opens, in which case the students are directed to exit campus.

In Lesson 40-1 (NB), Diavolo informed MC that the blackboards in the classrooms are enchanted so they are able to function as mirrors. This was Lucifer's idea, as he wanted to be able to see the whole classroom and better keep an eye on his brothers.

Exchange Program[edit]

RAD's exchange program was implemented as a "first step" towards the goal of strengthening the Devildom's relationship with both the Human World and the Celestial Realm, as Lucifer explained in Lesson 1-1 (OM). The first exchange students chosen for the exchange program were MC and Solomon from the Human World, and Luke, and Simeon from the Celestial Realm.

There were also two RAD students each who were said to be sent to both the Human World and Celestial Realm. The names of the demons sent to the Celestial Realm are unknown. Beelzebub stated in Lesson 5-4 (OM) that the demons who were chosen to be exchange students in the Human World were Diaval and Belphegor.

While Lucifer gave instructions only to MC in Lesson 1-1 (OM), presumably all four of the exchange students at RAD were expected to work on tasks received from the school, and at the end of the year write a paper about their time as a student in the Devildom. Presumably all exchange students were also gifted by the school a D.D.D. to use, as all four are shown to possess said D.D.D..

At some point after the initial year of the first exchange students had passed, Thirteen and Raphael were also accepted as RAD exchange students, as seen in Lesson 65 (OM).


As explained by Barbatos in Lesson 71-19 (OM), if a student skips a class or fails to do assignments, they will be given a one-hour after-school detention as a punishment. What students are told to do for that hour varies depending on the detention supervisor.

How detentions work at RAD has changed over time. Originally, detentions were meant to be overseen by either a teacher or student council member, or in some emergency cases were unsupervised, as seen in the Devilgram Meet Me After School when acting supervisor Lucifer had to leave suddenly. However, Barbatos explained that detention policies had to become more flexible after it became clear that some student council members (namely Mammon) were repeatedly finding themselves being the ones serving detention.

666 Mysteries of RAD[edit]

According to Mammon in the chat The 666 Mysteries of RAD 1, there are a whole bunch of weird rumors about RAD. Much like the 666 Mysteries of The Demon Lord's Castle mentioned in Lesson 22-A (NB), there are supposedly 666 "mysteries" related to RAD. Such rumors include:

  • The statue in the art room bleeds from its eyes.
  • Books fall from the shelves in the library when no one's around.
  • Anatomy models walk the corridors at night.
  • One can hear piano music coming from the music room late at night.
    • The rumor about the piano seems most prevalent, as it is also mentioned by Luke in the chat The RAD Cleanup Plan 5. He adds that the piano is rumored to swallow people during performances.
  • In the chat The Crying Ghost, Luke also mentions that there is a rumor of a ghost appearing behind the RAD building, and if one goes alone in the middle of the night, they can hear it crying.
  • Text will mysteriously disappear from reports and assignments, as happened in Lesson 72-14 (OM).

Bloody Box[edit]

See the Bloody Box item page.

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