A Little Help - Devilgram

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A Little Help Devilgram.png
A Little Help (OM)
Intimacy: Barbatos Lv. 5
Card: A Little Help (OM)
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x8
A Little Help (NB) Devilgram.png
A Little Help (NB)
Intimacy: Barbatos Lv. 5
Card: A Little Help (NB)
Story 2: Story Key x3
Story 3: Story Key x5
Story 4: Story Key x8
(one vote)

Story Summary

Note: This Devilgram's story content is identical in both "Obey Me!" and "Nightbringer."

"Do you think it'll do for the open..."

At the Demonus contest, Beelzebub tells MC that the only event left is the performance event. Mephistopheles and Barbatos then come over and ask to speak to MC. The two of them explain that one of the teams of demons that were going to do a performance drank too much Demonus and now aren't able to perform.

Barbatos and Mephistopheles are going to fill in instead, but they need some help. MC either readily agrees, or asks if the task is definitely something they can easily learn. Either way, Mephistopheles says there's nothing for MC to worry about, as both he and Barbatos have been managing the event for some time now, and simply want to offer an entertaining opening act.

"You can easily make it anyway!"

Barbatos and Mephistopheles have decided to create a Demonus tower. Barbatos will construct said tower, Mephistopheles will open the Demonus bottle with a saber, and they want MC to help coordinate things via headset. If MC says that their tasks sounds easy, Barbatos is pleased, as he didn't want to put them in any trouble with their request. Mephistopheles agrees, and says they wouldn't have asked if they thought it was too much hassle for MC.

If MC instead comments on how talented the two of them are, Barbatos mentions that Diavolo himself requested the performance. Before the main event, they first want to do a quick dry run to make sure things will go more smoothy during the real thing.

"You wouldn't think it was rushed."

Barbatos asks for MC to throw him the glasses he'll use to construct the tower. If MC readily attempts a practice throw, Mephistopheles commends their "decent control," and Barbatos catches the glass. If MC wonders what happens if their aim is off, Barbatos assures them he'll catch whatever is thrown his direction. He proves this when MC then tries tossing a glass, and though Mephistopheles comments on their "horrible throw," still catches it.

After the tower is finished, Mephistopheles will open the Demonus bottle, and wants MC to throw said bottle at him so he can slice it in midair. If MC thinks that's asking too much, their practice throw isn't forceful or high enough, but Mephistopheles uses his saber to hit the bottle higher before cutting it. If MC is confident, their throw is perfect, and Mephistopheles asks them to do just as well during the real performance.

"You showed me something very n..."

Barbatos tests speaking to MC through their headset, which works fine, then asks them to start throwing the glasses. It goes best if MC chooses to put some force into their throws, but regardless, Barbatos manages to create the tower with no issues. Next, Mephistopheles asks MC to throw the Demonus bottle, which again goes best if MC tosses the heck out of it, though he's able to successfully cut the bottle open no matter what.

After their act is over, Barbatos thanks MC for their help. If MC says it was fun, Barbatos agrees, and Mephistopheles says there certainly "wasn't anything bland about that." If MC tells them both "great job," Mephistopheles admits he "should acknowledge [their] tenacity." Barbatos then divvies up the three glasses of Demonus he'd saved for them, and they all drink to their successful performance.

Disclaimer: The Obey Me Wiki is contributed to by fans of Obey Me! and Nightbringer. All rights are reserved and attributed to NTT Solmare Corporation.

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