This page links to all demon character pages and provides information on demons as a species, including pact information.
- Note: For a complete list of demon character pages, including Minor Characters, see the list below.
Species Overview[edit]
Demons are the primary inhabitants of the Devildom, and use magic in many aspects of their life. Satan mentioned in Lesson 30-1 (OM) that it is believed that demons derive their power from the Three-legged Crow, and have done so since ancient times. In the case of especially powerful demons, it's said that part of their power or essence can linger behind even after they died, as mentioned in the Pop Quiz Dark Eternal Bliss.
Demons can be classified into groups depending on their magical power. One such group is "lesser demons," and though it is implied such demons have less magical power than others, exactly what qualifies a demon as a lesser demon is unspecified.(source?) According to the Devilgram The Avatar of Pride, Lucifer and his brothers were under the impression that MC was a lesser demon during the timeline of Obey Me! Nightbringer. In the same Devilgram, Lucifer was surprised that a lesser demon like MC could translate an ancient Devildom script.
Barbatos mentioned a book titled "Reference Guide to Lesser Demons" in Lesson 72-19 (OM). According to Leviathan, the book covers "the sorts of demons who are easily fooled." In the event Happy Birthday! Dear Lucifer '21, Asmodeus admitted to using this book while picking up demons, which implies he has tried to date a lesser demon before.
A demon's size varies depending on what kind of demon it is. In the chat A New Hobby, Barbatos mentioned that there are specialty stores that sell household goods for tiny demons. It is also implied that the store itself is accessible to all sizes of demons. There is also an attraction at Devil's Coast built specifically for smaller-sized demons.
For specific information on unique abilities individual characters possess, please visit their character pages.
Life Span[edit]
Demons have very long lifespans, as the characters in Obey Me! and Nightbringer have lived for thousands of years. The seven brothers in particular are known to be at least a few thousand years old. However, demons are not immortal, and still able to die. This is alluded to in Lessons 35 and 36 (OM), given that the Reaper's Cave includes Life Candles for demons as well as humans. Demons may also be killed with certain magic items, as mentioned in Lesson 37 (OM), or a particularly potent poison, as mentioned by Lucifer. Specifically, Lucifer mentioned "a lethal poison from some horrific insect, aged a thousand years of maximum potency."
While some foods that demons eat are similar to Human World food, demons are also known to commonly eat things that are dangerous for humans to consume. A list of all Devildom foods can be found on the Devildom Food and Drink page. Some demons, however, are known to eat humans themselves, or at least almost certainly did so in the past. In Lesson 2-2 (OM), two demon students said they wanted to "devour the human before Beel does." Mammon also used eating MC as a threat in Lessons 2-12 and 3-2 (OM).
Aside from eating humans, demons are also known to want to "get their hands on [human] souls," as Lucifer stated in Lesson 1-3 (OM). It's possible demons have uses for human souls beyond consumption, though in the chat A Delectable Soul, Diavolo stated that some demons at a party had "complimented" MC for having a soul that was "highly attractive and delectable."
Physical Traits[edit]
In the Devilgram Seven Rulers of Hell (Lucifer), Lucifer explained that simply being a demon makes one more attractive to humans.
Demons seem to also have a resistance to heat, as Asmodeus referred to 400-degree Fahrenheit (204.444°C) water as "balmy" in the chat Let's Go to the Hot Springs. In the chat Hot Spring Survey, Satan was interested in visiting a 200-degree hot spring, although a temperature scale was not specified.
According to Belphegor in Lesson 56-3 (OM), bullets can't harm demons. He said in the same lesson that "demons can't be killed by human weapons." However, he doesn't go into details on why exactly that is.
While not all demons have wings, according to Issue 3 of the RAD Newspaper, those that do are capable of flying with them. However, they are "rarely seen using this ability" likely due to "other convenient methods of transport in the Devildom. Mammon mentioned in the Devilgram The Avatar of Greed that nowadays, manual flight is a travel method only "the old geezers" use due to being "old-fashioned."
Demons are also incredibly fast. In the Devilgram The Yakisoba Bread, Lucifer told MC "Do not underestimate the speed and power of a demon determined to win. If they were to collide with anyone, the impact would be something akin to being hit by a meteorite." In the Devilgram Test of Endurance, Satan was able to complete 500-meters of hurdles in 23 seconds, and Mammon was able to do it in 11 seconds. Beelzebub was able to complete this feat in 2 seconds. However, unlike his brothers, he did not jump over the hurdles, and instead ran straight through. In the same Devilgram, Satan, Mammon, and Asmodeus were able to run all the way around the House of Lamentation in less than five minutes.
Exhaustion and Headaches[edit]
According to Lucifer in the Devilgram To Dreamland, Demons cannot die from lack of sleep. However, demons do still become tired, and even experience exhaustion in a very similar way to humans. In the chat Satan at His Limit, after not sleeping for three days, Satan was so tired that he mistook a black garbage bag for a cat. In the Devilgram Insomnious Lucifer, Lucifer was so tired that he dozed off in the middle of a meeting right in front of Lord Diavolo. This implies even very powerful demons may still succumb to symptoms of exhaustion.
In addition to exhaustion, Demons are also subject to other mundane issues, such as headaches. As mentioned by Belphegor in Lesson 37-1 (OM), Lucifer is prone to having frequent headaches. This is presumably due both to working himself too hard, and his constant frustrations with having to deal with his brothers' antics.
As mentioned in the chat The Cavity of Mortal Agony, demons can get cavities if they do not brush their teeth properly, just like humans can. In the aforementioned chat, Lucifer specifically mentions that "Cavities of Mortal Agony" are "known and feared by many." In the chat A Specialist to the Rescue, Lucifer was looking for a good dentist who could treat Satan's cavity. It was not specifically stated if only certain dentists are able to provide treatment for such a cavity, or if Lucifer just has a certain standard of care he wants his family to receive, but Diavolo was able to recommend a specialist.
Devildom Cold[edit]
Although Mammon mentioned in the Devilgram Halloween and Sick that it's rare for demons to get sick, they are still capable of falling ill, and in particular are susceptible to an illness known as the Devildom cold. As explained by Barbatos in the Devilgram A Kind Demon's Care, the Devildom cold is similar to the common cold in the Human World. It is a common sickness, with cases appearing among Devildom residents around the same time yearly. Humans are also able to catch the Devildom cold, as seen in the Devilgram Let Me Take Care of You.
Another virus that can affect demons is "vampiritis," as seen in the Pop Quiz The Vampire Special. Vampiritis - also called a "vampiric cold" - is a virus originating from a pathogen found in vampire territory that can temporarily transform someone into a vampire. As mentioned in the Devilgram A Raging Fever, the virus behaves similarly to a cold, as burning through it with a fever can cure it more quickly. The virus accumulates in plant matter as well as the air, and is highly contagious. It is possible for a storm filled with the virus to manifest, which seeks out powerful targets to infect.
Those affected by vampiritis grow fangs and experience an extreme thirst to drink blood, just like true vampires do. Vampirization causes demons to transform into their demon forms, though Lucifer and Diavolo were able to resist this change for a while due to their power. Vampiritis amplifies a demon's magic power to the point where they can resist pact commands. It also heightens a demon's base desires, causing feelings of possessiveness towards the one whose blood they crave.
While highly unpleasant, smelling or ingesting death-warmed-over-garlic can alleviate the symptoms of vampiritis. Tea made with crimson dogwood and hellfire rose can also be used to enhance a demon's abilities and suppress their vampiric abilities.
Mental and Magical Traits[edit]
Demons have the ability to use magic and cast spells. Some of these spells are Curses and Hexes, which is also a class taught at RAD, as mentioned in the chat Help! 1. Demons may use spells in their daily life, such as to keep the lights on in the case of a power outage, as mentioned in the chat Unexpected Uses, although Mammon said this was draining. Spells are often also part of Devildom recipes, as mentioned by Beelzebub in the Devilgram Cooking on a Rainy Day. In the Pop Quiz Sun, Sea, and Demons, Satan explained that while demons are able to channel enough energy to cook meat, it is not a very efficient method.
As shown in Lesson 11 (OM), demons also possess the ability to manipulate humans. Satan compares this ability to a form of hypnosis. When they use this ability in the lesson, the demon commands the human to do something and the human will obey. Lucifer also mentioned that demons are forbidden from using this ability on RAD's exchange students, per the orders of Diavolo. Asmodeus's seduction is a more powerful version of this ability.
Demons may also manipulate humans through seductive speechcraft. This is a class that is taught at RAD, and covers techniques for seducing and ultimately corrupting humans. According to Satan in Lesson 29 (OM), a common method starts with the demon offering a friendly smile in order to convince the human that they mean no harm, even though they absolutely mean them harm. The demon should also inform the human that they are a demon sooner rather than later to build trust, which is needed later on. The demon may then offer to fulfill the human's deepest desire in exchange for the one thing most dear to them in this world, which is presumably the human's soul.
According to Diavolo in the Devilgram Devilgram The Seven Apples, a demon's greatest tool is their instincts.
Demons also have the ability to transform themselves. Demons are known to have two forms: a humanoid form, and a demon form. Said demon form is sometimes also called their "true form," as seen in Lesson 6-4 (OM). All demons have horns in their demon form, and they may also have either wings or a tail. As mentioned in Issue 3 of RAD News, if a demon has wings, they do have the ability to fly, but this ability is rarely utilized. Demons also have different markings on their bodies that are known as birthmarks, as Issue 2 of RAD Newspaper explained. The location and visibility of these markings varies from demon to demon.
Demons may transform between their human form and demon form either voluntarily or involuntarily. Voluntary transformations to one's demon form is often expected for formal events or parties. Examples of this behavior occur in the Pop Quiz Dark Santa, Lesson 8 (OM), Lesson 18 (OM), and the Pop Quiz The Three Worlds Festival. Beelzebub mentioned that this is RAD tradition in the Devilgram Our Sweet Time Together. While the brothers celebrated Diavolo's birthday in their demon forms during Lesson 18 (OM), it was mentioned in the Pop Quiz A Devildom Halloween, that historically Diavolo's birthday was a black tie event. This may indicate that a demon's true form is traditionally semi-formal, as in the aforementioned Pop Quiz, Satan mentioned that VIPs from all over the Devildom would attend Diavolo's birthday party, and they worried about offending them when drawing up the dress code.
Demons may involuntarily transform in response to strong emotions. Usually, this occurs when the demon is angry or threatened, but may also occur as a result of excitement, as shown in the Pop Quiz Ruri-chan Is My Bae. Demons may also transform out of demon form voluntarily, but it was shown in the Devilgram Levi Dreams of Sleep that MC is capable of forcing them to transform by using their pact.
Demons have a very difficult time resisting temptation. In Lesson 4-10 (OM), Lucifer stated that "When there's something that we really want staring us in the face, we have to have it. That's simply how we are." This was why, when he accepted the TSL Soundtrack that MC loaned to him in this lesson, he explained that he would feel compelled to listen to the soundtrack all night, and so be unable to leave his room. This phenomenon also occurred in Lesson 21 (OM), when the brothers experienced the effects of Gold Hellfire Newt Syrup.
In Lesson 35 (OM), the brothers fell victim to the song of a siren, which causes the listener to experience a powerful desire for water, usually resulting in the listener drowning themselves. In the same lesson, most of the brothers failed to resist temptation when they visited the Reaper's Cave, and fell victim to the different levels' traps. Satan also mentioned in Lesson 43-A (OM) that "when you tell a demon not to do something, what he hears is that he has to do it."
It is possible, however, at least for some demons to resist temptation, as Lucifer did not fall victim to any of the cave's traps in Lesson 35 (OM). Leviathan was also able to resist temptation in the Devilgram The Battle Between Demons.
As alluded to in various chats, it seems that at least most demons do not possess the ability to use healing magic. For example, in the chat First Aid for Beel, Beelzebub asked MC to bring him bandages and an antiseptic solution to treat his injuries. In the chat Gamer Levi's Incurable Illness, Leviathan was looking for a first aid kit to treat his tendonitis. The first aid kit in question was already being used by Satan to help Belphegor. In the Devilgram Colorful Panic, when MC hurts their leg, Lucifer brought them to the first aid station where Simeon bandaged them.
However, there are at least some highly powerful demons capable of at least minor healing magic. In the Devilgram Post-Date Party, Diavolo was able to heal a minor injury, as was Lucifer in the date Lucifer Love.
The concept of making a pact with a demon was first brought up by Leviathan in Lesson 1-15 (OM). Pacts are a kind of binding agreement where a demon allows a human to summon them, give them orders, and to command said demon's powers. In return, the human typically offers their soul to the demon, but Leviathan stated that isn't always necessary. Of course the human is expected to offer something of value in exchange to convince the demon that forging a pact is worth it to them.
While MC made their pacts via direct encounter in the Devildom, the typical way a pact is forged involves performing a ceremony in the Human World to summon the demon, as Solomon explained in Lesson 39-13 (OM). In the Devilgram For You..., Satan claimed that humans who summon demons typically desire things like riches, social status, putting a human they fancy under a spell, or killing someone.
According to Solomon in Lesson 7-14 (OM), "If you have a pact with a demon, you can call them to your side whenever you want." Doing so requires the use of a summoning spell, and the wording of the spell Solomon used in the same lesson to summon Asmodeus — which MC later uses as well in Lesson 8-13 (OM) — is as follows:
- "Hear me, denizens of the darkness, you who are born of shadow and you who give birth to it. Hear me and do as I command! I, Solomon, call upon you to send forth one of your number! I summon the Avatar of Lust, Asmodeus!"
Solomon also stated in Lesson 39-13 (OM) that after a pact is forged, the demon sometimes chooses to give the human "something that is dear to them." The gift acts as a "permit" that allows the demon to be summoned across worlds at any time. These gifts are symbolic, and do not have to be physical objects, as evidenced by several of the pact gifts given to MC by the demon brothers in Lessons 39 and 40 (OM). Because the demon can choose to gift this "permit," they can also choose not to. This presumably means the human member of a pact would only be able to summon their demon partner whenever they wanted to if said demon willingly gave them permission to do so.
Having a pact with a demon is not enough on its own to either summon said demon or command that demon's powers. It also requires the human to both possess magic and have that magic manifest itself, as explained by Solomon in Lesson 8-8 (OM). Humans appear to be the only race that can form pacts with demons, as there is no known case of a non-human having a pact with a demon. MC, Solomon, and several unnamed witches are just a few of the mentioned humans to have pacts with a demon or several.
It was demonstrated in Lesson 36-9 (NB) that it is possible to prevent a human from summoning a demon they have a pact with, though the specifics on how were not stated.
As stated by Diavolo in Lesson 37-9 (OM), if a demon's pact with a person is broken, it is permanent. It is not possible to make a pact with the same human twice.
Known Types of Demon[edit]

A kind of demon presumably known for their seductive powers.
Source/sDevilgram In Search of a Smile
Little D.
See the Little D.'s character page.
Night Lantern People
See the Night Lantern People character page.
A kind of demon presumably known for their seductive powers. Asmodeus is known to enjoy partying with them.
Source/sDevilgram Popular with the Ladies, Limited item dialogue Valentine's Fair, Birthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Lucifer
Sneeze Demon
A demon that causes other demons around it to sneeze uncontrollably. It has no effect on humans. This demon is so small it cannot be seen with the naked eye, and the best way to be rid of it is to clean.
Source/sDevilgram Dust-Fighting Demon; Chat Lucifer's Just Deserts 1
Sweet Devil
A thumb-sized demon. They can produce a special powder that makes anything delicious, no matter how bad the original item tastes. However, this effect only applies to sweets. They understand spoken language, but cannot speak themselves. They are also able to fly.
Source/sBirthday Events Beel and Belphie (2021), Luke (2022); Chats Tiny Devil Sighting 1 and 2
Unnamed Demon 1
Demons the size of ants whose behavior is also similar to ants, in that they are known to work together to carry off food to their home. They are able to speak and understand language. Some of these demons currently reside at RAD, living in a miniature garden diorama that was built by Luke, Satan, and MC.
Source/sBirthday Event Luke (2022); Devilgram A Slice of Paradise
Unnamed Demon 2
A variety of lesser demon that enjoys pranking others, especially by taking important information and hiding it. They have little magical power, which makes it difficult to sense their presence.
Source/sLesson 72-19 (OM)
Unnamed Demon 3
A type of lesser demon detailed in the book "A Reference Guide to Lesser Demons." They are small and transparent, and fond of stealing others' treasured belongings. Any items they carry will appear to be floating in midair. They are unable to move very far from the location they first appear.
Source/sBirthday Event Happy Birthday! Dear Lucifer '21
Pages in category "Demons"
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