1001 Devildom Nights - Devilgram

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1001 Devildom Nights Devilgram.png
1001 Devildom Nights
Intimacy: None
Card: 1001 Devildom Nights
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x10
(0 votes)

Story Summary

"I've got other things to do at ni..."

Bored in the middle of the night, Lucifer calls MC to his bedroom, where MC is greeted by Lucifer, Asmodeus and Mammon. Mammon makes it clear that MC should not be trusting of a man who calls them to their room in the middle of the night, however, his protests are ignored. Lucifer tells MC there are several hours before dawn and just sleeping would be dull therefore MC must provide entertainment. MC must tell the three brothers a story but, being put on the spot MC has no story to tell. Lucifer is surprised that MC is unable to tell a story but Asmodeus assures Lucifer that there are other ways to have fun with MC.

"That's a very sudden request."

Mammon protests Asmodeus's statement, claiming that Asmodeus has no right to use the situation to get close to MC. Asmodeus starts arguing with Mammon and makes it clear that he is only comforting MC. Lucifer, ignoring his brothers, tells MC that if they are unable to come up with a story or if the story is dull, they will be devoured, like every other human who failed. MC makes it clear that is not what they want. Mammon then interrupts, saying that there is no way MC can come up with a story, therefore Mammon is just going to take this human for himself. Asmodeus, angry with Mammon, insists that MC should go with him. Asmodeus will sometimes take humans as pets if they fail. Mammon reminds Asmodeus of this and tells him that he should get this one. Lucifer agrees with Mammon, on the condition that Mammon is the one to tell the story.

"Let me join next time!"

Mammon, put on the spot, is unable to come up with a good story. Asmodeus, confident Mammon will be unable to come up with one, ends up telling the story of when Mammon tried to steal Lucifer's magic carpet. Mammon doesn't want Asmodeus to tell the story, however, Lucifer is far too interested for Asmodeus to not tell the story.

"A magic carpet!"

While Mammon is still protesting, Lucifer quiets him, and MC has three response options. MC can be excited, leaving Mammon to feel betrayed, sympathize with Mammon, leaving him delighted, or can be neutral, where Asmodeus will dive right into the story. Asmodeus tells the story where Mammon breaks into Lucifer's room and tries to fly off with the carpet, however, the carpet dumps Mammon on the ground. The carpet then wraps itself around Mammon trapping him inside. Asmodeus asks MC what they thought, and MC can either sympathize with Mammon or laugh at him. Lucifer and Asmodeus take a moment to realize that MC was the one who ended up hearing a story. MC is given three options that will dictate the way the night ends.

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