The Yukata We Made - Devilgram

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Story Summary

Note: This Devilgram's story content is identical in both "Obey Me!" and "Nightbringer."

"How about trying on a yukata..."

At RAD, MC is rushing out of the classroom and Beelzebub stops them to ask where they're going. They tell him about the upcoming yukata fashion show in Moryo Town. Beelzebub is interested in the show as well and asks MC if they want to go see it. MC wants to enter the yukata-making competition with him and he is unsure, given the fact that they're short on time and he isn't particularly talented at crafts. However, MC is able to convince him, so they fill out the entry form together.

"Being told to think freely is..."

In MC's room at the House of Lamentation, they are deciding on how to design the yukata. MC suggests that they design one for the other, which Beelzebub is intrigued by. However, he mentions that MC looks good in almost anything which makes it difficult to settle on a design for them. MC can ask him for a cool-looking yukata or a cute yukata, both of which are ideas he takes well to. They can also ask for a sexy yukata, which perplexes him.

Sometime later, their yukata designs are finished and it is time to actually make them. They already have a stencil, so they go to a crafts store to look for fabric and thread. While in the store, they hear an explosion.

"To be chosen by the fabric is so..."

One of the fabrics had burst into flames and the store manager explains that the fabric did that to avoid being sold to a customer it didn't like. MC can either use water magic on the fabric or persuade it to stop. Once the fire is out, Beelzebub notices that the fabric would work well for MC's yukata, and to their relief, the fabric does not burst into flames again.

After the two are finished shopping, they return to the House of Lamentation to begin sewing. Beel notices that his thread is becoming transparent, so MC can offer him some of theirs or suggest using magic on it. Eventually, Beelzebub notices it's getting late and suggests that they find a good place to call it for the night.

"I can't believe this is hand..."

MC and Beelzebub finally finish making their yukata the day before the show. During the show, MC and Beel compliment each other's yukata and walk together on the runway. Beelzebub is pleased when the judges announce that he and MC won and they go up to collect their prize.

Then Beel asks MC what they want to do next. MC can suggest going on a date or to an all-you-can-eat-buffet, and Beelzebub happily agrees to either idea. If MC tried to ask him on a date, they immediately get swarmed, so Beelzebub takes MC somewhere private. Now that they're alone, MC has the option to hold his hand or kiss him, or they can watch the stars together.

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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