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Image source: Lesson 63-1 (OM)


Mephistopheles (メフィストフェレス)


former President of the RAD Newspaper Club







November 11


Devildom Birth Flower

please add

Voice Actor

Takemasa Kamitani

"Mephistopheles used to be the leader of the RAD Newspaper Club, but got demoted by Lucifer after creating the Prince Lucifer and Princess Diavolo stickers. He doesn't like how Diavolo gets chummy with ex-angel Lucifer."

— Mephistopheles's Introduction video

Mephistopheles is a demon whose first appearance in Obey Me!'s Main Story was in Lesson 63-1, though he was mentioned much earlier in the chat The Popularity Contest. His first appearance in Nightbringer's Main Story was Lesson 13-8. He is a dedicated member of the RAD Newspaper Club, and is considered a side character in both Obey Me! and Nightbringer, meaning that he is not currently included in either game's Intimacy system.


Mephistopheles has deep magenta hair that is parted on the left side, and black eyebrows. Unlike most other characters, Mephistopheles's eyebrows do not match his hair color. As shown in the card art for Bragging Rights and Demon King Who?, as well as in his sprite, the hair on the back of Mephistopheles's head is black. It is currently unknown if this is his natural coloring or if he dyes his hair. He and Thirteen are the only two characters whose eyebrow color do not match the hair color on the top of their head.

He has tawny brown skin, and his eyes are a gradient of pear green and chartreuse. He's almost always seen wearing a pair of white gloves. When without them — as in the card art for The Dancing Creature — it can be seen that his nails are painted a similar magenta color to his hair.

RAD Uniform

Mephistopheles RAD Uniform full.png

Mephistopheles's RAD Uniform is the typical charcoal grey jacket with gold accents, but tailored slightly different such that it does not fully wrap around his hips. He still wears the matching charcoal-colored pants with red stripes along the sides, but instead of a single red-bordered belt, he has one such belt around his waist, and another looped at a diagonal angle holding a black cane with a decorative silver handle on his right side. Both belts also have silver buckles instead of the standard gold.

He wears the standard teal shirt beneath his jacket paired with a black and gold patterned ascot tie and a decorative pacific blue and gold tie pin. Similar to Satan's uniform, Mephistopheles's shoulder cape — while being the typical red — is much longer than standard, reaching at least to his waist. He also wears a pair of white gloves.
Mephistopheles RAD Uniform full.png

Mephistopheles's RAD Uniform is the typical charcoal grey jacket with gold accents, but tailored slightly different such that it does not fully wrap around his hips. He still wears the matching charcoal-colored pants with red stripes along the sides, but instead of a single red-bordered belt, he has one such belt around his waist, and another looped at a diagonal angle holding a black cane with a decorative silver handle on his right side. Both belts also have silver buckles instead of the standard gold.

He wears the standard teal shirt beneath his jacket paired with a black and gold patterned ascot tie and a decorative pacific blue and gold tie pin. Similar to Satan's uniform, Mephistopheles's shoulder cape — while being the typical red — is much longer than standard, reaching at least to his waist. He also wears a pair of white gloves.


Mephistopheles is a very dutiful and dedicated demon, and takes any tasks that he's given very seriously. When working as a journalist for the RAD Newspaper, he is often either researching for a new article, or attempting to find the next big scoop, which tends to involve following people around. In the Devilgrams for both A Fly-by Scoop! and Let's Take Photos!, Mephistopheles attempted to follow both Lucifer and Raphael respectively. However, as Raphael commented, Mephistopheles doesn't seem to have much talent for being subtle, and both Raphael and Lucifer knew right away they were being followed.

Subtle or not, Mephistopheles does have a talent for finding out information. One example of this is in Lesson 33-6 (NB), when he knew that Lucifer would be giving a speech during RAD's founding ceremony even before Lucifer himself knew. When questioned, Mephistopheles replied that Lucifer should "never underestimate his network of informants."

Despite his talents for journalistic research and dedication to the job when working on an article, Mephistopheles told MC in the Devilgram Lead On, Mephisto! that he isn't actually interested in a future in professional journalism.

Mephistopheles is very expressive with his emotions, and generally does not try to hide what he's feeling or thinking in the moment. He seems to genuinely enjoy new experiences, such as visiting an arcade for the first time in the Devilgram Let's Take Photos!. However, he can become easily flustered or anxious when he's tasked with something he doesn't fully understand or isn't certain how to complete flawlessly, as seen in the Scions of the Devildom Devilgram.

As frequently - and loudly - as he takes the opportunity to compliment Diavolo's appearance, he seems less confident of his own appearance in comparison. In the Devilgram Scions of the Devildom, while he was convinced to take on the temporary job of a model, he was initially too stiff and nervous. If MC asked for a "sexy" pose, Mephistopheles also said he would "only mar such glorious perfection" when comparing himself to Diavolo.

Mephistopheles has a very strong sense of integrity, as demonstrated in the chat Lucifer's Paparazzi. However much he dislikes Lucifer, he would never fabricate information in the articles he writes, and always strives to publish the truth, even when that means portraying Lucifer in a positive light.

He also is known to go out of his way to do kind or polite things for others, even when he really doesn't want to. In Lesson 70-16 Hard (OM), he delivered a box of fan letters for Asmodeus, despite complaining that it isn't the Newspaper Club's job to deliver mail. He stated, however, that because someone took the time to write the letters, he couldn't just leave them undelivered. In Lesson 31-8 Hard (NB), though again he complained about doing so, he helped Thirteen carry her shopping bags, and also held her umbrella to make sure she wouldn't get wet. When Thirteen commented on this, Mephistopheles stated that "that's what any proper gentleman would be expected to do."

In the same Nightbringer Lesson, Mephistopheles explained to Thirteen that he has no interest in things like romantic relationships, because he is "wholly devoted to ensuring the stability of the Devildom" and in supporting Diavolo. He said that he would only marry if Diavolo asked it of him, but is sure such talks would be far in the future.

It seems that Mephistopheles knows a great deal about the history of the Devildom. When mock lessons on Devildom history were being taught in both Lessons 26 and 33 (NB), Mephistopheles was chosen as the class's teacher.



  • Mephistopheles appreciates rare varieties of Demonus, as mentioned in his Introduction video.
    • When MC asked for his help with a task in Lesson Lesson 72-2 (OM), they had the option to successfully bribe him by giving him rare Demonus that Lucifer knew was one of his favorites.
  • Mephistopheles's favorite food is orthrus teriyaki with quetzalcoatl brain sauce made by his personal chef, as he stated in the Devilgram Connecting Through Fangol.
  • He prefers his tea to be extremely sweet, and in Lesson 14-A (NB) mentioned that he'd added the full pot of sugar to his cup of tea.
  • In Lesson 52-13 (NB), Mephistopheles commented that after a hot bath, he enjoys drinking strong soda water because he finds it refreshing.
  • As seen in the Devilgram for Bragging Rights, Mephistopheles is quite proud of his younger brother.
  • As seen in the Pop Quiz The Fangol Ultra Bowl, Mephistopheles's favorite Fangol team is the Steel Falcons.
    • He became quite knowledgeable about Fangol through one of his relatives being a sponsor of the Steel Falcons.


  • Mephistopheles doesn't much like horror movies, as he told MC in the chat Taste in Movies.
  • He dislikes rude behavior, and is easily aggravated by people's poor manners.
    • He frequently scolds others for their lack of manners, as he did when he found MC reading his paperwork in Lesson 63-1 (OM).
    • An enraged Mephistopheles ranted at Satan in the chat Unacceptable Behavior about Lucifer's rudeness in "suddenly disappearing" after MC successfully summoned him for the first time.
  • Mephistopheles also hates being ignored, especially if it's Lucifer that's doing so.
    • When Lucifer didn't respond to Mephistopheles teasing him about an embarrassing outfit in Lesson 68-1 (OM), he yelled at Lucifer to stop ignoring him.
    • In Lesson Lesson 31-8 Hard (NB), Mephistopheles yelled at Thirteen because she kept ignoring his protests about carrying her things.
    • Lucifer intentionally treated Mephistopheles as if he wasn't there in Lesson 36-3 (NB), knowing that this would infuriate him.
  • He dislikes tongue twisters because he has such difficulty reciting them, as seen in Lesson 67-A (OM).
    • It took him at least 30 minutes to recite a tongue twister five times with no mistakes, which was his task during the RAD Sports Festival.
  • Mephistopheles seems to have a general dislike of humans, and told MC in the chat For Use in Emergencies Only that he "doesn't like the idea of consorting with [them]."
  • He dislikes bugs, as he stated in Lesson 39-8 Hard (NB).
  • In multiple instances throughout the main story, Mephistopheles demonstrated a strong dislike for Lucifer.

Talents and Skills[edit]

Powers and Abilities[edit]

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Mephistopheles explained in Lesson 37-9 (NB) that he has a special power. Once he has an agreement with someone, he's able to "harness any and every sort of power" to accomplish what is asked of him. He can use this ability after making a deal with anyone, not just humans.

According to Mammon in Lesson 72-2 (OM), Mephistopheles is "as good at magic as Lucifer."



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Mephistopheles is a demon of noble blood, and in Lesson 36-13 (NB) stated that his family has served the Devildom's royal family since the days of the first Demon King. Due to his lineage, he was a friend to Diavolo growing up, and was often invited to the Demon Lord's Castle to play when Diavolo was still a child, as he mentioned in Lesson 37-3 (NB).

According to Diavolo in an official tweet, Mephistopheles "has a younger brother and really dotes on him!" In Lesson 36-9 (NB), Mephistopheles purchased so many boxes of treats for his younger brother that they wouldn't all fit in his room aboard the train he purchased them on. His brother was also mentioned in the Devilgram Bragging Rights, in which Mephistopheles commented there is "a fairly large age gap" between his brother and him.

In the very first RAD Newspaper Club chat titled The Popularity Contest, Mephistopheles placed tenth in the unofficial voting results. However, he and Mammon were later disqualified due to falsified ballots.

He assisted Mammon, Satan, and Asmodeus in creating the chat stickers "Prince Lucifer" and "Princess Diavolo", as his character introduction video mentioned. This led to Mephistopheles stepping down as head of the RAD Newspaper Club, despite the chat The Errant Posts (Follow-Up) having stated that his demotion was unrelated.

In Lesson 70-16 Hard (OM), Mephistopheles was picked up in a very high-end car, and the driver of which referred to him as "young master." Belphegor and Luke mentioned hearing rumors that Mephistopheles was even richer than Lord Diavolo. Lending credence to these rumors, Mephistopheles had earlier commented how little the cost of a burger at Hell's Burger was, and seemed perplexed at how such restaurants were able to make any money. He had also never eaten a hamburger before Belphegor and Luke had invited him to Hell's Burger.

Mephistopheles mentioned in Lesson 21-3 (NB) that his family are the founders of the newspaper The Devildom Times.

He informed MC in Lesson 36-9 (NB) that he has a "special subspecies" of miniature salamander as a pet, who often tries to burn the curtains by spiting fire. Mephistopheles explained that he found it hard to teach the salamander to behave, because "he's so cute that it's hard to hold anything against him."

He also mentioned once having a pet Devildom chihuahua in Lesson 68-17 (OM).

Obey Me!'s Main Story[edit]

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Lessons 21-30[edit]

Lesson 24[edit]

In Lesson 24-C, after Leviathan's 3D escape room game caused all the doors in RAD to lead to random rooms, Mephistopheles "forced Lucifer into a conversation" five different times because he kept unintentionally visiting the RAD Newspaper Club's room. Lucifer stated that each time he had to hear Mephistopheles "complain endlessly," though he did not go into detail on what Mephistopheles had to complain about.

Lessons 31-40[edit]

Lesson 32[edit]

While not himself present, Mephistopheles was mentioned by Belphegor in Lesson 32-16. He asked Satan if he was friends with Mephistopheles, and Satan responded that he wouldn't call him that, but "any enemy of Lucifer's is an ally of [his]." Belphegor then replied that "In other words, you're friends."

Lessons 61-70[edit]

Lesson 63[edit]

Mephistopheles made his first proper appearance in Lesson 63-1, when MC picked up some of his papers about the new exchange students Raphael and Thirteen that the wind had scattered. He chastised MC for reading someone else's documents, and wondered aloud how Diavolo could "choose a human like this." He then took his papers and left.

Shortly afterward, in Lesson 63-16 Hard, Mephistopheles literally bumped into Lucifer, pointed out that Lucifer dropped his pen, and then left. When Lucifer attempted to sign some documents for the student council later, he discovered the pen had been cursed to make his writing illegible. A post in the wrong chat room by Satan revealed that he, Belphegor, and Mephistopheles had collaborated in giving Lucifer the cursed pen.

Lesson 65[edit]

In Lesson 65-11, Thirteen attempted to fire one of her traps at Solomon, but he dodged the bazooka blast. The fired web barely missed hitting Mephistopheles, who was approaching the student council room to find out why the opening ceremony for the RAD Sports Festival was being delayed. He angrily confiscated Thirteen's "Sticky Sticky Spiderweb Bazooka Number 12," and told her that her naming sense is "terrible."

After the festival began, a still angry Mephistopheles worked with his assigned team of Lucifer and Solomon to figure out their clue as to what item they needed to bring to the finish line in the Bloody Scavenger Hunt. However, he spent more time arguing with Lucifer than figuring anything out.

Lesson 66[edit]

MC, Thirteen, and Raphael were spying on Mephistopheles's team to try and figure out their clue first, because they wanted to blackmail Solomon into giving them a Grimoire, their team's needed item. Because they were so loud, however, Mephistopheles and his team discovered them.

Thirteen decided to attack them using her trap "Ozzie Octopus" that makes one see visions of what they desire, but the only one who was affected by that was Mephistopheles, who saw visions of rare Demonus. MC's team then bound him using magic, but this made Mephistopheles realize he knew the answer to his team's clue. The item they need was Thirteen's octopus.

MC's team tried running, but instead there was a fight between the two teams, which attracted the attention of Mammon. His idea of resolving the fight with a "demonopede race" did not make Mephistopheles happy, because that meant tying his leg to Lucifer's. He went along with it, however, and was tricked by Mammon along with the rest of them.

Mammon swiped a book from Solomon, then left the two teams magically bound together. Mephistopheles demanded Solomon do something, as the ropes were enchanted by him originally, but he wasn't able to. Mephistopheles then tried to chase after Mammon, but he was still tied to Lucifer and Solomon, both of whom ended up falling on top of him.

This enraged Lucifer, who turned into his demon form and broke their bindings, which Mephistopheles complained was "a little excessive." Lucifer then tried to take Thirteen's octopus, but it was instead teleported to the finish line. Both teams rushed there, where Mephistopheles spotted Mammon handing to Diavolo the book he stole earlier from Solomon. It was the wrong book for his team, however, and an upset Mammon then accidentally summoned a chimera with it.

While MC's team was distracted handling the chimera, Lucifer took Thirteen's octopus and gave it to Diavolo. This made Mephistopheles happy, as his team had won the scavenger hunt.

Lesson 67[edit]

In Lesson 67-A, Mephistopheles's task he needed to complete before his team qualified to start the "purgatorio climbing" competition of the RAD Sports Festival was to "recite a tongue twister five times fast, making no mistakes."

Though Simeon tried to encourage him, he had great difficulty completing the task. This frustrated and angered him, and he disliked being "subjected to such humiliation." Completing the task took him at least half an hour.

Lesson 68[edit]

In Lesson 68, at the wall outside RAD everyone would be climbing, Mephistopheles teased Lucifer about no longer wearing his unicorn costume. He was upset to find this had no effect on Lucifer, however. After Diavolo explained the rules again, Mephistopheles nominated himself to climb for his team first. He ignored Lucifer's words of caution and charged ahead, but immediately encountered a trap of carnivorous plants.

He decided he would climb the from inside RAD instead, and the other team's climbers followed him, as did MC and the rest of the teams. Everyone was then teleported to the Demon Lord's Castle's secret garden filled with flowers that cause people to see illusions. The illusion Mephistopheles saw was Diavolo giving him compliments and telling him he was "far more talented than Lucifer," but he eventually snapped out of it.

Lucifer reminded Mephistopheles that the rule was to climb outside of RAD, which Mephistopheles insists he knew in a way that made it seem like he didn't. He worriedly asked Diavolo if he was now disqualified, but Diavolo said he wasn't. He explained that Barbatos had set up a spell to teleport anyone to the garden if they broke the rules as a penalty, then teleported everyone back to RAD.

Mephistopheles started climbing again, and was able to keep pace with Diavolo, who was now climbing for his team. Lucifer and Solomon assisted him by using magic to disable traps he encountered. Because Luke's team was making no headway, he started climbing the wall instead. However, after reaching a high point, he suddenly started to fall.

Mephistopheles tried to grab Luke's hand, but was too far away, so he jumped and grabbed Luke instead. He couldn't use his magic while holding Luke, however, so his only plan was to shield Luke from the impact when they hit the ground.

Instead of that happening, Lucifer and Diavolo transformed into their demon forms and used their wings to save the two, with Diavolo being the one who carried Mephistopheles down. Everyone reached the ground safely, but flying was against the rules, so both Diavolo's team and Mephistopheles's team were disqualified.

Mephistopheles wasn't upset, however, and when Luke thanked him, he said that wasn't necessary. He then accidentally upset the angel when he said Luke reminded him of a pet Devildom chihuahua he once had.

Lesson 70[edit]

In Lesson 70-16 Hard, Mephistopheles delivered a box of fan letters for Asmodeus, though he complained this wasn't his job. When Luke told him he was being very considerate, however, he changed his tune, and said it wasn't a big deal for him to bring them here. He also said because someone took the time to write and send the letters, he couldn't just leave them undelivered.

Belphegor and Luke then invited him to Hell's Burger, but Mephistopheles didn't know what that was. He also had never seen a hamburger before, and both of these facts stunned the other two. After eating, Mephistopheles was surprised by "how little" Hell's Burger charged for their food, and wondered how they stayed in business.

And expensive-looking car then pulled up, and the driver told Mephistopheles he was there to pick him up. Mephistopheles thanked him, and told Belphegor and Luke he'd see them at RAD.

Lessons 71-80[edit]

Lesson 72[edit]

MC visited the RAD Newspaper Club room to ask Mephistopheles for his help with a task. They wanted him to ask the student body their opinions on RAD's exchange program. Mephistopheles refused, saying he was busy, but Mammon accused him of not wanting to help MC. Either learning that Diavolo was behind the project, or MC bribing him with rare Demonus convinced him to change his mind, however.

Later, Mephistopheles told Lucifer to let MC know he wanted to talk to them, but they don't show up to the newspaper club room until the next day. He then informed MC that the student surveys were complete, but that morning all the pages were blank. He'd checked the results yesterday and they were fine, but now all the work was suddenly gone. He was also upset because the newest issue of RAD's newspaper was also blank, despite having been ready for printing yesterday.

MC left after hearing the news, but the two literally ran into each other in the hall later. MC told him now their entire report was blank, too. Mephistopheles thought he and MC should investigate this. He knew this had happened to other important documents in the past, and others had tried to solve this before, but this time Mephistopheles felt determined to solve the issue himself, and asked MC to help him.

Diavolo overheard their conversation, and said he wanted to help as well, but Barbatos reminded him of the pile of documents still needing his signature. Mephistopheles assured Diavolo that he would get to the bottom of this. He and MC went to the library, which was a place with important documents that hadn't yet had issues of disappearing text.

He and MC encountered Satan there, and Mephistopheles asked him to take them to where the rarest books are kept. Satan took them to the restricted section, and mentioned only student council officers or those with Diavolo's permission could enter here. This concerned Mephistopheles, but Satan didn't seem worried.

Mephistopheles discovered that all of Satan's favorite cat books were blank, and he then spotted a lesser demon. He told MC to catch it before an enraged Satan could, then told them both to inform Diavolo about this while he returned to the newspaper club office. He then tallied the results of the surveys a second time for MC.

Lesson 73[edit]

Mephistopheles overheard MC talking to Satan, Asmodeus, Luke, and Simeon, and was displeased to hear none of the exchange students knew what Devildom Felicity was. He was briefly sidetracked by explaining he was the editor in charge of the article they were all looking at before titled "MC and Mephistopheles Solve One of the 666 Mysteries of RAD, Become School Heroes!" However, he then invited the exchange students to follow him to the RAD Newspaper Club room, where he'll explain Devildom Felicity to them.

Satan and Asmodeus followed him too, which annoyed him, but he showed them all a back issue of the RAD newspaper about Devildom Felicity, the core component of the event being "going out of your way to do something nice for someone else." He also showed them a back issue from when Beelzebub was in charge of the student council's participation, and made it so everyone could eat for free at Devildom restaurants for a limited time. After learning the demon in charge of this year's event was Belphegor, everyone left the club room.

Days later, Mephistopheles listened to MC and some of the brothers talking about Mammon, Leviathan, Beelzebub, and Raphael being put under a sleeping spell, which is why they weren't at RAD that day. He was upset that none of them seemed to be taking this development seriously, and reminded them that the next day was Helldown Day, a day when magic is prohibited. While Mephistopheles hoped that the four under the sleeping spell will be ejected from their dreams, he stated that outcome wasn't guaranteed. MC and several of the brothers then returned to the House of Lamentation to try and break the spell.

Lesson 75[edit]

For reasons unknown to Mephistopheles, Mammon, Asmodeus, Belphegor, and MC chose to discuss strategy for getting information from Simeon in the RAD Newspaper Club room. He reminded them the clubroom wasn't a "personal hangout space" and told them to go elsewhere, which they did.

Lesson 76[edit]

Despite Thirteen wanting to make whatever potion she wanted in applied magical potions class, Mephistopheles reminded her that the potion had to be what the textbook said, or it won't count toward her grade. After learning that only Solomon has permission to make whatever potions he wants in class, she still insisted on making an original potion, so Mephistopheles repeated himself and said she's couldn't do that without permission from Diavolo.

Later, Raphael failed in making his potion, and Mephistopheles was stunned to see Mammon start talking about giving away all his money after drinking it. He then scolded Thirteen after her potion blew up, and reminded her that she needed to measure the ingredients before adding them.

Suddenly, a tornado-like dark crevasse appeared in the classroom. Mephistopheles was upset when Mammon, Leviathan, and Asmodeus were pulled within the crevasse, and when Lucifer started complaining about the trouble being caused, he yelled that this wasn't the time for lectures.

Once Barbatos closed the dark crevasse and returned those sucked into it, Mephistopheles insisted they help with cleaning up the mess the room had become.

Lesson 77[edit]

If MC wished on the RAD bulletin board that they "need something that will soothe the soul," in Lesson 77-15, Mephistopheles later warned them to be absolutely quiet when they visit the RAD Newspaper Club room. He then noticed MC found Luke's student handbook, but said that Luke was sleeping right now. He had been telling Luke about the history of the RAD Newspaper Club, but then Luke rudely nodded off.

Mephistopheles insisted that he would "never consort with an angel," so of course he and Luke are not friends, but explained that Luke visited the newspaper clubroom with sweet treats on occasion, and then would visit for awhile, something he "had nothing to do with." However, he did admit that a seeing a peacefully sleeping child did soothe the soul — whether said child was an angel or not — so he intended to let Luke sleep until the warning bell rang for class.

Lesson 78[edit]

Satan, Belphegor, and MC visited the RAD Newspaper Club room, as Mephistopheles expected them to. He had an idea of what was going on with the RAD website's bulletin board granting any wish posted there, as Diavolo sent notice that the RAD newspaper club shouldn't try to fix the issue, as doing so was MC's trial.

However, he also couldn't grant MC's request to take the board offline, because he could no longer get into the admin menu. He demonstrated trying, but a powerful magic rejected his login. He was not amused when Belphegor suggested destroying his computer. Then Mammon entered the room — without even knocking — and a number of other visitors followed, until the room was full of people.

MC then tried using a spell to "tamper with" the magic item hidden inside, which Mephistopheles worried would harm his computer. To his relief it did not, but MC was also not strong enough to remove the item. Instead, all non-student council students were locked out of RAD's computer system to prevent new wishes being made in order to buy MC more time.

Lesson 79[edit]

Satan contacted Mephistopheles to ask him to help assist with infecting RAD's website bulletin board with a computer virus, as this might help MC remove the magic item hidden inside it. The two of them ran into MC and Simeon on the way back to the greenhouse. While the virus was now ready, Mephistopheles wasn't sure this idea would work.

Most of the group gathered in the RAD Newspaper Club room, but when Lucifer criticized a comment Diavolo made, Mephistopheles felt the need to tell him he really needed to show Diavolo more respect. Lucifer ignores him, but comments on how Mephistopheles helped prepare the virus. He explained that Satan gave him a bottle of high-quality Demon as compensation, which he assumed Lucifer knew about, but didn't seem too concerned that Satan seemed to have stolen it from Lucifer.

After the virus was sent, this time MC was able to force the magic item out of the computer. Mephistopheles commented he no longer sensed any magic energy coming from the bulletin board. However, Mammon and Asmodeus raced into the room to tell everyone they'd turned invisible just like Leviathan.

Everyone regrouped in the larger space of the greenhouse, taking the magic item with them. Mephistopheles then asked why Beelzebub, Belphegor, Luke, and Raphael were sent to get ingredients for verbum drops while in the middle of an emergency, and wasn't happy to hear the dangerous plan to throw the now removed magic item into a dark crevasse.

MC then received a distress text on their D.D.D. from Raphael, so they and Lucifer teleported away. They returned with everyone safely, but Luke was sleeping, so Raphael handed him over to Mephistopheles. He acted upset by this, but also adjusted Luke so that he was resting on the couch more comfortably. He then volunteered to stay and look after Luke while everyone else left to create the dark crevasse.

Later, after the chaos of the dark crevasse and "wishing board" had been resolved, Mephistopheles attempted to interview Raphael for an article of the RAD newspaper in Café Lament. However, the noise of others in the café — namely Satan, Belphegor, and Thirteen — proved to be very distracting for him.

Lesson 80[edit]

After fishing his tasks for the RAD Newspaper Club for the day, Mephistopheles encountered Beelzebub, Thirteen, and MC in RAD's courtyard. Thirteen was setting up a trap for Solomon, but Mephistopheles pointed out it wasn't going to work they way she had it set.

He helped by adjusting one of the wires, which made Beelzebub ask when the two became so "chummy." Both argued they were no such thing, but they both agreed that they weren't on bad terms, either. Mephistopheles changed the subject to the fact that MC was only at RAD for a short-term exchange, which meant they would be leaving soon.

Nightbringer's Main Story[edit]

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Lessons 1-10[edit]

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Lessons 11-20[edit]

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Lessons 21-30[edit]

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Lessons 31-40[edit]

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This section covers the relationships Mephistopheles has with each of the characters from Mephistopheles's point of view.

Main Character[edit]

See also MC's POV

Obey Me![edit]

Mephistopheles did not care for MC at first, and their first interaction in Lesson 63-1 was him finding MC and Mammon reading important documents he'd dropped. He angrily pointed out MC's poor manners, then wondered aloud how Diavolo could choose "a human like this." Later in Lesson 66, he found MC alongside Thirteen and Raphael eavesdropping on his team's conversation about the RAD Sports Festival, which didn't do his opinion any favors.

However, things began to change after Mephistopheles was convinced to help MC with some student surveys, only to have them be magically erased. Together, he and MC discovered the cause, and in Lesson 73, Mephistopheles wrote an article for the RAD Newspaper calling them both "school heroes." He also gave MC his contact information in Lesson 78-4, but as the chat title suggests, insisted that this was For Use in Emergencies Only. Of course he later broke that rule himself by contacting MC to talk about an article he wrote in the chat RAD Newspaper.

In the Devilgram Bragging Rights, Mephistopheles had no interest in Diavolo's idea of Lucifer and MC joining the two of them at Hell's Kitchen, but agreed after learning MC was in favor of it.

If MC asked Mephistopheles if they could feed him in the Devilgram Tricks and Treats, the idea seemed to make him so flustered and embarrassed that he immediately left the room.


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In the chat RAD Newspaper, Mephistopheles told MC that if they ever wished to join the RAD Newspaper Club, "our doors are always open for you."


See also Lucifer's POV

Obey Me![edit]

Mephistopheles has an antagonistic relationship with Lucifer. While not an official member of the "Anti-Lucifer League," he sometimes helps Satan and Belphegor pull off pranks to annoy Lucifer. One example of this is in Lesson 63-16 Hard, when he switched out Lucifer's pen to another pen that had been cursed to make his writing illegible.


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See also Mammon's POV

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Like many other characters, Mephistopheles does not have a high opinion of Mammon. As someone that values proper manners, Mammon doing things like reading Mephistopheles's documents in Lesson 63-1, or entering the RAD Newspaper Club room without even knocking in Lesson 78-7 doesn't sit well with Mephistopheles.

He is, however, capable of working alongside Mammon and even able to get alone with him sometimes, as seen in the Devilgram Demons on the Set.


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See also Leviathan's POV

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Mephistopheles seems to have a neutral opinion of Leviathan, which is a more positive opinion than he has of most of his brothers. He generally treats Leviathan politely, and even complimented his skills after losing to him in a game of "tag" in the Devilgram Mephisto's Turn.

He can at times be slightly annoyed by Leviathan's over-enthusiasm for his hobbies, such as in the chat Voodoo-Chan 10, when he was not happy to tell Satan about his interview with Leviathan about making doll clothes. Said interview lasted all day, and Leviathan talked so much that most of what he said wouldn't even fit into a newspaper article.


Because Mephistopheles did not at first spend much time around any of the brothers, he admitted in the Devilgram Demon King Who? that for awhile he would often mistake Asmodeus for Leviathan. He didn't explain why he would confuse the two, but mentioned he can now tell them apart.


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See also Satan's POV

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Out of the seven brothers, Mephistopheles gets along best with Satan. He seems to even consider Satan a friend, though it took him some time reach that point. From the start he does consider Satan an ally, however, as they both share a dislike for Lucifer.

The two have their own chatroom called Shameless Slander, and Lucifer is one of their more common subjects. It's also common in early chats for Satan to argue with Mephistopheles about him putting too much positive light on Lucifer in his RAD Newspaper articles, such as in the chats Lucifer's Paparazzi and Fed Up With Lucifer.

However, when Mephistopheles learned of Satan being livestreamed and suspected it was without his consent, he made sure to warn Satan what was happening in the chat Livestream 1. He also was happy to help when Satan asked him in the chat Reading Habits 1 about encouraging students to use RAD's library more by publishing some library book reviews.


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See also Asmodeus's POV

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Asmodeus and Mephistopheles have spent very little time together so far, though Mephistopheles is one of the members in the group chat Asmo Night(4).


Because Mephistopheles did not at first spend much time around any of the brothers, he admitted in the Devilgram Demon King Who? that for awhile he would often mistake Asmodeus for Leviathan, which of course made Asmodeus very angry. He didn't explain why he would confuse the two, but mentioned he can now tell them apart.


Mephistopheles commented in the Devilgram Tricks and Treats that he considers Asmodeus's company to be "frivolous." Despite this, he mentioned being at an "Asmo Night" party in the chat The Cream Puff Criminal, and possibly has attended more of these events.


See also Beelzebub's POV

Obey Me![edit]

Beelzebub is another one of the brothers that Mephistopheles has spent little time with thus far. They share at least one RAD class together - said class being Biochemistry - as he mentioned in the chat The Wrong Demon that he'd asked Beelzebub for help with opening a formalin-preserved jar of Bufo Toad.


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See also Belphegor's POV

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While Mephistopheles and Belphegor share a dislike of Lucifer, unlike Mephistopheles's friendly relationship with Satan, he has spent very little time with Belphegor.


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See also Diavolo's POV

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Mephistopheles has the greatest respect and adoration for Diavolo, and is always trying his absolute best to please and impress him. In Lesson 68, when he was teleported to the flower garden in the Demon Lord's Castle that makes one see illusions, his visions were of Diavolo complimenting him and saying he was "far more talented than Lucifer." In Lesson 72, Mephistopheles can be convinced to help MC with surveying RAD students if MC chose to tell him that Diavolo wanted him to help with the project. He also leaped at the chance to prove himself to Diavolo by solving the mystery of why said surveys were magically erased in Lesson 72.

Mephistopheles is not the least bit subtle or quiet about his admiration for Diavolo, and often compliments his "regal figure" and "glorious countenance" to the point that Raphael wondered why it sounded like he was bragging in the Devilgram A Sensible Next-In-Line.

Diavolo and Mephistopheles spend time together on occasion, as Diavolo mentioned in the Devilgram Bragging Rights when Lucifer and MC encountered them heading to Hell's Kitchen for a meal together. However, Lucifer commented that it was "rather rare" for him to see Diavolo with Mephistopheles.

Beyond just doing what he considers his duty in serving Diavolo, Mephistopheles also does what he can to make sure Diavolo is happy. Even when he was unable to publish an article for the RAD Newspaper on Ryan - Diavolo's magical creature he raised - he still gave Diavolo a photo he took of Ryan, himself, Diavolo and MC together as a way for Diavolo to remember Ryan after he left.


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See also Barbatos's POV

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While both Mephistopheles and Barbatos share a sense of dedication to Diavolo, they aren't exactly friendly towards each other. Mephistopheles doesn't seem to actively dislike Barbatos, however, and was impressed by his ability to always acquire what Diavolo asks him to get in the Devilgram Bragging Rights.


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During the events of The Fangol Ultra Bowl Pop Quiz, Mephistopheles readily offered Barbatos his help in preparing for the Fangol Ultra Bowl party he was throwing at Diavolo's behest, but was annoyed and insulted when Barbatos insisted his help wasn't needed. However, the two were able to work very well together in a performance event of creating a Demonus tower in the Devilgram A Little Help.


See also Luke's POV

Obey Me![edit]

In Lesson 77-A, after MC found a sleeping Luke in the Newspaper Club office, Mephistopheles told them that Luke sometimes comes by and gives him sweet treats, then stays to visit for awhile. Despite claiming that he would "never consort with an angel", it seems Mephistopheles is fine with letting Luke hang around whenever he wants. He also commented that - angel or not - there's "something soothing about a sleeping child's face," and was careful to make sure nothing woke Luke up from his nap.


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See also Simeon's POV

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Despite being an angel, Mephistopheles seems to have a positive opinion and get along well enough with Simeon. The two don't interact with each other much, but when Mephistopheles was struggling with his tongue twister during the RAD Sports Festival, Simeon gave him encouragement to keep trying until he finally succeeded.


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See also Solomon's POV

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Like nearly all other characters, Mephistopheles detests Solomon's cooking. If MC chose to suggest he interview Solomon for an article on desserts from the Three Worlds in the chat May I Interview You? 2, Mephistopheles firmly refused. Outside of that, however, his opinion of Solomon seems mostly neutral.


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See also Thirteen's POV

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At the start, Mephistopheles did not seem to think well of Thirteen. One of their first interactions was in Lesson 65, when Mephistopheles barely avoided being hit by her "Sticky Sticky Spiderweb Bazooka Number 12." He then confiscated said bazooka, and said she should feel embarrassed by her "truly awful naming sense."

He also discovered Thirteen spying on his RAD Sports Festival team alongside MC and Raphael in Lesson 66, and then was hit with her "Ozzie Octopus" trap's effect of making people have visions of what they desire.

Later in Lesson 76-7, Mephistopheles did his best to impress upon Thirteen that she couldn't make whatever magic potions she likes in class, and then scolded her for not measuring her ingredients, which caused her potion to blow up.

Their relationship eventually improved by Lesson 80, when Mephistopheles helped Thirteen with a trap she was making. When Beelzebub asked when he and Thirteen became so "chummy," Mephistopheles insisted they were no such thing. However, if asked by MC if they don't get along, he said that also wasn't true.


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See also Raphael's POV

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While Mephistopheles has told MC he would never "consort with an angel" in Lesson 77, he does seem to spend a fair amount of time in the company of Raphael. Both in Lesson 79 and in the Devilgram Let's Take Photos!, Mephistopheles shows interest in interviewing Raphael for an article in the Rad Newspaper.

He also requested both Raphael and Thirteen's help with an article about "Dame culture" in the Devilgram Dames in Demand!, despite neither of them having expertise in the subject.


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Mephistopheles doesn't have much interest in actually being friendly with Raphael, and is more interested in the angel as a source of Rad Newspaper article content. This includes both interviews from him or having Raphael write articles for the paper directly, as Mephistopheles asked him to do in the Devilgram Connecting Through Fangol.


  • Mephistopheles's name comes from a demon featured in German folklore.
    • He "originally appeared in literature as the demon in the Faust legend."
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