Wishes Take Flight - Devilgram

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Wishes Take Flight Devilgram.png
Wishes Take Flight (OM)
Intimacy: Not required
Card: Wishes Take Flight (OM)
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x8
Wishes Take Flight (NB) Devilgram.png
Wishes Take Flight (NB)
Intimacy: Not required
Card: Wishes Take Flight (NB)
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x8
(one vote)

Story Summary

Note: This Devilgram's story content is identical in both "Obey Me!" and "Nightbringer."

"Is there any food to win?"

MC finds Thirteen muttering to herself while looking at a poster, and they can either scare Thirteen or ask about the poster to get her attention. After their greeting, Thirteen informs MC about the competition named the "High-Flying Somber Ball Contest," where competitors race to catch the highest flying somber ball in the arena to win. The competition is being sponsored by the Black Cat Market, and the winner receives a stash of magical tools from all the shops in the area. Thirteen speculates that the grand prize would be useful for making traps, and she asks MC for their cooperation. MC can either accept under condition for a future favor, or confidently announce that they'll crush the competition. Either option leads to MC agreeing to participate in the Somber Ball competition alongside Thirteen.

"It will be quite a large eve..."

At RAD, MC meets with Mephistopheles to talk about the High-Flying Somber Ball Contest. As the RAD student body is also partly involved in the event, Mephistopheles plans to write and report about the competition as part of the Newspaper Club. He asks for MC's assistance in documenting the High-Flying Somber Ball Contest, and MC can either agree to assist Mephistopheles, to which Mephistopheles will thank them for their cooperation, or clarify that they've already signed up as a competitor, to which Mephistopheles will acknowledge as a benefit to reporting the event more accurately. Ultimately, MC collaborates with Mephistopheles to create the upcoming newspaper feature.

"You went out together?!"

MC and Mephistopheles visit the location where the competition prizes. He plans on printing a short newspaper feature about the prizes, so they pursue the selection. MC can either point out a chitter-chatter cadaver, a semi-sentient skeleton commonly kept as a house attendant, or a secret café menu, which lists menu items usually unlisted to the public, amongst the collection of items. Mephistopheles notices an assortment of antique toys that his younger brother would take interest in, and MC can either promise to give the toys to Mephistopheles if they win the antiques, to which Mephistopheles will thank them for their consideration, or invite Mephistopheles to try the secret café menu together, to which Mephistopheles will accept their offer and regard the outing as a celebration for the Somber Ball Contest article's successful publishing.

"That's so amazingly cool!"

As the competition begins, Mephistopheles wishes MC good luck as he goes to gather information from the crowds at the event. MC then meets Thirteen and they take their positions for the match. Later, Thirteen is eliminated from the finals, and she roots for MC to win during intermission. Resolute, MC will dedicate their win to Thirteen as they enter the final match and snatch the highest flying Somber Ball, claiming victory. Afterward, when MC gifts the competition prizes to Thirteen, Thirteen tells them to look forward to her latest contraption. Thirteen reflects on their experience competing in the High-Flying Somber Ball Contest, and declares that in another similar competitive event shows itself, she'll be obligated to bring MC to participate with her.

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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