Queen Rose
Queen Rose first appeared in the Pop Quiz Like a Dame. She is the queen of roses and "Diavolo's dear friend," as mentioned by Leviathan. A yearly banquet is thrown in her honor whenever she visits the Demon Lord's Castle, and up until the events of the mentioned Pop Quiz, both Diavolo and his chosen co-host would not just dress like, but also "act and speak like Dames" during her visit.
Diavolo didn't specify a reason, but he did mention in said Pop Quiz that this yearly event was "the only day we get to see Queen Rose." It is also unknown if she lives in the Devildom or elsewhere, or what her species is. She is known to be very beautiful, and also owns rose gardens that are used to produce a legendary perfume rumored to "ensnare the senses of whoever happens across its aroma."
Leviathan described Queen Rose as "an extremely noble and prideful queen" in the Pop Quiz Like a Dame. Until the events of said Pop Quiz, Queen Rose had a known dislike for demon men. When in her presence during the banquet thrown in her honor, said demon men dressed like Dames "so the queen [could] feel more at ease," according to Mammon. Diavolo also stated that angels and humans need not dress like Dames to be near Queen Rose, implying it was specifically demon men that Queen Rose had issue with.
She is known to show generosity to those she trusts, as at the end of the Like a Dame Pop Quiz, she gifted everyone who acted as her bodyguards a "super high-end rose serum" that moisturizes one's skin. She wished that they all would add this serum to their skincare routines.
Powers and Abilities[edit]
Queen Rose has been shown to possess magic, as she caused roses to rain down in the Princess Rose Pop Quiz. She was likely also the one who created an illusion of falling rose petals in the Like a Dame Pop Quiz.
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