Panic! At the Trap - Devilgram

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Panic! At the Trap Devilgram.png
Panic! At the Trap
Intimacy: Mammon Lv. 5
Card: Panic! At the Trap
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x8
(2 votes)

Story Summary

"No wonder the petrification..."

In the classroom, Mammon comes up to MC and asks them who they got as their target. In response to MC's confusion, he clarifies that he's talking about their assignment for curses and hexes class. The students have one hour to steal a card from their target with magic while also protecting their own card. Losers will be hit with a petrification spell. Mammon assures MC that they're not his target and that he will help them with the project. MC's target is Leviathan, so they go to find him. Mammon tries to tempt Levi with a Mikarun figure, but Levi tells Mammon he won't fall for it. However, Mammon then reveals that he stole said figure from Levi's room, so Levi gives up his card to get it back. MC reacts to Mammon's scheme and then he asks for their help with his target.

"The Festive Hell Hole look..."

During their search for Mammon's target, Mammon and MC end up in the Colosseum. Mammon spots some Grimm on the ground, but despite MC's warning, Mammon tries to pick it up and falls into a hole as soon as he does. Within the hole, Mammon is tangled in some rope. Thirteen appears, amused that Mammon has fallen into her trap. Mammon and Thirteen proceed to argue about the trap and Mammon attempts to pull Thirteen in with him, claiming that he took the bait on purpose. As it turns out, they are each other's targets.

"Counter Strikey-Wikey is f..."

Mammon manages to steal Thirteen's card, but finds that she's disappeared. Mammon and MC hear a growling sound. Thirteen reappears and tells them that they've triggered another trap. Thirteen's card was rigged to summon a monster if it was stolen from her. Mammon grabs MC's hand and runs off, leaving Thirteen behind.

"That's our Lucifer!"

Thirteen follows Mammon and MC out into the courtyard and notes that her monster is only chasing after the three of them. Mammon questions why Thirteen's own summon would be after her, but Thirteen doesn't know either. Thirteen also notices that the monster hasn't attacked them yet and wonders if it only wants to play. At the behest of either MC or Thirteen, Mammon approaches the monster but finds that it does not want to play. As the group discusses their options, Thirteen tells them that she has a net trap they can use to catch the monster. However, before they can set off the trap, Lucifer shows up. He manages to tame the monster and demands an explanation. However, Mammon runs away, taking Thirteen and MC with him.

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